Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

< without a trace >

Afternoon Sunny/Clear
Vanderfell Woods
05-22-2022, 01:23 PM (This post was last modified: 05-22-2022, 01:45 PM by Renn. Edited 1 time in total.)
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Spring was merging into the summer temperatures. The white of the snows used to make the most picturesque of scenes so pure here, but now the prospering verdant flora ambushed what was the cold and naked mountains. He never knew such greenery existed. Every so often he took a nibble of plants or healthy leaves low enough for the stretch of his plump tongue, spitting out those with the most acetous taste, and chewing the ones that didn't, with soft murmurs voicing his delight.

He was on his way to the stream his father took him for his first hunting lesson. On warmer days such as these, there was a longing for the crisp cool water to lap at the heat in his paw pads, but he was still not yet brave enough to face its depths. With the last of an apricot blossom branch in the firm grip of his jaws, he was set for his picnic date by the river-side.

He lay in the cool shade of a tree within the valley, picking at each petal methodically as though a boy with his packet of sweets. Watching the quietness of the water gently flow by and the occasional fish fin breaching the undisturbed surface. 

It was peaceful. His perfect day out.

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the staff team luvs u
05-28-2022, 12:28 PM
He just happened onto the sight of Renn by the water. Picking at the flowers on a branch in a peaceful sight as silver scaled fish swam by with a glitter of rainbows shimmering in the daylight. Briefly, the boy's father stood and watched in awe, not wanting to ruin the picturesque scene by cutting in too soon. They were all growing up so fast and soon enough would be adults before he new it. It made him both proud and sad to think of. The bittersweet beauty of parenthood as he was told before by other parents he had met.

He thought he understood their thoughts back then, but it was only now that he had to watch his own grow up did he truly feel the weight of their claims.

Eventually, Hieronymous would make his way down and toward the boy by the river. Slowly at a steady pace with his eyes still focussed on his son with a smile gently curving his lips. “May I join you?” For no real good reason honestly, other than to spend some more father-son time with Renn before he was too old and busy to spend any time with his old man.

the staff team luvs u
— Hiero has a dull sense of smell, it will affect how I play him and how he acts in threads
05-28-2022, 02:14 PM
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The aromatic fragrance of the blossoms had grown faint, and the petals, in turn, did not carry the same sweetness that Renn became so accustomed to, though little did he know the untouched flowers that waved across the crowns of their trees, would yield the nectar of fruit far more succulent to flow his juices later in the year. He plucked at each individually, careful and methodical with the tip of his incisors. The branch was firmly clasped between a criss-cross of front legs to facilitate his nibbling. He was oblivious to what was to come. 

Often seeking the quietness of his isolation, content with his own companionship. But nothing swelled his heart more than the sight of either parent blessing him with their presence during their busy schedules. He was mid-chew when he heard the comforting voice of his sire, swivelling his head slowly toward the direction in which it derived. And reflexively, Renn's tail bounced with a dull thump against the dried spring ground.

'Dad!', he gulped down his mouth of the ivory petals. 'Of course. Want some? It's yummy', pointing the branch in his father's general direction. He wasn't so precious to not share with another. 

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the staff team luvs u
05-28-2022, 02:45 PM
As he approached it was evident that the boy was not only plucking the flowers from the branch - but eating them. The sight made him cock his head lightly to the side while approaching. At first, while Renn offered to share his little treat Hieronymous was thinking of ways to politely decline - but then he said it was yummy. So, naturally, he was now curious.

Frankly, Hieronymous would only eat stuff he knew was safe after being shown what to eat. After all, if it was toxic he couldn't tell if he needed help from a healer should his stomach begin to reject its presence. He cannot say he was all too thrilled with Renn eating something that might be toxic too, but at least if he felt awful after, he had the Shiroshikans nearby to help with the aches and any side effects later. “Oh yeah?” But he wasn't about to reprimand the child for what was already done.

They'd both learn sooner or later should any illness come from it.

“What does it taste like?” He'd say before taking a flower between his own teeth and chewing it. Savouring the delicately sweet flavour. As far as he knew, most toxic things were bitter to the taste... except belladonna of course. Even he knew that berry was sweet yet highly toxic. There always had to be one that ruined theories. “Who taught you of this?” Taking a seat next to Renn, he waited to hear of any lessons or maybe even a self-discovery the boy might have found out on his own.

the staff team luvs u
— Hiero has a dull sense of smell, it will affect how I play him and how he acts in threads
05-28-2022, 03:33 PM
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'Try it and tell me what you think', he giggled playfully, entertained by his father's hesitant curiosity. It was sweet though, he wouldn't eat anything less than that.

He bowed to take another couple of petals in one go, already fearing he'd run out if his father took to the same liking as he did. 

Renn shrugged at their question though. 'Nobody. I just enjoy tasting different plants and flowers, they all have such different smells. Did you know we have a herb growing at the top of our summit?', he gasped, clearly excited by the last revelation.

He had no concept of what was which and their purposes. But his nose frequently engrossed his attention from bud to bud. Knowing what was a flower, herb, or shrub, but nothing more.

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the staff team luvs u
05-28-2022, 08:11 PM
As Renn would request, Hieronymous would do. “Tastes...” He took a second, even though he already knew his own answer, the jester king wanted to at least put more thought into it than just blow off a half-assed answer. He'd chew it, letting his eyes roam thoughtfully to his brow as though he could see his own thoughts floating above his head. “Sweet, mildly sweet. Not as strong as berries but nice.”

He didn't know the intricacies of how flowers worked, how nectar sat in their cups while waiting for honey bees to collect and make their golden syrup with. It seemed however that Renn was starting to show his own interest in certain things, for him it was plantlife it seemed. Already testing and learning things on his own. “Do we? What is it?” Maybe Quicksilver or some of the Shiroshikans could help Renn learn more about his discovered passion.

the staff team luvs u
— Hiero has a dull sense of smell, it will affect how I play him and how he acts in threads
06-16-2022, 04:46 PM
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He couldn't help but let out a bubble of giggles again, watching his father's face contort whilst they experienced the tasting sensation, as though he played the part of a connoisseur. 'They've lost their taste a little bit. They were much sweeter when they first blossomed'. He smiled at his father, happy to share his little information.

He wasn't savvy to names, and he wished he knew, to enable his elaboration, but he was not wise to the art of botany. Shaking his head, slightly deflated by his little wisdom. 'I don't know the name, maybe you do, dad? It has roundish green leaves and big yellow flowers on top!'. Maybe it was only he that was so observant about such flora, he hadn't found any of his siblings shared the same interest. He hoped one day he found someone that did.

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the staff team luvs u
08-01-2022, 10:28 PM (This post was last modified: 08-01-2022, 10:28 PM by Hieronymous.)
Unfortunately for Renn, due to his father's defect, it was unlikely he would be able to taste anything quite like he or the others of their kind could. Without a strong sense of smell, Hieronymous' taste was affected as well thanks to the olfactory sense of things. Wonderful, am I rite? Regardless, Hieronymous played along and would remember Renn's description and explanation for further use. “I'll have to try it again then in their prime!”

Green leaves and a big yellow flower... he pondered over it quickly, thinking of all the essential flowers with a similar description. Sunflowers? Daffodil? Daisies? He finally cracked a nervous smile, shaking his head solemnly with an equally nervous chuckle slipping past his lips. “You might already know more about flowers than I ever did Renn. Might want to ask @Quicksilver about such a thing?” After all he wasn't ashamed to admit when he didn't know something - and wanted his children to see things the same way he did. There was always someone out there who knew more about something than you did and there was no shame in admitting it.

“He and his wife Reiko are quite knowledgeable about flowers y'know?”

the staff team luvs u
— Hiero has a dull sense of smell, it will affect how I play him and how he acts in threads
08-10-2022, 01:55 PM
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Renn nodded gleefully, eager his father was excited to try them again the following spring, just when they were at their best.

When he voiced his doubts of knowledge on this, the boy was a little sunk that they did not know, believing his father knew the answer to everything. Though he was aware none of his family shared the same pursuit as himself. His ears pricked at the suggestion, he hadn't clicked on asking Quicksilver. 'I think I will', the shy boy replied, he was too timid at this stage in his life to seek him and hoped the topic would be raised when they next visited their pack.

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shall we close here? cause renn is a little older now and im struggling to back date his mindset now LOL

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