Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

I guess you're not the one

04-12-2022, 10:22 PM
@Tiberius, directly after this thread

What was to be talked about were not for a child’s ears. Especially not one that they were not raising directly through being a pat of the same pack, or family. Certainly Ira would not appreciate them talking certain subjects around a child of hers and so when the time felt right to part ways with Ira’s daughter, Reiko would lead Tiberius to a place where they may talk without any distractions.

He could speak with the rest of the pack at his leisure after, and hopefully he would. 

“How did the rescue go?” Though she knew some of the details from a rushed and frightened Sachiko, she wanted to hear it fro Tiberius too. Perhaps something more uplifting than the terror and stress brought to her previously.

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[Image: df686pz-0c7a3fc2-8eca-4da1-8429-49fa07fd3bab.png]
translator, I'm sorry if it is horrible for anyone fluent in Japanese!
04-12-2022, 10:29 PM

Tiberius was... uncomfortable. He knew nothing of the strangeness that had happened for Shiroshika to abandon their home, for Reiko to have sudden scarring upon her features and for them to take refuge in Vanderfell. Away from the child they went and Tiberius could not help the stiffness in his shoulders. "I's owe m'life ta those tha' 'elped me," he had noticed Sachiko's abandonment and he had been confused why she had appeared only to leave; perhaps she had known she hadn't the skillset to participate. "Saved tha love of m'life," Tiberius rumbled lowly, proud to have the label for Olive but also still strange about speaking it.

Once, he might have felt more comfortable talking to Reiko about such things.

"Yer can only avoid tellin' m'wha' tha' fuck 'as 'appened fer so long," Tiberius would grunt to her, molten gaze confused as his brows remained furrowed. ^^

the staff team luvs u
04-12-2022, 10:40 PM
"I's owe m'life ta those tha' 'elped me,” A knife plunged itself into her with those words. Would he truly choose Kuhn over them? A beast who they had tried to work with, to try and understand and yet at every turn he would spit it back in their faces. Challenge them, threaten them even. Would Tiberius even grow enraged at what felt was right for the sake of the pack?

For the sake of the princess he was trusted to protect? The one thing in this world more precious to her than anything?

All because of one good deed? Did they really all amount to nothing in comparison to someone who had not only started but had escalated an issue that didn’t need to be there? “I am happy to hear all went well.” She tried to smile through it all, and as he continued to speak, she only avoided his gaze.

“It is not something appropriate for the young.” Was all she would say in the matter of why it was avoided up until now. 

“I understand you and Kuhn have gotten close… but we had to do something. He had intercepted Gyrfalcon while sending a message to Vanderfell, regretting none of our interactions and upsetting her. I feared for our safety. How many others would he and Valmúa antagonize before some begin to go missing?” A pause. Knowing he would be furious with the rest to follow. “I, along with Ira, organized a hunt to put an end this.” She had laid it all out. No secrets. No lies.

“That is what happened to my face.”

the staff team luvs u
[Image: df686pz-0c7a3fc2-8eca-4da1-8429-49fa07fd3bab.png]
translator, I'm sorry if it is horrible for anyone fluent in Japanese!
04-12-2022, 10:55 PM

It all came out, as he had asked. He had breezed past her well wishing words, expressing she was happy it had gone well with Olive because what could he say to that? That he doubted she meant it after the way she had spoken to Olive the time she had met her? Something in Reiko had changed since Vera had broken her trust and kicked back against the Empresses choice to allow the white-beast into their Ranks. Since then, she had not been the same and it had been evident in everything she had done. 

He was quiet.

He kept his molten gaze upon her as she divulged the answers, filling him in on what had transpired and Tiberius felt his shoulders stiffen. When? When had -- he had been in the middle of the fight with him, when had they had time to fight him? Tiberius would raise his chin as his features remained void, looking upon the Empress who he had once thought he would die for. "I miss tha woman yer were when I firs' found yer on tha ice," he stated with disappointment, fury seemingly building up through his veins in a heated blaze. "Yer been jaded since yer let someone into tha Pack an' they betrayed yer, made yer decision ta let 'er in look bad an' in turn, made yer look incompetent as a leader," he shook his head as he stepped to her then, unwilling to let this go.

"Ain't no one though' tha o'yer," Tiberius couldn't believe it -- had she thought Shiroshika was innocent through all this? "Yer made no real effort ta understand 'im. No one in Shiroshika did, apart from me," he laughed then, humourless and low. "Yer kept it from me," the titan would state as he stared down at her. "After all I's done, workin' m'self ta tha bone when yer 'ad no one but me t'protect yer," he sounded bewildered, betrayed and furious all at once. "Yer never saw me as anythin' other than muscles ta keep yer on yer paws until more came along," Tiberius felt his lip flicker, curling against his teeth as he stared at her. "Unlike yer, 'e 'elped save m'girl," he then took a step back from her, gazing upon the woman with an expression that told her he didn't even know who he was looking at anymore.

"Unlike yer, 'e tried ta be m'friend. Unlike yer, 'e cared." He had been so fucking stupid to think he had meant anything to the Pack, to deserve some fucking knowledge in their plans. Tiberius stared at her and snarled, "fuck ya."


the staff team luvs u
04-12-2022, 11:11 PM
What came wasn’t expected but at the same time expected all the same. What she didn’t expect was to be angry in return. Every turn there was someone who was mad. Someone who was displeased with how things were being run, how she would try to be peaceful - and then when things weren’t, she was to blame as well.

Fight, not fight.

There was no winning.

Tiberius snarled and so did she. Furious at his accusations. Anger boiling through her cracks that had formed over the past few months. Over the past year. Not one time was she given a break.

“Get out.” She was frigid. Shivering with rage, sorrow and hurt. “How DARE you accuse me of not trying. When he threatens Hotaru. When they trespass and steal from US. When he was the one who hunted on OUR lands to provoke war and I was the one who sought understanding.” She spits. Pearly whites once received only for smiles had been revealed far too often in a flash of fury.

“I wished for us to part ways and HE is the one who continues to harass our members! How DARE you blame this on me. My focus are the ones who come to us for protection, he threatens that, YOU threaten that by continuously siding with him. Not ONCE did I seek to pester him, and yet they insist on harassing us.” How many times now did she request his audience, how many times did they meet on neutral lands all for Kuhn to turn around and paint her as the villain when he refuses to listen.

“You never once try to see through my eyes. You turn away from me, give me the cold shoulder. You did not ask for our assistance but asked to leave in a hurry. You are no longer welcome. Leave.”

the staff team luvs u
[Image: df686pz-0c7a3fc2-8eca-4da1-8429-49fa07fd3bab.png]
translator, I'm sorry if it is horrible for anyone fluent in Japanese!
04-12-2022, 11:28 PM (This post was last modified: 04-12-2022, 11:30 PM by Tiberius. Edited 1 time in total.)

She really thought she was some billy big bollocks, didn't she? He laughed at her snarl and he laughed at her attitude, one of his silvery paws slapping the ground as if he were in genuine amusement. "Fuck me, yer really think yer innocent in all of it, don't yer?" Tiberius wheezed, his chuckles dying off as she continued on. "Yer sought nothin'," The titan snarled as he shook his head, "yer never tried ta understand feline, yer only sees tha wolf at 'is side." Tiberius should have known he wouldn't have been able to get them all to get along when Valmua was at Kuhn's side but then he was sure the feline was in love with the gremlin. "Love makes us do stupid shit, but d'yer even know wha' tha' is anymore?" How could she, when she only acted cold and heartless since Vera?

"I's never said 'e was perfect, yeah? I's fully aware 'e shouldn't 'ave let Valmua come an' convince 'im ta let 'er in wit' 'him," but women got what women wanted, didn't they? Reiko had certainly gotten what she wanted, silly mindless fools at her paws. "Yer not been righ' since Vera," the titan would allow her onslaught, knowing that she thought herself completely correct. It was as if she was trying to convince herself that her act to attempt to behave as if she were God had been completely valid, that she held no blame whatsoever. "Yer eyes?" he echoed, bewildered as he laughed again, hollow despite the way his shoulders jolted with each laugh.

Fuckin' 'ell. "I's tha one who tried ta be y'friend an' ya put yer fuckin' wall up!" He all but shouted, spittal flying from his teeth as he snarled at her. "Yer once was a leader I's though' was worth m'life," Tiberius stated, attempting to not be so hurt that she all but exiled him. He had... had done so much for her and it had all been for nothing. "Turned out yer worth fuck all," he would shrug then as he drew in a deep breath, looking at her with complete and utter disappointment. "I 'ope it was worth it, luv," he stepped towards her then until there was little space between them at all, if she didn't move. "Wha' goes 'round, comes 'round," Tiberius spat. "An' yer git an awful lot comin' back 'round," he cooed, rough and mocking as he stepped back and away from her. 

"Make sure ta tell tha story like yer tha hero, exilin' tha big bad wolf. 'Cause we know yer like to do tha'," Tiberius rumbled as he turned to take his leave, but not before he would spit at her paws. "Good fuckin' riddance." The titan would cast her a stare full of betrayal, hurt and fury before he would turn and stalk from her. ^^

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