Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Well, don't get lonely now, and dry your whining eyes

Early Morning Sunny/Clear 70° F
04-04-2021, 04:42 PM (This post was last modified: 04-04-2021, 04:42 PM by Nemean.)
Nemean had come to settle -- very temporarily -- on the edges of the forest. The smell of wolves was strong, but the borders and the pack within them were still a distance off, and Nem hoped nobody came across him before his leg was feeling better. The Nightshade man had, with Cali's help, found a little trio of trees whose interlocked branches kept him mostly dry in the weather, surrounded by growth that made a nice little thicket. Safety, a place to hide, if he needed it. It was nice; he just laid there in the shadow of the trees, covered by undergrowth, and waited for something to wander on by. The first few times the tangle had tripped him up and the brute had to shove his shoulders against the entrance and widen it just a bit, but eventually, made himself a nice little nook. 

His successes came mostly at night, when his shaded pelt blended better with the shadows, but Caligula was keeping his word and helping. Nemean appreciated it more than he could ever express and often wondered how he might one day repay the man, even though he knew it wasn't owed. He didn't even know if he'd stick around long enough for his leg to actually heal, but the guy was cleaning his wounds and using herbs his pack could use, he was wasting time feeding Nemean with food his pack could need. It didn't seem cold here, or harsh, but that didn't mean the foggy forest was plentiful enough to supply a wounded rouge. Nemean knew he wouldn't be happy about one of his pack members wasting resources on a rouge, and he understood why the leader might expect something in return; Nem just didn't appreciate it being held over his head. Piper taught him well enough and he knew he shouldn't leave the area before paying his dues, but...

Well, he wanted to be selfish. He wanted to leave and he didn't want to say goodbye and he knew it was awful of him. If it were anyone but Caligula, he might've already -- but damn, even if the pale man didn't defend him against his own leader, he'd always done all he could to support the Nightshade. 

Fucking.... feelings, and shit. 

He was still in sight of his little makeshift den, though beyond the beaten down grass starting to form a path, one had to look to find the hole in the growth tucked against a tree trunk the brute used to get in and out. He couldn't spot it from here, but told himself that was fine. He wasn't a coward that tucked tail and ran back to his den when things got rough anyway, he didn't need an escape, thanks. 
He totally didn't go much further, though, sniffing along the treeline between the forest and the open grasslands he'd woken in. How he'd gotten here and where anything familiar was still remained cloaked in mystery, but Nemean didn't dig. He didn't care where he was, and he didn't care that everything he'd ever known was far behind him and lost. He didn't need anyone he'd left behind, and he didn't need anyone moving forward. 
His bad leg hovering off the ground, Nemean limped along with ears on a swivel and gaze observant, nose casually taking in the scents around him. 

the staff team luvs u
04-04-2021, 07:07 PM
Eldra has entered the chat


The soldier was getting ready to head out, to go after the female that showed up on their doorstep demanding status (Kyeza). 

And so, she saw the man as she was nearing the outskirts of the foggy woods, and let out a growl upon approaching Nemean. 
You are not one of us Her purple hues accused, gaze piercing. Yet for now she stayed her fangs.
Information first.
"What's your purposes in these woods?" Eldra rumbled
the staff team luvs u
04-12-2021, 09:31 PM
Nemean noticed the patter of pawsteps before anything else, but a growl was close behind. The man's ears slicked back to half-pinned, brows quirking and turning his entire body to gaze uncertainly into the forest. The woman who emerged was his height, his age, but built less like a lumbering tank. Her coat must've been paler even than Cali's, and her eyes were a pretty purple he'd only ever seen in sunsets and flowers. Pretty, he thought to himself.

And, as many plants could be, potentially dangerous; or at least, she wanted him to believe she was, asserting herself as if she owned the whole forest. It crossed his mind that she might've been the leader that would expect something from him, but was pretty sure Caligula had said 'the man' he'd joined was a wicked bastard. Even so, monsters and cruelty clumped together in their misery, and if it was a place anything like the Dominion could have been, Nemean knew better than to mouth off while he was injured

The truth was best, particularly because he hoped using Cali's name might change her icy greeting. 
"I'm Caligula's friend," he admitted as she inquired to his presence, for if there was anything he could count the pale man as, it was a comrade, "Just visiting him before I go my own way."

the staff team luvs u
04-24-2021, 05:28 AM
Indeed, the mention of her packmate did ease Eldra up slightly. 
But, she didn't fully trust the stranger yet, so, the soldier offered a hesitance before she lifted her head to call for @Caligula, standing her ground ever-present while they would wait. 

And she would stand as reinforcement if things went awry.
the staff team luvs u
04-24-2021, 07:05 PM
Eldra barely spoke to him, let alone howled for him. It wasn't an urgent call, but one that suggested sooner rather than later would be best. Far be it from him to deny the pale woman his presence, and so he set out at a leisurely jog to see what was up. @Nemean was there when he arrived and the man's muzzle split into a grin, pleased to see he was "making friends."

"You look good as new, Nemean. Are you here to say goodbye?" Caligula would miss him because, of course, but the Nightwalkers were no place for someone like him. He had far too much potential to squander it on being a mercenary, but he hoped the best for him regardless. Oh, but Eldra had been the one to call for him. Right.

"Ah, sorry, what's up, Eldra? I see you've met my friend." Because "the son of a lady I fucked once" seemed overly complicated and messy.

the staff team luvs u
04-27-2021, 04:26 AM
The pale woman just stared at him, and after a moment, gave a call for said friend. Well, either she didn't believe him, or she was going to have Caligula say his hello's so she could send him off. Unwelcome could not have been screeched any louder unless she'd have curled her lip up and told him she didn't care who he knew or not. Nemean had an overwhelming urge to bite her here and now.
He didn't, though, just hovered, both awkward and chilly. It didn't take the scarred beast long to arrive, cheery and complimenting how well the Nightshade looked. He wanted to scoff and tell his friend he still very much so felt like shit, but admitting that in front of the poisonous woman felt like a weakness he couldn't afford. She could've been the type to kill at the first sign of weakness and, well, Nem had come to far to be taken out by some strange lady now. 
She was titled Eldra, but Nemean flicked an ear. 
"Not quite yet," he rumbled nonchalantly, "Apparently just being checked on. Don't think your girlfriend there likes me much."

the staff team luvs u
04-28-2021, 03:01 AM
Eldra smiled faintly as Caligula arrived, turning her attention back to Nemean as the General slid into being chummy. 
And to the boy's response...

"Careful." She growled lowly, wrinkling her lips slightly. Yet she didn't lunge to attack him. She knew better.
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