Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

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I've been here, I've done this all before,

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01-07-2022, 09:00 PM
Vendrussel could not remember a lot of from her past. She knew her origins, her name, the culture that she lived through and even the area itself. However when it came to the name, it simply drew a blank, and continued on as 'Clan.' Some part of her wondered if they ever held a name, yet, she couldn't remember. It was a like blurr, held behind her tongue and anytime she would feel like she was close, it slipped by. 

Nor' could she remember the wolves. Memories were like blight, slow-motion as she could hear the talking and cheers and yet a blinding light blocked any appearances that could be brought up. She could feel a nostalgia, even sometimes a longing.. Yet a part of her felt grateful to leave, like her soul always wanted to depart and yet until then — she didn't have the chance. But Vendrussel couldn't remember why she felt like that ; childhood memories were a blank and even any friends she made along the way. 

The only time she remembered is when someone from the past actually appeared, like Kei. The Order of the Jade Rose was brought back, and so was the language that held onto her tongue. She could remember though the clan wanted seclusion — that was only after their greed to conquer. Many languages could be spoken for the sake of keeping a neutrality, so that no misunderstandings.. Or war will continue on. A flocking, of them came to be ; a handful that felt a bit of a cheat. The only language she truly needed to know though, was English, second-hand as all within the land seemed to know it.

Drogheda was not spoken here, and nor' should it be a surprise. There was one though that did, a man claiming to be a dragon.. But even then she held some suspicions, for many within the clans can say they once were. But the key was he did in fact, speak these words and it could not be be forgotten, that the man was someone from the branches — but sadly, not of her own.

Vendrussel felt some sort of.. Mourning. Not for the family though she could not remember, but it was like a piece of herself that was missing. A name of her own, a family lineage that she knew she had but lacked the vocab to remember it well. It was a legacy, from where the dragoness originated from and an honor! To then where she would one day, leave her own legacy behind, and the ford that she so created..

But as much as she tried to remember, especially while bound to the isle.. Nothing came to be, only a sorrowful though of blank memories that she wondered ; why did they do so? Even how she got here was forgotten, despite the beginning remembered. The ancients whisked away her memories, but was it for the greater good? Shouldn't she feel such a wanting and longing to go home? Yet when tried to conjure such thoughts, there was only nostalgia, yet felt.. Complete, not being there.

Vendrussel didn't think about it too much due to that, but there wasn't much she could think about with her memories in a shambles. Yet, she longed to have that legacy to pass on, to give a name that was for the dragon culture she holds dear. Drogheda, to be passed down to those around and to the next of kin. She did not think about currently making one or anytime soon, especially without a prospective mate to take in — but like most wolves, it was a dream, and a goal.

She didn't feel whole without a last name to fulfill her clan.

But maybe Fellfang, would fulfill that longing.

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