Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Wait 'til the world is mine.

02-27-2021, 12:24 AM (This post was last modified: 03-16-2021, 04:50 AM by Valk. Edited 2 times in total.)
Licking her chops, drips of red onto the cold forest flow. The forest was filled with plentiful prey as she continued to stalk the deer's scent. She could smell their traces, the bones left behind from fallen ones, and the antlers that drop upon the season. Their hoofprints, indented into the muddy dirt from the melting of snow- Célnes would find them. The place had been blessed with plentiful prey as she gorged her stomach with plenty of rabbit and mice, smaller prey to suffice herself until further notice.

She knew the forest that the Déorwine wolf had awoken in was the place chosen by the High Elk itself, it was too perfect to remove herself, and she knew, this would be her reign. Though with none to her name, and no family to call upon, the former queen would need to breathe in to accept the outcome of who would enter. Surprisingly so, the rarity of a perfect brown pelt was too low outside of Kingslend, she would not survive by declining and chasing all way; if she could. Célnes  was tall and lean, she was not one for strength and battle, but seemed more for speed and agility. She would not be able to simply chase any anyone, only persuade. A confidence though, as she always believed she held a way with words.

Nose to the ground, she was close. The herd was near.

+1 point

the staff team luvs u
02-28-2021, 08:13 PM
The horses in the plains were too dangerous for him, he knew that he knew if he was hunting alone, a herd of rock footed herbivores with hooves strong enough to break bones with a single kick was not wise for him to tackle alone. A herd of elk, however, while he could stalk and hide among the branches and brush, the trees were more of his style of hunting. He could not run down a fleet-footed beast, but he would stalk and wait for the right time.

For a while now he kept up with the moving herd as they tried to avoid his stench, by now, they were getting accustomed to it and growing less weary as his patience seemed to lull them into a false sense of safety. That all their moving and the smell of foul wolf still lingered with no attack simply meant there was no need to continue being oh high alert - though their eyes were still on guard, they moved less; and he, began to pick out which of them he would aim for.

Among the herd was an older cow, pregnant from the looks of her swollen sides. All he needed was for her to wander just far enough away from the grazing males to strike. All he needed was a bite and then to wait for her to fall, there was no need to risk his health by wrestling with the protective bulls. Keeping to the shadows of the lower branches, he narrowed in... an opening left him with the perfect target on the cow - and he lunged.

A ferocious thundering growl roared as the beast leaped at her with deadly jaws aimed at her throat. From the side, he managed to make a deep enough wound as she cried out, bucking and throwing him off as the males began to charge in to the lone male wolf as the cow began to run away, leaving behind a trail of blood for him to follow. Retreating into the woods until the males gave up their chase, branches too thick for their antlers - Vengeance began to follow the injured cow's trail. Just biding his time until she fell.

Unknowing that someone else was stalking these woods as well. The hunter was focused on catching up to the injured elk, following her closely behind as the others left her to die. He had half the mind to put her out of her misery now.

the staff team luvs u
Vengeance is a disgusting, terrible character. I do not condone anything he does or thinks of IC, and though I enjoy writing him, he also disgusts me often. He is a villain and nothing more.
03-01-2021, 05:45 PM
The main herd was a difficult envoy to find, but every once in a while she could see a straggler enter. Though no one could mistake the sounds of a mothers cries to the crowned stag, and upon hearing that bleated noise Célnes headed towards. Her long legs carefully weaving her way through the forest, steps being cautious to step on any noisy debri, and giving the upmost care to be silent. She couldn't help scrunch her noise though at an absolute horrid scent that filled her so, and had to take a moment to step back, and breathe in.

"I wouldn't do that," after adjusting so, she couldn't help but give a rather judgmental cross over to the brown and black man. Days before did she meet the pale cousin, and her mind was filled with the unknown since that adjustment, and preferred to remain it at the back of her mind. It had been some time since she meant any that adjorned the blessed colors, but he carried black tones with a hideous musk- he was no Déorwine.

"She has alerted the head of the herd, he will be here soon." She could see the man stalk his way through to a swollen ewe. Though her cries never seemed to cease. The ex-king kept her ears alert and tall, awaiting for the sight of the king.

the staff team luvs u
03-01-2021, 06:40 PM
As patiently as he could he waited for her to fall. The temptation to simply finish her now lingered at the forefront of his mind, but he was luckily uninjured from his attack, to do so now would risk injury from a panicked cow or any others lingering from her herd to come to her futile rescue. So he waited with waning patience.

The rustling of branches and the crunching of snow alerted him to someone else approaching. A soft growl warned the stranger even as they spoke that he was in no mood to share what he had prepared. Perhaps his patience to wait for the doe to fall would prove to be the right move... to protect her from other predators and scavengers might be his next focus.

An intense crimson glare glimpsed at the voice who advised him against.. whatever it was. Either she knew he was itching to finish her off now or to eat her once she fell - regardless, he was going to dig in eventually. “Even he would see she is dying, once abandoned to her fate, she is mine.” Every word dripped a rolling, growling, threat; making sure he was as clear as day that would deal with this doe-pelted wolf too if she dared interfere with his meal.

the staff team luvs u
Vengeance is a disgusting, terrible character. I do not condone anything he does or thinks of IC, and though I enjoy writing him, he also disgusts me often. He is a villain and nothing more.
03-01-2021, 07:21 PM (This post was last modified: 03-01-2021, 07:22 PM by Célnes.)
Célnes had no desire to help hunt the ewe. Rather, she felt it was disgusting to do, and knew the High Elk would disapprove so. However, she also knew she had no way to stop this man, and even an attempt to fight him was in vain. She was not built in the way he was, of brawn and mass, while she was agility and slender. Her tail only flickered as she looked upon him so, and a fire-lit gaze watching back to the struggling doe.

She could hear the other though, the bellowing of the King of it all. How long had she waited for him to appear? It took only but a lure to drag him so, and a sacrifice it seemed to be. A pitiful way to drag him from his throen within the inner sanctions of this forest, but she knew the King was around. Her body went low to the floor and backed away from the man, for she at the moment wanted no association with him, and the attack of the mother deer.

And then there he was.. The King of the whole forest, standing before the falling doe. A glance to the red-eyed devil, to how he see's the Apostle.

the staff team luvs u
03-01-2021, 07:39 PM
Lips quivered as he prepared to defend what was his. Her demeanor was cool and calm, uninterested even to the situation - but he was no moron. A meal was a meal to predators and to lower his guard around her would be a fool's game. As far as he was concerned, she was just another vulture waiting to dine on his hard work; and if that was the case, she would dine with the sky rats once he had his absolute fill.

The cow cried out again, a thud catching his attention as her body simply could not handle her weight anymore with the bloodloss and shock taking its toll. Her adrenalin must be fading and soon, she would be ripe for the picking. Thick ears drew forward with interest, his gaze only glancing over to the female, ready to chase her off but something was odd about her... she was bowing, but not to him.

His gaze followed where she pointed to with her body, and a loos of absolute disgust contorted his features. She was bowing to a buck. Though large and beyond even Vengeance's capabilities in a solo hunt or a head-to-head battle. Unlike the female, he would not bow. He would not dare do such a thing that would someday become someone's shit fading in the grasses. No, he stood tall and unmoved, keeping his eyes on the beast as he waited for it to decide if it was worth its own injury fighting for a dying female.

The dark lord had no intentions of fighting the thorny beast, it was a waste of his precious energy and to risk injury was not worth the reward of anything other than the prying eyes of this female should she vouch for him. A low rumble echoed in his chest, assuring that he had no intention of backing down against this buck should it decide to risk infection and precious limbs for something on death's door.

the staff team luvs u
Vengeance is a disgusting, terrible character. I do not condone anything he does or thinks of IC, and though I enjoy writing him, he also disgusts me often. He is a villain and nothing more.
03-01-2021, 07:56 PM
She knew he was the King of it all, for the 8-points on his horn indicated of a monarchy within his herd. Fearsome, as she could feel his eyes toward the two wolves. Perhaps in a way it looked as if she was bowing, but what Célnes wanted was not to bow, but to be not with him, and wanted to be unseen. She moved away from the brown and black  fellow as the Déorwine could feel eyes tracing her so as she backed away. It truly felt like the High Elk himself was judging her so, and each step with with precise, stepping away from both the carcass and the hideous man. Though with such eyes seeing them clearly, did she stand up and face so, "Praise be," Célnes audibly said.

The King lowered his head toward the ewe as she fell and started to heavily breathe. Perhaps it was a blessing to return to the afterlife with their God, and she too thought of prayers for the ewe. There was nothing within their religion on hunting a pregnant doe, but morally, it felt wrong. Any without a horn was said to be granted for a hunt. As the deer seemingly stood in silence, he turned around and disappeared into the forest. She wasn't sure if he was intimidated by the unwavering man, or simply cared not.

What she did know, was that the ewe was no longer alive.

"It wouldn't be wise to hunt too much, he gave his warning."

The beady black eyes that stared at the two said enough.

the staff team luvs u
Content Warning
03-01-2021, 08:25 PM (This post was last modified: 03-01-2021, 09:47 PM by zina. Edited 1 time in total. Edit Reason: content warning )
Content Warning
This post contains content that may be unsettling to some readers, including:
  • Gore
TRIGGER WARNING: he's being gross while eating so there is some gore related to... well wolves eating

The two males stood face to face, each delivering their own unwavering spirit through sheer visual threats. He couldn't win against this beast and it was bound to be a fight to the death or until Vengeance felt his point came across clear enough before retreating. The silence was palpable as the two waited with the woman silently cowering (in his opinion) at the sight of the woodland prince.

As soon as the bull turned to wander away, the earthen creature stepped forward to claim his prize. Casting only a singular glance over his shoulder as the woman verbally sang her praises to the thing - almost instinctively he rolled his eyes at the sound. There was no point in arguing, he has what he wanted, and as the cow's breaths grew shallower by the seconds, there was no fight left in her to fend off the predator who already began to eat away at her midsection.

“I will hunt when needed.” His voice echoeing after a pause from inside the ewe's belly. Squelching sounds of him digging around for the better pieces before a blood-soaked head rose from the warmth of the cow's carcass as steam rose from his frame where the cow's warm blood touched the frozen air; pulling with him as he rose strands of nutrition from within the fallen ungulate. He swallowed.

That the nature of this world regardless of what he wants.” Shit, if he had a pack with him there was no doubt in his mind that the order to take down the buck would be sent out. Two prey for the price of one hunt - but alas... this time he stood alone... for now.

the staff team luvs u
Vengeance is a disgusting, terrible character. I do not condone anything he does or thinks of IC, and though I enjoy writing him, he also disgusts me often. He is a villain and nothing more.
03-02-2021, 05:01 AM
Inwardly did she continue to find the man disgusting, but continued to stare at him with a voided look. He gorged into the ungulate like a savage, blood spewing into a rug of red, and his brown fur stained with the barbaric crimson, "And so does nature with it's consequences." Once upon a time, the lil' Déorwine child was once told. The overhunting of the kind resulted in a loss of a forest, and a disaster amongst the people. The High Elk, oh so mysterious, had brought the life back. Once upon, another story was told to her so, that those who overhunt will be punished; eat what you need.

"Are you from around here? She would remember such a man within the old home of Kingslend, but his colors were much like the motherland. Perhaps the ink upon his underside would be scorned, but nonetheless, would be a desired man if not for his.. Smell. Rotting flesh it was like, the flowers of those who haunted the corpses of the fallen. Célnes did not want to get closer. For the danger, and putrid of his scent.

The High Elk would understand there would be nothing to gain to attack this man, only her wounds would be the outcome.

the staff team luvs u
Content Warning
03-02-2021, 07:25 PM (This post was last modified: 03-02-2021, 07:29 PM by Vengeance. Edited 1 time in total.)
Content Warning
This post contains content that may be unsettling to some readers, including:
  • mild gore
The woods fell silent. The songs of distant birds either fell deaf to his ears as the feast was his main focus to gorge himself as quickly as possible before he had to begin defending his food, as well as focussing on his surroundings for any signs of challengers to approach. So far, it was just he and the female who seemed quite comfortable in keeping her distance. Nothing but the sound of snapping skin and smaller bones as he continued to tear through the cow, the light breeze rustled through the frozen ferns carpeting the ground or bare leaf-less trees as he wasted no time to get his fill.

“Such is the reality of a predator.” There would always be those who mourn the death of one who was used to feed a predator no matter the species or situation. Whether it be elk, moose, wolf, or rabbit. Surely some were more dangerous than others, but why would he see this female elk any different than any other thorned ungulate or moose ready to trample something like himself should he be stupid enough to trifle with the mammoth beasts.

Swallowing, he licked his lips free from any substance that clung and oozed to them before finally turning to eye the strange female who speaks for the elk. His eyes calmer now as he was no longer empty in the midsection despite the gore dripping from his chin and chest. This was the reason for his stench of filth and gore, of rot and blood - the man was a messy eater and cared not to wash off afterward. Almost ready to move on and leave the carcass for the buzzards after a few more morcels, and yet still there was a certain fire behind the liquid rubies of his irises as he calmly looked at her. “No.” Placing a paw over the haunches of the fallen mother, lowering himself to rest on his new throne of carnage while now turning his attention on their conversation.

No, he was not done with the elk, but he would slow down for now and finish up later before moving on. “You seem familiar with the local elk, how long have you lived in these woods?” He assumed she was a native, not knowing that they were both relatively in a similar boat of just arriving in these lands... nevertheless, he took the risk to try and learn something from her about this place.

the staff team luvs u
Vengeance is a disgusting, terrible character. I do not condone anything he does or thinks of IC, and though I enjoy writing him, he also disgusts me often. He is a villain and nothing more.
03-03-2021, 05:10 AM (This post was last modified: 03-16-2021, 04:50 AM by Valk. Edited 2 times in total.)
Within the silence, there was only the sound of intestines ripping and chewing from the beast before her. She would think it was a bear if not for the keen wolf dialect, and the obvious tail that fell before him. It felt like he was so out of place within this forest, as the two were in but an eerie silence and the birds chirping in the distance. Rustling from the fauna as the scavenge from the winter solstice, and awaiting for the summer to come in a ripe harvest. Though for the wolves of the world, those who came to harvest, were the one's they sought to eat.

He did not clean himself. Rather he took a seat as if the bloodbath before him was a decoration to his throne room, and the carcass left to be a feast for the scavengers. Eyes swirled to the sky, watching the birds fly overhead to take what they so desire. The falcons and hawks that roam these forests, truly were savages in their own way, preferring to take then to hunt for themselves, "No."

"I only came here a few days ago. However, I will make this my home." So Célnes declared calmly to the other. She preferred not to speak about the elk, especially to him. His reaction to her words were shown if she said more, it would be met with skepticism.

+1 point

the staff team luvs u
03-03-2021, 08:46 PM
Of course the buzzards were already circling. The sky rats were always ready for a meal and first to make an appearance. Even though the thick canopies of evergreens and bare branches he could see their blackened feathers circling above in their signature pattern as he followed the female's gaze skyward.

A twitch in brow and lip was a clear indication of his dissatisfaction with her answer. Nothing other than a "yes" would have pleased him so it was utterly not the fault of the female and her blunt tone. In fact, he liked it. Reminded him of Hydra to a certain degree. Straight to the point with no fluff. Even so, that didn't alleviate his aggravation with the continued lack of knowledge of where he woke up and how he got here, nor why. A low, drawling rumble vibrated his core as let out a drawn-out sigh. Miasma curling out of his nose and into the air like dragon's smoke atop his pile of fleshy treasure.

As she continued, a strange shift in attitude overtook him. Almost amused as a sickening hybrid between a snarl and a smile lifted his lips and curled at the ends. “I suppose that means I am trespassing, does it not?” His bemused tone was almost challenging. Daring her to agree with his half statement and request for him to leave before he was damn well ready to do so on his own. There was no scent of followers in the air with her just as he lacked his own army for the time being. As far as he was concerned, they were equally alone.

the staff team luvs u
Vengeance is a disgusting, terrible character. I do not condone anything he does or thinks of IC, and though I enjoy writing him, he also disgusts me often. He is a villain and nothing more.
03-04-2021, 06:45 PM
"I cannot stop you from doing so, only ask." Words can only mean so much to someone of his attitude and nature. There wasn't too many in Kingslend who were pure-bred brutes, the kind that were nauseating when near, and knew they were a danger as soon as you could spot them so. Déorwine's held a specific sophistication through them that was weaved into their bones, often would she look down toward those who do not display the same, finding them a mistake to their name. Vaguely a few came to mind, like Rohesia who was as barbaric as the red within her pelt, and Whitney, who was so meek in nature that it disgusted her more then the color she held. Célnes would never admit her dislike toward them all.

"Unless you care to join." For quite some time did she look at the man with a deadpan, more serious look. Only now did she shine upon her devious, polite smile that she normally gave to everyone. Polite and noble as she so strives to me, the perfectionist to look as if she cares for all, and they admire her high crown. Though a devious woman, who simply wants power.

the staff team luvs u
03-04-2021, 07:18 PM
She was utterly calm. No matter the stones he threw in their proverbial lake, no ripples upon her smooth surface reached the shores to her expression. It was something he could respect, even upon a first meeting such as this - even for someone who looked up to the Elk like they were some kind of God. She was nothing like the man he had met un the Tundra, his madness only fuelled the Warlord's own fury - while she, seemed to bring a calm about her. Both were pleasant in their own way but this was certainly a more pleasant experience than most; and so, he had nothing to add with his previous teasing.

Then it came, her offer. Their eyes met in silence as his expression too faded to an impassive mask. He didn't answer immediately. Letting the silence grow between them as he pondered the possibilities. Even a war-bred monster like him had to take a moment to think of a gift if it was offered so blatantly like this. Once again, streams of smoke rose from his nostrils in a forced exhale, this time, he spoke slowly, deliberately. “I will not bow to you.” He was stern, unmoving in that decision that was unquestioning.

“But I can help guard your woods with you if you wish.”Together, survival would be easier after all. “At least until I am ready to claim my own woods at a later date - perhaps then we can talk about an alliance.” Making an offer of his own, there was no malicious sting behind his words or a sarcastic undertone - he was utterly serious and awaited her response as silence overtook them once more.

the staff team luvs u
Vengeance is a disgusting, terrible character. I do not condone anything he does or thinks of IC, and though I enjoy writing him, he also disgusts me often. He is a villain and nothing more.
03-04-2021, 07:35 PM
She did not expect a beast to bow down to her, much to the reluctance that she held with that matter. Though Célnes had patience, as many within her old claim of the new Kingslend, not too many bowed. It took time to gain the power she so wanted, and she cared most was the loyalty that was given to her. The true submission was a perk to be gained another day, and did not expect a man who was akin to the proud monarch elk, to simply do the same. The fallen Déorwine ruler, kept her smile.

"Then an alliance we have." A warlord would not be satisfied with staying forever, but at the moment she would take any power that came to her door. Even if the High Elk looked down upon this, for the clear disrespect he held to elken kind- and she alone, would take those sins and ask for forgiveness. Survival was the most important to ensure that she truly rules the forest, and in that day, would the High Elk truly understand. The woman does not mind dirty paws for the sake of what she desires.

"I am Célnes Déorwine." She forego the chapter where she once was a King, for no other Déorwine lay in these lands, and now the title meant nothing when she had no one to her name.

the staff team luvs u
03-04-2021, 09:58 PM
Half expecting the woman to disagree with his demands, when an agreement was made, he was half surprised by how well and smooth it all had gone through. Just like that, the Warlord had another alliance with a Queen of different lands. He wondered if this one had already met Hydra or if he should plan a meeting between the three of them for an introduction - something he would talk about at a later date. With a grunt he accepted her declaration, having not much else to add to the subject other than affirmation.

With their alliance, it only made sense to aid her strength as it would only aid him down the line. To lend an assisting paw was merely another greedy tactic for the blood-soaked king to solidify his own claim later on with powerful allies at his side. Did that mean he would cease hunting the elk in these woods? Most likely not. He would eat whatever came his way and should it be elk, well, he hoped she would not take offense to such things for the sake of their alliance.

A problem for a later date.

“Vengeance Rache.” And like that, he found himself bound to these woods until further notice. “Tell me about your kingdom.” Less of a question and more so of a demand with interest behind his words - should he help chase away the unworthy, he had to know as much as possible about this pack of hers with which she dreamed of.

the staff team luvs u
Vengeance is a disgusting, terrible character. I do not condone anything he does or thinks of IC, and though I enjoy writing him, he also disgusts me often. He is a villain and nothing more.
03-15-2021, 04:52 PM
An alliance had been gained, not only for the mutual survival that is this forest, but for the future between the two. She was curious of the day he would leave, but by then Célnes hopefully will have more to her name. She had a thought though, for while Kingslend has always been the group she knew, an understanding came, with the name, the same customs will never leave. She had learned in the second beginning, where each step all had fought her.

"Elkshire." A county in the forest, surrounded by the elk they so choose to pray too. Though for now, she named nothing upon the religion. The former Queen felt the man would care little to it, and she herself, wasn't the most devoted follower. Picking and choosing what she does, and for now, let it sit in the abyss. The two would disappear within the forests itself, a discussion of the future between them.

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