Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

「✥」How much to light up my star again?

Evening Partly Cloudy 65° F
06-12-2022, 02:38 AM
For @Lucrece!

  As the sun retreated under the base of the mountains and the moon arose, evening began in full swing. Song birds snoozed in the trees while the hoots of owls took their place, along with the crickets that joined in on the symphony of the night. The archer waltzed through the towering evergreens that surrounded the valley's inside, evening grass dew dampening the fur on his paws with every step. He was free of Pheobe's presence for the night since she'd flew off to go hunting not too long ago, and Kaster had this night to himself...
  He remembered coming to this place ages ago, now that he looked at it correctly. A silver- woven sylph who had taught him of herbs and oils that helped Pheobe when she'd been injured. They had never crossed paths after that, and the woodlander did not bid much of a farwell to the woman before leaving. Though he was still thankful for her help -- and his newly found intrest in medical work.
  Under the moonlit forest he sought out herbs -- specifically the stika she'd mentioned in that distant memory. If a simple spruce could be used to ease wounds, then it could be useful to carry around in his travels....

the staff team luvs u
06-13-2022, 11:51 PM
Spring was long gone and a wrathful summer had arrived in tow, bearing down upon the land in its searing embrace. While the tips of the mountains no doubt offered a welcome reprieve… Lucrece found herself hesitating to traipse atop their precarious heights. The idea of clambering atop unsteady stones and navigating through the terrain that had led to her very downfall churned at her stomach. A shudder traveled along her dorsal at the memory, her belly seeming to plummet within the horrifying clasp of gravity as if to prove its own point.
“Alright!” She seethed, thrashing her sides to and fro to dislodge the disparaging feeling. “Alright.” A final, conflicting stare was tossed at the looming peaks before she turned, vanishing within the confines of teetering pine and swooning oak.
The crooked trees welcomed her in their clutch of cooling shade, eeking out what little fragments of sunset that made themselves visible. The dove picked up the pace, then, kicking into a purposeful gallop as she strode between the gnarled trunks. Whenever the sun’s butt touched the grass, one could bet a fresh meal that Lucrece would be there– staring slack-jawed as she set sights on what she had seen a thousandfold.
It never did grow any less impactful.
But navigating through a dense forest of your own unwitting volition was no easy task, and by the time Lucrece had peeped from its reaches the sun was already long-gone, replaced by a gleaming globe of white. Its distorted reflection was painted upon the undulating canvas of a lake– spattered with haphazard patches of clouds and peeping stars, which glimmered shyly from the heavens. It wasn’t easy to pinpoint familiar strands of the blinking lights from behind the shrouded blanket of gray, but she thought that some looked familiar.
Most, though, did not.
She tried to fight against the urge to lower her gaze and peer at her own reflection, but morbid curiosity propelled her eye to flicker downward. Initially, the dove was stock-still– only a stray strand of velvet toiling in a fickle breeze. She examined herself with such fervor, as if the longer she stared the more the stinging image would disperse and reveal her old self. But it didn’t. And she cringed in frustration, a soundless snarl marring her face into a scowl whilst her paw thrust itself into the heart of the reflection.

the staff team luvs u
06-26-2022, 02:09 PM
Closing since player went on hiatus!

He found but a bunch of yarrow and cowberries instead. Medicinal, yes, but not exactly what he'd been looking for -- on top of the fact that he didn't even know how to use either of these plants yet. Whatever, he thought -- even if Kaster couldn't find the stika he targeted tonight, then perhaps another night would do. It's not like the boy needed it right now, any way...

A sudden noise caught his attention -- or more startled him than anything else -- and caused the woodlander to arch his body protectively to the side to guard his back, but in remembering that Pheobe wasn't perched on him right now, Kaster was quick to fix his position into something more of a crouching position.

He spotted a girl in the distance, though it was really difficult to discern any notable features given their proximity. For some time after hearing the yelling, Reinhardt would then watch in confusion as shed then begin assaulting the water below her in what looked like frustration.

Right then and there was when Kaster would finally loose intrest -- as he was not intrested in finding out whatever the hell that was about. Swiftly picking up his collected bearings and trotting off, he gave the woman one last look over his shoulder out of curiosity before he'd turn once again, focusing his concerns on where Pheobe might've flown off too.

"Putain de bizarre..."

the staff team luvs u
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