Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Heaven Sent; Hell Proof

04-06-2022, 10:22 PM
He moved through the land, making sure to keep himself hidden. The whole time though, his eyes never left @Amata, his tail wagging slightly. Lowering himself to the ground in the tall grass, he kept himself hidden, though she would know he was there.

He wasn't allowed to help her hunt or help feed her, but he could at least stay around her and make sure she was safe. He wasn't entirely sure what happened between them earlier but he wasn't going to question it.

the staff team luvs u
He does. He speaks. He thinks.
WARNING: 3-3-3 Character
04-07-2022, 12:27 AM
^^The best thing about being grounded from the cashes was that Amata didn’t even know where the heck they were to begin with. Grumble wasn’t exactly the best mentor that one could leave Amata with, and Almight had his own agenda and was solemnly seen to begin with.

So when Grumble up and vanished, abandoning Amata almost outright, she took it to herself to hunt on her own. Frogs, birds, small shit that didn’t require effort. She hadn’t had help then, and didn’t need help now - and it wasn’t like Amata was grounded to stay in the territory — or was she? She couldn’t remember.

Some part of her considered leaving it all behind as there was nothing of importance to keep her here. And then Grub had happened and now he was watching her hunt? It felt weird but good, but weird, and Amata wasn’t… really sure how to feel about it, or how to handle it.

But here she was, on the trail of something she’d never encountered before. Sure, the scent was always there, but she’d never followed it until she found its source, but told herself that it had to be something tasty!

What it was, was the weirdest little beaver without a tail that she had ever seen. The skin, you could tell, was black, but the fur was different colors of white and gray and moved as the creature did, as if it had long hair. It looked like the beaver’s weird cousin, that moved at a snail's pace.

This would be her target.
the staff team luvs u
04-08-2022, 04:24 PM
The young man watched her from the sidelines, sniffing the air momentarily to see if anyone else was nearby. For now though, they seemed to be the only ones here which was a good thing. Last thing they needed was to get spotted and someone to accuse him of helping her hunt. Bright red eyes watched her as she chose her target, narrowing in on the creature that she chose. It was a very strange looking prey and he didn't know what it was. Its hair was.... odd and something about it made him feel on edge. But, he didn't do anything of it, assuming that his on edge feeling was simply him being tense from their earlier conversations. 

Nonetheless though, he kept himself at the ready, body tense to shoot out and help her if something happened. Consequences be damned, he wasn't going to let his woman get hurt. He froze for a moment, realizing that he had mentally claimed her as his. It was a strange feeling but one that he was entirely okay with. She was his and he would fight anyone who said otherwise.

the staff team luvs u
He does. He speaks. He thinks.
WARNING: 3-3-3 Character
04-11-2022, 04:00 AM
^^This is fine. Or it was fine, until Amata got too close and the long hairs moved in a way that Amata had not expected. It looked like it rose it’s hackles, and pointed it’s backside at her - to which the butthairs were an even brighter white color and the fur went into the opposite direction of the other furs on it’s body. And then there was a pungent smell of musk that Amata had never smelled before.

An ear flickered back, Amata unsure, but she needed to eat; survival was all that mattered, right? Right, so despite that it looked kinda painful and despite that it gave off this smell that very literally said ‘stay back,’ -

Amata was a stubborn girl and leapt forward, and what followed was a painful set of yelps and snarls.
the staff team luvs u
04-11-2022, 06:28 PM
The man wasn't entirely sure what was happening, in all honesty he had no clue what this danger nugget was either. He watched with narrowed eyes, his legs tense and ready to come out of the shadows if he needed to and for some reason he had a feeling he would need to. 

Unfortunately, he was right as he watched in horror, seeing the pokey fur hit Amata as she jumped at it, hearing her cry out. Within seconds, he was next to her, snarling and placing himself between the danger nugget and her. At first it seemed to raise its hair up at him, but he stood his ground though he knew now how this creature could hurt. Thankfully though after snarling at it, the creature ran off. To where? Levi didn't care or what to know. 

Full attention moved to Amata as he began to lick her where she didn't have barbs stuck in her. "You'll be alright. Do you want me to get the medic or do you want to pull those out now?" He really had no idea what he was doing, so he hoped that she would call for the medic. However, he would trust her choice and do whatever she asked of him.

the staff team luvs u
He does. He speaks. He thinks.
WARNING: 3-3-3 Character
04-12-2022, 11:46 PM
^^There was no question about it now, was there? She had been in pain and in danger, and now he stood between Amata and the dangers that had harmed her, putting himself in the way of danger to protect her.

For some reason or the other, and despite that she had peed on his sister right in front of him when they were younger, Leviathan had formed this sense of royalty to Amata that she couldn’t quite understand - though she was not foolish enough to question it or to question him about it. Instead, she would watch that loyalty, as she’d never had such a thing before.

And Leviathan was wise enough not to lick her where she’d been stabbed. “We will find my teachers after I find something to eat. So how about you go and hunt something for me to rightfully steal from you, yeah?” Insert wink here.
the staff team luvs u
04-13-2022, 01:29 AM
The man made sure to steer clear of the quills, not wanting to harm her anymore than she already was. With a soft chuckle as her words, he would nod, lifting her head up for a moment. A quick sniff around would tell him that currently, no one was in the area, or at least no one that he could smell. That was good enough for him at least. "Just please try not to get hurt again." He would joke softly to her before running off to find something to hunt. 

It wasn't too hard to find something simple, a rather plump rabbit just eating some grass. This was perfect. Thankfully, he wasn't really hungry at the moment, so he didn't mind her stealing his meal.

Lowering himself to the ground, he would stalk forward, making sure to stay downwind as he did so. After a few moments, he would pounce, killing it swiftly with a bite to hits neck. After killing it though, he would lay it down on the ground and sit a few feet away from it, pretending to not be paying attention to it at all. He was watching the sky and seeing how the birds flew off in the distance. In reality however, he was paying attention to nothing but Amata

the staff team luvs u
He does. He speaks. He thinks.
WARNING: 3-3-3 Character
04-13-2022, 01:47 AM
^^Only Levi could go from threatening to take her life to defending her from a quilled weasel, then asking her to be careful - what an interesting combination of feelings!! The fact that Amata was feeling at all was a mild annoyance, and she didn’t know what to do with it.

They were friends. They had an alliance. He smelled good. He was nice to look at - especially when he walked away to hunt something for her. She stared at him, watching him do his thing. She stayed still, awaiting for the smell of blood to hit her nostrils.

And then it came, and she watched him. He wasn’t looking at her. She looked around, sniffed at the air. Sure, they were along, but Amata trusted nothing and no one. This was a trust mission for Levi, too; would he truly help her?

So she circled him a few times and then she walked off - not far - and then turned back around and ran towards him, aiming to zip by him and snatch the rabbit from his grasp as she kept on running. If she was successful, she wouldn't stop.

exit amata if not stopped lol
the staff team luvs u
04-13-2022, 02:13 AM
He remained oblivious to the whole thing, occasionally glancing at the food and looking around but never actually looking at Amata. Laying himself down, he would yawn slightly and stretch, listening to her running towards him. He trusted her not to attack him and stayed still, though her rushing past and snagging the food was still a soft shock to him. He let out a soft growl, one more playful than anything else. However, he couldn't stop himself from chuckling as he watched her run off. 

For now, he would wait here and let her eat without worry, not wanting to get her in trouble at all. So, he laid himself onto his side and closed his eyes, taking this time for a nap. He knew that if she needed anything, she would come get him. But for now, he would let her take her time to eat in peace.

the staff team luvs u
He does. He speaks. He thinks.
WARNING: 3-3-3 Character
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