Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Gentle was the knife swaddled in silken sheets

Morning Sunny/Clear
09-02-2023, 02:52 AM (This post was last modified: 09-02-2023, 04:22 AM by Henley. Edited 2 times in total.)
Henley's mind was quiet. A blank canvas pulled taut upon its board and left to lay bare. Perhaps its only purpose to collect dust from within its lonesome, unlit room. Then, a splash of color ignited her world. A brilliant ballad of hues danced across her skies and flooded through the thin gaps between her lids. Where there had once been darkness, now there was light. Crimson and tangerine swam together, entangled with one another like two wolves running, weaving into one another with their rainbow threads.

As it would turn out, such radiance was quite the annoyance. She writhed in her cradle, clasping her eyes shut tightly whilst pleasant bird song hummed in her ears. It was another moment before realization began to dawn upon her. Golden lenses peered tentatively out from beneath the paw she had smacked over her eyes until they could better adjust to her surroundings. Light had glimmered around her; The morning sunrise, the sparkling ripples upon the lake, the scales of a minnow just before it was downed by the herring that caught it. This place was not familiar to her.

Henley blinked several times. The recognition she had been waiting for never broke forth from the horizon. Confusion was the only bell that rattled within her, a myriad of thoughts swirling around in an angry torrent. Cool tendrils swept the fur from her back and panic sank its claws into her sweet flesh.

Was she... wet?

With little grace, she tried and failed to pull herself to her feet. The only progress made was landing her jaw unceremoniously upon a river stone with a swift and painful whack. To any onlooker, she would appear a soiled maiden writhing around in the lake, aimless and uncoordinated. Possibly a drunkard who had undergone one too many the night before, and now in attempts to right oneself, was partaking in a brisk sunrise bath with a group of loons.

Stilts for legs wobbled ungracefully as she attempted to gather herself before falling into the lake once more. What had happened to her? She couldn't pry herself away from the question that had been ruminating in her mind in endless mockery. Now unveiled from beneath the placid waters, the sickly sweet scent of blood curled into her nose and her heart plummeted spiritedly down into her stomach. Again, her feeble legs would falter.

@hanna? Or anyone! <3
the staff team luvs u
3 - 3 - 3 rated character <3
Discord: seapoet
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09-02-2023, 06:10 AM (This post was last modified: 11-22-2023, 06:29 PM by Kazimir. Edited 6 times in total.)
Niko could feel a slight tug on his pelt, gentle fingers snagging on his thick pelt. His eyes flickered beneath heavy eyelids as if searching in the darkness. He needed to do something, he could sense it. But what he needed to do, he couldn't remember. Niko just felt it within himself. It was calling to him, a siren from within the dark sea that had become his mind. It was pulling him from the quiet of his head, slowly bringing him back to life.

Eventually, the dark-furred male brought himself out of his slumber. Bleary eyes looked around, taking in the vivid colors of the forest. He couldn't quite make out the glittery thing in the middle of the trees, but it was like a beacon. He rose onto shaky limbs and took heavy steps towards it, head hanging low to his chest. His ears twitched at the shrill birdsong; an unwelcome disturbance. Nikolai had always preferred his solitude and the silence that came with it. Even when he was leading the Bratva, he kept his distance from his brothers. Now that his vision was clearing, Niko realized they were nowhere to be found. What would they do without him? Who would keep the unruly youngsters in check? Kirill was useless in that sense. His brother was an Enforcer, not a patient teacher. Nikolai knew that the Bratva was fucked without him. They needed a leader, guidance. And unfortunately, no one like that existed.

The thoughts gave rise to a low growl in his throat. God, this was infuriating. Why was he taken when he was needed? What God felt it right to pull him from his life and duty? An evil one, he was sure of it.

Movement within the glittering gem caught Niko's eye. He squinted, though, it was a feeble attempt to clear his vision. As the male came closer to the shore, a dark simper appeared as the image came into focus. Damn. Now, this was a sight for sore eyes. It seems he's come across a helpless little doe. His head tilted to the side as he watched the other struggle in the shallows. His gaze trailed over the female's lean body. His grin grew as he came close. "Нужна помощь, Маленький лань?" He inquired, the deep timbre of his voice carrying over the calm surface of the lake.

She was eye-catching. Niko quite liked the way the sun glinted off her fur. And the way the scent of blood seemed to suit her.

the staff team luvs u
[Image: 71058789_UmXShOmqFVVW88N.png]
common  — russian — 3-3-3
09-03-2023, 04:03 AM
Twisted with the scents of her own blood and the muddied vegetation of the lake, another smell was gradually permeating the air around her. The longer the seconds grew, the more potent the musk was becoming upon her quivering nose. By the time the source had neared the shore close enough for Henley to register the presence of another, she had been entirely swaddled within the perfume. However, she didn't find herself to mind such a thing. How could she? It was a sweet concoction of herbs and spices, bergamot and cinnamon, perhaps cardamom and cloves too that had spun around her in pleasant waves. It was the pinnacle of an autumn day or the first burning sip of an expensive spiced rum. Within her it stirred a familiarity, one that she could not place. The sensation was recognizable and still somehow so devastatingly far away. A distant memory that quickly dissipated into tendrils of smoke as she tried to grasp it, a recollection that came up empty. 

A dark shadow eclipsed her horizon. A tall, and not that she would ever curve her tongue to admit as much, but certainly a very striking shadow at that. There was no point in trying to collect herself together by now. This man had already seen her bruised, bloodied, and so unapologetically wet as she lay half consumed by the cold waters. She could only assume the reason behind the suave grin that curled his lips upwards and the way his eyes took her in... He must have pitied her. Within those two glimmering lenses she could feel nothing but small. They were an arctic kiss, a stolen piece of ice that would forever reside inside him like two sparkling gems of the north. She steeled herself under their unearthly blue gleam. 

Despite her obviously sordid state, she could not deny the hopeful feeling that began to bud quietly within. There was a chance that this man could hold the answers she sought. What happened to her? Why was she there? Why couldn't she remember anything? For she had not been cursed to wander around aimless, and except for that of the lake fowl that trilled further downwind, in solitude to suffer her conundrum. When he spoke, she could feel her expression slip downward if only for a moment before she straightened herself again. Returning his stare, she answered slowly and with a fair amount of borrowed confidence as her prior optimism took a respective nosedive. “Je suis désolé... je ne comprends pas votre langue..”

Compared to the deep resonance of his voice, her own was much softer, a smooth collection of feminine tones rolling off the subtle accent she bared. Despite getting chewed up and spat out along the lake's unforgiving shore, she hadn't been as rasped as she imagined. In fact, she was wholly surprised when the words blossomed confidently upon her dark lips, smooth as a silken gown instead of her very breath hitching in her chest. It became a relief of sorts, as there was something about this stranger that hinted danger. Vaguely she could recall a memory of a snake that had curled around a young rabbit, baiting it to take another step into the serpent's waiting jaws. She would not be that rabbit, not today. Straightening her spine, she rested a bit taller, hoping to appear at least slightly less incapacitated than she was.


the staff team luvs u
3 - 3 - 3 rated character <3
Discord: seapoet
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Content Warning
09-09-2023, 05:37 PM (This post was last modified: 11-22-2023, 06:29 PM by Kazimir. Edited 4 times in total.)
Content Warning
This post contains content that may be unsettling to some readers, including:
  • mild sexual thoughts
Nikolai's grin grew as his heavy gaze took in the female before him. Niko's god knew he deserved this reward after all the work he did to improve the Bratva, and delivered his prey on a silver platter. He changed them from dirty thugs who tormented those in their region into refined protectors of the weak. Or so he thought. Niko was in denial, and deep down, even he knew that. They were no more than glorified criminals now, "atoning" their crimes by giving to the weak. It was a lie, and Niko damn well knew it. But to get the beast to admit it was more of a challenge than one could expect.

But those thoughts were chased away by the gentle voice of the woman before him. Ah, she didn't speak the common tongue. Niko thanked his god once more for this gift. If she couldn't speak the common tongue, there was no way she'd be able to argue with him. He wouldn't hear her pleas or cries. She may as well be silent for all he cared. It would make all of it so much easier.

Nikolai came closer, now a few paces away from the dame. Her subtle floral scent danced around him, teasing him. Taunting him. Niko knew he would want to ruin her. Break her until she was as broken as he was. Destroy her very being, just to rebuild her, piece by jagged piece. No, he didn't need to know her to know his twisted desires. All he needed was time.

His icy gaze trailed over the woman's face, taking in her delicate features. Oh, poor little doe. If only she knew what had happened upon her. A beast that wanted nothing more than to devour her. “Do you not speak the common tongue?” Nikolai asked, the baritone of his voice heavy between them. She was speaking something else, something he knew but couldn't recall. He had heard it once or twice during meetings with fellow, groups. Her accent was faint, but he noticed it all the same.

Niko's lip curled slightly at the sudden glint in her golden gaze and the way she shifted her body. The sudden confidence made those conflicting emotions rear their heads once more. He wanted to surge forth and snap his jaws around her muzzle. But another part wanted to see how far she'd try to push him. Though it seemed as if the doe had more fire than he anticipated. Nikolai would enjoy taming it, molding her into the image of perfection.

Something that had long been dormant within him stirred as he looked into glimmering pools of gold. Niko came closer, his head lowering to meet her gaze. “Your name?” He breathed, waiting to hear her reply. He silently hoped she would understand, be able to answer his questions. Niko wanted to hear her speak. To eventually call his name. A shudder coursed through him at the thought.

so sorry I took so long !! uni just started up and I needed to get work done.

the staff team luvs u
[Image: 71058789_UmXShOmqFVVW88N.png]
common  — russian — 3-3-3
Content Warning
09-15-2023, 05:41 AM
Content Warning
This post contains content that may be unsettling to some readers, including:
  • More mild sexual thoughts
The more his lips continued to stretch into an unrivaled grin, the more she began to feel unease creep into her blood and permeate her bones with an unmistakable chill. It begged to rattle through her as an icy northern wind, one that matched the cold blue of his eyes, and sweep her body into an outright tremor. She resisted, but only just. Instead the tension bloomed in her jaw where her teeth sought the smooth flesh of her cheek. She bit down hard, pleading with her own body to quell the nervous energy that was spinning inside her before this predator sniffed it out. 

It was becoming harder to meet his gaze. Henley's ears begged to turn downward, her head to fall, her eyes to glance away; a submissive display that felt natural to her. Though something told her she must not break the line of sight that separated them with the thin veil of an empty promise. Rabbits and does would occasionally stare back, but it was only when they began to run, the moment when that line of sight was broken did they feel the hot sting of pain in their flesh. A memory swept over her of her mother. The loving strokes of the woman's touch pressing tenderly against her fur as she cooed a gentle warning. N'agis pas comme une proie mon amour, ou une proie tu deviendras. It had felt like a lifetime ago, another century, another world; As she looked at the beast before her now she tried to rekindle a small flame of confidence before he could huff it out.

That became all the more challenging as he approached. She could see it clearly now as he neared, his massive paws drawing him but only a few breaths away. For within his eyes danced a ravenous flame. One that would consume everything, one that would surely devour her. It was wholly too easy to envision his tongue sweeping over his lips, moistening them, preparing himself for the feast that was set out before his voracious appetite. Henley wasn't sure if he was about to eat her or fuck her. That warm autumn scent grew more potent with every step, the sweet spiced scent of herbs inadvertently drawing her in. She'd imagine the crisp nodes of cinnamon wafting from off those silky dark strands, her nose pressed against that dark fur warmed in the embrace of the sun. Harder her teeth would bite at the inside of her cheek for a reprieve that wouldn't come. 

She swallowed hard, knowing her voice would waver and reveal the cracks in her façade if she didn't settle herself, and the rampant quivering that hitched her stomach into knots soon. “I do.” Long gone where her prior aspirations to ask this man any questions about the why's or how's of her current predicament. Being left to ponder her circumstances alone no longer seemed such the inferior fate. He pressed closer still, encroaching until her neck was craned upward uncomfortably to meet his gaze from her position. She was now quickly regretting not attempting to get to her feet sooner. Before she could question on whether to lie or if the knowledge of her name would have been some sort of hinderance, it slipped off her tongue reflexively. “Henley.” She swallowed again at his proximity. This man was even larger up close. More muscled, more refined, brimming with a heathenous strength and the smells of spiced rum. “And you? Are you familiar with this area?” Keep him talking, if she could just keep him engaged in other things-- The thought had little merit in her heart but she clung to the dying embers anyway.

No worries at all!! <3 


the staff team luvs u
3 - 3 - 3 rated character <3
Discord: seapoet
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09-22-2023, 12:23 AM (This post was last modified: 11-22-2023, 06:29 PM by Kazimir. Edited 2 times in total.)
The simper that had found a home on Niko's lips grew at their newfound stances. Nikolai always needed to have the upper hand, and in this position, he would. The man kept his icy gaze locked on her golden eyes, testing her. Taunting her. He wanted to see if her confidence was an act. To see the fire he knew burned within. But the quivering in her voice confirmed his suspicions. The woman's confidence was an act, a front to appear strong, but deep down, he knew this. Nikolai could always tell the difference between a sheep and a wolf. And luckily for him, he'd found himself a sheep.

“So you do.” He hummed. Niko released a soft exhale as he took a step to the side. His gaze trailed over her, studying her crumpled body. She was quite thin, looking almost, ill. What a shame. Her next reply was almost ignored, almost. But the beast listened to every sound she made. From her rapid breaths to the words she uttered. “ Henley.” He repeated, almost struggling to say it, his accent heavy on the last syllable.

“You do not yet deserve to know my name, little fawn.” He chuckled, the sound reverberating within his chest. It seemed he had found himself an inquisitive fawn. Oh, how perfect. “Not at all, Henley. I come from another land.” He paused, gaze focusing on her neck. “Just as I assume you do.” Niko kept a neutral expression, not at all expressing the joy he felt within. Henley would be perfect. She was not the fiery woman he expected, but this was a far better surprise.

Nikolai took a small step to the left, almost curling himself around her. He probably could if he tried. Smother her until there was nothing left in her mind but him. He wanted to consume her every thought, her every feeling. He would be her everything.

the staff team luvs u
[Image: 71058789_UmXShOmqFVVW88N.png]
common  — russian — 3-3-3
10-06-2023, 02:57 PM
Regret lashed her as soon as that gruff voice curled around the syllables of her name, his accent thick upon it. Another shiver threatened her, though she wouldn’t allow him to see it. She fought to control her breathing, cursing her body for reacting as her heart hammered away within her chest. She wouldn’t give in to it, wouldn’t allow the fear that tempted her to come hither and settle her into its grasp. Mostly, she wouldn’t allow this man to know that she felt it, to even think she could possess it. She’d never allow herself to bend, to break, to plead for her life if it was going to come to that. If she was going to die, she would do so with dignity.

Henley maintained his gaze, holding the unrelenting intensity of those icy blue eyes. Unwilling to allow her gaze to stray for even a moment, a blink feeling too long an opportunity to allow him. She replied in a flat, disinterested voice. Unwavering. “What do you want?” The nervousness that flooded her blood was beginning to turn, fear becoming agitation. The audacity of this man. Practically hovering over her, curling his body around her’s like a lover. It her stomach to tighten into knots.

This wasn’t her.

Henley Hayez did not behave like prey. Henley Hayez did not act the part of the pathetic little pup being thrown a bone. Henley Hayez did not reveal her vulnerabilities to anyone save for herself. Henley Hayez did not expose her jugular to a man who would go right for it; because she had no doubt that this one would. That he was already settling in, imagining the taste of her skin and the warm red consistency of her blood as he would lick it from off those large paws. And she decided then that she had hated all of it— Hated this man, hated the way he made her feel, the way he made her behave. She was no longer behaving like Henley, like herself, but someone entirely different. It made her sick.


the staff team luvs u
3 - 3 - 3 rated character <3
Discord: seapoet
[Image: headshot_for_signature.png]
10-08-2023, 07:13 AM (This post was last modified: 11-22-2023, 06:29 PM by Kazimir. Edited 2 times in total.)

Niko couldn't help but chuckle at her performance. Henley wanted so badly to seem brave —unaffected— but he knew. Niko could always tell when someone was intimidated. It showed in their breathing, the nervous way they twitched under his icy gaze. His observant nature served him well with the Bratva. He had kept them in power for a reason.

Niko's grin only grew at the sudden change in her demeanor. Вот ты где. He hummed, icy gaze alight with amusement. He was testing her, pushing her to show who she really was. Nikolai always knew people had layers, hiding away their truths behind a hardened shell that protected them and Henley was no different. They were alike, concealed behind masks and fake acts. Just like his newfound prey, Niko hid behind a mask. He hid his scars behind his frigid exterior, pretending to be fine. But without Nina, he'd never be the same.

Nikolai strode away from the woman, just barely allowing his fur to brush her own as he padded back onto the bank. Niko could've taken the opportunity to mark the woman as his own, to keep others from trying to take what was his, but it was not the time. No, he'd wait. Leave Henley craving him, begging for his attention. Я ничего не хочу от тебя. Despite knowing she too could speak the common language, he felt the need to continue in his natal tongue. Maybe it was the comfort in knowing she could not understand him or the amusement it provided in denying her an answer. Perhaps it was both. It was something Nikolai couldn't quite decide.

But god, there was something about this woman that kept him here. He could've left, pushed his desires aside, and left her in the shallows. But he couldn't bring himself to do it. He needed to come closer, needed to hear her voice. He stayed to see what swam in those golden pools. To see who she truly was. It was all he wanted from the woman, but he'd never say it aloud. What he wanted didn't matter.

the staff team luvs u
[Image: 71058789_UmXShOmqFVVW88N.png]
common  — russian — 3-3-3
10-27-2023, 08:20 PM
The low vibrations of his laugh coalesced around her; Through her, coming in slow pulsations that quaked her world, her very much darkening world. Somehow and in some way, her emotions had slipped through the cracks. Droplets of bright golden ichor bubbling up through the seams, illuminating every fracture in what she hoped, what she had thought was an ironclad barrier around her heart. But this man saw right through it with a painful amount of ease. Such an effortless undressing of her robes as she stood naked and bare and trembling beneath the cold shelves of ice in his eyes. Appearing as sad and pathetic as ever, she could see her reflection there in his large dark pupils. How could she have found herself in such a predicament.

Refusing to allow so much as a breath to escape as he retreated to the shore, Henley had held her breath. It was the last thing she needed, fearing any signs of relief would only serve to call him back. He was the type of man that enjoyed torment. Games in which he would always come out on top, squeezing others beneath those large paws just to see what colors their insides were made of.

Despite the emotions crashing down inside and the confidence upon the man’s brow that he could in fact see right through her, she kept up the facade. However, something else had begun to grow, rivaling the fear and the despair. “What is the point in speaking when you know I don’t understand that language? Why act as though dogs have come and eaten out your tongue from your mouth?” She had to get up. She must. Divert the narrative and abandon the imagery of the literal sitting duck that she was. Buckling legs gradually amounted to pillars upon which she would stand, biting back hisses from the throbbing pain that began to erupt all over.

“Have you nothing interesting to say?” What in the gods names was she doing? In earnest, she hadn’t known for sure. If she tried to run, surely he would chase her down, force her down. Premonitions of her bones crunching beneath his weight turned her blood cold. Running was no use, especially not with her injuries. Some would have begged and pleaded, and maybe that’s what he wanted. Unhinged desires flickered in his intense attention, a man seeking weakness that she would not provide. Could she fight back? Assessing his body deflated her in an instant. The man was solid as a rock, massive and primed with muscles the entirety of his body. He didn’t get that way lazing around watching the koi float in the pond either. With no good options, she had at some point decided on the later. Useless as that would be in the grand scheme of things, at least she would go out with a spark.


the staff team luvs u
3 - 3 - 3 rated character <3
Discord: seapoet
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