Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

We make the hard decisions

08-22-2022, 12:20 AM (This post was last modified: 08-22-2022, 12:21 AM by Sorina. Edited 2 times in total.)
Set after returning from the mountains, just before thread with Guildenstern.

Blackfoot was gone. She could not find the blue woman. Not in her den. Not in the meeting grounds. Her scent was faint… and lead away from the Everfrost.

Of course. What else should she expect? She had travelled with Rosencrantz. They were protecting a child together. How she loathed the part of herself that felt a small twang of jealousy in that.

Yet In her moment of pure rage, she had not considered the fallout. She had condemned a child to the loner’s life, simply because she could not contain her rage. A hiss slithered from her jaws. How could she not react so harshly? When her own wolves did not respect her? But did she have to lay a bounty upon his head.

A snarl rumbled from her jaws as she found Blackfoot’s scent, it was faint. But it was enough. Why, why was she chasing after a woman that had left so eagerly? Why did it bother her so?

She had left the Everfrost in a flurry of anger and pain. They were her wolves, she demanded an aswer.

And if she ran into him?

Well… she would deal with that when it came to it.

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Erebus is allowed in any of Sorina’s threads.
08-22-2022, 12:30 AM
 There were many things that could have been done differently. Blackfoot could have gone back, she could have kept her head down and carved out a life with Haldis, she could have gone her own way... but she chose what felt most right to her. Following that beating thing in her chest rather than the logical part in her head. Still, she reasoned with herself that she was going with what she knew rather than following a leader that might make rash decisions. Yes, that was it. Nothing to do with silly emotions.

 She sighed. It mattered not now, she had laid her bed and would now lie in it. She was bound to Rosencrantz and would not simply leave him to fend for himself alone. He was perfectly capable of doing it... but she would feel like shit if she didn't help him. Plus, it helped that he was far more tolerable than most other wolves.

 She could scent him on the wind, a fair distance away yet but she would get too him before too long. She'd caught a fox, a rather large beast and not her normal fare but begger's couldn't be choosers.

 She was set forward, determined to find her companion... that was why she almost didn't notice Sorina until the shape materialized out of the snow. She stopped, dropping the fox so that her mouth would be free to speak... or defend if needed. Her absence was likely to have been noticed by now and from what she could tell, she could see that the queen was not exactly happy. She wondered if she should just try to go around, hope that she wouldn't be noticed... but that was a tall ask in the middle of the tundra with a coat as dark as her own. Still, she kept an even and neutral gaze, watching quietly until the other would make the first move in whichever direction that would be. She would not fight unless attacked first, she would not speak unless spoken to first.

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Rosencrantz is allowed in all of Blackfoot's threads
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08-22-2022, 12:41 AM
It did not take long, no. Not when she was this enraged. This hurt. This betrayed. She understood, now. Understood her Father’s grief. With both of them gone, Haldis was down to four wolves. Just the four of them. What if the raiders came back and in force?

Part of her wanted to let them.

There came the familiar glint of blue and black, seafoam eyes were narrowed as she clutched freshly caught prey from her jaws. Probably to bring back to her companion, no doubt.

I expected as much. Sorina barked. She wanted to growl. She wanted to snarl. But you did not even bother to say goodbye. Icy eyes squinted, her chest heaved with ragged breath. Even then, even in that moment; she tried to regain her perfect posture, her Queenly demeanour. Is he with you?

She half expected that stupid face to pop out of nowhere.

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[Image: dfeo71b-911a2cce-24b2-4a18-bbb4-e6a43b76...BhW7Iv8uLQ]
Erebus is allowed in any of Sorina’s threads.
08-22-2022, 12:49 AM
 Oh, she wasn't just displeased. She was pissed. Probably rightfully so, after all, Blackfoot did just leave without saying a word. To Sorina she would shrug first and then, watching carefully would say, "The point?" Because in her eyes, there was no reason to. They were down two wolves but one of them was an expected loss and the other? Well, in her mind, it should be fairly obvious where her loyalties lay. Besides, she might have been pressed for information on Rosencrantz and that wasn't worth the effort.

 Even now, as she watched the other throw a tantrum, she felt that she had made the right choice. Blackfoot did not let the other's temper get to her, or tried not to, though her eyes did narrow the slightest bit. "No." Not a lie per se but she was sure the other wouldn't believe her. Even if Rosencrantz was right behind her, she wouldn't tell the queen that. That was an open invite to conflict that they needed to avoid. She knew her companion was well-versed in fighting so she was the one who would remain the level-headed one.

 "Tell me your side." Two-sides to every story and since Sorina was here, she might as well hear it. Might help calm the monarch down to know she had a listening ear, even if said ear was just to listen and pass judgement. She wanted to see what the queen herself thought of the whole situation and how it had gotten to this point.

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Rosencrantz is allowed in all of Blackfoot's threads
[Image: Untitled_Artwork.gif]
08-22-2022, 02:13 AM
Of course, Blackfoot was very similar to her companion in the fact that bluntness was a way of life. Once, she had respected it…

But now she found it irritating. I give you a home. A shelter, food and even companionship. She took another step forwards, carefully. Both of them were dancing on that fine line. Who would snap first? And you throw it away as quickly as you came. She added with a dismissive shake of her head.

And yet, "Tell me your side." Slight surprise danced upon the Queen’s features. She had expected Blackfoot to take Rosencrantz’ side with absolution, not willing to consider Sorina’s say… for what did it truly matter? She had already left.

A flare of a sigh whispered from her nostrils. After the raid I found him at night. Dark brows furrowed. I have always felt he… did not like me, so sought out answers. One thing lead to another and…we slept together. Oh how it churned her stomach now. That chaos that she had thrived upon, now only brought her grief. He left very quickly soon after. Icy eyes watched her expression. Did she feel jealousy? I sought after him the following morning to see why. He called me a whore. He disrespected me so hastily. How could I not bring him down with force? What kind of Queen would I be if I had let it slide. Her muzzle would crinkle into a sneer. And so I cast him out and branded him for death, should he ever step paw back within Haldis.

Now the question was, should Blackfoot do so too?

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[Image: dfeo71b-911a2cce-24b2-4a18-bbb4-e6a43b76...BhW7Iv8uLQ]
Erebus is allowed in any of Sorina’s threads.
08-22-2022, 02:53 AM
 Blackfoot's gaze shifted downwards quickly, noting the step forward. Aggression spilling forward from just words to something else? She allowed her hackles to rise, a warning. Don't push me. She was holding her neutrality, Sorina was holding onto her anger, she preferred that this not come to blows but she would defend herself if necessary. To the substance of what she said, the woman would shrug. She wouldn't defend herself, wouldn't try to justify it. Simply let it be. What was the point in arguing? The anger was already there, instead she would glean what else she could of the situation.

 It was exactly as Rosencrantz had said, with an added bonus of him not liking her. That was news but she found that it was insignificant. If someone didn't like you, who gave a shit? As long as they did their duties, it was of no consequence. It was also true, that she'd slept with him despite knowing that he didn't like her. She fought to not roll her eyes at the stupidity of it... but Sorina was younger and a bit more inexperienced. Hopefully she would just chalk it up to growing pains.

 The blue woman simply listened, betraying nothing but impassiveness. Even when she spoke, she was not angry. Simple speaking the facts as she saw them. No, Sorina was pitiable... not someone she was actively angry at. "One that doesn't make rash decisions. One that does not put subjects in danger because of a temper and wounded pride." Yes, she'd made the correct decision. There was much she could say about the situation, advice she could give... but she didn't see the point, really. There was one thing, she would say, however. "If you cannot take the insult. Don't behave in a manner that makes it true." She shrugged, indirectly calling her a whore, sure... but again, she didn't mean offense by it. Own it. Then, no one could hurt you with it.

 Her gaze remained on the monarch, wondering if this would push her over the edge. No one would ever accuse Blackfoot of having a lot of tact or sparing someone's feelings.

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Rosencrantz is allowed in all of Blackfoot's threads
[Image: Untitled_Artwork.gif]
08-22-2022, 08:05 PM
Where Sorina was for once, blazing heat in a ball of flames-Blackfoot was impassive. As cold as the ice and snows that surrounded them. Yet her seafoam eyes glinted a similar ilk to Rosencrantz, daring her not to push. Not to poke and pry where her nose did not belong. Oh, she was tempted. Perhaps she would add Blackfoot's name to the list of wolves that should be killed on sight.

But she did not forget the reason why both had them sought shelter with Sorina in the first place, a child. She would not make one an orphan out of spite... regardless of what that stubborn temper told her to do.

 "One that doesn't make rash decisions. One that does not put subjects in danger because of a temper and wounded pride." Now she had the gull to stand and lecture? To act like a Mother scorning her child? Dark jaws parted to sneer back a snarky comment of her own, but somewhere in the back of her mind there was a faint whisper agreeing. She was right. Her jaws clenched until they hurt. "You should have stayed within Haldis, Blackfoot. You would have made an excellent advisor." Her tone, though, was that quiet, oh so quiet clam she had used with Rosencrantz. A nice voice that hid the rage she felt inside.

"If you cannot take the insult. Don't behave in a manner that makes it true.

"How dare you stand and lecture me, when you risk a child's life to follow a man who does not respect any woman. It is pitiful." She spat, that indirect comment was enough to rile the Queen into a frenzy. The subtle headache that began when she had awoke this morning, now became thunderous like the rapid beat of her heart. 

Do not insult me again.


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[Image: dfeo71b-911a2cce-24b2-4a18-bbb4-e6a43b76...BhW7Iv8uLQ]
Erebus is allowed in any of Sorina’s threads.
08-22-2022, 08:25 PM
 An advisor? Hmph, the darkened woman hardly thought that was true... she just had a bit more experience, tainted by pessimism of the world. Perhaps Sorina would soon have the same life experience. To her words, the blue woman would simply shrug. If the queen knew how much of the same ideals she and Rosencrantz shared, she might not have been so quick to throw out such statements. How it was only Blackfoot's vague feelings that saved the pup. Otherwise, she likely would have let Rosencrantz kill her because it would be a mercy. Just like it was a mercy now to leave the pup in a pack rather than drag her across the tundra... drag her around with terrible wolves like herself.

 It's better this way.

 And then, the queen was riled up again at the words that she spoke. Pitiful is becoming so enraged at words. They sat at the edge of her tongue, that remark... There was much that could be said, much she could spit back... but she was not the fire that Rosencrantz or Sorina were. At least not towards the pitiable queen... She didn't feel like exchanging blows for pride. It was all pointless. "Child is not mine. He respects me plenty." Why was she wasting time talking to a spoiled monarch? She said her piece and she felt like the words were just taken as insults to someone with easily wounded feelings.

 With that, she would dip her head down with eyes still on the woman just in case so that she could pick up the fox. "Appreciate everything." Those were parting words as she would began to walk away, roundabout so that she could keep her eyes on the queen... for she did not all the way trust that the woman's temper would continue to hold.

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Rosencrantz is allowed in all of Blackfoot's threads
[Image: Untitled_Artwork.gif]
08-22-2022, 09:19 PM
Of course, Blackfoot would simply shrug. Oh that loyalty was missed placed. Loyalty that should be to Haldis. But of course that was never to be.

Well, at least they did not share a child. Simply custody of one. A scoff flared through dark nostrils. Give it time. He’ll be doing the same to you soon. Perhaps.

She turned to leave and though Sorina’s rage did not quell. But she stood in place, Blackfoot had left. Chosen to abandon the home she once fought for. With a flutter of her eyes, she took in a brisk breath.

She was no longer her concern.

And with that, she turned and swiftly made her way back to Haldis. Betrayed.

But not broken.

-Exit Sorina.-
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Erebus is allowed in any of Sorina’s threads.
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