Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Cold hands, warm heart

Afternoon Snow
03-12-2022, 05:04 PM
drifting north is an impulsive discussion — a scent on the wind tugs at her, and she follows; moth to flame, encroaching with the assumption that these lands would be a winter wonderland. Frost and snow clings to her dark form, much like it does to her surroundings.

 Yet amongst the pale and snow white is a land that still sticks out amongst the others — spring has come in the oddest of formats as hardy blossoms peak from underneath their ice-covered prison. Ceridwen slows her stride, nosing along the buds and, funny enough, treads carefully to avoid the new life.

for @Reiko

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03-12-2022, 05:14 PM
After her meeting with Ira the next course of action was to prepare for injuries. With spring rearing around the corner, some of the early blossoms were peeking out of the snow as well as the regular winter remedies that would be brought back as well and ready to use for when they would return.

Injuries were a guarantee; and Reiko could only hope they would forgive her for this decision and understand that it was for their greater good. Their safety. Their comfort. That getting rid of Kuhn was a necessary evil.

Another could be seen in the gardens as the Empress enters. A tall, dark woman who was beautiful as she was strong. She was breathtaking really, but a thought tugged at her mind… A small bark was offered to gain the woman’s attention, hoping to get a better smell of her and see if she was one of the pack wolves who had been rummaging around in their gardens without any introduction.

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[Image: df686pz-0c7a3fc2-8eca-4da1-8429-49fa07fd3bab.png]
translator, I'm sorry if it is horrible for anyone fluent in Japanese!
03-12-2022, 05:38 PM
 She’s never been a medic — keen to sear wounds and have the doting of another care for the worst of them. Poultices and bitter potions, she misses the taste of them. It meant accomplishments for Ceridwen, for typically the other was much worse off.

 Nose shifting against the bud of a flower, she seeps in the gentle brush of it against her muzzle. Opposite of her in more ways than one.

 Ears swerve first, lose in her posture at the interruption of footfalls and the bark that follows after. She turns her head — golden gaze encasing the moontouched with a swift once over, and then a second. Petite, ethereal and confident. Ceridwen adjusts, stepping over the bud — sorry flower, someone else has her interest now.

 “This yours?” Tail flicks, swaying towards the Garden.

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03-12-2022, 05:46 PM (This post was last modified: 03-12-2022, 07:31 PM by Reiko. Edited 1 time in total.)
Guarded. She would not approach the woman but keep her nose attentive to the winds for any indication of the greedy pack. She had made a mistake here once before in these same gardens placing her trust in the wrong wolf… it would not be repeated.

Nodding at the question tossed her way. “More or less.” A correction. This place was no official claim of Shiroshika, but with their borders melting into this yard, it was still a resource they had to guard. “It is a free land, but there are the greedy who have been taking more than their fair share… are you one of them?”

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[Image: df686pz-0c7a3fc2-8eca-4da1-8429-49fa07fd3bab.png]
translator, I'm sorry if it is horrible for anyone fluent in Japanese!
03-12-2022, 06:35 PM
 “I can imagine,” Ceridwen casts a look over the gardens — knowing well how strategic healing sources could be. Cut off the supply of them and your enemy can’t tend to their wounded. The infected would take them out if starvation does not.

 “I’m not a healer, so no, my greed lays elsewhere,” the woman jests, a hint of a grin curling at the edges of her lips — the toothy, crooked type that makes it obvious she thinks it was funny. It is true, however, for she is greedy, just like everyone else.

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03-12-2022, 06:43 PM (This post was last modified: 03-12-2022, 07:31 PM by Reiko. Edited 1 time in total.)
The little woman grew somewhat territorial over the resources found in the glacier lands. She would pay no mind to random few who would pass by and collect small amounts for survival or emergencies. It was those who would return she was weary of. Stripping them of remedies in their sedentary lives.

“Where does your greed lay?” She’d turn to question again. Perhaps this one was not looking at herbs but maybe something more nefarious if not questioned thoroughly. That, or perhaps she could be a great ally if all check out after today.

They were in need of strong allies. Those who could carry their own.

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[Image: df686pz-0c7a3fc2-8eca-4da1-8429-49fa07fd3bab.png]
translator, I'm sorry if it is horrible for anyone fluent in Japanese!
03-12-2022, 06:59 PM
 Those caught red-handed in the cookie jar liked to be suspicious and flighty of every question tossed their way — Ceridwen? Oh, she’s thriving. It might be those security guard checks to make sure she’s no real threat, but regardless, it means the little lady has her eye on the dark knight.

 “You could take a guess,” she suggests, beckoning her muzzle just a touch upwards in a nod. Her bone necklace rustles with the movement.

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03-12-2022, 07:30 PM
An answer would swiftly come with a gesture. Bones and teeth splayed out around the warrior’s neck with pride and in response, Reiko would take a step back. Widening the distance between them to give her more time to run should it be necessary. Should the large female make any sudden or slow movements forward with no invitation to do so.

“Are those trophies with just reasons?” Was she the great equalizer when it came to evils of this world, or was she a symbol of such nefarious deeds? One Reiko could overlook and even seek to have them join Shiroshika as another protector, while the other… may be added to their list to exterminate for theirs, and others’ safety.

She would choose not to speak too much on the matter other than asking prodding questions. This time she was more cautious than the last… learning many lessons through the last year.

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[Image: df686pz-0c7a3fc2-8eca-4da1-8429-49fa07fd3bab.png]
translator, I'm sorry if it is horrible for anyone fluent in Japanese!
03-12-2022, 07:47 PM
 To see her skitter away leaves Ceridwen feeling a twinge of disappointment — condemning the moontouched would be foolish, however, for Ceridwen would not trust a stranger like her either.

 There’s a slow, half-shrug of a shoulder that comes next. The knight is at ease despite the underlying tension. “I honored my oath.” Each trophy holds meaning — what Ceridwen neglects to ponder.

 “I don’t pounce innocent bystanders, if that is what you are asking.” Deeming who is an “innocent bystander” depends on the situation.

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03-12-2022, 08:09 PM
Honour and oath. Arguably enough reason without being terrible. It’s what followed that eased the suspicions more than what was shared prior.

“I see.” She breathes. Letting the thoughts swirl around in her head thinking of all the possibilities laying out before her. “Is your time currently occupied?” She’d inquire. Interested in this woman even further.

Though should she be trusted enough to be told of Shiroshika and join the ranks of Traveller, it would take time to be fully trusted into the ranks. A mistake like Vera would not be repeated. Not if it could be helped.

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[Image: df686pz-0c7a3fc2-8eca-4da1-8429-49fa07fd3bab.png]
translator, I'm sorry if it is horrible for anyone fluent in Japanese!
03-12-2022, 08:23 PM
 A fizzled breath taken — extinguishing the spark that could, in turn, erupt into a brilliant flame. Ceridwen extends her trust, pulling hindquarters forth and taking a seat before the moontouched.

 “By you,” she answers. The tone lacks cheek, and instead holds genuine interest — beckoning forth for what the little lady is after. She’s wound up and tough on the edges — stiff like royalty, guarded in the right ways — unlike the crumbled pieces of Ceridwen who looks like an unwashed stray on the streets, here for a crumb of attention.

the staff team luvs u
03-12-2022, 08:40 PM (This post was last modified: 03-14-2022, 01:05 AM by Reiko. Edited 1 time in total.)
A sign of trust was offered with a relaxing sit—somethign that would be returned with the Empress taking a seat as well with a gentle, fluid motion. Tail curling politely over her toes in a sort of blanket while at rest.

Fluttering from her lips was a little laugh at the answer provided.“Fair.” A simple sign of a more gentle, playful nature she was currently hiding behind a more professional mask. A side that was now reserved only to packmates, friends, and family.

“Pardon my forwardness miss; however, you look capable and I am in need.” A pause to read the woman’s interest. If apparently bored, the Empress would stop and leave her be as a simple wanderer; having no smell of the parasitic pack, there was no further need to question her.

“A large feline, called a tiger—” If the woman has never heard of such things, it was certainly alien to Reiko.“Has been harassing my pack for many moons now… We could pay you in remedies, food, and safety for your assistance if you could?” Even if she was an Empress, it was no place for her to order around loners. She was no one to them after all, and respect was equally given as though they hailed to a foreign leader.

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[Image: df686pz-0c7a3fc2-8eca-4da1-8429-49fa07fd3bab.png]
translator, I'm sorry if it is horrible for anyone fluent in Japanese!
03-12-2022, 08:55 PM
 The lady cracks open her door, just a swig of what’s underneath the surface shown in that dainty laugh of hers — tiny, just like her. Ceridwen grins in response, this time it is full.

 It comes at a cost. Muscle is needed — feline, something called a tiger — and an exchange of goods for service. She leans forward, interested yet keeps her distance; knowing now that the other backs away at subtle hints.

 “My assistance,” she repeats, “you want this tiger dead, or just away from your kingdom?” A bounty means she’d have to put her own life on the line — there’s a thrill in that — but guarding is also what she does.

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03-13-2022, 12:08 AM (This post was last modified: 03-14-2022, 01:04 AM by Reiko. Edited 1 time in total.)
The woman does not shy away from the offer but instead embraces it with a new set of questions. With every new ally that would assist it felt like the dark clouds that hung over her head these past few months.“He is a cunning, vengeful beast—I cannot trust he would not return with death on the mind.” She'd answer with a long-winded explanation. This was not an execution out of hatred. This was for protection for those she loved.“ dead.”

The word was bitter on her tongue. A word she hated to utter but as Ira had said, some evil was necessary. The hard decisions is what made the crown heavy and if she could not do it, then someone else would have to take over the Shiroshikan throne in her stead.“You will not be alone.” Unlike what Kuhn may see in Reiko and her throne, she was not one to send others to death while sitting pretty and safely within her borders.

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[Image: df686pz-0c7a3fc2-8eca-4da1-8429-49fa07fd3bab.png]
translator, I'm sorry if it is horrible for anyone fluent in Japanese!
03-13-2022, 12:25 AM
 Death a bitter pill — a cycle that rotates with all living beings. Ceridwen is familiar with the feeling, with seeing it happen across countless souls. She the reasoning, either by her own fang or by the fang of her enemy.

 She and this tiger are alike in that — vengeful. “What did you do to him?” If she’s to accept a bounty, and help with this hunt, it’s only right for her to know, yeah? But if the little dove wants to keep her lips shut on the finer details for now, Ceridwen could work with that.

 “It has been awhile since I’ve fought alongside others,” she says, puffing her chest a touch at the idea — nostalgic to fight in a legion. “How many do you have?”

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03-13-2022, 01:01 AM (This post was last modified: 03-14-2022, 01:04 AM by Reiko. Edited 1 time in total.)
“That I am not quite certain.” Every time the question would be asked, she was never any more certain than the last.“At first he spoke of some of my members being in his woods, which I thought was remedied with an agreement between us; yet... he continues to cause trouble with his wolf companion.” it would be a long story and Reiko was uncertain how long this woman would sit to listen today.

“He has since then assisted with his companion trespassing, stealing from our caches and threatening my daughter. Now I find out he harassed my messenger on neutral lands... I cannot trust him. I fear for the safety of the pack.” Otherwise such a drastic decision would not have been made against the feline.

“Excluding you? Between six and eleven. Some I am uncertain if they will or will not join, the announcement has not been made public yet within the pack and we have allies who will lend us a couple.”

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[Image: df686pz-0c7a3fc2-8eca-4da1-8429-49fa07fd3bab.png]
translator, I'm sorry if it is horrible for anyone fluent in Japanese!
03-13-2022, 01:18 AM
 A tangled web of he-said-she-said — typical. Ceridwen soaks in silence while the moontouched woman speaks, giving details that seem to hint at it’s complicated™. All she gathers is that they both wronged each other in ways and this tiger decided to be foolish; take the situation from now-broken agreements to threats of murder.


 This kitty must be a big bastard for the numbers she gives Ceridwen, too. A real boss. That’s adding to their fear, she gets it. It’s why others were frightful of her, before she ended up here — small in this body that does not tower castle doors.

 “Fair enough,” she concludes. “I’ll agree to the trade if you give me your name. I am Ceridwen.”

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03-13-2022, 01:48 AM
It didn't matter what others thought of their situation. The reality was that Shiroshika tried to strike peace amongst packs and species, and it was continuously broken. Trust was shattered and now danger lurked beyond their borders which felt more like any day now one of their members would go missing due to Kuhn's actions.

That alone was reason enough for a feline hunt.

“Reiko Izuka, Empress of Shiroshika.” If her title wasn't already obvious enough with how she sought alliances.

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translator, I'm sorry if it is horrible for anyone fluent in Japanese!
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