Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Don't have to be beautiful but it's nice

04-14-2022, 03:20 AM
He wasn't sure where Blackfoot had gone. He didn't mind when people wandered afar. It wasn't like he was a control freak or something -- he just worried if he didn't hear from people. He wasn't sure why. Probably something in his past, but he was definitely more comfortable when he could hear a howl for their location or smell their scent at the borders or something. Had he missed her call that she was going on an adventure? Mal was split on whether or not to treat it as an emergency. Ugh. 

After checking more of the borders and not finding a recent scent, he again started up the slopes of Stone Mountain. Hoping maybe he'd find a trail or hear her on the wind, but so far, nothing. He sighed, but kept looking. At least this mountain was rolling and not so crazy steep. Obviously he could have searched in any direction, but he had to start somewhere. Mal came upon a rocky patch which in turn created a bit of a clearing. and he decided that this was a good place to do a bit more investigation. He went to the uphill side, hopping from rock to rock to try to get to a place with a better view of it all. Certainly this'd be a nice place for someone to hang out for a bit. Just didn't seem like that included Blackfoot. He'd have to keep looking once he was done confirming here.
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04-14-2022, 09:50 PM
Waking up, first, alone, after a storm had shaken the world. Then being pushed by a psychotic bitch into an anthill that had, in turn, become a tide pool, forest melting into ocean shore.

Something was undeniably fucked up, and now he was in the mountains.

His fur dry.

The air quiet, and still.

It was by chance, he happened upon him, down on the rocks, the plateau, him coming up and him coming down.

He stood.



Silent, his shoulders hunched. Hackles on edge.

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04-15-2022, 04:25 AM
Soon he wasn't alone. Mal paused as soon as he spotted them, trying to judge this interaction. The other man was about the same size as Mal, but did seem to be a good deal grumpier. Unfamiliar and definitely not Blackfoot. Didn't seem like the guy was full of smiles or anything either -- maybe a little edgy. So would Mal have to put on his most cheery self or just the most reasonable? He figured probably the latter. It was easier to do from a blank page too. Maybe Mal really still hadn't clicked back to being his normal self yet -- some ghost of past traumas still lingered.

One ear twitched sideways indecisively for a second, but went back to normal in a second. Despite the fact the guy's scent wasn't one that he recognized from being around here, he'd play it safe-ish. “Sorry, were you staying here? Didn't mean to intrude. Has anyone passed by who smells like they're from the sea? Just looking for a packmate.” Simple as that. Then at least if grumpyboy wanted him to leave it'd be easy for Mal to take his exit soonish anyway.
the staff team luvs u
04-15-2022, 01:22 PM
He watched as a single ear twitched atop his head, mirroring the movement with his own ear moments later.

“No.” He answered, finally.

Short, and to the point.


He wasn’t staying there.

He didn’t know anyone who had smelled like the sea, not in a distinct way that he would fucking care enough to remember.

And if this was a packmate he was looking for, well, it must’ve been a pretty shitty fucking pack because he couldn’t smell any borders or definable scents, here or nearby, or even on him.

Shitty enough for them to run away.

Shitty enough for them to go missing in the fucking first place.

The options were endless, and none of them favourable.

the staff team luvs u
04-16-2022, 12:40 AM
That terse reply... Honestly he wasn't expecting a positive answer -- Blackfoot was gone on the wind, but he just really wished he knew how that had come to pass. Whether he should keep searching or not. He didn't want to just give up if she might be hurt somewhere, but he didn't want to keep searching for someone who was obviously not worth the effort if she'd so suddenly abandoned him. He'd promised to do anything for his pack.. Wouldn't that be worth at least a chat?

Well he couldn't think about it right now. A slow exhale that wasn't quite a sigh. “Kinda figured it was a long shot.” Either way, he felt like he maybe had one or two more brief things to say before excusing himself, “Look, before I head off, is there something I can help with? Obviously I don't know if this is normal you or you're having a bad day, but I'd feel bad not asking if it's actually the latter.” It was said in a "I'm pretty sure the answer is no" kind of way, and his expression mirrored it. It was just a cursory check in before he continued on. In fact, he'd already shifted his weight like he was a hair away from turning around. Mal, being himself, was a pretty good dude and would rather be seen as that weird helpful guy than a jerk. Besides, he'd already promised to leave.
the staff team luvs u
Content Warning
04-16-2022, 02:02 AM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2022, 02:03 AM by Daighre. Edited 1 time in total.)
Content Warning
This post contains content that may be unsettling to some readers, including:
  • Strong language
What the fuck was everyone’s fucking problem with him?

He looked them in the eyes when they fucking talked to him, or he at least fucking bothered to fucking look in their general fucking direction even when he truly couldn’t give a shit.

He answered their stupid fucking questions, over and fucking over again, and they always were the same exact fucking questions, asked as if no one had ever thought to fucking ask before.

How are you?

Are you okay?

And at every turn, every answer—

They pushed and pried for more.

Nothing was enough.

Nothing was ever fucking enough, not for anyone, and he was always the one fucking wrong, the one getting fucking insulted or shit on or shoved.

His expression dropped.

Apathy, and indifference.

“Nope.” He answered, popping the ‘p’ in nope.

He didn’t need his fucking help.

Why the fuck would he?

He was fucking fine.

His hackles bristled.

the staff team luvs u
04-16-2022, 04:43 AM
Mal's head tilted a bit at that, but his expression was otherwise kind of vague. It did seem like this dude was pretty weird. Perhaps it was good that he apparently didn't want Mal to stick around. Then again, maybe he just had a more sad life than Mal. Since that was an option, Mal wasn't going to hold it against them. Hopefully things would work out for the guy and he could feel better, maybe be a bit happy on down the line. Mal was pretty sure being that grumpy for an extended period was kind of exhausting, even if he might not remember the specifics why.

“Okay. Well. Thanks I guess. See you around.” Mal then continued the turn away that he'd started before, hopping down off the rocks. A pause, he looked back once more just in case, then headed back to his search. If only he could send some good luck and pleasant days that guy's way -- even though he was a bit short on that himself.
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