Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Like the low sad moan of prey

07-18-2022, 01:25 AM
Entering the royal den was often lonely. Although they had Teodora, she could not fill the void that was left by their mother. Looking into it felt like a somewhat repulse and sadness, for a place that should've been with warmth was given a chill. Slowly, would Faust avoid it so ; even diverging to sleep outside if her siblings did not catch her. In-fact, at the moment the young abandoned Deorwine was looking for a den for herself, one that can be her home.

Though admittingly sometimes she didn't return, often staying late with a mixture of illness's from her consumption of poisons.

Faust enjoyed the woodlands, it was covered in rather pretty wysterias that hailed in reds and apples that danced around the ground. The elk greatly enjoyed, and she often saw them wandering into it where she could watch them curiously. She was told not to approach them, they made be unfearing but that does not mean it has disappeared. Wolves versus elk, long in history and yet no Deorwine even hunts them..

What do they taste like?

She shook her head, it was not the time to ponder about so, the child was focused on finding her own den. There was some holes, particularly under trees.. She could see one in the distance and looked at it curiously — but what if she grew, would she fit?

the staff team luvs u
07-25-2022, 02:20 AM
Since arriving. Or perhaps, the moment he’d opened his eyes to the realization of a deer’s gaze, Wapiti had grown. Muscles grew taunt beneath the heaviness of his coat. Limbs stretched to further reveal the largeness of what his body would soon behold. Only but of six months, he showed promise of being a fine young male. Despite the short comings of his tail. Not long like an original wolf’s should be.

He didn’t care much about it. A part of him he’d come to accept the moment he was able to see his reflection within the water’s surface back home. Home. This was his home now. Not the mountains that once held him and his family. For awhile, he wandered if they’d made it out alive. His scent being what would bring them to him. But when none showed up… Piti did nothing except accept what was.

So, like any other day, he found himself wandering just out of reach of the neighboring elk herd. His attention transfixed on the lead bull. Antlers strong. Stern and steadily growing. There were others amongst them that still had a ways to go. All watching the male as he did them.

He nodded. A greeting of both respect and a hello. Not wanting them to thing he’d been on a haunt for their flesh. Oddly, he didn’t have a taste for the richness they provided. Rabbits, mule deer and other prey did just fine when presented the opportunity.

Deciding best to venture off and further explore the lands more, a scent snatched his gaze. Soft browns and winter white padded along just on the other end of the herd. A young pup. Staring down the dark mouth of a hallowed tree. The colorations of her coat made clear that she sure was of their lands and he gave out a warm bark to alert her of his presence.

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”I Cured The Power That Came Through Me.”
08-06-2022, 03:03 AM
Faust was aware there was new members within Elkshire, although as a child it was but whispers of the wind and unusual scents given. She wasn't told in particular, offhandedly at times of newcomers but didn't know their names of what was about. Yet particularly there was some unusual ways brought in, for one was a child. One that was blessed within the love of browns and nothing more, there wasn't a touch of black or white upon them and only of creams that were accepted far more then her own ivories.

Perhaps it was why they were accepted despite the amount of kin that floated these forests, and not enough adults to even attend to her wayfaring roundabouts around the forest. Everything about him was brown, even the eyes he held and approached Faust with warmth.. Her heart throbbed thinking that was what her mother preferred, but perhaps it was best to let those feelings die — knowing as much as she wished and prayed, nothing would come forth.

He was innocent, to the whims of what made a Deorwine, a proud lineage that questioned greatly of white.

"Hello," Faust created, smiling lightly and forgoing her current search of a den. Although her smile may be lacking warmth.

the staff team luvs u
08-06-2022, 04:40 AM
Her greeting, though polite, held nothing behind it. She spoke blankly. Gaze turned away to return to the task she’d been currently attending. H’m.. Was the queen her mother?

Wapiti didn’t wish to assume aloud. Keeping such a thought trapped within the depths of his mind. ”Hello. Did I interrupt something?” With growth, came the sound of his voice. Vocals deepening. Smoothing out like honey from a beehive. Wrapped in a low, yet soft undertone. Only time would tell what would become of it. Until then, he paid no heed.

”If so, I will leave.” He turned his gaze away to better observe her. The colorations of her coat a beauty amongst itself. Beyond different from his own. Before, turning away to watch the passing herd.

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”I Cured The Power That Came Through Me.”
08-13-2022, 05:35 AM
She shook her head — preferring her 'secret' to be kept as so and her own toy in mind. Perhaps a storage for another day, but was generally now focused more on an interest of who they were, "I am Faust Deorwine," a remember of manners and introduction. Important of her family name — it was strange to feel something to a pride to it despite a more cold family. Although those who weren't, had also hold that name.. It gave a sense of belonging to those who don't fully accept her.

"Who are you?"

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