Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

< Keeping dreams alive >

Early Morning Sunny/Clear
08-12-2022, 08:51 PM
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The duke was completely clueless to what unnerving horrors were occurring in his absence at home. Of the rivers slew of his younger brother, one that would now not ever behold the striking view in which Warwick looked out upon in this very instance. The breeze swept at all, unrelenting to anything in its wave, including him as his eyes drew across the land, in search of a quick meal to replenish the cavity that gurgled away in the pit of his stomach. It was as if He of a Thousand Horns were urging him to return home, with a hymn on the wind to encourage the young prince to explore an alternative horizon.

And he did, but he would never comprehend why. Citrine eyes looked beyond the rolling mountains and south toward home, holding it there in the most regal of poses, until a rodent scurried over his paws. He had been still and motionless for such a time, the creature had been unaware of the apex behemoth above him. 

Warwick threw his head down, with a swipe that seized the pika and only a brief squeak was heard before the duke claimed them as lunch.

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08-12-2022, 10:57 PM
Galatea sat upon a cluster of rocks with her curly tail curled around her legs. She was currently basking in the warm sun as the breeze rippled through her golden-white coat.

It was a good morning for her, as negative feelings had been plaguing her slightly less. As weeks passed by, she had learned to truly appreciate the better moments in life.

She quickly caught the scent of an unfamiliar wolf on the wind, her gaze trailing in the direction of it. Nearby, she spotted a younger male cloaked in deep browns. Looking away, she decided that she wouldn't pester him. He didn't seem aggressive at all, but he probably didn't want anyone to interrupt his meal.

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[Image: GALA.png?width=1025&height=218]
08-13-2022, 11:42 AM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2022, 10:00 AM by Warwick. Edited 1 time in total.)
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Warwick gently placed the rapidly slain creature in the open space between front paws. Lowering his crown into a motionless state whilst he muttered hushed prayers of gratitude to the High Elk, his family's ancient divinity. 

The pika was not more than the size of a mouthful, so he took it in one bite. Golden gaze resuming their previous scrutiny, surveying all around to make his next decision and select a path. 

To his west, was the embodiment of a sun sprites aura. She was looking toward him, but her eyes shifted in a disregard for him. The prince believed there was no harm in asking a local for directions, and he approached her cautiously, knowing he would not be arriving under the intrusion of surprise.

'A fine morning, is it not? Albeit, a little windy', noble vocals were ever deepening as he matured. 

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the staff team luvs u
08-13-2022, 04:11 PM
Galatea's ears perked up when the young man approached to greet her. The way he spoke made her think he might be of high status. Now that he was this close, the doll could pick up the scent of a pack on him; though, it didn't smell like any from around the mountains. How far did he travel to get here?

"Y-yes, it really is a nice morning." She briefly cleared her throat. "I decided I'd take advantage of it and relax for a bit."

Galatea turned her head to give him her full attention. "Do you come around here often?" she asked.

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[Image: GALA.png?width=1025&height=218]
08-13-2022, 04:33 PM
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The young prince smiled courteously, 'It's a most pleasant spot to have chosen'. He was too used to the canopy of trees that roofed over his home, naturally clouding the sun rays, as opposed to here they were in the vast open. Not a shelter to be sought.

'I do not. I've ventured north with my siblings. We hail from the south, from Elkshire', he shared a brief insight of himself, hoping they too would divulge a little, since this was a second reason alongside sight-seeing the world during his brief visit to the mountains to meet locals of different cultures, 'Is home here for you?'.

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the staff team luvs u
08-13-2022, 07:21 PM
Gala tilted her head. "Elkshire, huh?" That name gave off an air of nobility to her, and she was sure it was a pack full of prideful and upstanding wolves. That idea alone made her feel a tad bit more intimidated by the other.
She gave a the man a nod after hearing his question. "I guess you could say that. I'm currently packless, but I've roamed the mountains quite a bit. At this point, I know them like the back of my hand..." Trailing off, there was a brief pause as she looked down at herself. "Or paw, I guess." She chuckled and her gaze drifted outwards, staring at the distant shapes of mountain peaks. "Though, I hope to travel to places outside of it someday."

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[Image: GALA.png?width=1025&height=218]
08-14-2022, 07:48 AM
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It never ceased, the small shudder of surprise when he met anyone and their parroting of his pack's name insinuated they were not on any terms with it. If anything he would share the name far and wide, since it was clear in these northern territories it was not one whispered amongst folk. 'It claims a portfolio of grand beauty. Rich forests, with our herds of Elk and Deer in abundance, roaming in their safe haven'. He wouldn't elaborate on religious beliefs so quickly into meeting someone he was looking for directions from. But a trinket of information had been placed beneath the banner of his home, and he hoped it was an impression that would now remain with them. 

He skipped over the terminology, in case it was an idiom in the mountains. 'Ah, excellent. You would be most helpful if you could enlighten me of the packs here?', a smile slipped across the curve of his lips, to minimise any doubts, and charm the woman of gold still. Young, he may be, but it wouldn't stop him from being the young gentleman that he had been moulded into.

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the staff team luvs u
08-16-2022, 10:12 PM
Galatea hummed in delight. "Elk and deer, huh? That sounds like quite a beautiful sight." She wondered if that was the main thing their pack ate. Though deer seemed like a nice meal, she didn't know if she could handle killing one. She was gentle at heart, and already had enough difficulty with smaller animals when she first started hunting. 

She didn't think anything about the way the man smiled. Instead, she closed her eyes for a moment, trying to jog her memory. "I'm not well acquainted with most of the packs, but I've spoken to two wolves from one called Dragonford. They live up north, near the sea." she stated, gesturing in that direction for emphasis. "Also, a valley nearby that I used to visit was recently claimed by a newer pack." 

She shifted her weight around on her paws. "If I'm remembering correctly, there's also at least one down south."

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[Image: GALA.png?width=1025&height=218]
08-18-2022, 07:28 PM
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The duke sat a little taller, prouder. It was a beautiful sight, though he would not perceive such a compliment as a buffet ready to be plated onto anyone's platter. 

They continued on, and he digested all the names and essentials he needed for broadening his trip. Nodding along as each name rolled off their tongue and whereabouts.

'The sea? I've never seen it before', he hummed, pensive he should insist he and his siblings should divert their course and tread upon the sands of seashells and dip their toes into the salted ocean. 'Thank you, I am grateful for this information', he dipped his crown.

Silently his voice trailed that they would send a prayer to their High Elk to send guidance upon the one ungraced with their patches of white. The sinful colour in his deity's eyes. But this one had a kind heart and warranted Warwick's prayers.

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the staff team luvs u
08-23-2022, 06:15 PM
Galatea cocked her head to the side. "You havent? Well, it's a beautiful sight, I'll tell you that." Though she wasn't at all good with treading water, it didn't stop her from admiring the deep blue waves of the ocean from afar. She was thankful for Vendrussel, who helped somewhat with facing her fears.

"Of course. Be careful out there." She smiled kindly and bowed her head back to the other. "I mean, I'm sure you're more capable of holding your own than I am. But you can never be too careful, you know?" she added.

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[Image: GALA.png?width=1025&height=218]
09-03-2022, 04:14 PM
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He wouldn't recall the last familiar to have recounted their tale of visiting the coastline. He wouldn't have even known which direction to move to find such. The prince enjoyed a bath in lulling waters of lakes and small rivers. But he wouldn't be prepared for the immeasurable depth that was the magnificent ocean. 'Which way is the closest route to find it?', intrigue shone in his yellow eyes.

The young duke was fortunate he wasn't entirely on his own, his two siblings lurking here and there as they'd all meander off onto their own daily excursions, meeting soon after and then pursuing a different route together. Their goal was to cover as much ground in their travels as possible, but at a holler's distance in case, one was met with trouble.

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the staff team luvs u
09-05-2022, 08:51 PM
Gala looked out towards the horizon, then pointed her nose towards a cluster of peaks in the distance. "If you head west right through the mountains, that's the quickest route." She answered, looking back at the other with a smile. "You'll know you're there when you see it."

The girl slowly stood from where she sat and stepped off the rocks. "I don't think I ever caught your name." She stretched her legs, eliciting a small sound from her throat. "You can call me Galatea." 

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[Image: GALA.png?width=1025&height=218]
09-10-2022, 05:40 PM

His eyes followed her direction, only to view another cluster of mountains. He wondered if they would have time to find it since it had already been a moon since their departure. It looked like it would break their route too much, but it was an insight he would not have known about. 'A worthy trip, I am sure', he returned his gaze to her, still adorning his lips with a grateful smile. Watching her move, she carried herself a little closer to him. 

The duke dipped his head with an incline to the side, 'My name is Warwick... Galatea', a breezy heat to his words as he recited her name. 'You've been most helpful. And I feel I have taken up too much of your relaxation time'. He then would move slightly, in anticipation of his leaving.

the staff team luvs u
09-11-2022, 11:50 PM
Warwick. A name well-suited for a kind, young gentleman like him. Galatea gave the male a gentle smile as she shook her head. "Oh it's no problem, really! I'm glad that I could be of help to you."

Once Warwick prepared to depart, she spoke again with a bow. "I hope you have safe travels, Warwick."

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[Image: GALA.png?width=1025&height=218]
09-12-2022, 08:40 PM

A heart-warming smile was what he offered before he turned to leave. He liked this stranger, of sunshine-pecked hues, but yet again he had turned a blind eye to the disagreeable white that cloaked half their body. Something his siblings or mother would disapprove of, though the High Elk had placed them upon his path for reason, and that meant something more to him.

'Thank you. Take care, Galatea', reciprocating the graceful bow and then he walked off with a casual saunter, still enjoying the dawn and its plethora of colours welcoming the new day.

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