Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

midnight sun

Sunset Partly Cloudy
12-07-2022, 02:34 AM
ooc; @Verity
The task of walking all the way back was daunting to say the least. Ajax had met a grand total of two others on his brief escapade. While some offered information, he did not seem to be that bothered by his new life outside of his new body. It still felt stiff and awkward for him to even move around. And while that may be amusing to others, the man did not like to be a fool for long. Yes, yes, people — erm, wolves — could laugh all they wanted at him. But in the end, he'd have the last one.

So he decided to stick around Elsewhen for now. The stars above his head were foreign to him, and with the dark sky encroaching the familiar Sun would be gone from sight. He strictly traveled during the daylight hours in order to stave off some of this damnable cold. Now that it was becoming dark out, Ajax settled in for the evening. His belly grumbled and burned, and he felt physically weaker than when he woke up, but the man was not used to hunting. His food had always been brought to him. But he knew, at least, he was hungry.

He'd have to eat soon.

The berries he had nibbled on, thankfully, had not been poisonous. But they had also been hard and like paste. The cold hindered a juicy yield. At least the little treat managed to keep him going. He sighed almost dramatically, looking around his surroundings and feeling terribly bored. But there was not much to do but sleep now. He managed to find a low-hanging tree to shelter him, half exposed and half not. Ajax had some awareness; being totally exposed made him exposed to the elements and other predators. But just as he was able to lull to the dreamworld, he heard a snap.

The pale man seemed to violently flinch, eyes staring across the expansive dark. "H...Hello?" Anyone there?

the staff team luvs u
12-08-2022, 12:33 AM


she didn't mean to wander far. 

the vale was lovely; lovelier still, thanks to the wolves that lived within its borders. she hadn't gotten to really know anyone - didn't see anyone at all, really, save for tiberius - most of her time was spent cooped up within her new den, settled beside her son, or out here, in the tundra, searching. 

because if naisa had made his way here, to her, then maybe her sweet daughters had, too. 

and wasn't that a surprise - that xoisa, out of all her littermates, had lived. had survived. 

a life under klei was one she hadn't wanted to subject her children too, but what could she have done, really? she had been dying. but through the pain, the sorrow, her children had grown up, for better or for worse. 
naisa was... gods, he was everything she'd hoped he'd be. kind, unlike his father before him - caring, in a way klei could never be. verity was so, so proud of him. she couldn't wait to see her girls - even xoisa, who'd grown up with none of her influence, and all of klei's. but naisa spoke of his younger sister with fondness, and so verity could only hope that in some way, her youngest had survived her husband's wrath. 

and here she is now, searching, once more. but now her hope has wings to soar on. now she's... well, not completely healthier, but better than she had been, thanks to the meals provided by the hunters of duskguard. her frame has rounded out once more, no longer nothing but skin and bones and atrophied muscle. the dark circles beneath her eyes are all but gone, thanks to the presence of her son; she has found that sleep is far easier to come by, when he's near her. 

she still has nightmares. she still gets them during the day, too - years of abuse will not disappear overnight, and she cannot expect it to. all she can do is be grateful for the betterment of her health, for tiberius and further olive, for allowing her and her son to join the ranks of their pack. all she can do is be glad that her son has been returned to her, and hope for her daughters, as well. 

now that she has time to breathe, she's able to take things easy. minute by minute, day by day.

today, she searches. she's been out here since the midday sun shone above her head, and now she watches as it falls to hide behind the horizon. 

time, then, she thinks, to return to the vale. 

and so she turns, and heads back the way she came. 

it is as she's stepping gingerly down a steep hill that she hears it; a voice. 

"hello?" she hears. 

nervous now, because that was a faintly masculine voice, verity halts. she wonders, for a brief moment, if she should call back. but would the stranger at the end of the darkness be friend, or foe? she stiffens, hunching down where she stands 'til the fur of her belly brushes against the damp soil of the ground. 

even now, better as she may be, she knows that she will not be able to defend herself, should this stranger choose to fight. verity was never taught to defend herself - why would they teach her such things, after all, when she could use the knowledge against them? 

what point was there in teaching a slave, a mere breeder, how to fight?

but too, as there is the chance of them being an enemy to avoid, there is the chance that they are a friend in need of help. and verity has never been one to turn away someone in need - and thus, she calls out, voice soft and hesitant, 

"h - hello? who's there?"

note: blep

the staff team luvs u
12-08-2022, 01:00 AM
There is a voice. A return of his call. It was a woman, and she sounded nervous. Ajax tried to desperately compose himself, disliking when females were scared around him. He always tried to be a gentleman toward them, and smile and joke kindly. Even if his jokes were piss poor at best... "Ah, uh..." Still, he hadn't met many folks here yet. They all retained the same canine-like traits, in the same canine-like bodies. Was it different than speaking to a human? Or was it the same as speaking kindly to an animal? 

"Fret not, I mean you no harm, my lady" Ajax rises from his position, smoothing his cream-blond coat as he stared across the great darkness. He tries to locate the woman, and thankfully she is but a pale streak on the horizon. Another Child of the Sun was forced out into the dark of night. The Moon Children were the only ones blessed to hide in their element. The others stuck out like a sore thumb. Though he'd regretfully be free of such marvels now, hands turning to paws. "I merely heard a sound, something hooting, and I called out. I was, shamefully, frightened."

He really did not know what an owl was. They had eagles, falcons... While an owl was native to Utu as well, they did not stray into the city. He had grown up there all his life, never needing a reason to leave it. The man does not move, though she could perhaps clearly see him now. He felt it rude to approach so brazenly when she was scared. His expression was drawn into a pitiful embarrassment, tail tucked slightly under his rear to appear instinctively submissive. "As for who I am" Ha... Hoot and who. He was hilarious "my name is Ajax."

the staff team luvs u
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