ibrahim refused to open his eyes. he floated in the waters, never struggling. he was slow in his trials. alone, the cub was still too young to have understood his teachings until he stood before the gods. taliba, aiman. baba. where was everyone?
the gods had returned him to the waters. did he fail? these tides were gentler, rocking him in their arms like the mother he never had. he nearly sobbed in the warmth. but it was time to go. ibrahim couldn't breathe anymore in these waters. little limbs padded upwards, regretfully tearing away from water mother's embrace. the golden boy tore through the water's seam, and firey gaze looked around.
“baba!” his raspy voice sobbed out, paddling to stay just above the water.
the gods had returned him to the waters. did he fail? these tides were gentler, rocking him in their arms like the mother he never had. he nearly sobbed in the warmth. but it was time to go. ibrahim couldn't breathe anymore in these waters. little limbs padded upwards, regretfully tearing away from water mother's embrace. the golden boy tore through the water's seam, and firey gaze looked around.
“baba!” his raspy voice sobbed out, paddling to stay just above the water.
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