02-05-2025, 10:34 PM
It had been under the eye of Khonsu that Setka stole away into the desert. His sole possession, a fawnskin, draped in part over his neck. A corner of the skin clamped tightly in his jaws to keep from sliding in front of his feet. It was the one thing he could not part with; all others had been abandoned for the sake of preserving what he knew.
Silvered moonlight danced across the sand dunes in playful waves. The grains glittered as stars within a midnight sea. Midnight insects buzzed over the sparse vegetation and the desert creatures made their travels under the guidance of the stars.
It was a beautiful night.
Setka would have loved to have stayed, to sit under the stars and find the guiding lines of the constellations. To bask in the silvered light and enjoy this freedom of the open air, free from watchful eyes. To wrap himself in the blanket of night and dream of a different life than what befell him.
The footsteps that pursued him reminded him of what was at stake. He needed to continue onward, lest silver dance across spilled crimson and iron taint the air.
Sunlight beared down upon his closed eyes.
Heat bloomed across his body, warmed by Ra's light. It nursed the ache that settled into the recesses of his body. Exhaustion weighed him down. Groggily, Setka cracked open an eye to glance about his periphery. Unfamiliar dunes expanded beyond him. The scent of familiar plants permeated the air, but the composition was wrong.
Where was he?
Propping himself up on his elbow, Sekta realized he lay upon his fawnskin. Fondly, he gently stretched his toes over the white spotted fur. It was comforting to have something familiar in the unknown. It appeared he had laid down to rest.
Was that what happened?
Closing his eyes, Setka furrowed his brow, trying to recall the events of the night prior. Frighteningly enough, much was absent from his memory. Except for a sudden pain that split his skull and burned at his throat. Curling into himself, he lifted his forepaw to his throat. His heart calming to find the fragile skin very much intact.
Setka closed his eyes once more, pressing his cheek into the fawnskin. A question burning terribly in his mind, one he had no answer for.
What happens now?
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