Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Ain’t really that deep, but he deep inside

Morning Partly Cloudy 30° F
05-06-2022, 07:01 PM
@Lyall So excited!!

The snow felt like an indomitable, living force as Farren’s breast plunged within the depths of its frigid clutches. It was as if invisible hands had sprung loose from its shapeless form, grasping hold of her muscles to inflict on them a throbbing ache. Naked trees loomed eerily from the snow-crested earth, their spindly branches uttering abrasive shh, shh, shh’s as the wind spurred them to gentle motion. The birds were absent, as was any evidence of the impending arrival of greenery. It was as if every speck of life had abandoned the place in search of more fruitful land.

All but Farren, who would trudge wearily among the drifts despite the outcry of her flaming muscles.

It was strange, she thought, how the thermal heat of her body radiated with fervor- seemingly oblivious to the gelid forces which sought to snuff it out. Beads of sweat had clung stubbornly to her incandescent ruffles, soiling them in a barrage of wetness that persisted with her every movement. Farren knew it was only a matter of hours before the land would exploit this weakness. She needed to find respite and cool off, lest the dampness turn cold and chill her to the marrow of her bones.

Thus far her travels had only yielded her with snow, snow, and more snow.

A change of scenery was what she needed. Mercifully, a change of scenery is what she soon got.

A steady trickle, distant and near deaf to even her ears, turned to a steady thrum that rushed in tandem with her accelerating heart. The surge of adrenaline lent her limbs a final rush of energy, propelling them forwards in hastened leaps and bounds across the pasture of snow. What lay ahead was nothing less than she had envisioned- a throttling cascade of water, falling within the depths of a limestone pool. 

Farren plunged beneath the depths of its frigid current, listening to the steady drone of white-noise which roared beneath the surface. It was cold- a shocking sort of sensation that stunned your nerves and sent the gears of your brain running slack. Her lungs squeezed tightly in resistance to the chill, and Farren obeyed. Her head crested the lapping waves, paws kicking at the shallow floor of rounded pebbles. When she pulled free of the water’s grasp, her velvet compressed against her sculpted outline…

She saw something she hadn’t before.

Behind the falls, behind the shelves of reflective ice, was a cave.

the staff team luvs u
05-08-2022, 03:58 PM
Nestling in the cave behind the frozen falls of the abrasive cold was Lyall, the stocky, tall, confident— not to mention sexy

Alright, alright, maybe he was a little bit in his head about certain things but bah! He was simply Lyall; Lyall and his waterfall, Lyall and his layered coat, and Lyall who...had no idea where he came from. After waking from a dreadful rest, punctured by the cold, he awoke with solidarity of who he was with the lack of where he was. 

Hidden away, tucked between the freezing rivers and falls, Lyall would fix his positioning, stretching out his long, burly limbs. A gruff yawn would fill the empty noise in the cave, the groan bouncing off the walls with haste and a radiating ambiance that he so declared it as an emphasis on his awakening.

The grandiose male stood from his embalming of a slumber, clacking his lips with the resonance of a dry mouth. What a fucking pain, the cold water from the falls was far too cold for his taste. His tongue left the warmth of his cheeks and protruded towards the raging water of the falling river. Cold against it, he could feel the water travel through his entire body; an electrifying feeling. 

Truly electrifying.

the staff team luvs u
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