Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Tickle that cheek and take your throne,

Dragonford Isles
06-13-2022, 02:44 AM
before boar thread, after meeting oksana & serenity

At the new news she had seen, Vendrussel sought for @Jun. Especially he should know, for the belly she saw was of no mistake and their deed of the night grew fruitful. It was a pity though — maybe a mockery. For someone who instead of being trusted in the hands of another, she rather spat at the Alpha, curse her and claim she was with the other sea-dog, and rather be a loner — and eventually, an enemy. To someone who didn't wish to be alone, she thought it was laughable, for the very wolves that weren't trusted she threw herself too.

It was very clear it was out of spite.

"Jun," upon the border did she catch the male, and sighed, "everytime we meet there always is something, yeah?" as she smiled with a tiredness, but did not let him catch words in-between, "I have some news for you. Although Serenity seems to be doing well, and has a belly.. She joined Northfall — shortly," it had only been a week or so, if she remembered right, "after I met her, and she cursed while wishing us to be happy." An indication that he should read, that there was an underlying jealousy that seemed to be brought, despite the two barely talking and only generally forming a friendship so far. He only recently was promoted as well.

But alas, somehow one way or another, she got entangled into his love life and was not appreciating that one bit. Especially since it intervened now with the battles ahead — and if, Jun would ever face her on a border match.

the staff team luvs u
06-13-2022, 04:35 AM
The man had been patrolling the borders for some time now, wandering around the heights of the Brim. The scent of the ocean reeked on his coat as he marked the terrain with Ford remnants, claiming the land in Vendrussel's name. He had done it solemnly with no issue, minding his own business as a traction point. 

Jun had been caught off guard, bombarded by Vendrussel behind him. The blue dragoness spewed words at him, his ears flickering as he was attempting to register them. He had pivoted on his heel to face her, a tired smile on her features. She was still exhausted. 


Jun stayed silent, listening to the Alpha spew words in a hustle. He'd nod occasionally, humming in response to let her know that he was, in fact, listening to what she had to say. The last fragment of her sentence had spited him, however, burning through his chest. 

He cleared his throat. "Northfall?" Jun would clarify, "You're sure?" he didn't mean to doubt the wolfess' words, but it seemed outlandish. Serenity didn't seem like the type to...

"Jealousy is a beast. She's angry that I had chosen you— the Ford — over her. I chose you, and clearly she can't swallow that." Jun sneered, but his tone was confident. He had made his choice, and he would stick by it. He had no intent of betraying Vendrussel, why would he? There was nothing that Northfall had to offer him except a paternal duty that he had no interest in taking. Vendrussel gave Serenity options, but she didn't want them.

She hadn't ask what Jun wanted, either. She wanted him to be a father, but he wanted a home. If he hadn't a home, how could he provide one for someone else? It wasn't possible. Vendrussel had given him a place, but he had to earn his patronage.

the staff team luvs u
06-13-2022, 05:48 AM
"There is no mistaken. She retrieved a younger Northfall wolf off of the brim, though couldn't even look at me in the eye or speak." She walked alongside Jun, the fog gently rolling in and eveloping them within this privacy. Voices could be heard but their bodies hidden in it's depth, even the song of the beast was quiet, and only the waves with the occasional birds were heard within the distant drop. She laughed lightly, not within true jovial but at the situation unfolding before. What a shame to someone she truly enjoyed, to be tainted so highly by the demons within her heart.

"She didn't seem like someone who would fall so blindly, I had thought that perhaps it was but a fling.." Vendrussel blue eyes glanced toward him, "but it seems to her, it was something more." She enjoyed the woman ; and yet her heart was like that of a child. She only wished for the best for her. For her children to be safe, not born in the midst of an isle that could've been attacked, or otherwise waited another day. How much she wished to send her elsewhere for just some time, somewhere possibly much, much safer. Even then instead of that, she chose nothing — and then chose the enemies.

Vendrussel held no respect to such a woman anymore. Those once feelings of fondness and only pity was long gone, and if the day where she was no longer with kids and dragoness saw her upon the battlefield — the rest would be seen. She had made her choice, to not only turn away every option out of pure spite but to even join the same enemies that both the blue wolves scorn so, one more then the other.

She was aware of her sins ; repented as so, and only then did she finally move on from what occurred. It'd always haunt her — but even then she acknowledges her actions then were wrong, the cause was not. To live and learn as it was ; to not let the cycle of hate repeat as she had watched the two Northfall wolves leave in a peace. But more and more who did not like her, found their way over to the salten mountains. She was only aware of one, at the time.

the staff team luvs u
06-16-2022, 11:03 PM
Jun seethed as he walked alongside Vendrussel. Blatant hot anger coursed through his veins, angry at Serenity, and utmost angry at himself. He asked her if she was sure, to which she responded with enthusiasm. He had been naive, looking for a way to find solitude in a time of stress and diligence to find a home. He regretted it now that she had taken a route of immaturity, joining the enemy to spite the both of them.

It was irrevocably juvenile.

"It was just a fling." Jun would correct her sharply. He didn't want the story to get muddled, to fiddle with the reputation he attempted to maintain. She had cried to him that evening that they met about wanting something more, but he could not give her something that she wanted. 
How could he give her something that he didn't want for himself? Fatherhood was out of the question. With war, it was impossible. "She had been kind to me. But in the end, she made her choice and I made mine." Jun wouldn't think of the possible outcomes for her. It would plague him, inevitably, and consume him more than he'd intend it to. Jun was devoted, loyal, and wholeheartedly able to commit to her...except through her pettiness, she was no longer worthy of such thought.

Jun would inhale sharply, keeping his head down as they walked. He wasn't able to look at Vendrussel. "I made a mistake, and I see that." He'd say in defeat, almost mumbling the words in shame. "Yet if she wanted to, she would've stayed." The man would end his sentence with a growl. 

"But she didn't."

the staff team luvs u
06-17-2022, 06:38 PM
"A fling to you, but to her was something special." She understood the others reasons of Gods and so, with the thought if she was blessed with children it was the heavens will. Alas, it seemed she was taking children in hope that maybe to tie down Jun, as shown by throwing words of spat of herself to be happy with him — tied the knot all the way that made sense. She didn't want to go to Elysium, because she wanted to stay with him. "I do not blame you in this matter, I do not think it was a mistake to enjoy pleasures. Although.." she smiled, and laughed lightly.

"Maybe choose a better girl next time, one that doesn't have motives to lock you down." She laughed to try and lighten the mood, his anger ambient and the situation rather.. Silly within the end of only more to add the fire. She understood her own wrongs, particularly the adrenaline of trying to prove herself under blood of someone more then half a year younger then herself, and she.. Will always remember. Although when it came to the situation of her.

There was no mistaking this time, and she learned not everyone can be happy. She could only live with herself, as should Jun.

the staff team luvs u
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