Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

who tells your story

01-05-2025, 11:12 PM (This post was last modified: 01-06-2025, 08:08 PM by Shale. Edited 5 times in total.)

The boy was; terribly lost it seemed. So far from home, so far from the mountains he had known and loved. He had one thing though, he had Dunstan, his companion a european badger he had by his side for as long as he could recall. The dutiful badger toddled after him as they tried to get some kind of sense of where they were and how to get home. Surely dad would be livid if he wasn't there for work in the morn. Who else would run the goods anyway? His brothers weren't much for making the long trips down into the valley. 

He sighed, earthen ears rotating back as he looked up on the impossibly large tree that centered this place. Shale leapt upon the weaving roots; almost losing his balance the boys foot would slip making him a bit wobbly before he righted himself. And Dunstan just shook his head. ❝ I got it, ❞ he tried to assure him with a smirk and a swish of his tail. 

He padded along the roots narrow pathway a few strides before he would slip again, losing his front paw and coming down hard onto the branch right onto his chest and stomach. ❝ Ow... ❞ he laughed, picking only his head up this time. 

Maybe he would just...stay here for a minute.

Take in the view. 


❝ ❞ 
for @Runar but also aw!

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01-06-2025, 07:54 PM
Runar had no companion to travel by his side, nor a purpose. The young king was hardly even lost. Vanderfell's peaks rose in the distance, purple against green as he peered through the towering branches. Such a tree was nothing more than magnificent. His mother wouldn't make the claim so boldly, but he had no doubt it was Yggdrasil. How else would it thrive so? The roots spread on for miles, almost reaching the forests that bordered Fate's Summit. A wonder really, but one could not wonder with their head in the clouds too much or they risked a sprained paw.

Speaking of— Runar should really pay more attention to where he stepped. It wouldn't be the first time he tripped on one of the mighty roots, but his large paws were hardly careful as they came down only to freeze and quickly draw back. The soft looking log beneath him was none other than the pelt of a wolf. Whoops—! You should be more careful lying there like rock. Almost mistook you for earth. ...Why... are you lying there? It wasn't exactly shelter, but maybe he meant to blend with his surroundings.

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[Image: 74388609_z9WYebNx7q8guEf.gif]
01-06-2025, 08:17 PM

Dunstan had noticed their company before Shale, the clueless boys eyes fixed forward, the badger however had scurried back toward his friend just as the other paws hovered over him. Shale tilted his head, about to ask what the badgers problem was before the voice boomed behind him. “Whoops—! You should be more careful lying there like rock. Almost mistook you for earth. ...Why... are you lying there?” both of his ears would quickly rotate back at the slightly startle. But when his gold eyes met the others, the boy smiled brightly, tail swishing as he laughed.  ❝ Hello! ❞  he greeted warmly. 

Slowly ─ carefully he would push himself upright into a sit ❝ Well uh... ❞ a single ear drew back. ❝ I slipped... ❞ he glanced back to his badger as he gave him a knowing look. ❝ ...twice ❞ heh. ❝ But; I'm ok ─ I'm Shale ❞ he introduced, and I don't know how I got here. Maybe he would sit on that part for now. Semantics.

❝ ❞ 

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01-06-2025, 08:34 PM
His attention was quickly drawn to the small companion, Oh, you have funny skunk. Except skunk is little and this one... not so much. A bit of humor laced his voice as golden eyes shifted back to the man. Bah—! Have no fear; Runar has slipped ungraciously before. Still, ground on twisted path does not make for a good resting spot. The high king looked for a suitable gap between the roots to take a seat of his own, I am Runar. My family lives at the mountain to our backs. You are...from around here?

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[Image: 74388609_z9WYebNx7q8guEf.gif]
01-06-2025, 09:23 PM

“Oh, you have funny skunk. Except skunk is little and this one... not so much.”  Shale couldn't help the laugh that bubbled up from his throat, much against Dunstan's unamused face. ❝ That's because he's a badger ─ much less smelly ❞ he teased his friend; to which Dunstan promptly scooped up a small pine cone with both his paws that lay on the roots base and threw it at him the best he could, and with the close proximity it hit Shale right in the forehead.  ❝ Ow! Hey! I said less... ❞ he grumbled as he rubbed his head with his paw. 

“Bah—! Have no fear; Runar has slipped ungraciously before. Still, ground on twisted path does not make for a good resting spot.” the boy smiled back at him, no - it certainly didn't. Nor did a sprained paw. “I am Runar. My family lives at the mountain to our backs. You are...from around here?” the boy shook his head. ❝ Um...no, I'm not sure how I got here honestly....but if you live over there then I might be even more lost than I originally thought... ❞ if they were here...and Shale was certain they didn't have anyone living on a neighboring mountain back home. Then again this tree was also something he'd never seen. 

Yup, father was going to kill him. 

❝ ❞ 

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01-07-2025, 08:43 PM
Runar seemed to hum in acknowledgment or perhaps in learning as he eyed the badger closer with a tilt of his head, Hm, I have not seen badger. Less smelly is good though, no—? And no sooner had the words escaped his maw did the funny creature swipe a pinecone and toss it. A boisterous laugh filled his stomach as the High King slapped his paw against a nearby root. BAHAHA— Runar likes badger! It is funny thing and filled with small vengeance.

Another hum as he sat in thought, then a click of his tongue, Not uncommon, I would say. Runar was born here and from time to time, wolf born here by Gods unknowingly. Some say it is different world, but this is only world Runar knows. If it is not your world, then I am afraid Runar does not know how to guide you home. It wasn't the best news to deliver, but it was a secret he would not hide from someone lost from home.

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[Image: 74388609_z9WYebNx7q8guEf.gif]
01-08-2025, 11:51 PM (This post was last modified: 01-08-2025, 11:51 PM by Shale.)

“Hm, I have not seen badger. Less smelly is good though, no—?” Shale nodded, just before Runar erupted with a deep laugh that came all the way from his belly.  “BAHAHA— Runar likes badger! It is funny thing and filled with small vengeance.”  and he couldn't help it; his laugh was infectious so Shale laughed too. So hard and genuine it made his cheeks and stomach hurt. ❝ The funny thing is called Dunstan, ❞ he said as the laughter waned. 

“Not uncommon, I would say. Runar was born here and from time to time, wolf born here by Gods unknowingly. Some say it is different world, but this is only world Runar knows. If it is not your world, then I am afraid Runar does not know how to guide you home.”  this...was not good.

Shales copper eyes dropped slightly, a sigh puffing from his maw as he groaned as he looked at his feet. ❝ I guess I'm really lost then....by chance any suggestions on where to go from here? ❞ he was asking a lot of someone he'd just met; but the wolf seemed friendly enough and happy to help. 

❝ ❞ 

the staff team luvs u
01-09-2025, 10:25 PM
Dungstan— He...didn't mean for the way the name rolled off his tongue to fall back into the 'smelly' accusations. The name didn't fit his mouth, but he could learn. Well, it is Runar's pleasure to meet you both. Runar knew that look well, though. His family had worn it more these days after Father passed. The mountain man hummed for a long minute looking the man and his companion up and down. That depends. What is it you seek? Runar knows a great many things—maybe not all, but enough. My pack has allies and friends to the northwest and southwest. If I can not find your answer, then perhaps they may.

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[Image: 74388609_z9WYebNx7q8guEf.gif]
01-15-2025, 07:04 PM
 “Dungstan—”  Shale couldn't help the smirk. While his badger looked for another item worthy of hucking at him. "Well, it is Runar's pleasure to meet you both." ❝ Yeah, ours too ❞ he agreed. “That depends. What is it you seek? Runar knows a great many things—maybe not all, but enough. My pack has allies and friends to the northwest and southwest. If I can not find your answer, then perhaps they may.” 

❝ Well... ❞ he ponders for a moment, casting his golden eyes down. He hated to ask, not wanting to intrude on someones pack whom he'd only just met. But Runar seemed nice enough. ❝ Um...maybe just a place to stay for the time being? While we get our footing and figure out what to do next... i-if it's not too much trouble. ❞ the final words came out in a hurry of anxiety a silent gesture that if it wasn't ok that was fine too. 

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01-18-2025, 02:49 PM
Runar tipped his head lightly, a hum on his lips. It was winter. More mouths meant more resources used to feed them, but it also meant more paws to help. Besides, this man was lost, and winter was no time to have no plan. I am sure we have room in the caverns for two lost souls. That was what Vanderfell had been founded on. Travelers lost or searching to make something of themselves. The founders had been much like him, finding shelter in the mountain during a storm. Shale, correct? You and Dungstan have talent? Skill you pride on? Vanderfell is group where all work for their place, but it is family. So long as you do not take more than you give, you will be allowed to take shelter.

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[Image: 74388609_z9WYebNx7q8guEf.gif]
02-05-2025, 07:44 PM
  “I am sure we have room in the caverns for two lost souls.”  the boys tail swayed, "We appreciate it Runar - really. I promise we won't be a burden on you or your people" no. Father would sooner have his head if Shale even considered mooching off anyone. 

“Shale, correct? You and Dungstan have talent? Skill you pride on? Vanderfell is group where all work for their place, but it is family. So long as you do not take more than you give, you will be allowed to take shelter.”  "Yes! Of course. I come from a mining family we have many survival skills but mostly digging and bringing up valuable minerals. I'm...not sure if you have any use for those here, but we can expand and build more dens as Vanderfell grows ─ I'm a pretty decent fisher too, " 

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02-07-2025, 11:13 AM
The mountain king nodded, “Burden is hard, no? It takes conscious decision to not try. Runar only ask you try.” Vanderfell was a place of growth after all. Even if Shale and his friend were not the most useful paws, they must start somewhere.

“Valuable minerals?” Runar cocked his head to the side. If rocks were of any value then a mountain must be worth a fortune. He never cared for riches though, only comfort. “Runar has found no value in rock other than providing roof over head. Our caverns are vast, but we have not expanded. Carving rock is not easy.” Then again Shale had his little friend who had claws far beyond the paw.

“Your skills shall suffice. Hunt is always good.” He chuckled knowing full well the extent of his appetite. “Come, come, Runar shall show you home.”

feel free to close out!

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