Hidden away in the shadows of mountains and jungle, those of the Jade Lotus are resilient and a force of strength one should be careful messing with. The Order is a True Neutral group taking no official allies. They believe in the balance of nature, watching from the shadows for those who harm or disrupt the peace, life that has extended too far, and how energy connects all living things. Members prefer to be anonymous and handle their tasks either unseen or under false names. Outsiders are rarely taken in as members and are typically very young to be fully raised under the Order’s guiding philosophies.
The Fang of Tatsuo | Kyo (since 1/19/25) The Eye of Mamoru | Kei (since 1/19/25) The Voice of Mao | N/A The Paw of Sada | N/A
Values and Ceremonies
"Balance is not something you find, it's something you create."
The Order of the Jade Lotus strictly follows the way of life outlined in the Honiyah. A set of ancient principles and lessons meant to guide life and uphold the natural balance of the world. While strict, those in the pack have a strong sense of community open to nurturing and fostering bonds with all living things.
For special occasions, the Order allows time for all members to gather, share a meal, and indulge in competitions and entertainment. While these celebrations may involve feasting, the Order will not take more from local populations than needed to ensure everyone has a full belly. Competitions usually take the form of a show of strength or skill in maneuverability while entertainment may come in the form of stories and song.
Click a title to learn more!
The Honiyah (Required Reading)
— The Order’s guiding philosophies, in-depth traditions, symbolism, and what is forbidden above all else are required knowledge for members and a way of life all within the Order are expected to live by. These teachings are private and not so generously taught to outsiders. A link to the full Honiyah can be found hyperlinked to the left.
— Pups are raised collectively as a pack. This does not mean that children will not recognize their parents, it simply allows parents to keep to their duties without fear of falling behind in their work or failing their children. This is especially important for wolves who may be tasked away from pack grounds for their rank. Once a child is weaned, they will attend lessons with other Yosheii under the watch of elders, nursing mothers, or members of the Zentai.
Breeding is unrestricted whether or not the pair is mated, but permission must be gained from the Kaicho to avoid overpopulation. Unintended pregnancies will not be punished in the event of abuse. All other pregnancies are subject to circumstantial punishment if it would have not been approved in the first place. Breeding should only occur with another member of the pack for the sake of the children and their upbringing. Children born under the Order of the Jade Lotus are to be members of the Order and may not leave the temple until they have earned their name (See trials).
The Lotus Moon (3rd week of Jan.)
— A celebration of the founding of the Order of the Jade Lotus. All members are to attend, even if they were sent outside the claim for a mission unless the mission is at a critical status. This is the only dedicated week of the year that members are allowed to forgo their duties and put their enjoyment first. The pack will eat as a whole, tell tales of the Order’s history, and boast in friendly competition. All disputes between members should be kept out of the celebrations.
Inauguration of a Kaicho
— At the Kaicho’s call under a full moon, the pack and selected successor will gather before the council. If the seat is currently taken, the Kaicho will announce their resignation before naming the wolf who will replace them. If the seat is empty, another member of the Kaicho will announce the selected candidate to fill the seat. The successor will then step forward to accept their role, reciting the Kaicho’s promise to uphold their duties and the philosophy they are now responsible for. While the promise is spoken, they will cut their paw on a sharp rock and add their blood print to the Wall of Shi sealing the seat. The new Kaicho may opt for a speech or dismiss the pack at this time. It is encouraged for the pack to bond through competition or entertainment after being dismissed so that the pack may settle into the new changes.
Kaicho’s promise: “So long as my body holds strength, my spirit unwavering, I bind myself through promise and blood to protect the Honiyah, uphold the (Guiding Philosophy Here) and ensure its teachings are passed onto future generations so that this world might one day see true balance.”
— In the eyes of the Order, any number of partners can be bonded providing they are all consenting. In the presence of the Kaicho, each partner will declare their desire to bond, cut the base of their paw on a sharpened rock, and mark The Wall of Kenshin with a blood print overlapping the mark(s) of their partner(s). Once the wall has been marked, the Kaicho will recognize the union in the eyes of the Order.
In the case of infidelity or agreed separation, the marks will be covered denoting the severed bond. For infidelity, mud stains the bond representing the smear a partner has brought to the relationship. For separation, the juice of berries is blotted over the mark until it is unrecognizable as anything more than a stain.
Trials encourage pack interaction as well as the growth of an individual. They are the basis for earning and demonstrating the skills required to enter the Zentai.
Due to the length or requirements of a trial, they may be conducted over multiple threads or referenced in part. Members must have some form of written attempt at a trial for their character to have ICly completed it and count toward promotion.
Threads can be read only or accepted if dead. Leaders keep track of character trial progress here.
Earning Your Name (Joining)
— The mark that one has officially become a member of the Order. Members do not use their real name beyond pack grounds for the safety of the Order and to remove a sense of self from those working beyond the pack’s reach. When beyond the borders, one acts as the Order as a whole. Until your name has been earned, you are not allowed to leave the claim.
When a wolf becomes an Acolyte, they will be assigned to a group to swim out to the trial grounds. From there they must find a rock along the shore to carry to Phoenix Point. Each member must work together to ensure everyone in the group makes it safely to the top without verbal communication. The rock will prevent the Acolyte from speaking or using their mouth as a tool to navigate. Once the group reaches the outlook, they must work together to stack their rocks in a tower, retrieve a stick stripped of bark and marked by tooth from the Kaicho as proof of their success, and return to the temple for their name.
Path of the Shinobu (Physical)
— A set of trials must be completed before one can advance to a Shinobu.
Insight > Lasting Breath > Shifting Sands
Trial of Insight - Acolytes will be paired or grouped to monitor a selected target or herd. Once the target has been located, Acolytes must remain in the shadows and study the group until they can identify its health, growth/decline, the leading creature, and the age of the young. Acolytes are not to approach the target or attempt to interfere no matter how their population balances. Report all findings to the Keicho who will assess the group’s success based on their findings.
Trial of Lasting Breath - Like earning your name, Acolytes will be tasked with the structure of a stacked stone pillar at a set location. Starting on the new moon, each student must bring their rock from Naiwaki, limiting their communication and adding an obstruction to their travels. The location will change each pass and be located far beyond the claim. These unintrusive pillars represent the Order’s influence and inspire balance in further regions. All Acolytes must return together before the moon is full. Time is of the essence, keep your pace or be met with failure.
Trial of Shifting Sands - Acolytes travel to Shugyoku Dojo with at least one Shinobu, Ronin, or higher-ranked member to conduct the trial. Acolytes will be paired off to spar in the sand arena where they can not rely on just strength or agility thanks to the soft shifting ground underfoot. Only those who best their opponent pass. Those who fail must wait a moon to reattempt. (Agreed on OOC or randomized)
Path of the Ronin (Natural)
— A set of trials must be completed before one can advance to a Ronin.
Revival > Lasting Breath > Shifting Sands
Trial of Revival - A Ronin, Gekai, or higher-ranked member will bring the Acolyte to land in a state of decline. Acolytes must bring something back to this land or reverse the effects of decay. While the task might seem simple, it may take moons to assess the success of an Acolyte and require the Acolyte's repetitive and attentive care.
Trial of Lasting Breath - Like earning your name, Acolytes will be tasked with the structure of a stacked stone pillar at a set location. Starting on the new moon, each student must bring their rock from Naiwaki, limiting their communication and adding an obstruction to their travels. The location will change each pass and be located far beyond the claim. These unintrusive pillars represent the Order’s influence and inspire balance in further regions. All Acolytes must return together before the moon is full. Time is of the essence, keep your pace or be met with failure.
Trial of Shifting Sands - Acolytes travel to Shugyoku Dojo with at least one Shinobu, Ronin, or higher-ranked member to conduct the trial. Acolytes will be paired off to spar in the sand arena where they can not rely on just strength or agility thanks to the soft shifting ground underfoot. Only those who best their opponent pass. Those who fail must wait a moon to reattempt. (Agreed on OOC or randomized)
Path of the Reiki (Spritual)
— A set of trials must be completed before one can advance to a Reiki.
Solitude > Knowledge > Enlightenment
Trial of Solitude - Acolytes will travel alone to the Guardian Tree, Dragon’s Rest, or Phoenix Point, and spend half a moon in solitude and silence, listening to the world around them to understand how it speaks. Acolytes are to leave for nothing no matter the weather, their health, or comfort. Only once the moon has set on the final night may the Acolyte rejoin the pack and break their silence. Members of the Zentai or Kaicho will periodically check on those taking the trial from afar to ensure they remain in solitude and have not left their post.
Trial of Knowledge - Accompanied by a Reikai, Sensei, or Shihan, the Acolyte will travel the territory explaining the relevance of the Order’s beliefs and symbols to an individual’s well-being. Conversation will be woven into the Acolyte’s recount to which they must find relevancy to the guiding principles. If the accompanying proctor deems the Acolyte’s knowledge acceptable, news of their success will be passed to the Kaicho.
Trial of Enlightenment - Unlike other trials, an Acolyte may pass the Trial of Enlightenment at any point in their path. This is an opportunistic trial that presents itself with the natural ebb and flow of life. Above all else, it is a Reiki’s job to lighten one’s mind be it of physical or mental burdens. If an Acolyte can aid someone willing to note the Acolyte’s help, or under the watch of the Keicho or another mentor, they will be named successful in this trial.
Path of the Gekai (Medic)
— A set of trials must be completed before one can advance to a Gekai.
Anatomy > Revival > Healing
Trial of Anatomy - This trial is conducted in one-on-one sessions with a suitable mentor or master to test the Acolyte's recollection of the anatomy of plants and creatures. The Acolyte should also be able to explain the uses and effects of the plants on different creatures or wolves of various ages.
Trial of Revival - A Ronin, Gekai, or higher-ranked member will bring the Acolyte to land in a state of decline. Acolytes must bring something back to this land or reverse the effects of decay. While the task might seem simple, it may take moons to assess the success of an Acolyte and require the Acolyte's repetitive and attentive care.
Trial of Healing - Unlike other trials, an Acolyte may pass the Trial of Healing at any point in their path. This is an opportunistic trial that presents itself with the natural ebb and flow of life. Above all else, it is a Gekai’s job to mend the body, aid in the arrival of new life, or harden themself to end a creature’s suffering. If an Acolyte can aid someone willing to note the Acolyte’s help, or under the watch of the Keicho or another mentor, they will be named successful in this trial.
Path of the Kaicho (Council)
— Candidates must be a ranking Sensei to qualify for Council consideration. Candidates are typically selected by the Shihan, but a Sensei can argue their case to partake in the trial. The Shihan may still have the final say as to who is appointed. If no Shihan are able, the standing Kaicho will have the final say.
Fang of Tatsuo - Candidates must challenge three of the best Shinobu or Sensei (filled ranks providing) to 1v1 duals in Shugyoku Dojo, besting them in combat. The pack is encouraged to come and watch the fights and support those they want to succeed. The successor will be selected based on execution, knowledge of their opponent in combat, and practice of Kaichi’s scripture.
Eye of Mamoru - Candidates will take a solo journey, learning everything about the other settlements and land within a moon's journey from the Order. They will bring back that information while remaining anonymous to those they meet. The candidate who returns the most detailed and pertinent information with proof of its authenticity will be selected as the successor. If a candidate does not return within six moons they are disqualified.
Voice of Mao - Candidates will be instructed to provide their guidance on an issue currently presented to the Kaicho. Each candidate will be heard in private before the Kaicho considers the best course of action. The candidate who provides the best wisdom demonstrating the Divination of Runoma is selected as the successor.
Paw of Sada - Candidates must locate a life suffering that is beyond help or a quality life and end it. The best candidate will be selected for the most humane end, execution of Shima’s Scroll, and swift response to aid the life they find. A candidate will be disqualified if they tamper with life to meet the requirements or if they are provided one with the help of another.
The Kaicho
— Those who guide the actions of the Order and have the final say in pack decisions. Each slot is dedicated to a single Master of each guiding philosophy. Council ranks are appointed at the Shihans’ discretion. Typically, one’s young are trained to replace their parents, though they still must outperform other candidates in a series of trials and accept their role. The Kaicho typically only step down due to permanent injury, death, or old age. In most cases, ex-council members are appointed the title of Shihan even if they are not a master of all guiding philosophies.
The Council The Fang of Tatsuo — Overseer of Kaichi’s Scripture (Physical) The Eye of Mamoru — Overseer of Sunato’s Tome (Natural) The Voice of Mao — Overseer of Runoma’s Divination (Spiritual) The Paw of Sada — Overseer of Shima’s Scroll (Healing)
The Zentai
— The Whole Shihan — Highly respected members, knowledgeable in all philosophies upheld under the Order. They are advisors to the Council and raise the Yosheii under the Honiyah until they become Acolytes. It is rare for a master to leave the sanctuary of the temple. Sensei — Respected members who have proven their expertise and dedicated studies in one of the main philosophies. They are highly skilled and responsible for the training of Acolytes, ensuring they reach their desired Zentai rank.
Shinobu — Practices from the Scripture of Kaichi. (Physical)
Typically stays in the claim to ward off travelers, protect the pack, and hunt, though the Kaicho may task them with missions outside the claim based on Ronin reports. Ronin — Practices from the Tome of Sunato. (Natural)
Travels beyond borders as eyes and ears of nature, bringing status reports to the Kaicho. May be paired with Shinobu depending on the mission. Reiki — Practices from the Divination of Runoma. (Spiritual)
Typically stays within the temple to tend to packmates and aid with lessons at the school. They may occasionally assist the Gekai. Gekai — Practices from the Scroll of Shima. (Healing)
Typically stays within the claim to tend to the pack, watch the Yosheii, and aid with lessons at the school, though they may leave if tasked by the Kaicho with a mission or to gather herbs beyond the borders.
The Mirai
— The Future Acolyte — Those old enough to begin acting on the Order’s philosophies. Members stay in this rank until they can pass a series of trials proving their dedication and execution of a specific guiding philosophy. Most young advance before their second birthday, though due to failure or late integration into the Order, adults have held this rank before. Yosheii — Children of the Order. Yosheii are expected to spend their days learning The Honiyah from the pack’s Shihan until they are old enough to put the teachings into practice. All children become Acolytes when they are 6 months old and will train amongst peers of similar age.
The Marked
— Those who have been outcast, betrayed, or made enemies of the Order. Action taken when handling The Marked depends on the offense of the target. Unjust killing based on personal morals goes against the Honiyah and may lead to a member’s punishment for acting under their own will. Typical consequences for The Marked involve refusing care, blinding, specific scarring, or death if the individual is a particular threat to the balance. Marked — Individuals marked by the Order.