Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Step into the spotlight,

04-12-2022, 08:11 PM
Miriam was looking at the impossible ; where above she could see the stars moving as if they were living. Gathering the galaxies and constellations did they form beasts upon the sky — maybe even Gods, but not the ones she so knew. Beings though, that seemed familiar and not as they roared and thundered around, moving as a whim within the sky itself ; where no mortal could step into.

"Praise be, the Goddess above.." Only she knew that the Goddess and Horned God could manipulate the magic above — rarely, has it been witnessed either messing within the mortal lands itself. Prophecies and guidances they may give for the destined path that may entwine and yet never once do they force or twist and turn to what should be — warnings and love to give to those who follow them, but she felt.. What else could it be but a sign of Them?

Beauty in sight she admired to the heavens, for surely it meant a luck was brought to these lands. Turning and toiling as the stars were forged to beings unfamiliar and yet familiar, but none harmed, only roared to the heavens itself and moved — she thought some even looked at her, but wasn't so selfish to think so. She was small compared to the grand world itself, they were staring at.. All, not just herself.

The magic twisted and turned and granted the world it's blessing, and she prayed to it in mutterings while sitting down, head to the sky and watching in a daze, "may the world be with you and I,"

the staff team luvs u
04-16-2022, 11:36 PM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2022, 10:58 PM by Anai. Edited 1 time in total.)
Anai was older now, and with age came a certain sense of freedom.

He knew he should not have wandered far from the Nightwalkers but at times the forest stifled him. The darkness to deep for him to even breathe. There was something wrong with him. He'd known even before the day he had seen himself in one of the stiller parts of Phantasm Brook, before the waters had frozen over and obscured every reflection from him. He feared the thoughts that filled him. Had no words that he could call them. Feelings that rose up in his heart and boiled over and spilt like fog through every inch of his mind.

He needed somewhere he could breathe. Recollect. To think, or maybe just forget.

She was ethereal in how she watched the skies. Perhaps insane, in how she spoke. Anai thought himself rude to interrupt her, but a funny feeling prickled along his spine.

"'scuse me, miss," he said, his voice cracking with the line between youth and adulthood. He cleared his throat. "But who are you talking to?"
the staff team luvs u
04-18-2022, 03:52 AM
She turned to the sound of a voice — and was greeted by a male who was only perhaps a few months younger then herself. Even though they weren't even separated by a year, the growth between was still a slight difference. Younger and smaller, and she believed she had reached what was assumed to be her adult height, and yet suspected he would march farther then her own. At the very least though his size wasn't that catchable, it was hid appearance, that brought a curiosity.

A split between, something she knew about and yet was rare in general. For a moment she was locked upon him ; memorized by so. A split between a gray hue like her own and a wonderful brown — it was like two fused twined to one. No one really knew why it happened, and yet on occasion was it rarely, oh-so rarely seen.. Perhaps this was the second time she saw so. 

Though she smiled, switching back from reality, "To the Goddess," she answered, a gaze drifting away to the heavens itself, "I know not why, but perhaps this is a message from her." Twinkling, within her own starlit whites. The heavens moves, to equines that grazed above and a wolf that stared down to the mortal realms itself ; a beast of feline that she couldn't tell what for sure it looked, but it felt like when it roared to the sky.. A shudder, from he pelt ; not of fear but an exhilaration running through as a static was felt within the sky itself.

"I pray, so that she can hear, so she knows that I see." Miriam wasn't blinded, as she so believed for so long. She had trouble reading the magic the world had, and could not grasp the lessons like the head Priestess could — sometimes, felt like a failure. But she could see, she could see the beauty and what may be — ! A sign of all that is good, for no harm rained down and only but a serenity of a painting itself..

She saw it as a good sign from the Goddess.

the staff team luvs u
04-22-2022, 04:40 AM
She believed in things beyond him. As far as Anai knew, the Nightwalkers did not worship any goddess or god, and he didn't know if he did, either, but it was for these moments he wandered beyond his family's claim. To remain within the mist of the Reach was like walking in blindness, even though he could see.

He felt his skin prickle under the intensity of her watch. It was not the first time wolves had given him a double-take, and he was certain it would not be the last. Yet her smile stilled him, and Anai noted that she herself was quite lovely. Draped in downy greys, with eyes as soft as the moonlight. He might have matched her smile if her mystery didn't lace his face with gentle contemplation.

"She's... giving you a message?" he asked. Anai looked at the stars too but saw nothing in them, and he wondered if she had heard something he simply hadn't. This must be so, for she spoke of praying, and though he knew very little of religion, he gathered from the girl that this had something to do with talking to the goddess she spoke of. Talking, and listening. "I've never prayed before," he said, "How do you know she hears you? Do you hear her talking to you?"
the staff team luvs u
05-03-2022, 02:05 AM
"We read the world around us. The way the wind roams, to the rivers sounds, to the birds that drift around.. Everything, has a meaning, a pathway. A magic, within the air that if you can read right, it help guide you through. To a destiny, we yet know." The world had a path, always spinning and always moving — where everyones eventual time would go to. Yet endless foraging, creating and turning to somewhere destined ; somewhere great. Enough where if trust within the world itself, Miriam believed, she will always be alright. Even if darkness tempts her to despair..

She will survive.

She will be okay. That is why she would not fret about this new land.

"In our heart we know, and we do not expect an answer. So many of her children pray, how could she answer them all? The Goddess does not interfer with Us, she watches Us, like children where we grow and learn, play and fall.. Only sometimes, offering a guidance. Praying is what you believe in your heart is true. There is no right way to speak to her." Her voice of warmth and serenity, as she spoke wholeheartedly of her Goddess and how to speak to so. 

There was no right way, there was no wrong way ; there was only oneself and to her. There was also the Horned God, a directional to where warriors may pray for the safest of journeys, a guidance in power to protect who they desire to. And she too, would pray to him on occasion.

She looked at Anai with such an honesty, perhaps dwelving too much into the information of so. She wouldn't realize if she was overwhelming him.

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