Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

waking up, to ash and dust (but mostly snow)

Sunset Partly Cloudy
09-08-2022, 09:16 PM (This post was last modified: 09-15-2022, 09:17 PM by Torben. Edited 1 time in total.)
ooc; forward dating to Sept 15

Whoever had unceremoniously dumped him here had done him the kindness of it being in the shadow of a pine tree. His jaws stretched open in a wide yawn, huge front paws tip-toeing before recoiling. It was night by the time he woke up, and he was thankful it wasn't by the harsh light of the sun.

 The sun was bad.

Torben didn't know how he knew that, but the warning flashed into his mind. He panicked somewhat, not knowing where he was but finding the location familiar all the same. Snow-covered grounds, the scent of pine sap, and frost. He enjoyed it. It felt like he was being coddled by a parent. Though, it was time to move on.

Slowly, surely, he rose. His rise deliberate and careful; he didn't want to crush anything accidentally. A voice would call out to him and he looked in a calm matter toward it. He did not feel threatened by the stranger. Maybe that would change.

the staff team luvs u
torben is albino and travels only at night
09-15-2022, 09:19 PM
She felt her toes dip into the familiar snow, the tundra-land that was close to the sea. Though colder then usual.. Her breath within the air, as the temperatures were gradually dropping. Fall had finally come, for even some of the trees within the mountains were tinted in yellow. Soon, surely soon, winter would come quite close and bath everything in this similar white-land. She was gazing around curiously, for any changes that were observed ; for something always seemed to happen within the north..

But now the sun was setting and she was nearly to depart, until Vendrussel's nose twitched and the familiar scent of another came to be. She knew them ; but it was not the same man that she knew, someone different. The dragoness wondered what kind of wolves were in @Tiberius pack, for though they mentioned of forming a closer bond for what could really be allies.. She knew nothing about them, and who they were. War was too risky to throw a festival ; but at the very least, she was not at war with them. With a flick of her tail and calling out to the fellow, she smiled, a neutral pose while approaching.

"You're from Duskguard?"

the staff team luvs u
09-15-2022, 11:45 PM

It was a simple reply at first. Torben was momentarily struck by how pretty she was, even if he wasn't the type to flirt or comment on it. Nah, he could appreciate beauty without being lewd about it. He hoped other men could do that too, but alas. His lips split into a kind enough smile, even if he lacked a proper tail to wag.

"Just accepted a few days prior" the albino revealed calmly "are ye allied with Duskguard, ma'am?" He knew some folks were not part of the pack, but allowed on the land all the same. He struggled to remember their names, heard in passing. "or would ye like me to pass along a message to a friend?"

She smelt like the sea. His people have been settlers upon a time. Once or twice, he was sure they had a community near the ocean. Fish was a delicacy and a welcomed resource, after all. A good trade material too. Nevertheless, he shut up and allowed her to speak to him. If she sought him out for something, he'd know soon enough.

the staff team luvs u
torben is albino and travels only at night
Misc Skill
09-19-2022, 06:57 PM
He was a large gentleman, if she had to point so he looked of a polar opposite to the Duskguard Chief. Compared to his grays and blacks, the man before her was of ivories, and a red-tone to boot. She would dare say he was albino, but Vendrussel did not know for sure — it had been some time since she had met one. He was an off-white looker, one the paled to a pink and unlike her own platinums white. Kind-faced, it seemed Tiberius knew how to choose well who realmed within their vale.

"I am Vendrussel, of Dragonford — not official allies but acquaintances. Relations pending," she chuckled lightly, "I am friends with Tiberius. A relaxation in nature as her body though proud in her steps, looked at him with fondness and gentleness, a lackluster of any hostilities and neutrality. An ease of motion as she would meet him so, "what is your name?" the dragoness inquired.

the staff team luvs u
09-19-2022, 11:36 PM
"Izzat so?" he chuckled "well, I hope ye can wrangle an alliance outta Lord Tiberius." Torben didn't know what to call the grey-black man, having not formally been introduced. It stood to reason that the male lead of the pack was 'lord' and Lady Olive was 'lady'. He couldn't know what relationship Vendrussel had with Olive either, as she did not mention the woman. It was best not to gleam something from nothing anyway. None of his business.

"I've yet to meet him properly, though I can assume he's a good man" he continued politely "folks speak fondly of him, aye" A nod. It was always important for wolves to love their leaders, but not many men drew fondness from subjects. It spoke to Tiberius' character that he was not only respected but beloved - or so the albino assumed by word of mouth "name's Torben, m' lady" he added, giving a dip of his head "forgive me rudeness; I ain't heard much of other packs until recently."

Dragonford. Sounded impressive. "Can only guess; yer a mountainous pack?" Dragons aside, they did like their mountains. Or rather, the sea. He heard tell of great leviathans slumbering in the depths "though I can see ye clearly by the waves." If she wanted to brag about her pack - not her title, she didn't seem the type to him - now was the time. He was if anything a good listener. Plus, he was curious.

the staff team luvs u
torben is albino and travels only at night
09-21-2022, 06:52 PM
Vendrussel only vaguely knew Olive, coming across the woman as a saint of sorts — and she didn't realize when the dragoness then explained all that was, and whisked away by the promise to help. Although she did not expect the knots to be connected one way or another, and realized the land was much, much smaller then she had thought ; where would be safe in friendships and otherwise, the war was always daunting in the back. She wondered if it was the same for them.

"He's a good man." She nodded, they never went on a deep level but she enjoyed what kinship that was, someone to laugh and banter with was what all could one ask.

"It is fine. You can call me Vendrussel," such formalities were.. Foreign, and unlikable. She didn't even know the insistence of some calling her Dragon Queen, and preferred by the old titles of Alpha, but even then hesitated. Above all, her name was the most importance to be used and forevermore.

She then nodded to confirm, "live near the coasts, just below the tundra. You can always find us at near fogged beach."

the staff team luvs u
09-23-2022, 04:53 PM
"Vendrussel, then."

He was not averse to calling a woman her name but had always felt like tip-toeing around the ones who called themselves leaders. He figured he owed her nothing, but also owed an explanation at the same time. Plenty of men and women call their leaders 'lady' but it was clear she didn't like it.

"Bein' in a pack is hard" he continued "where I'm from, we had a community of folks. No alphas. Elected wolves, who didn't have 'royal blood'... Common men n' women. They were often tasked with defendin' their title by combat" Torben paused "after 'while, the royalty died out and we was all common folks."

It was only fair to explain and give a bit of information to Vendrussel about his past. "So I don't rightly know how to talk 'round folks who are leaders" He chuckled "always taught to be polite" He shrugged "but aye, I'll call ye by your name now. Sorry about that."

the staff team luvs u
torben is albino and travels only at night
09-28-2022, 04:26 AM
She would listen to his tale of his land, a humming lightly resounded as she was gathering an understanding of him more. A strange way to suddenly tell of his history, but not one she minded, and naturally, would vaguely do the same, "My own was both of blood and strength. To parent to child, but easily be overthrown if power permitted. Though most seem satisfied with the current head." She wondered how her father was doing, for if Vendrussel was honest.. His face was blank. A shadow casted over what would be a memory ; but she knew her place, she knew who she once was, and the day of a reign — but always warned, if she did not have strength, it would be lost.

"Although where I am from, titles meant little. We cared more of bonds and respect to each other ; so worry not about mine. I do not care for something as small as so." A light-hearted smile as her tail wisped lightly in the backdrop, an assurance she truly does not mind. It was not something she would ever be crass about or force ; it was in the end a title she thought was destined, but often questioned as well. Above all, she was a packmate.

the staff team luvs u
09-29-2022, 12:14 AM
Strange, yes, but Torben didn't keep things locked behind a wall. He felt it was always good to share past experiences, so they may learn from the now. "Aye, most folks fight for their right" he commented in wonder, never really understanding it in a pack setting. As a community, he got it. Sometimes elected officials... failed. The people were upset or scorned. Even betrayed; power corrupts "others are born into it." It was a comment on their conversation so far.

He also fumbled and bumbled around a pretty face. Sad. Now he was just blabbing stupidly, he felt. Not as obvious as others, but more along the lines of; what do I do now? How do I act? Especially when Vendrussel didn't care about rank or being doted on. A strong, independent woman. Reminiscent of his people's culture. A sad throwback to what he left behind. "Random but" he glanced at her "yer name. What does it mean?" He'd never heard it before, and was somewhat curious about the origins.

"Mine" he added "means thunder bear" He chuckled "perhaps if I had blonde or cream fur, aye. M' so used to my people's culture and meanings... New ones I sorta like to learn the meaning behind." He hoped it wasn't weird or forward.

the staff team luvs u
torben is albino and travels only at night
Misc Skill
10-03-2022, 06:19 PM (This post was last modified: 10-03-2022, 06:19 PM by Vendrussel.)
She nodded, a general understanding each were raised in different terms ; Vendrussel wasn't ignorant to other cultures, although.. Knowledge was different then wisdom, what she thought was honorable to her, and her wolves — resulted in a year-war to happen. Although she tried to explain, it only gave more of a scorn, and now held her tongue to her own, more vagrant culture of blood and barbarism. Held it close but knew some practices were not looked fondly upon ; although she remembered as well, there was a few things she argued against. Ice and water, but blood mixed between it all — the wolves of the Draghoda tongue were cruel, even to their own.

"The name comes from my mother-tongue, however the meaning of our names have long been lost. It is an ancient language. We do not know anymore, so I couldn't say." Vendrussel admitted, it wasn't the first time someone asked ; and wouldn't be the last. She did not think her name was unusual, but perhaps to those of English-Origin, it rolled of the tongue in a strangeness. Being asked a few times gave a hint it was unusual.

the staff team luvs u
10-03-2022, 07:15 PM
Perhaps it would be insulting to comment that Vendrussel could just make a meaning up. He didn't suggest that, even if he felt a bit forlorn about the language becoming lost. "Gives an opportunity fer ya" he remarked in what he hoped to be hopeful "to build upon yer people's language and culture here." He shrugged; it was up to her though.

"Though my people were settlers, we kept our culture alive anywhere we went" And did not conform so easily to the locals "word of mouth, stories and even meanings could keep it going" He bit back a sigh "even when I was born among t' main community, we had roots elsewhere. T' world was very open to us."

It was like a warm hug. "This place is new to me, but maybe we'll both find folks that we're related to... They could teach us more." Torben could always stand to learn old ways. But he couldn't speak for Vendrussel.

the staff team luvs u
torben is albino and travels only at night
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