Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

all i can do is,

Afternoon Overcast
07-23-2023, 05:31 AM (This post was last modified: 07-23-2023, 05:31 AM by Antares.)
Since the last great shift, the mountain had seen peace. Summer had been good to them, Antares thought. Despite the underlying threat of instability in the very world's fibers, at home, within Shiroshika's bounds, all seemed well enough still. He didn't feel like he entirely had his bearings past here, though. Maybe there was more yet to find, and maybe others would return to them. But the hope was starting to grow faint as the days went marching on.

The routes south were vastly different now, and greater north was largely uncharted to him yet. There was no sign of the valleys before, and especially not the forests deep south of here. There was an entire new coastline to concern with... and this was only the beginning. But he had faced his share of losses and upheavals before, and this time he could hold fast to what stayed true. Tsukiishi remained, its royal family survived, and so would he.

Antares knew he should consider himself lucky when the biggest thorn in his side was sign of a disturbed cache a handful of days ago--one near the Garden, and not even a high value one thankfully but all the same, a solid enough annoyance to investigate further. Good distraction scratched a deep itch for him, so it worked well.

When he had found it, it was already after a rain-shower. The damage long done and the faded trail suggesting the culprit's escape from the territory's sanctity. Accordingly, he had spent more time stalking the northern reaches, conveniently finding plenty of reason to keep himself busy that way when given any chance. After rebuilding the stock, the guard did suspect there might be an eventual return to temptation--and when it happened, he wanted to be around to find it first.

The dark Ostrega sniffed into the winds, and went on meandering Tsukiishi's foothills.

the staff team luvs u
08-08-2023, 08:46 PM
didn't want this to die!!

Vienne had spotted the robbed cache too.

Although at once she had worried that the foxes had done it — and that they might be hunted out of Shiroshika's lands. Yet the only sign that could be find led beyond the claim of the clan. Which meant surely her little wildlife had not done this crime...right?

Which was perhaps why she had returned again too.

Nearly nervous to spot Antares around as well. Surely he'd be every inch within his right to slay the copper-hued beasts if it was them and yet she dreaded the thought wholly. She had slowly become a bit of a defensive Ranger to them.

“Hello,” She called out warmly, despite the nearly uncertain smile on her face. “Are you...looking for something?”

Or someone.

the staff team luvs u
09-05-2023, 04:31 AM
thank u!

Despite his persistent efforts, nothing right here quite riled up a suspicion proper. He could reason that he was still not being patient enough, and that he could spare to rein back a notch on the hope of finding something to chase down already. Maybe whatever had raided them went too far away after fleeing in the first place, satisfied enough to get well out of town on that note. Antares supposed, but it didn't stop him yet.

He found he was no longer alone, though her steps were feather-light. “Vienne,” he greeted back on a soft sweep to his own tail, open to the company--and now that they were older, more independent and capable, the royal younglings could more properly be considered such, not just a risk to be seen out and about this far. They were already so much more than that. No qualms, he ducked his neck and turned towards her, ready to answer. “I am,” he admitted, though his search yielded nothing but a faraway look. “But I think I may be too late to catch this something around here.” He willed it to dare to prove him wrong now that he had said something aloud, just in case.

Wondering of the worth in it, he kept one ear tilted back, ready to shift gears if given the chance. “What has you out this way too?” he asked.

the staff team luvs u
09-18-2023, 04:45 AM
She admired the honesty and openness that he showed her now.

Whatever had taken from them had fled, even from their great Samurai. It was a glimpse into how life was not always fair and balanced. How sometimes even the most skilled (in her eyes, at least) might not always come out on top.

This was a lesson she held close to her heart.

“I was checking the land —” She understood that perhaps it sounded like she meant to be a guardian too, but... “I have taken to watching the wildlife, the growth of the plants. It is good to know that we can live with the world around us without chaos.”

She did not know how much he might understand or care, but it felt good to declare this thing that she had come to adore.

“Maybe you can walk with me while I check the trails for signs...?”

That way he might patrol while she examined the land.

the staff team luvs u
10-14-2023, 05:41 AM
Not at all one to stifle an interest in their very world--what gave them everything they had--he was once raised to protect such principles, too. This, he could easily encourage. “That's good. There is much to see,” he assured gently through a deep nod--and he only knew a fraction of it all. “And each season will only bring more.” She had much learning ahead of her, as summer would give way to autumn, then winter's chill once again in infinite repeat. At least, assuming the route this realm carried stayed true; after their last shift, the bone-deep wariness towards unknowns far larger than he never shook out entirely.

Antares was stuck on the line between trepidation from such a mistrust in the greater cosmic powers, and the proper reverence for the peace and beauty they were granted here, personally. Shiroshika's sanctity had become too precious to him to not be thankful, even if there were a lot of mysteries past them. He was glad they had been finally granted this well-deserved peace to re-adjust, and settle anew in their shifted path.

Quite ready to take her suggestion of a walk, he could agree. He would certainly do with that, and was happy she could make his watchful eye come easily. “Of course. Since I have had no luck, maybe your route will do better,” he hoped, and would let the young princess lead the way from there on, her choice, him ready to follow close.

the staff team luvs u
01-09-2024, 02:56 AM
Her steps were with purpose, but careful. Mindful of each stone, stick or even leaf. Although she toed her way towards a ranger's focus and care, she was still a princess. A wisp of the icy mountains they called home.

“I'd like to show you something, if they're out...”

She had her doubts, but perhaps the kits would still be energetic. Inclined to come out in the sun unlike their mother. Yet she needed something else first.

“But first. I ask that...you don't hunt them. Please. It's foxes — I'm watching them. I promise to make sure they don't encroach anymore than they have.” Her voice had become that of a young girl. One who had brought home a stray puppy and begged to keep it.

Would he agree? Or might he vanish to hunt the vermin at once?

“I don't think the cache was them...”

the staff team luvs u
01-22-2024, 05:47 AM
Interest routed immediately, of course he would hear out the princess. What could she have to show him..? Options plenty open, his nod was silent and he followed. But there was more. Stipulations. He agreed quietly, still, finding himself eager to find out more, whatever it may be.

Foxes -- curiously enough. By rule, historically, a case by case matter and not anywhere near a large threat in his scope, usually. Not to an established pack like theirs. And not unless there were tons of them. If they weren't hurting anything, and she did bring this to him with a very pointed please. She also seemed already well aware of the fact that they could be a little iffy, circumstances pending, so he took that as a good sign so far. “Alright. They're safe from me,” Antares promised. “We can keep an eye on them. Where do they usually stay?” though with time, surely she would show him these exacts. If he knew where they were, where they tended to be, he could plan accordingly. Using Vienne's interest in them should make that come along easier. He was thankful she trusted him enough to not slaughter them immediately with this knowledge.

He would agree, though, that he still didn't quite think the cache situation was a fox. “It didn't seem like the work of a typical fox. More claws,” the samurai reasoned. Unless it was one with an especially musky stink about it--not impossible, but probably not this time, he reasoned. But now knowing what he did, he would keep it in the back of his mind.

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