Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

x January 20: Order of the Jade Lotus has stabilized!
x January 20: Akashingo has stabilized!

from one desert to another

01-12-2025, 06:41 PM (This post was last modified: 01-16-2025, 09:29 AM by Sobekhet. Edited 5 times in total.)

"Awaken, my sweet." The words were soft to his ear. But filled with grief. Something a son never wanted to hear from his mother.

Sobekhet startled awake, gaze dancing, until quickly honing in on his mother's form. “What is it?” He gasped, scrambling closer to his mother's feet. Desperation was the epitome of his expression, fear glinting in the depths of his chocolate hues.

"She is gone..." She began, words broken by a choked sound. "The Pharoah's wife is dead... she has been killed, my son." His eyes widened, ears falling in disbelief. "The Pharoah believes a servant of his court to be responsible. But he is not searching to find who. By his decree, all servants within the palace will be executed." She continued, tone shifting from grief to panic. "That is why you must go, my son. Run. And don't stop. Keeping going until you are far from his reach. It is the only way you will live to see morning."

“But why?” He wailed, like a child anew from the womb he was created. “I haven't done anything wrong! None of us have. We have been loyal. He knows this!”

His mother shook her head. "He will not see reason, Sobek." Nudging his shoulder, she urged him to his feet, directing his path then to the hidden exit of the cavern. 

“But what about you?” Sobekhet halted in his step, eyes turning on his mother. “You must come too. I won't leave without you!”

Another shake of her head. "I must stay. I will make sure the guards do not know you have gone. But you mustn't hesitate in your pace... not one bit! You keep going."


"No," She interrupted before he could argue further, nodding toward the exit. "Please. Go. Find a place that is suited to you. A place where you will belong. This can no longer be your home, child."

Unable to speak, for fear that his voice would give out, he swallowed hard, then nodded. 

"I will always be with you, Sobek." Her head dipped beneath his chin, grazing along his throat in motherly affection. "I love you. Forever. One day, we will be together again before the gaze of Osiris. Ra will see it so."

“I love you too... forever.” Sobekhet whispered in return, then turned and fled. Just as she had told him.

But he didn't want to go...

It felt like tumbling. Falling. Down. Down. Down. A never ending cycle. But at least it took away the pain. Distracted him. Not pain of his body, but of his heart. He felt alone, deep inside. Lost, even as he kept falling to depths unknown. There was only darkness. Coldness. No comfort, or warmth. Oh, how he wished to curl up close beside his mother. To hear her sing the lullaby that she'd sing to lull him to sleep. It was an unfailing tactic. And then to wake to her sweet voice. Soft and kind. A solace he would give everything else up for. But no, he couldn't have it now.

This time, when he woke, there was a startling screech. Buzzards flew above, few landing beside him, pecking at his lifeless limbs. Or, not so lifeless.

Scrambling upright, he snapped his teeth, stumbling back a few steps. “Shoo! I'm not buzzard food!” He snarled.

Though, if he'd been laying in that spot much longer, he might as well have been.

The buzzards took to the sky, retreating from their failed attempt at scoring dinner. Shaking the sand from his pelt, he sighed, then glanced around. A desert. Ironic. Last he knew, he'd been running from one. Only to end up in another. 

"Find a place that is suited to you."

He heard his mother's reminder. A place suited to him. This was definitely that. It was just like home. The sands weren't as red. But the sun burned along his back. A comfort. Almost.

But where did he go from here? Was there anyone else out there? Or was he alone? Again.

Anyone is welcome to join in! ^^ But maybe @Toula, if you'd like to?

the staff team luvs u
01-12-2025, 07:22 PM

 it would soon be time to move on. the Gods spoke to her in whispers as she prayed. there was but one more altar to build, before that time came.
 it would be for Khonsu. in the place between here, and where next they would go. He would have many—it would be a path for those of Akashingo. she sought the best place for this altar of His—and He led her to one! buzzards circled the place of one to be saved—a message as loud as any when she asked, where would most please You?!
 surrounded by attendants and guards, Toula drifted toward the stranger filled with purpose. “hail, traveler!” she called out with a voice that matched her warm smile.

the staff team luvs u
01-12-2025, 07:34 PM (This post was last modified: 01-12-2025, 07:36 PM by Sobekhet. Edited 1 time in total.)
"Hail, traveler!"

That voice. Distant, but clear. Warm, comforting.

Mother? Is that you?

No, it couldn't be. She wasn't here.

Turning to the pretender, the one that wasn't who he wanted, Sobekhet craned his neck. A woman approached, surrounded. A posse. Who traveled like this? All else but a monarch, perhaps? Such was left to be discovered.

He stood firm, but uncertainty warred in his gaze. She seemed nice, based from her expression and tone. But one could never be too careful, and he wasn't willing to take any chances. “Hail to you,” He returned the greeting, tone pleasant and not lacking a hint of relief at having found another among this dry, now not so barren land.

the staff team luvs u
01-12-2025, 08:36 PM
 and, now in earshot, one of her attendants heralded her, announcing her and all of her many titles. Toula smiled to the stranger. “Khonsu has led me to you—and to the place I shall soon build His altar. what is it you are called?”
 and then, “have you need for food? water?” the distance closed between them. her gaze traced him over, searching for signs of any indication that he had endured hardship.

the staff team luvs u
01-12-2025, 08:42 PM
Cameo unless acknowledged!<3

Mesen-ka stands tall and holds a distance behind the goddess. There's uncertainty in the eyes of the traveler and the Pharaoh gives trust to the man, and the kingsguard holds none of it for himself.

Rashepses flares in his mind and it is both the king's mind he will protect, and the king's wife. But he yields to their divine's kind and offering hands. She had given him a chance, so he will watch as she offers it to another.

the staff team luvs u
01-12-2025, 08:45 PM (This post was last modified: 01-12-2025, 08:46 PM by Sobekhet. Edited 1 time in total.)

This woman was certainly not a nobody. An attendant among the many stepped close and gave a plethora of titles, one of which that called to him: Pharaoh. She had come from an upbringing in a world like his own. But unlike him, she stood atop the pedestal. 

As was deserving, he offered a smile in return to her own. And when he spoke, he bowed with grace and sincerity. “I am known as Sobekhet. But you, Pharaoh Toula, may call be Sobek.” Just as his mother had. For this woman reminded him much of her.

The mention of food and water had his stomach both moving and speaking. A flush warmed his features, ears falling in embarrassment. One of her stature should not be offering him, a lowly servant, to share what nourishment she had! “It is a gracious offer, truly, but I could not accept such a thing from you.” If he did, it would be nothing short of a shameful act.

the staff team luvs u
01-12-2025, 10:44 PM (This post was last modified: 01-14-2025, 03:01 PM by Toula. Edited 1 time in total.)
 a name she could interpret—a being of her culture! eyes of the earth looked upon her, and as she observed him she could see that he was built, like so many of her own, for a place such as this.
 “and why not?” she asked, but then, she had a moment of clarity. she was amused, but not at his expense. she felt the soldier at her back, and Toula considered how to make the one before her feel more at ease.
 she had it! “Khonsu brought you to me so that I might help you live, not become fodder for the vultures that circle you. won’t you honor Him with me?” a small smile, hoping he might accept her request when posed in this way. she would not force him, but she did wish to help him—his stomach answered for him but moments ago his true desire!

the staff team luvs u
01-12-2025, 10:53 PM
Why not? She asked. What was simple to her, seemed foolish to him. 

“It is the way I was brought up. To never take for myself what was meant to be provided. You are Pharaoh. I am but a servant. It should be I that provides for you.” Not the other way around.

Did this make sense? Perhaps not, for they seem to have come from similar, yet very different cultures.

the staff team luvs u
01-14-2025, 01:52 PM
 “is it your wish, to remain this way? it is in my power to grant you the opportunity to choose your path, for I am divine,” her eyes regarded him with much curiosity. it was her way, to grant this choice. “there is no shame in service—I am blessed to have all that attend to me. though I have come to understand not all wish this for themselves. what is it for you?”
 her head tilted as she stepped gingerly around him. “all provide for Pharaoh,” she agrees with a small smile. she looks skyward, the buzzards choosing a new path for themselves upon seeing their quarry was perhaps saved.

the staff team luvs u
01-14-2025, 02:01 PM (This post was last modified: 01-14-2025, 02:02 PM by Sobekhet. Edited 2 times in total.)
His eyes shone in pure delight at her offer, his tail swishing eagerly behind him. She would give him the honor? But how could he refuse!

“It has been my life's work to serve the noble and divine,” he speaks with both sincerity and joy, almost too eager in his choice to accept. “I was raised beneath the eyes of the court of my homeland. I worked along with my mother, head servant of our former Pharaoh's reign. It has been my dream since my youth to one day walk in her footsteps.” And perhaps he could still one day live that dream, should he prove himself here. “That is, of course, until I was forced to flee...” For a moment, his expression fell. But quickly, it was uplifted, for he would not bore her with his past of sorrows. “It would be my honor to now walk with you and serve you, divine one.” His speech complete with another long, reverant bow, he waits with baited breath.

the staff team luvs u
01-17-2025, 04:28 PM
 he answered with his choice—Toula nodded, accepting him among her number. “you shall be one of my fellahin. what is your specialty? decoration? cleaning? you might be given one particular task, and still asked to do many others—but at least I can grant you work that would most satisfy you,” she moves now, in toward the waters of the Oasis, leading them.
 “for what reason did you flee?” she understood that many suffered beneath their rulers—she wondered in what ways he might have.

the staff team luvs u
Misc Skill
01-17-2025, 05:07 PM (This post was last modified: 01-17-2025, 05:09 PM by Sobekhet. Edited 2 times in total.)
He gave his choice and she accepted him!

Fellahin. A title anew. And he would carry it with pride. “I shall not fail you, divine one,” he swore, tipping his chin down in reverence as he spoke. “In my birthplace, I served my former Pharoah in many ways. I was taught under various masters and learned a great deal. Architecture has become a task I yearn for the most time in. It is a beautiful art, you see. To bring to life one's creative vision is an indescribable feeling. For me, at least. Alongside my study master, I assisted in the design and oversaw the work that went into creating a temple for Ra. Oh, it was beautiful! We built it in such a way that would allow light to gleam through the center of the roof and illuminate the space. We found it was the perfect way to resemble his power of the sun and sky, but also in the way he is always watching over us. Our people would often visit his temple during the early morning, believing that when the sun rose, Ra was there, ready to place a guiding hand on their shoulder when they needed it the most.” He could drone on and on about his works, but he wouldn't bore the Pharaoh. Another time, perhaps, when she sought the company of his stories. “I also spent a fair share of delivering messages, and even apprenticed under the Pharoah's master butcher. Whenever the hunters brought back food for the royal table, I would be tasked with skinning and preparing the meat for suppers.”

He felt out of breath, nearly, for how much he'd spoken thus far. Nervously, he glanced to the woman—no, his new and divine Pharoah! “I apologize if my rambling mouth is a bore, divine majesty.” Her final question, a tale he dreaded the most, had been evaded with his breif pause. It wasn't that he'd intentionally done so, but it wasn't a story he believed himself ready to share. For the sake of his image and also the memory of his mother.

misc skill — architect

the staff team luvs u
01-29-2025, 02:59 PM
 an architect! oh! how wonderful—she knew her husband would find great value in someone with a learned eye that could serve in the betterment of their abode. “you shall become fellahin, then, with a primary duty to your architectural ability. your responsibilities will also fall in those other areas, for your learned aptitude,” and she imagined the place he had helped to craft with a smile! he seemed passionate, to truly care for his work. that he would be happy and fulfilled mattered most to Toula.
 “you are no bore—I enjoy these stories you share of yourself. it helps me to see you more clearly,” her voice is warm, evidence that she was pleased with what she had seen and heard both. but there was still something unsaid, and so she pressed, “flee, though, is a specific word that worries me—have you committed any treasons?” she must know this much, but she would not ask more. how sweet he seemed! but the Pharaoh had been educated to understand that one must always take care to look out for scorpions within the sands.
 sweet though he appeared, to be stung by him would surely not be!

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