02-08-2025, 03:55 PM
he laid kills at every altar. he had scored himself in every high place. khaemwaset prepared to leave behind the oasis. it was clear that much time would pass before he returned, ordered not by any higher power but that which lived inside himself. he must not come back until he might return in glory, to claim what was his.
all that was his.
in the early dawn of the departing day, khaemwaset strode to find her, thrown round already with a fine oryx pelt. "sister," he said to wake her, raising a hand to dismiss her attendants; "sister. sister, come and kohl my eyes before dawn. let me welcome Ra with you before i go," the lion aspirant continued to murmur, tossing soft cushions gently at her until @Merneith ended her slumber to find her brother there beaming in the dark.
all that was his.
in the early dawn of the departing day, khaemwaset strode to find her, thrown round already with a fine oryx pelt. "sister," he said to wake her, raising a hand to dismiss her attendants; "sister. sister, come and kohl my eyes before dawn. let me welcome Ra with you before i go," the lion aspirant continued to murmur, tossing soft cushions gently at her until @Merneith ended her slumber to find her brother there beaming in the dark.
the staff team luvs u