Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

< don't give me those eyes >

05-06-2022, 01:35 PM
good luck LOL

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Since that repulsive day with Vengeance, everything soared from bad to worse. First, she had to endure the inexorable weeks of sickness and nausea, she felt like death was clawing its way into the abyss of her soul. The only relief found, was when her stomach began to inflate with the apocalyptic children to be. Growing heavier with every passing minute, hour, and day. In turn, the deranged woman concealed herself even more so, away from the prying eyes of any Nightwalker - they did not favour weakness here.
In the latter stages of her pregnancy, she spent her time hidden away. Meagre meals were hunted, and this reflected the wealth of her appearance.  Her young already devouring every ounce that she provided for them, and when that wasn’t enough, they indulged in any of her adipose tissues.

The day had arrived. Her pregnancy clock had struck midnight and all instincts compelled her to retreat into the moss of a den she had built herself. Constantly digging, shifting, creating a circle to be the bassinet for her litter, all signs of the impending birth to come.
When her contractions came, she kept as mute as can be, detracting unwanted attention to any stray roamer outside.
She was utterly on her lonesome.
Hours went by, until a wave of urgency to push meant her first was brought into life on this hell earth. A daughter (Death). A shadow of herself. She addressed them quickly, the feeling of maternity now struck her hard, and within that moment she knew she would place herself between they (the rest of her litter) and danger at any stage whilst she still breathed.
Only minutes passed before the next was to arrive, and she was blessed with a second daughter (Conquest). A fire child. Making now quick work of bursting the little sac they were gifted to her in, and devouring the meal before crushing and chewing on the umbilical cord and licking the whelp clean of the fluid it was drenched in.
Had she experienced birth prior to this day, she would count herself lucky with how it went by so smoothly and quickly, for minutes passed and the third was born. Her first son (Famine), was a hefty boy, already bulging and dictating his future by size in comparison to the two daughters.
Her last child born was the least struggle. A second son. He was smaller, appearing quite fragile, and pale in fur, - this did not help his anaemic disposition she would note later on.
All mewling and breathing, she cradled them close, ensuring that each took to a nipple before she passed the fuck out.

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the staff team luvs u
05-06-2022, 02:30 PM
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The burning bright light surrounded the being from the moment of her unknown existence. They flickered and danced as the burning inferno they were and faded into darkness, of comfort and yet the warmth remained.

The new darkness around her shifted so suddenly, pushing her violently from its comfort and out into the cold. What an unpleasant feeling. It burned in a different sense, one that was strange and painful. As soon as the air filled her lungs with some external help, cries echoed from the little babe.

And she wouldn't stop. The wailing continued even as the figure wrapped around her, and her invisible siblings brought them closer. The warmth wasn't enough, and eventually the sweet smell of something delicious was distracting from the chilling new environment for her to shut up and eat.

Whatever this was, it was delicious. It filled her belly with a different sensation that was more than welcomed - as soon as she had her fill she too would fall asleep, too tired to cry any longer... For now.

the staff team luvs u
[Image: Untitled_Artwork.png]

It's better to burn out
than to fade
05-06-2022, 03:12 PM

 The sense hit him along with consciousness after the world spilled light onto him, all too soon. He had the vaguest feeling of contentment in the before but now?


 It screamed within him, more demanding than before. Just as it screamed at him, he screamed with his mouth. Demanding to be satisfied. The feeling would not be satiated until he was met with a nipple. Then, he felt content. There was food, he was satisfied. All other things could be ignored… so long as he was fed.

 He stilled and suckled, gorging himself until he would fall asleep. Still attached so that he may continue to feed as soon as he awakened. Cycle repeat ad nauseum.

the staff team luvs u
[Image: Untitled_Artwork.png]
Step into the Abyss
05-06-2022, 08:11 PM
the first to breach, to feel the cold air that wrapped around the babe and brought a shiver to ; but a quietness, settling as raised a weakly head in a searching for that new sensation of warmth, and a hunger, taking hold. a replica of their mother saved for the tarnished blood they take, monster in the veins to awaken but a beast for the future claim, but alas, in the meanwhile just another in the mixed of four who call home to these bleak forests. moving, searching, and finally finding into a peaceful suckling.

the staff team luvs u
05-06-2022, 11:23 PM
With what little consciousness the boy had, one could say he was...content. Crammed between bodies larger than his own, Pestilence merely existed, warm and sustained enough to hold life. What more could he want?

Well, you could not yearn for something you did not know, but you could for what you once had. One by one, the space around him freed until he was left alone, floating in a caged void. The newfound space was unsettling but freeing, and for the first time in his life, he would experience bliss.

So would it be the last.

Pest was forced from his cage, only to be deposited unto this earth in another. Quickly he would decide the cold was worse and as his lungs were freed he made his thoughts known. Fortunately, something seemed to be looking out for him as he was moved once more beside bodies larger than his own, though he still would not be fully content.

A weak nose would at the very least find something worth this new experience forced onto him, as he too would suckle beside his siblings trying to find comfort.

the staff team luvs u
"Poor, crippled, from the undercity?
I was an outsider the moment I stepped into this world"
— Threading with Pest means your character has been exposed to one or several of his health issues. Contamination is not required! See fun facts for more info.

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