Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Entrance to the Unknown

05-12-2022, 11:04 AM
@Vendrussel here is Echo!

A gasp sounded from a fox-looking wolf as she woke up, not yet knowing what happened. 

She opened her eyes, adjusting to the light. And then... Wait. Where was she? This wasn't where she had been when she fell asleep, nor nowhere near there. 

It looked like she was on a beach, by... "The ocean?!" She exclaimed, gasping at its brilliance. Though she grew up with an ocean not far from her, she could've sworn she was farther inland when she went to sleep. And this ocean looked different than hers, alongside the beach. She was hella confused.

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05-17-2022, 05:58 PM
Vendrussel prowled by the edge of the beach, patrolling the borders and waters for any passerby's. The large issue is having a body of water as a claim, and especially a beach ; that the smells were weak. Enough where many strolled through, in and out as so. Though that wasn't a true issue, in the sense if they only passed by. But she didn't want others lingering, and using their forest as a hunting ground of home. Tourists, she preferred they would be, then pioneers and hunters.

Within the distance, someone gray emerged. Head lifted up and a voice out within a confusion — and she strode close. Her tail swinging in the air with a head of dominance, as she approached them, "hail," Vendrussel said.

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05-22-2022, 03:40 PM
A voice sounded in the midst of her confusion. Echo got up and turned, seeing someone colored like the ocean itself. This wolf held an air of dominance. 

"Greetings, my name is Echo." Bowing her head, Echo would return the greeting. "I am sorry, but I do not know where I am, nor how I got here. Could you perhaps tell me?" 

She turned back toward the ocean, captivated by it. It was beautiful, so beautiful. Oh, how she longed to go swimming, to dive into those depths and swim to her heart's content!

the staff team luvs u
05-24-2022, 02:20 AM
She studied them — her eyes grazing over the figure of grays with speckle. Though they were tall, they were very thin, lanky almost by how light they looked. Very slim within features, almost could say fox-like with depth if not for the more wolven features such as eyes, tail, and even ears itself. She bowed though within a respect, naming herself and her own tail fluttered downwards just a bit on releasing that caution of a newcomer, "I am Vendrussel," she greeted, "you are the Behemoth's Brim, my fords hunting ground. Passerby's are welcomed if they do not hunt."

the staff team luvs u
05-27-2022, 12:38 PM
The ocean-wolf introduced herself, gazing at Echo. "Pleased to be of acquaintance, Vendrussel." It would help Echo if she was polite, since this ocean-wolf held that air of dominance and power. 

Then, Vendrussel told Echo she was in her ford's hunting grounds, and that she was welcome if she didn't hunt. "Is that your pack? Your ford?" 

Hm, if it was Vendrussel's pack, what was it called? What was it about? Echo had so many questions, but she decided to wait. Wait and see what happened.

the staff team luvs u
06-05-2022, 11:38 PM (This post was last modified: 06-05-2022, 11:39 PM by Vendrussel.)
The wolf nodded, "I belong to Dragonford." Though at most times and a past she didn't enjoy giving away the name so easily ; the path of secretively and loyalty was long gone. At the point they were known due to the battle that raged on, and no more would it kept hidden. Though often, Vendrussel kept referring it to 'the ford' due to it's name heritage. It felt comfortable calling it as so, rather then the full name.

"You do not smell like you are around here," her voice of ease as she sniffed the air lightly. A scent that didn't seem like someone of the coast.

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