Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

holy purple batman

Morning Partly Cloudy
04-08-2022, 02:05 PM
^^The Oasis, home to the boy-king that was Marvel. Well, okay - not just the Oasis, but the entire damn kingdom of the Desert. Which, you know, Marvel renamed to the Oasis. His family was somewhere; he’d had a brother that Mother Divine had found, and another kid somewhere around here -

As of late, though, Marvel hadn’t seen them. He’d seen the little fox they’d taken in, though; the one that liked to cook and swear, and formed a silent alliance with her for a time - but now Marvel wanted to explore a bit; see what else was out there, if anything.
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04-08-2022, 06:07 PM
The brute moved swiftly through the lands, eyes scanning the horizon as he did so. He was in the desert which to most, would be awful and would be the last place they wanted to be. Him however, he didn't mind the sandy wasteland. If anything, he relished in it. It reminded him of a home quickly forgotten. He knew how to survive and thrive here and he just knew in his heart this is where he would make his home. The oasis that gleamed in the distance cemented that in his mind. This place was his now regardless of who said what. 

As he moved closer to the water, his eyes caught something in the distance and at first, he moved in to hunt it. However, it soon became clear that is was another wolf. Though he wasn't against cannibalism, he didn't typically make a habit out of it. Not when he needed creatures to join him. So, instead, he walked over, watching the boy with narrowed eye. Should he bolt, the man wasn't against kidnapping either. 

For now though, he would call out, body tense and ready to run after the kid. "This land isn't the safest for a lone child." He said simply, putting emphasis on the 'lone child' part as he wondered if this boy had parents or family that Satan would have to worry about when claiming him. He hoped not. That would just cause a lot more problems that he didn't have to time to deal with.

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[Image: 594e2082-689d-11ed-b829-057c57b7de88.gif]
04-08-2022, 06:50 PM
^^ It wasn't hard to notice a white creature in the desert, but what Marvel noticed first was the royal complexion of his coat.


His thoughts traveled to the like minded individual who had raised him, also an albino, but much unlike her and Marvel, the creature who approached him was not a Bacchus wolf and therefore, held no features of royalty. Boring.

In fact the only thing that put him in Marvel's good graces was that he was albino, and being that it was morning - Marvel was surprised that he was out at all. Surprised also, that he couldn't hear the sizzling from burning flesh.

The Bacchus boy glanced over the albino with an arch of brow, not afraid and not impressed. His eyes took to the sky, following the buzzards with the lick of his lips, tongune rolling across prolonged canines that were not hard to miss.

“How original.” He sat, blinking at him lazily as he got up to follow the buzzards, though pausing to blink at him. “I'm sure whatever it is you came to discuss can be discussed over breakfast. ”
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04-08-2022, 07:39 PM
The shock that came with the child's attitude was.... interesting. He didn't show his shock but instead amusement crossed his features. The sun did indeed burn his skin slightly, which was one reason he intended to take over the oasis. That way he could have shade and water. But being an albino wolf always came with its challenges. He had grown used to the mild burn of the sun on his skin, and typically kept his eyes narrowed and cast down even when he wasn't trying to be threatening. However, even he could only go out in prolong sun for short periods of time before his skin would blister and he would need to go back into the shade. 

Glancing over at the buzzards in the sky, he watched their movements, gaining as much knowledge as he could about locations of bodies and where the most creatures seemed to fall to. The death birds would be the ones who knew the most about it. The man would think for a moment before speaking. "I don't see why not, how old are you?" He followed behind the boy, watching the world around them while barely glancing at the boy. It wasn't like he was worried the kid would attack him or anything. Satan was confident in his own abilities. 

"I'll get straight to the point, there's no reason to beat around the bush. I'm claiming this land as my own. You will be apart of that." He wasn't going to sugar coat stuff, what he said had little explanation to it.

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[Image: 594e2082-689d-11ed-b829-057c57b7de88.gif]
04-08-2022, 07:55 PM
^^Satan Dearest was the second albino to desire a claim in the desert, of all places, and also the second to potentially take Marvel under his wing, but now he was old enough to do things on his own. He even had an alliance with a fennec fox, but even with Marvel’s lengthy canines, and five toes on each foot, there was so much that Marvel could do.

The albino followed Marvel’s orders without hesitation, and Marvel would lead them to the site of a dead fox. The dead birbs had to have been the best thing about the Oasis, and the rest of the desert. The heat did most of the work for him.

So he sat himself down and tossed the albino businessman half of the meal, ears twitching as Satan spoke. When he looked up, his lips and muzzle were red and Marvel made no move to clean himself up.

“So I shall be, but what’s in it for me? And please spare me with the cliche protection and food bullshit. I can do all of that on my own.”
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04-08-2022, 08:16 PM
He didn't know who else previously claimed this lands nor did he care. Whoever they were weren't here now so they obviously failed. Satan was confident cocky in his abilities and wouldn't let himself fail. Not the way others had. He was mildly surprised that the boy gave him some of the kill, though he wasn't going to say no. Unlike some idiots, he wasn't going to say no to free anything, regardless if it was a handout or not. 

He began to eat, ears perking up as he heard the boy's question. Though, he didn't answer until he was part way finished with his mean, raising up his head to meet the boy's gaze. In a similar fashion, his pure white maw was covered in blood, though if anything it helped against the sun. Perhaps he should walk around covered in blood more?

"I'm not stupid, if you've been out here all this time, than I know you're capable of helping yourself out. What I offer you is the ability to do whatever the fuck you want. We are a group of mercenaries that take jobs that no one else is competent enough to do. Not only do you get to live however you want to, but you can team up with others to take down larger jobs." He lowered his head to start eating again. "I'm not a diplomat, I brute force what I want, when I want it. However I could use someone that is smaller and more agile than me. In exchange, I'll assist you and brute force whatever you need." 

It was clear he wasn't the type to typically talk about what he wanted, but at least for now, he was attempting to do so.

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[Image: 594e2082-689d-11ed-b829-057c57b7de88.gif]
04-08-2022, 11:27 PM
^^One could not have a business breakfast meeting if only one was eating. They both needed to eat, or so Marvel liked to tell himself. He was in charge here, clearly, as Satan was trying to grow his merry little band of.. mercenaries that take jobs? That’s what this nameless albino wanted? It did not sound appealing to Marvel, considering he could already do what the bloody fuck he wanted.

He could use someone smaller than him, meaning that Marvel was deemed valuable - just as he had been with the little band of cannibals that he’d joined before. Same thing, different story, really, wasn’t it? Everyone wanted to rule, was that it?

But Satan was failing to impress him. Maybe he was just bad with words, which wasn’t really helping; a leader was supposed to be good with words. “You need me, so that makes me valuable.” Which meant that Marvel was in charge here, not that he had suspected otherwise, and the albino was unwise to challenge him.

His eyes narrowed, gathering that this one didn’t like being told no, but if Marvel could survive the hippie cannibals, he could survive this, though that wasn’t really the problem. This group would make the third that had come here - there was no guarantee that they’d even last.

“I can already do whatever I want, mate, and without taking jobs.” Marvel grunted, unamused and unimpressed, but he wasn't the kind that liked wasting time.

“But you need me, so I will humor you. You will come back in three days with the head of the largest kill you can find, and should that impress me, I will join as your apprentice so that when your crew fails, I will rise.”
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04-09-2022, 06:56 PM
His pink eyes narrowed as he bit back a snarl. He despised others believing they were better than him, however it was already clear to the brute that this young wolf could be a very important asset. So, for now he would deal with it. "You know I could very simply just brute force you to join me, right? You're not going to ever beat me in a fight." He stood as he said that, shaking out his fur. "However, I will amuse you, your games are interesting to me." 

He left the rest of his food and began to walk away, glancing over his shoulder as he spoke once more. "I will call for you soon. You'll get your prize then." He turned back away, already sniffing the air to search for a large prey. He wasn't one that was afraid of large game, if anything it excited him. He knew the dangers that came with it and relished in the pain that the prey could cause. 

For now, he debated if he would search for something here or head someone else. Though, he wasn't lazy, he certainly wasn't going to go on a full trip to find something. A large creature from here would work, he would just have to find something worthwhile.

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[Image: 594e2082-689d-11ed-b829-057c57b7de88.gif]
04-10-2022, 08:38 PM
^^The nameless albino narrowed his eyes, and Marvel arched his brows in challenge, though his hackles did not rise, and the boy did not snarl. He made direct contact and licked his lips nice and slow, looking to Satan like a meal versus someone he ought to respect.

“Oh really? I had no idea, Marvel countered in a flat tone which suggested that he was bored, though he remained where he was as he watched the businessman leave, in wonder if he’d truly ever see him again.
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