Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

To the Castle!

Afternoon Partly Cloudy
03-26-2022, 10:01 PM (This post was last modified: 03-26-2022, 10:01 PM by Moosebellow. Edited 1 time in total.)
 He lead the newest member up the dilapidated steps, following the faint scent of Quinn that grew stronger the closer they came. Before they'd gotten to the steps they passed by hallways, underneath ceilings with holes, an area with a broken wooden table. All of which, Moosebellow knew not the name of. He just knew that this was now home. Home that was slowly filling with the smell and sound of cats. Hopefully this would be true for generations.

 They went up and up and up and while they went Moosebellow said to the smaller tomcat, "We're almost there. Think she's up at the ceiling. Gives a great fuckin' view of the whole area. You'll fuckin' love it, I swear." He promised with a smirk. He still had the plant stalk sitting at the corner of his mouth as he interacted with the man.

 They finally made it out into the fresh air after hopping over the last crumbled step. There they were on the ceiling. Moosebellow felt his heart quicken as he saw her standing there, looking out over their domain. For a moment he forgot that Edgewise was with him and just marveled at her tabby coat for a moment before the world came rushing back. He looked over at Edgewise and grinned, "Ready?" He was actually kind of messing with him. Acting like this was some great moment in history. He knew there was no doubt that Quinn would welcome him but Edge didn't know that.

 He flicked his tail for Edgewise to follow him and then when they were only a couple of feet away, he made a motion for him to stop while Moosebellow kept walking forward. "'Sup, Quinn! I brought a new guy that wants to join us." He walked up to one side of her and rubbed alongside her in greeting before coming round the other side and sitting down next to her. His amber eyes were on the newest recruit as he added, "I'll vouch for'im. I think he'd be fuckin' great." He wondered what the fellow thought now that he could meet Quinn.

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M for Language

03-27-2022, 02:41 PM
Quinn was, in fact, perched among the top of the dilapidated stone structure. She had found a spot to crawl up onto the holy roof, and sat on an outside wall over looking the land spread before her. It was a great lookout spot, and many times, she would sit for hours, unmoving, as if she was a gargoyle, looking out for predators that might harm those within the castle. 

Her keen ears picked up the soft noises of paw pads on the stone floors. An ear swiveled in the direction the sounds came, the only sign her body gave that she knew they were coming. Quinn had long-since learned Moosebellow's noises, and so knew he was one of the two coming. Which meant all was safe. The second set was unfamiliar to her, however. Who did he have with him? 

She turned, her lithe body elegantly leaping from her perch to greet him, a low purr resounding from her chest, really meant for his ears only, but those who listened close enough might hear it, too. She let her body lean into his as he rubbed against her, a sign of affection she had come to enjoy from him, and maybe partially expect now. She straightened as he came to the other side of her, the purr dissipating as her eyes found the newcomer he spoke of. 

Moosebellow's voucher was really all she needed to accept the new male, but she still wanted to get a feel for him before making anything official. She nodded her head once in greeting,  I am Quinn, she said, though she suspected Moosebellow probably already gave him her name. What are you looking for in a clan? she asked. 

In the days leading up to their first meeting of the clan, Quinn really had no idea what she was doing, or really how to vet those wanting to be apart of it. But, since, she had come to realize that she wanted this to be a place open to those who were needy, and those who were worthy. She didn't want those who might cause trouble for the cats here. So long as they didn't, they would be welcome. 

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[Image: b5lRX7D.png]
03-27-2022, 07:10 PM
Still attempting to shake off a whirlwind of worries, including such hits as Am I here because I died? and How many heads will Quinn have? and Ooh, that’s a pretty spot to lie in!, Edgewise dutifully followed Moosebellow’s lead. The smaller male’s attentions tended toward the higher-places, and the corners and holes, rather than spaces which were open. Even in walking alongside Moosebellow, he tended to hop up onto rubble piles or squiggle through tufts of indoor grass rather than move in the open.
As Quinn came into view, Edgewise’s last wild thought was, Wait, were they saying *QUEEN* this whole time, rather than Quinn? Because this is some serious build-up! As Moosebellow joined her, Edgewise remained where he was, taking a slow seat. He listened to her question, his eyes looking just a tad crossed. It was a good, direct question, and it took quite a bit of self-control not to dodge it, or sneak around it as he answered in a clear, eloquent and confident manner.
”I’m Eghhkkk!” He said. He blinked. His throat had become horribly, unspeakably dry somehow. He felt like he had just been chatting away near-endlessly with someone equally chatty! He also felt like he’d been traveling the dusty and grassy plains for weeks as well, dodging mean goats and hungry coyotes and that fox. He worked his tongue a little in his mouth and coughed, noisily, and without any elegance. ”Hang… hang on.” he managed, utterly embarrassed, but reluctantly realizing he was probably giving an accurate first impression.
Composure came after a few seconds, but didn’t remain for long. ”Sorry. I’m Edgewise. New guy. Applying for membership.” There was another quick cough, as he acknowledged that Quinn had a single head, and there appeared to be no cat-skeletons within view. ”I am looking for teamwork. I like working with others, not alone, and I… feel like it’s better to cooperate with a group on things. Whether it’s hunting, or figuring out what to do, deciding how to handle stuff. I like to be part of a project. And Clans can do that.” He wiggled a little, while remaining seated. ”I like to *live*, y’know, too. And I feel like a Clan can help a cat live better. You meet other cats, who hopefully have similar values, and you’re all working to improve the same territory, rather than carve up your own tiny, bloody pieces of it.”
He breathed out a breath that he had been unwittingly holding for a few moments too long. He almost imagined a cloud of pollen gusting out of his lungs. ”In a Clan, I like a little self-determination. Having a say in what’s going on, talking out the things that’ve gotta happen. I don’t want to be a bystander in my own home, if that makes sense.” Edgewise might not immediately look the type to stand up and speak loudly during a council meeting, but he seemed to be revealing a desire to be a part of the discussion just the same.
Not wanting to speak too long or bore Quinn with his answer, he tried to conclude. ”I also look for a Clan that needs helpers. That has members who rely on others, who can rely on me. Err.” He halted. Had he talked too long? Said weird shit?
”Does that uhh… Get to the heart of your question?” he asked gently, in an exploratory manner.
M for Language

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03-27-2022, 07:24 PM
 He sat, listening with pride as Quinn fell easily into that role of leader. His bottlebrush tail curled neatly around his paws, amber eyes looking over Edgewise as he sat quietly with the stalk twisting and rolling in his mouth as he used his tongue to play with it. See? He could be quiet and be good when the need arose. Especially if it meant making Quinn's job easier.

 He didn't know how to react when the new guy initially flubbed over his words. He wanted to laugh but that might discourage him and seem a bit rude. Unfortunately, laughing was a knee-jerk reaction to someone doing something funny. So, he turned that laugh into a quiet cough. A quiet couple of coughs, actually. He was good then, no more laugh-coughs. It was professional-Moose time. Or... somewhat professional-Moose time.

 After the initial flub, Edgewise did a fantastic job of answering Quinn's question. He was fucking impressed! He would give a slight nod of his head, reassurance and approval, before glancing at Quinn. His expression seemed to convey "see? he's good right?" if she looked over to catch his glance.

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M for Language

03-27-2022, 11:27 PM
She watched the male as she waited for a response, wondering if her eyes were deceiving her or it his were really a bit crossed. If they were, it didn't seem like a lot. Her attention was brought back to the task at hand when a strange noise came out of his mouth. A single ear flicked towards Moosebellow when he coughed, a coincidence of timing, she was sure. What she wasn't sure about was what the male was trying to say. Did he not speak the same language as they did? Moosebellow had spoken to him in their language, so he at least understood it. 

When instructed to "hang on," Quinn realized the other male was nervous. A feeling Quinn was familiar with. Her features softened as she waited patiently. She thought he would give her a few tidbits about what he wanted, but after a few moments, it was obvious that he rambled when he was nervous, much as Quinn had the day of their first clan meeting. 

When she thought he was finished, he seemed to take a breath and continue on, and she listened. Then, she thought he was finished, again, he added on a few more sentences, and then a question as to whether that sufficed her question. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught the glance of Moosebellow, returning it for just a moment before turning her attention back to his friend. I believe it does, Edgewise, Quinn said simply, her voice light and friendly. Welcome to Willowclan, she added. It probably wasn't much of a reply to some, but Quinn, when not nervous, was a feline of few words. He was here, wanting acceptance into their clan, and he was granted it. 

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[Image: b5lRX7D.png]
03-28-2022, 12:00 AM (This post was last modified: 03-28-2022, 12:01 AM by Edgewise.)
Edgewise was quiet for a moment. Then, "Oh! Th-that's great! I wondered if there was going to be a test, or a quiz! Like, you'd send me out to capture and bring back a rainbow or something." There was no hint of sarcasm, suggesting perhaps that he really did think that was a possible task. He popped up off his rear and moved in a slow, small circle in-place, keeping his feet moving.

"Well, d'you mind if I ask a few questions? I'm curious to hear from either of you. Both of you. Umm... What all do *you* want from your clan members? Like, what's your ideal... Clan Cat Behavior?" he listened to the answer, then shared another.

"Any stuff you don't want cats to do? Aside from what's probably obvious like swiping somebody's kill, hurtin other's, stealing somebody's joke without giving them credit..."

the staff team luvs u
03-28-2022, 12:45 AM (This post was last modified: 03-28-2022, 12:46 AM by Moosebellow. Edited 1 time in total.)
 Yup! Just as he thought, the tomcat was welcome to be amongst their ranks. Which was great! He'd have another cat with a great sense of humor to talk to. And there was that wit again! He didn't even sound sarcastic when he said it. He must have the most amusing, driest sense of humor ever.

 He smirked as he watched the cat start to pace around, he was probably brewing up a thousand questions to ask was Moosbellow's assumption.

 And he was correct!

 The ideal clan cat behavior. He assumed they both could answer that and Moose was quick to supply, "Don't be a fuckin' dick." But he assumed that Edgewise wouldn't be so it was partially a joke. If he heard any sour stories he'd be sure to smack someone and tell them to knock it the fuck off. "Pull your StarClan-damned weight." In whatever job that may be. They weren't set up exactly like his clans from home which gave a bit more leeway but still. Hunting, guarding, patrolling, whatever it was he had to do he should do it. He was sure that Quinn would be a bit more elegant in her words.

 "Hard to do something worse than stealin' a fuckin' joke. That's the lowest of the low." He "tsked" and shook his head as if it were the gravest offense in the world. "Don't break the Warrior Code." Was his serious answer and he'd leave it open to Quinn after that for explanation if she so chose. If she didn't answer, he was certain that it would get asked.

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M for Language

03-28-2022, 12:57 AM
The fact that Edgewise took the initiative to ask what the clan wanted in their members solidified the decision for Quinn. Any cat that thought enough to worry about that would fit in well here. Moosebellow answered first, as she figured he would. He was good at explaining things like this. And she liked to listen to him talk. Swear words and all. 

She watched Edgewise pace, wondering if he was a cat of a lot of energy, or just anxiety. Either way, putting his attention to the clan might help him, give him something to focus on. When Moosebellow was finished, she nodded her agreement with him. Help those in need, regardless of clan status, protect those who can't protect themselves, everyone feeds everyone, she added simply. And please don't steal Moosebellow's jokes, I'm sure you can come up with better ones, she added, her voice void of emotion as if she was serious. She gave a side glance at Moose to see if he got that she was razzing on him. 

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[Image: b5lRX7D.png]
03-28-2022, 01:23 AM
Nods were given as Moosebellow shared his ideas about good and bad behavior. Edgewise tried to internalize each in his own mental language.
Pursue dicklessness.
Don’t be a big fat drag.
Don’t steal jokes… or mouth-grass. Probably a really bad idea to steal mouth-grass.
And don’t break the Warrior Code.

Quinn’s own offerings were succinct, and needed no translation. At the claim that Edgewise could make better jokes than Moosebellow, Edgewise recognized it as a tease between the two. His whiskers flexed backward in an odd, embarrassed smile; he figured a good, happy Clan had inside jokes like that. A Clan of cannibals and bloodthirsty lustful whackjobs probably didn’t.
His tail whipped in a slow curl, as though it were wrapping around an invisible tree trunk. He was feeling a burst of positive energy from this happy meeting, and from an optimistic view of the future. ”Well, what’re our big tasks at the moment? I’ve still got some juice in me today, I can get started working on something! I can do a lil’ patrol, or maybe scope out some good hunting spots or safe places to make dens in come litter-time!”

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03-28-2022, 01:37 AM
 He found himself nodding along to what Quinn had said. Perfect summation of the code. He even nodded along to her last sentence... right up until all of the words came out. "Please, you love my fucking jokes." He said with a grin, turning his head so he could poke his tongue out at her. Then for funzies, before he looked back at Edgewise, he gently flicked his tail at Quinn's leg in a light teasing gesture.

 "To be real fuckin' honest, kid, all those things need doin'. It's all paws on deck at the fuckin' moment." But here he would look at Quinn, deferring to her and letting her decide what was best. She was leader and he was deputy and he was here to support her but would step aside as it was her proper role to dictate who did what.

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M for Language

03-28-2022, 01:52 AM
She gave a huff, a sound that had become a usual response to Moosebellow. He stuck his tongue out at her, and she narrowed her eyes at him, silently promising him that she would get him for that later. She didn't miss the flick of his tail, and gave one in retaliation. Though, she let hers linger just a bit.

She had lost focus until she heard the word "litter" and her gaze quickly went back to Edgewise.  Uhh, well, as far as I know, no one is pregnant at the moment, she said carefully, looking to Moosebellow. Was there something she didn't know? Providing there wasn't, she turned back to their newest member. Patrol and hunting are good places to start, she confirmed.

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[Image: b5lRX7D.png]
03-28-2022, 02:20 AM
[narrow]"Alright, I'm on the case, then! I'll work on those things right away!" Edgewise announced with excitement! "Err, I mean about the patrols and the hunting things. Not the pregnancies."

He dropped low then, as though he was about to attack his objectives. "Let me know when the group needs something done! Otherwise I'll be doing things, like a do-er does!" With a bolt, he started off, dashing around a corner with a speed that was probably unwise, given he hadn't begun to explore the Keep! But he dashed anyway, twisting this way and that as though he were chasing invisible fairies.
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03-28-2022, 02:44 AM
 Pregnant? Wait... was that what he accidentally implied? He was just trying to look towards the future! There wasn't any mated pairs here taht he knew of. He looked at Quinn, realizing how his words must seem. Ah fuck, did she think that that was a play at them or--

 He was thankful for Edgewise's voice, promising to get right on everything. "Sounds good! Come find me if you've got any questions!" He was there as well as Quinn to answer any concerns or if he just wanted a tour. He turned to watch the other cat go and he idly wondered if the poor fellow would accidentally fall down one of the many holes that littered their stone home. It was very easy to get tripped up but eh, he figured they'd hear if he'd fallen down a hole or landed on top of someone's sleeping spot.

 "Uh, so, the uh, pregnancies thing. That was... that was for the future. You know? Because that might happen? You never know who might want to. You might want to--" He looked at her, thinking of kits and if she wanted to have kits and if he wanted to have kits. And he probably shouldn't be thinking that... He gave her a quick head-boop to the shoulder before getting up and starting to head out. "I'm gonna go catch some stuff for the fresh-kill pile. You fuckin' want anything for lunch?" Yup yup, just gonna casually change that subject and nope out of there real fast. He didn't want her getting upset and he didn't want to ruin what they had by this intrusive... very intrusive thought that he had a lot sometimes. Maybe he'd even go find Edgewise again, see what his hunting skills were like or some shit. Anything to have to answer questions about that slip.

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M for Language

03-28-2022, 03:37 PM
The newest member of the clan sped off, but most of Quinn's attention was on Moosebellow, who looked a little put off my Edgewise's comment, and her question regarding it. Moosebellow began to explain that it was future talk, not present, and Quinn assumed he meant the two of them. Granted, it was too soon to talk about kits, but Quinn was very much on board of the thought of the two of them being together. Mind you, neither had spoken of such things. 

She opened her maw to confirm the wanting of the kits, but suddenly Moosebellow was changing the subject, headbutting her shoulder and then running off. She closed her jaws with a snap as she watched him leave, suddenly believing all her thoughts were wrong. It was obvious to her now that he hadn't been talking about the two of them, and she had let her mind wander far too off course. 

With a flick of her tail, but without a word, or a purr, Quinn turned and leapt back to her perch, her ears drawn back in agitation as she looked out over the land. 

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[Image: b5lRX7D.png]
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