Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Oh, there's no rest for the wicked,

07-10-2022, 02:38 AM
Their eyes came. Although, Faust's never changed ; just to a lighter tone, more icy in color, and she didn't notice. But she did note that her brothers had changed, particularly with @Seaver and @Selwyn, both taking hue's that seemed much closer to her older siblings and mother compared to.. @Weirs, who remained a blue but only changed to a slightly different hue. She frowned at the thought, remembering not only the point that her mother and some siblings made to their.. Difference, it was just another factor to add to their exclusion.

But she smiled away. Even as she grew her heart darkened, for Faust's complaints were left with nothing — their mother did anything, just a lecture and more pure ignorance. Babying and whining got no one anywhere, as she remembered how Edith had attacked her — but no true consequence came. She tried, to enjoy the freedom that she should not have being so young.

The forest was large, it held variety of elk that she noticed ; but they always ran. Faust approached the herd where they were, finding their scent and coming closer.. Witnessing not only the doe's, but their fawns as well. The playful nudges between the young, the way that their mothers groom so and the stag's, grazing from afar and looking warily around — at her as well. Although as they had grown used to the Deorwines, they no longer fled, she never, seen them flee. Only when she drew too close.

One fawn though.. Had streaks of white on her face.

the staff team luvs u
07-13-2022, 05:03 AM
He had been at the creek again splashing about and chasing fish but recently abandoned its course. After, he found a good trail on his sister that he could not ignore. Since more had been revealed to them, both spoken and through the actions of others, Weirs had no choice but to feel more aware... He knew that she felt it too, and maybe far more keenly than him. Faust had already faced plenty for their mere existence. More than him and though he did not fully understand the worth in it, he innately wanted her to know he was there with her.

Weirs smelled the elk before he saw them, so started to mind his paws (knowing that he could use to work on his stealth--Warwick had pointed out). He liked watching them too when he could catch a proper glimpse of their happenings, so was happy to find his sister's path led him here. Maybe it was an even better opportunity than he thought. He didn't want to ruin the chance so approached carefully--willing his littermate to notice him before the elk did, hoping she would be welcome to him joining her.

Silently, and pleased that he had tracked her down, he reached his sister's side with a wordless nod to hope for the best.

the staff team luvs u
[Image: WEIRS.png]
07-18-2022, 12:40 AM
She turned to see her fellow snow-tipped sibling (trying not to act spooked) ; he was lighter then herself by just a bit, and more of a paler side then anything so. She felt closest to him, and smiled lightly when came to, "Look," Faust said, lifted her alabastar paw and pointing forward. Although they most likely were seen, none seemed to care for mere' babes of the elken group ; where they were always left alone. Yet these individuals were just as disliked as any other, but she wondered whether who was more detested. The elk that they saw, or themselves? She didn't tell her siblings about the attack, and only kept the disgruntlement toward herself for an eventual revenge to stake.

the staff team luvs u
07-22-2022, 03:41 AM (This post was last modified: 08-07-2022, 08:05 AM by Weirs. Edited 1 time in total.)
At Faust's suggestion, his sight followed her gesture and he saw the white-streaked youth too. He blinked first, making sure. It lifted its head, poking along as a young elk should. The others were going about their business as normal too, not bothered enough by the nearby young wolves; not here where these elk had learned they were safe from the wolves. He appreciated that his sister shared this with him, and that this could even be at all.

But, he felt a hint of a frown tug at his lips as he thought about it longer and watched the elk mingle with its fellows. Now that he knew to look for it, it was easy to have his eye be caught by the one marked with white. What if that elk would be hunted when it was older, just because some markings made it an easier spot? It was possible. “Pretty,” he remarked truthfully before he could get sad about a fate like that. He didn't want to deny that much, that he thought it made that one more interesting, even if white was to be vilified by their kind. It still didn't quite set right with him.

Still, he watched a while more with a contemplative furrow on. “Think it'll be alright?” he asked, vaguely with a gesture towards the marked elk. Would it get to grow up, range beyond, and more towards a worthwhile future?

Would they?

the staff team luvs u
[Image: WEIRS.png]
08-06-2022, 02:20 AM
She gazed at Weirs and back to the fawn of white ; piebald, not white-tipped like itself but a face stripped of that color. Dressed in an alabaster that reminded her of Maral, whose snout was placed unevenly with the dreaded color. Her brother brought a good point though, would it be alright? and she thought and wondered.. Yet when gazing toward the herd, and watching a doe comfort the crying snow-whipped fawn with gestures of warmth, a jealousy ensued lightly.

"They do not discriminate against each other," Faust said within a light whisper, "but we do?" and looked at him, an innocence, and even anger when she thought of it behind her frosted eyes, but attempted to remain with a cool-tone, thinking how her attitude of whimpers and crying was given but no comfort, and even toyed with 'disrespect' by one.'

It was sad at a young age, for the young Deorwine to realize her showing such emotions, meant more harm then good.

the staff team luvs u
08-07-2022, 08:08 AM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2022, 07:16 AM by Weirs. Edited 1 time in total.)
Weirs gradually could begin to understand more the longer he watched. The young one marked in white was treated like any other, seemingly, protected and looked after. No one shunned its cries in any way he could perceive. It cried, others alerted, mother answered, things calmed... life went on, content with a large family nearby and more. Seemed to come so easily and considering what he was used to, it seemed almost strange to see. He swiveled back his ears, considering this.

They did not discriminate, true. He nodded and gazed off towards the herd still. They were the same, stained or not--so why not? “I don't see why we have to,” he spoke dreadfully quiet with this admission he couldn't have where his own mother's ears might find it. But if anyone would feel it, and be safe to share it with, Faust felt like a good place to start. As a fellow bastard, and the other marked in dreaded white--Weirs knew enough to know that they were low--and best to overlook in the eyes of importance when there were others far more shining to see.

His teeth were tight, stare hard towards the distant ungulates. “It's not fair,” he didn't have the best words for the ugly feeling it gave him to know he was cursed even more because of something so small; something he had no control over, marked before his birth, even.

the staff team luvs u
[Image: WEIRS.png]
08-13-2022, 04:19 AM
'Home' held of mainly warm colors. Weirs and Faust, though touched with brown, held a cooler look to them. Near twin-set in birth but as they grew clear differences came, and even then, it seemed to stray closer to Maral then any of their siblings. Young and wretched to a frosten-loved world where scorned as so, and yet when looked upon the Elk they were told to adore as well. They were treated fairly.

"It's not." Faust said with a slight bitterness as she agreed with her brother. Her paws trembled lightly, especially as they observed even other fawns interact normally with the white-striked one, but she knew.. They knew — the way that their siblings never once properly greeted, all but Warwick came and the silent look of the snow-snouted sister.

It was hard to look at them, turning away and starting her march back into the forest.

the staff team luvs u
08-20-2022, 04:45 AM
The young Déorwine frowned deeply and shifted his weight. It wasn't right, never would be completely just--not for them. Especially not for either Faust or Weirs. For the young in the field before them, though, they had no idea. They could live on in blissful ignorance--at least for now as they could bask in the protection of their mother.

But those less fortunate were going to have to figure it out regardless; he was growing into the dawning realization that there would be no one except... them to be absolutely true to each other above all else. He worried what this would become as they aged up further. What else they would face for their differences as they grew, became more present and visible in the pack. What else would happen to his sister..? It already weighed on them, and he was keen enough to loathe it already.

Her motion drew his eye and with his ears still down low, he started to follow after her. He only paused for a last look over his shoulder towards the white-streaked fawn, his jaw tight and body tense. Still, more devoted to the cause of following Faust as she retreated further into the forests, he jogged after her--a silent offer of further company elsewhere, maybe help at a greater distraction, if she would have it.

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[Image: WEIRS.png]
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