Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

lovers point

Early Morning Partly Cloudy 50° F
10-14-2022, 01:17 AM

Leta had been busy, lately. Her short furs had grown longer with winters impending approach, but she felt a strange niggling warmth come to her. It made her feel avoidant and irritable, but now she was at a point where she craved the nearness of anyone. The time of her heat had yet to strike in full, but the matriarch of the pack seemed near to her more often than not, a protective specter.

She, for several days, had nipped Osiris away. Even his nearness had grated, and she thought to fetch a fish for him in apologies. Leta had not the slightest idea of why this might be... not yet, anyway. And though she had plans to find out, seek the medic or something like that, while in better spirits she thought it might be nice to give her beau something she knew he would appreciate... food.

But as she approached the stream, something in it caught her eye. It sparkled brightly, and drew her eye so much that she had forgotten her desire to get food. It seemed important to retrieve this object, whatever it might be.
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Misc Skill
10-15-2022, 07:23 PM
Osiris had never been this stressed in his entire life. He had been trying his best to find the perfect moment to propose to Leta, and so far he’d been unsuccessful in picking a time to do it. But when she came to him about spending some time away, he knew that it was time to propose to her.

He managed to get her engagement rock to where they were going to stay, and he kept it well hidden so that she wouldn’t find it prematurely. Early in the morning, he took the piece of topaz out of its hiding spot and place it in sight along the river that was just outside of her den. He knew that it was only a matter of time until she found it, and he kept the possession in his peripheral just in case someone or something decided to mess up his plan.

When Leta spotted the rock, Osiris moved quickly into position and stood behind her. He swallowed hard, while his heart nearly beat out of his check, before he spoke up.

”You found it.”

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10-15-2022, 09:54 PM

It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen!

Was it the roar of the stream or of her blood running in her ears? She could smell Osiris near, and did not hear his approach. Leta only knew he had found this prize, and set it there for her... because if he intended it for himself, he would not have placed it there where she so often walked.

It was the sweetest gift, and Leta loved it wholeheartedly. She moved to fetch it when she heard him, and Leta turned around to behold her handsome beau. “It's so lovely, Osiris,” she breathed, not yet knowing what it meant... but loving it for its thoughtfulness. “I was coming to fetch a fish for you, to apologize for being... not myself lately,” she admitted, “and that was when I found your gift...” she did not deserve it, she did not think, nor him for how she had been as of late.

But it was much too late for her to even think of giving him or his sweetness up. And it seemed Leta had acquired some of his possessiveness; she held both him and his heart to her, and had no thoughts to give it up. Only to be better, and become more deserving.
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10-15-2022, 10:07 PM
Osiris didn’t understand why Leta was apologizing. Perhaps it’d been because he had been in his own world—distracted by impending proposal—and he hadn’t noticed that things seemed to be out of place. ”You have nothing to apologize for,” he assured her, his tail waving behind him.

”Do you … want to talk about it?” Although he didn’t want to prolong his proposal, her wellbeing was more important.

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10-15-2022, 10:47 PM
She was relieved that he had not noticed. That he had not felt pushed away by her strange spell of needing to be herself while her body felt as though it betrayed her. But all this had nothing to do with him... nor her. Leta had come to understand it was not something she had been in control of, perhaps from the looks of sympathy she felt from Hydra. A woman who, otherwise, was entirely unsympathetic.

“It's passed,” she began, and looked at him for a long moment. Her expression shifted to a soft smile. “It wasn't anything that had to do with you, or me, or us, or anything. It was this... feeling. It was new. It just... took over for a minute there,” she said, “Made me a little ornery, for no reason. So honestly, I'm glad you say that,” here she laughed. If she had hurt him for any reason, well, she would only be upset with herself.

After a beat, she said, “I'll still catch a fish for you, though,” because he had the patience of a saint, whether he recognized that or not.
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10-15-2022, 11:00 PM
Osiris didn’t know what to make of what Leta said—which seemed to be a continued trend for this conversation. ”Well, I’m glad you’re feeling better,” he replied, feeling unhelpful. ”You know that you can always come to me when you’re not feeling right, right?” He wasn’t the most knowledgeable when it came to feelings and emotional issues, but he always tried his best for her.

“I'll still catch a fish for you, though,” she said and he smiled. ”I would like that.”

”But before you do that—theres something that I wanted to ask you.” Osiris took a deep breath and motioned towards the stone. ”Theres a reason why I got you that stone—I wanted it to be a representation of my devotion and love for you.” He looked back at her and lost himself in her eyes for a moment.

”You’re the most important wolf in my life, and I can’t image a day without you. I hope one day we can have and family together and raise them as we grow older.” The thought of them growing old together always warmed his heart.

”Leta … will you make me the happiest man alive and be my wife?”

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10-16-2022, 12:33 AM
Leta nodded. She didn't feel the need to clarify in this, she wanted nothing to do with anyone. It was a time where words were useless and feelings were strange and raw. What could she have said? Would she have said? Leta felt, at least this time, that the way she had done things was what was best for what she had experienced. But what she heard most of all was the unconditional support of Osiris. That, to her, was what mattered most.

Why did it feel as though her eyes were welling up? Her emotions were temperamental, for whatever reason... but this beat the desire to be alone by far.

She was about to get to business and catch him a fish. There was no explaining the feeling away, but as he spoke again to ask a question she realized she did not need to. Not when his words had her so much more curious. There was a reason behind the stone he had retrieved for her, and Leta gazed at him with a tilted head. He explained on, speaking to his love, his devotion. Leta took a step closer to him without realizing she had done so.

He spoke of dreams she shared. Dreams she did not realize occupied her mind as of late more than they didn't. Leta swallowed a sob and instead choked on air, a knob forming in her throat. And then the sobs came, full-bodied and loud. She could not speak, though she wanted to! She had lost all control over her tongue, and wailed an unattractive caterwaul. Her elation was perhaps not obvious but for the uncontrollable wave of her tail. Leta nearly collapsed from the weight of it. She tried, “Y-Y-” but the effort failed as she continued to sob, lifting a foreleg to swipe at her eyes with a wrist.
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10-19-2022, 08:58 PM (This post was last modified: 10-19-2022, 08:58 PM by Osiris.)
Leta's reaction was an eruption of emotion that Osiris hadn't anticipated. He watched—in both hesitation and worry—as she began to cry. He frowned; was she going to reject him? 

"Y-Y-" she replied and gave him hope. That sounded like the beginning of a yes

He smiled and put his paw onto her shoulder as she wiped away her snot. "I hope those are happy tears," he murmured, pulling her close into a hug. 

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10-19-2022, 09:06 PM
His question caused her to shake her head at the audacity of the question, before she realized she was crying at all. Strings of snot freed from her nose as she erupted in a laugh. “YES!” she managed at last, nodding her head now. She pressed closer to him to wrap her forelegs around him, withholding from using his thick, wintry furs as a napkin. Still, she snotted over his shoulder.

“I say yes! Yes happy tears,” she laughed, moving to give him a dozen kisses. “But are you sure?” she had to ask, blinking up at him, “like, sure your sure?”
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10-19-2022, 09:53 PM (This post was last modified: 10-19-2022, 09:53 PM by Osiris.)
Leta was snotty—did Osiris know this about her? He couldn't remember a time where he'd seen her like this; he felt himself cringe inwardly at the mess she was making in his fur. He'd have to sneak away and bathe himself after this. 

 “But are you sure?” she asked, “like, sure your sure?”

He pulled back so that he could see her face. "Yes," he answered firmly. "And I asked my parents and @West Tyree if they approved. Everybody agreed." There was nothing he wanted more than her—snot and all.

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10-19-2022, 10:05 PM
Truthfully, there had not been a time in her life to elicit such a bodily response. So it was all news to Leta, too, that snot came with her own package. But it was the last thing on her mind. She was now a married woman—oh! West! How could she have forgotten that?!?! (She hadn't, not actually... she just couldn't think past her own sobbing and his words right now).

She was so glad he had asked her brother. West meant so much to Leta. He was the last she had of what once was, and they were both in this life together. “How did West seem...?” she asked, with a tilt of her head. While happy and also relieved for her mother in laws acceptance...  West Tyree, she hoped, took this all well. He had a family here too, now. Osiris and him were brothers!
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10-19-2022, 10:27 PM
"He seemed okay," Osiris recalled. "He was quick to agree and said that you'd be thrilled." Which West had correctly predicted. There had been something off about his answer—something that he couldn't put a paw on—but he didn't want to worry Leta without reason. He kept that tidbit to himself. 

"Do you want to tell the rest of the pack?" he asked next, knowing that an announcement howl was customary to inform the pack of their marriage.

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11-02-2022, 03:07 AM
Leta wagged her tail. But then, “I think we should tell West and perhaps your mother first,” because... well, West was so important to her, and she was so excited to tell him. And his mother because, though the song was custom... well, no doubt Hydra was most important to him... other than she herself! Though she was bursting to tell the whole of Empyrean, she could not imagine missing the look on her brothers face to hear the news.

“Should we call them first?” she asked, a little breathless (but insistent) with the idea of it!
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11-06-2022, 11:30 PM
Leta was right—Hydra and West deserved to know the big news first. "You always keep me in line," he mused, taking her in with love-struck eyes, "You're right. They should know first." With their decision made they summoned their closest family and revealed the big news.

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