Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

tasting touching hearing seeing breathing

Midnight Sunny/Clear
02-17-2022, 05:37 PM (This post was last modified: 02-18-2022, 06:21 PM by Olive. Edited 2 times in total.)
set some time before she's kidnapped

Wandering from her new home in Cloudrest, the waif ventured north. She climbed the heights that bolstered Frostchant from the rear, picked her way across the spine of them, and found herself quickly outputted into an expanse that looked upon the frozen wasteland that lay beyond. The snow blanketed everything within eyeshot, splitting the world into two: the dark, sidereal, endless sky cast a dark shadow against the bright, endless permafrost. The moonlight bounced off of it, lighting the landscape in an ethereal glow.

The spellsinger wandered and wayfared, knowing that the energy of the heavy moon would not let her sleep. The spirits inside her stirred and stretched themselves, preparing for the dance to come. There were times for rituals and the preparations that came with them, but she found her instructions as clear as reality, written across the night sky in a smattering of stars. Nothing else was needed except for herself, and this featureless expanse, and the twinkling of strung-up lights above. The time, and the message, would come.

and in the meantime, Esra preened her fur; preparing her temple for the Gods that would inhabit it this night.

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duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
02-17-2022, 07:01 PM (This post was last modified: 02-18-2022, 06:29 PM by Kuhn. Edited 1 time in total.)
Flickering through the trees the moonlight cast it's rays on the snow covered floor of the Everfrost. Hazy clouds lit the sky with the refraction of the moon, obscuring the starlit Archon above, instead lighting the sky with it's silver glow.

Looking to the sky the striped beast felt a call to the sky, was it true that high places where best to commune with the gods?

There it was, offered to him, a ladder to the moon, the mountains to the west that towered over the Everfrost. The way was dark, in the shadow of the moon, thought all dark things below where bright above. Just as a tree growing towards the light cast their roots equally into the underworld.

Lumbering onward, the cat was compelled by a rythm to walk to that high place. It was quiet now only hearing his breath, his heart, and the crunch of snow beneath his paws.

Lit by the glow of the moon, his vision appeared to be elsewhere now, though his body wandered onward tired from the climb his mind was somewhere else.

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02-18-2022, 06:47 PM (This post was last modified: 02-18-2022, 06:51 PM by Olive. Edited 3 times in total.)
The featherlight prophet, too, was taken by the quiet godliness that this night held. The Gods were present in the turning of the earth and its sacred cycles; how could they not? How could vacuous night be equally as necessary as a sunlit day, and just as productive to life itself? There was not a thing stirring, save she — it would appear, at first glance, that all things were asleep. Even the season itself was heavy and drowsy, so late in the winter, with all trees bare and not a delicate, vital herb to be found.

But, such was the nature of the moon! She existed to obscure and be forever moving onwards; never to stay in one place, lest she (and all life itself) perish — for winter nights were equally as necessary as the midsummer days, just as one could not stay awake for days and days on end. All things needed a rhythm to stay in balance, and this was why she worshipped the moon as she did. Nothing could represent or honor the sacredness of time itself better than the very planet that allowed her to conceive of such a concept. Not all could agree on this idea, but for Esra at least, it meant a great deal (and, honestly, gave her a reason to care about staying alive).

A sound, out from the woods behind her — the moon was bright, and as her head snapped backwards to seek what else found solace in the night, she spotted an ochre flash. Once you had met a tiger, they were generally pretty easy to recognize. The shrouded woman recalled the feline collector with a simpering smile. "Hail, Roshanak," she called out, her voice light and hollow, somehow still sounding too-loud against the silence of the world. "Have you come to look upon your native stars?"

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duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
02-18-2022, 08:05 PM

The trancelike wandering came to a gentle halt, as this world was once again calling out to him. Reacting before he did, the cat's rounded ears cupped to the source of the lone sound on the mountain. Following behind his ears, his eyes saw the source of the greeting.

His lit gaze came upon a moonlit silhouette of a wolf. Perhaps she was a vision, she spoke confidently, addressing him with a name he did not know, asking him about looking to the stars.

It didn't matter if she was real or not, fate was what it was in moments like this. She was the priestess of this sanctum, and his compulsion to march to the sky had lead him here. "I was compelled to come here ", he responded with a calm low voice, the tip of his tail dancing gently behind him.
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02-21-2022, 07:08 PM
The shrouded sylph eyed him curiously, unable not to delight in how easily the Gods spoke to her, sending signs and signals as bright, loud and visceral as a fantastic tiger, standing right in front of her, as clear as anything else she had ever seen before. Her life had convinced her that coincidence wasn't possible, and it certainly wasn't possible now; not when she had just been beseeching the Gods to fill her!

She smirked inwardly, her tail matching his own in its curious dance. Her voice was light, almost containing a laugh within the confines of the words it spoke. "Compelled one," she called him, placing a paw slightly forward and shifting her weight atop it. She knew these compulsions well. "We have answered the same calling," the prophet suggested quite casually, as she understood this to be a very natural curiosity that afflicted most creatures; a general wondering of the goings-on in heaven, or whatever lands lay beyond.

Moreover, there was often a concern towards what this meant for their own humble, puny lives — this was exactly what drew her forth every month, for years, was it not?

She lifted a black-leather nose to the air and took several cursory sniffs, understanding that this was not the star-being Roshanak, but another tiger entirely. In any other state the woman might have recognized his scent as the one that inhabited the eastern forest, which she forsook because of his very existence; but here and now, there was no such context. They simply were, in whatever way they happened to be in that moment. "The hour of ghosts draws nigh," Esra forewarned, jade eyes a-flash, punctuating her statement with a final puff of air and drawing her maw back towards her.

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duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
02-21-2022, 10:18 PM (This post was last modified: 02-21-2022, 10:20 PM by Kuhn. Edited 2 times in total.)

Kuhn had never cared to tread lightly in the presence of the gods, rather he figured they would appreciate him coming boldly. There where far to many mortals already who would cower before them.

Though, this did not mean he would walk with disrespect in this holy place. Poetically, she only refered to him as: compelled one. What better name to be called, after all they where hardly tiger or wolf here, both just souls, both insignificantly small, yet insurmountably important.

In the spirit of such boldness, Kuhn resumed his stride, walking higher to the crest of the priestes' alter, where her moonlit features became apparent, lighting her radiant white pelt. What was the hour of ghosts.

Perhaps uncomfortably close, the tiger stood face to face with the mysterious priestess, expelling a foggy breath between them, into the moonlit sky.
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02-23-2022, 06:26 PM (This post was last modified: 02-23-2022, 06:30 PM by Olive. Edited 2 times in total.)
In silent acquiesce to an unspoken question, the cat placed himself heartily within audience of their altar, no longer a mere happenstance but a choice, a declaration, an intention. He was here, with her, amongst this cauldron of stars at atmosphere; a catalyst that bound them to the earth & sky, and made them whole. The ashen prophet followed his movement with her eyes alone, only moving her physical posturing to face him once more when he, too, settled into position upon a higher ledge.

The prodigal tiger settled his focused on her and he breathed, and she breathed back, taking from the earth in the most natural of ways with an inhale yet, simultaneously, surrendering something of themselves on the exhale. It was the most infinitesimal of prayers, yet without it, they would assuredly perish. Thus was the importance of ritual and rites — so essential to life, that it was a part of them. The part which lighted their movements with prana, and spoke to them through the beating of their heart. In truth, this breathing alone was honoring enough.

— but how could she simply participate in the mundane, every-day, every-moment, every-breath type of prayer when the moon sat so big and round and heavy in the sky, curves crying out to be revered as would the womb of an expectant mother, or the fullness of a heart in its happiest moment? The woman broke the gravid silence with a smile, then a smirk. "Do you know your ancestors well?" she inquired into his stonegray gaze, lifting her own to look outward at the moonlit expanse. "Those who existed before you; who made you... you?"

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duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
02-24-2022, 09:40 AM
Predictably the priestess didn't react poorly to his closeness.  She seemed like him to just revel in the moment.  Still looking her over she almost appeared ethereal in the light of the moon, a ghost herself.  Typically such long eye contact with a stranger could be seen as a challenge, but they both seemed to know the exception here in this sanctum.  Looking back into her moonlit green eyes, he saw the shine of an ivory smile, he himself turned his gaze to the horizon.  

Listening intently, it was possible that something greater could be channeled into the words of either one of them.  Looking at the starlit expanse, he listened as if the gods themselves might speak.  "No I do not... I remember nothing before I came here."
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03-02-2022, 07:46 PM (This post was last modified: 03-03-2022, 06:14 PM by Olive. Edited 2 times in total.)
His voice, she found interesting; listening to the rolling gravel of his words, she found herself ultimately anticipatory of his meaning, wondering just what secrets he held closed & within his lineage — but the reality of such assumptions was never to be so; instead, he wove a short, sorrowful tale that sounded similar to countless others in these lands. The seraph nodded along with her thoughts, turning inward for a moment, and letting this information settle within her.

It wasn't but a moment later that she lifted her chin, and again met his eye. "If that weighs on you," she posited, making a small assumption that she felt as truth deep in her gut, "It shouldn't." Esra new relatively nothing about this man, but still the words flowed through her, so she trusted them, and trusted that he would find some meaning in them that would be unknown even to her. she transfixed her eyes on him, obscuring her vision momentarily, becoming aware of his aura — and she knew this cat was never left lonely by forgotten predecessors, simple ghosts lost to the time, for better or for worse, to whatever end might one day be. "They are with you, always, in forms you would never imagine."

In fact, they surrounded and subsumed them even now.

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[Image: Sprite-0005.gif]

duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
03-03-2022, 12:07 AM
Her words did seemed inspired by some otherworldly force. Perhaps she was right, maybe his ancestors where reaching out from behind the veil, perhaps she was their messenger.

Feeling her eyes burning on him he had to turn his own to meet her gaze, his whiskers reaching out as if intending to touch her. Taking a long moment he thought it over, tail twitching. "Perhaps they are... I'll gladly accept their help, though I would be a fool to rely on them."

Leaning in closer, whiskers brushing into the woman, he took in her scent, then exhaling another cloud from his nose. His muzzle staying somewhere behind her ear he continued, "My kind walks alone, perhaps I find it hard to rely on others."
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03-03-2022, 06:36 PM (This post was last modified: 03-06-2022, 12:13 AM by Olive. Edited 1 time in total.)
Though Esra often thought herself the mouthpiece of the Gods, she was ultimately limited in her abilities, and a harsh line was drawn between herself and the ancestors of others. Did she know they were present? Yes — in the same way that she could somehow see that trees had life, and drew water from the ground into their thick trunks — and in the same way she could look at a wounded individual and know exactly which of the earth's medicines they needed, even if she had not used the herb in such a way before. This was Esra's magic, and while some trained in the arts of a medium, it was not she who was bestowed such such a gift. The tiny wolf could only commune and dialogue with her own blood relatives.

This always had left her curious and wanting; for, if she could not look at an individual and intrinsically see all the individual threads that wove their unique fabric, then it was up to her to dig for it —a task that she was becoming increasingly more distracted from as the hulking cat reached out and past her, settling his head somewhere outside the periphery of her vision. "If not for kith and kin," she questioned still, breath hitching with the weight of his immediacy and power. "...what then drives you?"

She found cats to be wise individuals, even those like Benry and Moosebellow, and heeded their knowledge greatly. It was the tiger she had initially confused him with, Roshanak, who had gifted her with the understanding that not all animals could see the world in color, as she fortunately could. This idea was entirely foreign to her, and once she had heard it, it completely reconstructed the way she considered her physical reality. Opening herself to such mind-bending truths was a favorite past time of the nymph and she hoped that, within his answer, she might find a new perspective and understanding of life itself.

Esra glanced out of the corner of her and spoke again, perhaps too plainly for the moment, "What are your motivations to live your life, as you do?"

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duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
03-03-2022, 09:33 PM
Still, Kuhn couldn't help but see the otherworldly allure of this lupine woman. She had a certain insistence on sticking to the deeper topics, not phased by his odd greeting. Though she continued, the cat could definitely detect the hitch in her voice.

It didn't seem to matter though, as the priestess continued on in her otherworldly line of questioning, regardless of Kuhn's testing of fate. Leaning back to his place, in full view of the woman, "To grow my own fire." , he said showing some teeth, standing to his feet.

Looking out to the moonlit horizon, "To hone the soul, like sharpening a claw."
the staff team luvs u
03-06-2022, 12:53 AM (This post was last modified: 03-06-2022, 06:50 PM by Olive. Edited 3 times in total.)
There was the briefest and most subtle assay of power between them, which ended (in what Esra considered to be) a draw. This was only normal & natural between two animals of different species, who may or may not be fluent in the body language of the other. Truthfully, Esra tasted sweetness in the exchange. Both were autonomous and wouldn't be here if they didn't want to be — compelled, or not. It was certainly sacred for two different beings to come together, and to chip away towards a deeper understanding of something that was outside of themselves. In fact, had there ever been anything that was more?

The cat gathered himself and looked outwards, and she wanted to assume such honing came easy to a creature like him. His answer resembled the response that she might have given if posed the same question. Her own familial ties were but energetic shadows now; distant memories, of wolves she would likely never see again. The woman named Olive had a pack, but a family was yet foreign. In some ways, she was Shakti-Seabreeze-Singing-Sunglight in name alone! Still, this was very much her choice, as the urge to practice and hone her creative urges often grew far too great to pursue in one place. "Hmm," she hummed mindfully, in something akin to agreement.

"I met a tigress once before," the veiled woman purled in admittance, stepping up alongside him as they directed their attention outward. "She called herself a star-being." She maintained a closer distance, now knowing it was something he was comfortable with. Turning her head and pivoting her ears, she intoned genuinely, "Are you?" It was the only frame of reference she had for the magnificent feline which stood next to, and if there was even the slightest chance that he was, then she had to know.

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[Image: Sprite-0005.gif]

duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
03-07-2022, 10:45 PM (This post was last modified: 03-07-2022, 10:48 PM by Kuhn. Edited 1 time in total.)
Maybe he was getting to far ahead of himself, his musings on the nature of the soul where still very theoretical. Stretching out his back, the cat dipped down into a bow, tensing and relaxing down his spine. His tail stiffened when he was done. "A tigress told you that? Star being? I have never heard of it?" , his head cocked obviously interested.

Following up in the stretch, he couldn't help but open up for a long yawn. After shutting his mouth he looked back to the priestess. She had asked alot about him but, he didn't know much about her yet. He asked the open ended question, "what are you?".

Was she a vision? Reality? A wolf, or a spectre.
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03-12-2022, 01:14 AM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2022, 02:09 PM by Olive. Edited 1 time in total.)
The hour was growing late; and the cat seemed to grow restless, stretching and yawning before the moonbeams as if he wished to be obscured amongst them, melting into nothing but painted stripes upon the land. He denied her claim that he might be a creature from beyond; the waif cut him a curious gaze, not entirely believing him. If tigers weren't omnipresent star beings, how could Roshanak possibly have known so much more than her about the nature of life?

It simply made more sense to believe, so she did.

To his own question, she answered "A simple wolf," punctuating her assertion with a closing of her eyes and an inward, small huff. "Perhaps once a 'star-being,' but now, no longer do I consider myself so." In a way she was very much connected to the stars, but in this lifetime, her wisdom and understanding seemed to stem from a relationship with the earth, and flora. The man had seemed curious about the idea of a someone who hailed from the stars, and so was she. Alas, she had no more information to give of such a thing. All she could take ownership of, was her own felt experience.

"Just a woman who lays in wait to be filled by the Gods, and moved by them, and guided down the path of their choosing." In truth, she was no prophet — more like a supplicant, wishing to avoid the aloneness that oft resulted from such a life, wishing to nestle herself amongst the bosom of the Gods. Perhaps it might be better to be a tiger, and to be solitary; and not to seek from the divine, what she found wolfkind to lack. The woman's jade eyes slid open and remained half-lidded, glancing over to the cat. "Tonight, they led me to you."

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duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
03-12-2022, 07:33 AM
Kneading his claws into the ground.  The large cat relaxed himself further, still in rhythm with the compulsion.  Yet his senses where halfway back to him, no longer commanded by the flow.  It was as if the moon that delivered him here for some reason.  

Looking back to the lady of the moon, she claimed to be a simple wolf.  All things that are great don't beg for attention. The moon and the wolf before him where common in color and temper.  Both had a soft pale glow with dabbing of grey.  They both had a soft luminous energy, compelling, mystic.  

He had no desire to go. Basking in their presence, he let his muscular frame go slack, his tail strafing at the snow. She was real, he could smell her, the wet earth and sage with the scent of a wolf.  He knew what she spoke of, to be filled, guided, and lead by the gods.  

Once again, the way she looked at him was odd, her jade eyes looking fearlessly into his own. His whiskers reached out to her, "They have lead me to you as well." He said simply, tingling at base of his spine.  Slowly, he leaned his head into hers aiming to run the bridge of his nose across the side of the woman's jaw.
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03-15-2022, 03:01 PM (This post was last modified: 03-17-2022, 05:15 PM by Olive. Edited 2 times in total.)
Esra was not a woman who was unaware of the weight of her words and the great spirituality that pulsed through her body. The tantric beliefs that belied her every decision were sensual in nature and often greatly misunderstood, or oversimplified into an unpopular take on sexuality. Beneath it all, there was a  sacred love for life and for those who shared & shaped her world with her, and an innate desire to share this love with them. This was as essential to her existence as was breathing.

There was a spectrum to this appreciation, however — and touch fell somewhere in the quadrant she had labeled as "widely accepted, generally pleasurable." The cat leant his head towards her as he had done before, although this time, he breached the barrier of touch; and Esra suddenly became widely aware of their intermingling of aura, how it melded into something almost-too-personal and vastly-unique, never experienced before in this world, or this lifetime. It was something that could have only ever happened with him, and with her, and with the earth careening through space in the exact position it was. If they were ever to meet again, such energy could not be replicated in this exact same way. Esra didn't need to be a star-being to appreciate this fundamental law.

So the pale sylph easily acquiesced to the warmth she was offered and exerted a gentle pressure against him with the curve of her cheek, releasing a low sound that sounded something akin to a purr. He felt solid, and his polished fur lay flat against his musculature, like how Benry's did. His prana sparked and surged, much like Tiberius's did. His head was so much larger and vibrantly colored than hers that she felt dwarfed, but so few things made her feel this way, that it was quite an experience to behold. She let her breath flow through her as she wondered what it must be like to touch something small, like her, as a creature so thunderingly powerful.

Several silent moments passed and Esra, for the length of these moments, waited to see how else the brazen feline would assert himself. She was the apparent leader in so many situations, that it felt nice to defer to another's judgement, even for something as simple as a strumming embrace. Still, the woman was not comfortable entirely being the passenger here, so she flicked her ears against him and then pulled away, feeling the cool air rushed between them to fill the space between their skin.

"Perhaps we take a moon-bath," she suggested, wheedling back a step with a shimmy of her hips, and pointed her nose again at the vast expanse of pristine, moon-dappled snow before them. "to celebrate the circumstances that brought us both to this small utopia," The serene landscape called to her like a den that was lined with furs; maybe only in the way that it wasn't immediately available to them, and would require finding a path to access.

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[Image: Sprite-0005.gif]

duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
03-15-2022, 10:35 PM
Strafing satin fur across her cheek, the cat could feel the fire within them both, if only for a moment. Flames dancing with eachother in their own mysterious rythm melding into eachother and then separating again. If she could have somehow know how it felt to touch her, a creature both fragile and mysterious, it was daring and forbidden, challenging divinity itself. In response to her purr, the cat let out a rumble of his own, obviously pleased, though his heart beat like the gods might at any time strike him down for touching something so luminous.

Physically, he could feel her reaction. His closeness and probing whiskers typically used for ending prey, let him feel her breath come and go, and the blood pulse in her neck.

After the moment was over, she pulled away to once again meet his gaze. "Moon bath?" , he asked puzzled, trying to look where she was looking, over the the white expanse, lit by the heavens.
the staff team luvs u
03-18-2022, 12:58 AM
The thing that Esra noticed most was the guttural rolling of the purr that emanated from deep within the feline's crown. Their close proximity allowed the woman to do a slight investigation of a place her leonine guardian would never let her touch; she felt the firm muscle of his jaw and neck and imagined what might function such a creature might have to procure such a strange sound — even at her practiced best, her purr was not nearly like this, as if he had bottled up thunder across the plains she once inhabited.

The cream-colored woman couldn't help the titter and the smile that fluttered forth at his question, and her perceived innocence of him. She was learning well, with these two experiences, the wide breadth and extremes of tiger spirituality! It greatly reflected the wide variety she also found amongst wolves; and this endless, kaleidoscopic perspective of their world was what kept her ever-interested in those who she came across, as she followed her path. One was never like the next, and even if she consulted the Gods nightly, the diversity of the universe meant she would never — could never — predict with accuracy what, or who, she might meet next.

So the seraph trusted, and she did her best not to question the places or roles she found herself in. A creature with no connection to their ancestors, and no concept of moon bathing, was as welcome with her as was the most adept priestess. She explained, "It's something my mother taught me, when I was young." As she spoke the words, the woman strode towards the edge of the cliff-like projection they stood upon, peering with a curious, ivy gaze out and over the expanse of pillowy snow. Noting a clear (yet steep) path down, she beckoned with a flick of her tail for him to come forth, and meet her in this descent.

"Laying in moonlight is like basking in sunlight," she continued to offer an explanation, imagining she was lassoing the man with her words. "Only the effect is vastly different."

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[Image: Sprite-0005.gif]

duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
03-18-2022, 09:29 PM
Somewhat foreign to him, the concept of a moon bath, seemed interesting. For a while he waited silently as he listened to the priestess, his tail swaying, attentive like a student. He could understand the allure of the celestial body, often he would walk in the moonlight, and marvel at the shadows it would cast upon the otherwise lit landscape. Somehow even the air felt different on nights like this.

The mysterious woman seemed to lure him to her side, only a couple of silent steps across the snow and the cat found himself at the side of the woman savoring her words. Every word she spoke brought him physically closer to her, until he was leaning against her side, once again feeling the contrast of her warmth against the cold.

Most of the time he was trying to look where she was looking. Turning his head to her, his muzzle near her cheek, whiskers brushing her neck, as he looked at the silver glint in her eyes. With another breath exhaled between them, he was ready to follow her lead.
the staff team luvs u
03-18-2022, 09:29 PM
Somewhat foreign to him, the concept of a moon bath, seemed interesting. For a while he waited silently as he listened to the priestess, his tail swaying, attentive like a student. He could understand the allure of the celestial body, often he would walk in the moonlight, and marvel at the shadows it would cast upon the otherwise lit landscape. Somehow even the air felt different on nights like this.

The mysterious woman seemed to lure him to her side, only a couple of silent steps across the snow and the cat found himself at the side of the woman savoring her words. Every word she spoke brought him physically closer to her, until he was leaning against her side, once again feeling the contrast of her warmth against the cold.

Most of the time he was trying to look where she was looking. Turning his head to her, his muzzle near her cheek, whiskers brushing her neck, as he looked at the silver glint in her eyes. With another breath exhaled between them, he was ready to follow her lead.
the staff team luvs u
03-25-2022, 05:59 PM (This post was last modified: 03-25-2022, 05:59 PM by Olive.)
He did draw forth with a slinking movement that was reserved for felines alone; their bodies like water, running over smooth rocks. It was hard for the seraph to not to appreciate him, as a grand and gloriously colored creature, apparently made so through a process called 'evolution,' which meant that he might even be better adapted to their tundra environment than even she, a tiny thing cloaked in the color of pale, powdery snow. The world worked in the funny way, Esra mused internally, and the deeper understanding she now had helped her to see it all as sacred, valuable, beautiful, and meant-to-be.

In any other situation her consciousness would have been clouded by a dark specter with the name of an emperor — one of the effects of the moon and the presence of her Gods was that she was able to detach from the mundane and the everyday goings-on, to more fully embody a vertical closeness with the divine, and to see the bigger picture. Though she would, at present, identify as a wolf other than Olive, she could not completely detach from Olive's own bigger picture; and it was undeniable that this omnipresent shadow was a part of her grandiose scheme.

So, at the same time the tiger pressed the bulk of his skull into her fragile neck (well, compared to his), Esra thought about the lines drawn in sand and where exactly they might lie; for the full moon was to celebrate the fullness of life, not to profane the beauty of fate and love. Thankfully, there was much to be done that could provide them all the sensual fulfillment that they both desired, without treading into unforgiving territory. With a small bob of her head, the woman descended down the path of her choosing, keeping silent only in an effort to more fully focus on the task at hand. Though well practiced via Benry, her gait would never be as smooth as that of a cat, especially when navigating steep descents or making grand leaps.

The flat ground was more than welcome, and the treeless opening before them was pristine and unmolested. It looked like the fleece of a sheep, or the fur of a white puppy, and she couldn't help but feel drawn towards it, pulled from a place deep within. Wandering farther into the moonlit expanse, she offered a segue.

"It's more simple than you'd think," the woman chimed heartily, sending her voice forth into the space between them. "You just..." and the woman circled narrowly once, before flopping into the snow and stretching her legs out to the side, away from her, as if to increase her surface area.

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[Image: Sprite-0005.gif]

duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
03-25-2022, 07:33 PM (This post was last modified: 03-25-2022, 07:34 PM by Kuhn. Edited 1 time in total.)
Prepared to humor her perhaps he could learn something new. Undoubtedly, he was aware of the effect of the moon, though this particular exercise was foreign to him. Feline eyes tracked the woman for a moment as she separated from him, gracefully making her way down a trail. A moment later, raising himself up he followed her down the decline, his gait long and silent, bracing his musculature against the force of gravity on his frame.

Bringing him to a clearing, one could almost loose themself in the blank landscape below. It was just a moonlit slate. Smiling a bit, he watched her demonstrate the simplicity of the activity, watching her flop into the snow. Her coat almost becoming part of that great moonlit void.

Stretching out he leaned his weight back on the balls of his paws, extending his claws, before dropping into a bow position. Yawning widely, the stretch worked down his back, hitting every portion of his spine down to the tip of his tail. Satisfied, he lowered himself into the snow with a contented growl.

Looking over at the preistes, Kuhn angled his hips to the side, opting to let another moment if silence pass between them, looking up at the sky.

Acknowledging the heavenly archon of the night, his gaze retuned to the earth, his eyes relaxing to narrow slits. Turning his attention to his own coat he began to groom his own side, content to pass time with the mysterious woman, while working over his own coat, relaxed eyes looking up at her every now and again.
the staff team luvs u
03-30-2022, 07:04 PM
Esra was aware of the cat as he meandered around her and found in own place to moonbathe in the snow, but the preistess quickly lost herself in this new horizontal positioning and closer proximity to the ground. If one was aware, the two were currently being bombarded by an assortment of energies, from the intuitive light of the moon, to the anchoring of the earth, to the quickening and awakening of the cold, powdery snow. It was almost overpowering, if one was sensitive to energies, and the woman could not help how she smiled and lay in silent repose for probably a moment longer than she should.

She could perceive the noises of his tongue, just a few feet abreast of her, as he groomed himself. She stretched legs down to her very toes, seemingly activating herself for movement. But, in the end, all she did was push against the earth with an elbow to roll from her side to snug, on her back. Her thin limbs bent lazily back at the elbows and knees, looking like loosely coiled springs. Her tail also twitched quickly lazily, sweeping a small divot in the snow. From this new supine position, the woman glanced at the anonymous cat out of the corner of her eyes, and laughed a little bit as she felt the tickle of moonlight on her stomach.

"How do you feel?" she chirped, knowing it was silly — but didn't everyone benefit from some silliness, every now and again? Plus, even if he didn't feel the same effect as her, he had to feel something. Whatever that was, she was curious.

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duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
03-31-2022, 02:14 AM
In the midst of his grooming he would look over to see the woman on her back. It looked like she was giving her belly to the moon, submissive and relaxed as if the sky itself was grooming her.

It was obvious the cat was relaxed, grooming himself, his breathing slowed and his tail all but still upon the snow. Methodically running his comb like tongue through his coat, the background was almost lost to him, an atherial slate of sorts.

Perking his ears up at her question, "Oh? Me? Relaxed I guess." Pulling himself closer to the woman with his front paws, something came over him without thought as he flung a bit of snow up on to her exposed belly.
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