Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!


Afternoon Snow 55° F
12-13-2021, 02:30 PM
A little further out now the matriarch went in her quest for @Bronco. For more than merely him, too. Much time had gone by, and she wondered at the possibility of sniffing out any familiar thread of the rest of her family she had yet to find. There were still some strange gaps within her memory, gaps that had obscured faces. If she could only catch a hint of who they might be... perhaps such voids would cease to exist. Hydra thought of these silhouetted beings with fondness, and yet could not place anything beyond that. Such feelings were reserved for those she cared for, and Hydra could not permit herself to forget them. Not entirely.

Her heart ached to know they were missing in more ways than one. Gone to her. But she could not properly mourn what she could not fully remember. Hydra was not yet sure if that made things better, or worse. For now, she fought against it. That she sensed something was missing at all had to mean to some degree, it was worth searching for.

But as she wandered the forest, Hydra uncovered none of their scents. Wolves that had passed through, but none who she sought. There was no bell of clarity that rang, to her frustration. All the while her other senses worked, seeking any indication that she might no longer be alone while she went.

the staff team luvs u
12-13-2021, 04:42 PM (This post was last modified: 12-13-2021, 09:36 PM by Falcon. Edited 1 time in total.)
The Falcon was tired. Between endless training and traveling paired with her now apparent lack of sleep, the tall woman found herself stepping all but numbly through the thin but growing layer of frost that floated down from above. The river she'd been forced to cross several a time, much to her chagrin, still flowed freely. It's bubbling sound kept her company as she followed its bank from a fair distance. She didn't need to get her paws any more wet than they already were afterall. As she walked, her eyes caught that of an all to familiar pattern within the snow, leading into the dense forest.




The spaces between each distinct leaping prints, paired with the mouth watering scent, it only meant one thing. A rabbit. So, with a task at paw, the older wolf directed herself towards the rapidly fading trail of the prey animal into the woods. It bobbed and weaved through the trees, and so too did the bird of prey. Scenting the air lead her to believe she was getting closer to her target. She slowed herself down to a near crawl, watching the landscape for sudden movement. Ears pricked and eyes set forward, the predator prepared to strike.

That was, until the scent of another wolf interjected, the lapping breeze shifting to just that of the east of her. It wasn't the scent of a loner this time, no, it was a pack wolf. She stood up tall once more, her nose now carefully dissecting the thin air to taste what lie underneath the immediate scent of snow and water. She didn't pick up anything overwhelming, anything else fresh. Wolves passed through, but they did not occupy. A wave of wary curiosity washed over Falcon, her head turning away from her prey to watch the direction of the scent. She decided to follow that of the wolf instead, her paws making the move to leave her dying prey trail behind.

She wasn't all too hungry anyway.

Slithering through the tightly spaced trees, she made careful work of avoiding the strange and tacky liquid that wept out from several of them, lest she get some in her coat. Finally stepping past a tree, she had suddenly spied the source. Another woman,
shorter than herself and dressed in black. Naturally, helpfully, her mind decised to recall that of the man that attacked her, which in turn lead to thoughts of his parting words, which further still drew forth the all too fresh memory that haunted her.

What did he mean by 'marriage'?

Her thoughts began to distress her once more, so rather than allow any sign of said distress to surface, she forced a greeting from her throat. "Good afternoon, pack wolf," She spoke with a respectful nod of her head, her own feeling of awkwardness pushed aside in the wake of formality and poise, "Of which do you hail?"

The masked shewolf stepped out further to fully reveal herself to the other, standing tall with dark ears turned to face her.
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12-14-2021, 02:43 PM
Falcon had been downwind, and so it was not her scent that Hydra caught first but the sound of her approach. There was no haste in the step that would lead the matriarch to believe the other intended to attack her, but that made little difference to the Ostrega who turned to face the other head on, keeping the space between them as it was to start. Prior to the other breaking through that particular treeline that would put the woman in her sights, Hydra's body shifted subtly into one of self defense. Her weight was held squarely, evenly distributed, and her muzzle draped neatly over her neck as to protect her throat. She would look more demure than anything else to the untrained eye, but as the tall woman emerged Hydra wondered if there was an astuteness within their gaze lent by experience.

There was no disdain in the way the other spoke pack wolf, and Hydra's own ears pricked toward her at the others inquiry. Hydra's own nostrils flared to determine that the other ran with no pack themselves, and as they stood at their full height Hydra openly assessed her.

From here, no wounds she could immediately detect—no scent of blood, either. No disruption to the pattern of their furs that indicated an old wound that had scarred over, either, that no other but ones of her own caliber would even think to note. But for the notch in their ear, similar to her own, the stranger carried nary a blemish upon them to exploit should push ever come to shove... but that was of no consequence to the warrior. Hydra had beaten wolves in their prime before, though that was not her desire nor intent here.

“Are you seeking one in particular?,” Hydra drawled in turn to the tawny woman. Hydra did not think it wise to give the stranger her answer immediately upon it being asked, not knowing her nature... nor her purpose. The matriarch remembered enemies, but was disadvantaged to not recollect their faces, their names, at present. Only their scent might rekindle such an old flame that was then only flickering embers. At the very least, the tall woman did not smell of them, though Hydra was never one to assume in any event. It was not as though scents could not be hidden to some degree, or altered—though the base scent, the scentthread that distinguished one wolf from the other that was entirely their own, could not be.

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12-14-2021, 05:55 PM

Falcon watched as the other shewolf postured at her, a reasonable reaction all things considered. If wolves of this land barreled into battle without causation and the likes, it was fair for the dark furred woman to take a defensive position. It wasn't necessary, the unfortunate loner wished to convey, I come in peace currently. But nary did she say a word in that direction, lest it be taken as some form of false lulling. Rather, Falcon simply remained still, no lean neither here nor there. She just carried on, unbothered by the display whatsoever.

"Yes, and no," She answered, "I sought a pack that no longer exists, and now seek to learn of the locals. See what kinds of wolves thrive here before aligning myself to any one faction." It was truth, her stoic expression unwavering as she spoke. It was a goal intermittent with her consistent training, but a goal nonetheless. It kept her on her feet.

"I seek knowledge, most of all," She spoke once more.
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12-14-2021, 06:24 PM
The matriarch watched the other, and listened too. Her words piqued Hydra's interest, and Hydra did not let herself wonder on the matter for very long. Not when Falcon could provide her with the answer, in any event. “No longer exists,” she drawled, thinking of the remnants of another place, another time. It existed still, simply not in the same name. But perhaps, in this woman's instance, it was more... absolute. “Disbandment?” came her low voice, seeking clarity on the matter. Such things were not unusual, nor uncommon. A shame it happened to the other now, of all times. Winter was no mere slow crawl away; its icy breath whispered against her ear even then.

The other did not withhold what they sought, and Hydra thought it all fair to wonder each of these things. An ear twitched to indicate that she had been heard, and the stranger did not need to wait very long for an answer. “There are several surrounding packs in the Mountains. You are nearest to my own claim,” Hydra revealed candidly then, “Empyrean.” As they were not near enough to be considered a threat to be dealt with, Hydra merely made the other aware of the proximity as it was knowledge they sought. Hydra had no qualm in sharing such then, in sensing no vendetta toward any resident here. Direct as the stranger seemed (a woman after her own heart), Hydra did not think they would mince words were they bountyhunting.

“We are a familial unit that will fight to protect our own against any who might threaten. If any who might join are at least willing to learn how to protect their brothers or sisters at arms, one could easily thrive,” she drawled, “though most every skill has its value within our ranks, were it pursued,” Hydra had long since determined that. Better the agouti wolf know the former point now, though, should she ever seek a vendetta with her own. Hydra would kill with, and for them, if need be. She had done it before, and she knew a time would come—sooner or later—where she would need to do it again.

Hydra hummed, “where is it you think you would best thrive?” with ample interest. In the others pursuit of knowledge, what did she know of herself?

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12-15-2021, 03:00 AM

That… Was a possibility she didn't consider. Though her recollection was at an all time low as of now, so the probability of her answering that question correctly, let alone with certainty was also a loss. To her knowledge, and thus her truth, she believed it was only her that was lost of her birth pack. The Falcon chanced the other woman a hooded glance, considering her response carefully.

"If I may answer your question with one of my own?" She offered as another formality, the question itself rhetoric in nature as she continued regardless, "Am I safe to assume you, too, woke up within this land with little memory of what came before? I've only just awoken recently." Direct was her default mode of speech. As she would take down an animal of prey, she too would make conversation. She wasn't one for beating around the bush. She already knew this wolf found herself in the same predicament as she too did, but she had the fortune of establishing something, whereas Falcon still fought to find her footing, a fawn fresh from the womb.

Her question to the alpha before her should be optimal enough to illustrate the position the golden shewolf sat in, much to her own displeasure. "I see… Empyrean. I will remember that. The only other pack I have had the opportunity to learn of thus far is the Vanderfell Woods up north," The masked woman relayed the extent of her current worldly knowledge. To think she was once up to date on all political happenings amongst all of her pack's neighbors, only to find herself as clueless as a mere adolescent. The bird of prey listened intently to the description her company gave of the Empyrean, a hum drawing from her throat as the shadowy high rank spoke.

"I must admit, your pack sounds similar in some regard to that of the Cloudspire Legion…," Green eyes fell shut, the thought pulling forth a deep breath. At heart, she was still a legionnaire. She was still the Falcon, regardless of where she found herself now. She would never let those titles die within her.

She opened her eyes again. The pack wolf asked of her another question. One that felt vastly more difficult than that of the last. Where did she see herself thriving? She would take a moment to ponder that thought, though decided to give a simple answer overall.

"I believe somewhere with a good sense of structure. An understanding of law and order."
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12-15-2021, 02:16 PM
The others question was one Hydra listened to until the end, nodding to start as though to allow the other the room to ask it. But Hydra's own response might come as a surprise to the stranger. “I remember what came before,” she drawled in answer, “though there are gaps. Pieces that are missing. Family, too,” she considered, “and no one in these lands know how we came to be here. Any wolf to tell you otherwise I would not trust,” she advised. An ear twitched. One thing each wolf seemed to have in common was the arrival, the waking. The green-eyed woman too, as she had just been told.

Vanderfell Woods. No need to inform the other they were an ally of hers; it would do nothing to help the tawny woman.

Cloudspire Legion was not a name she had heard of in her own lifetime. The name, though, was reminiscent of her own mothers pack though—the one that had come before Moonspear, when the late matriarch had come into union with her late father. That her mother had made no mention of Cloudspire meant that in all likelihood, Cloudspire had not been at that time—at least not within the Teekons. Hydra observed the others closed eyes, and could see the same opportunities a crueler wolf might seek to take advantage of. Some wolves might wonder where it was the other had gone to, in that moment. Hydra only could see that she was not here, and the battle-honed Ostrega knew the advantage of that.

But the other was not hers to educate then, nor was Hydra the sort of woman to cause undue harm. As the other opened her eyes, Hydra idly licked her chops.

Their answer was a simple one, and succinct. Hydra was never one to actively recruit, though she saw something of a kindred spirit in the stranger before her. It was for this reason Hydra drawled, “you could do well within Empyrean, if that is so,” with a lash of her tail. “We keep to the natural order of things. Law and order is instinct obeyed,” she hummed—and then some—but the rest went without saying. She suspected the stranger knew. “And those that come against us will know justice,” she finished lowly. It wore their faces; it tore flesh with their teeth.

Hydra observed the other, seeking any interest—if anything may have resonated. For there was a chance that she might have been wrong, and the other did not have a stomach for such. Hydra hoped, though, that she had found a fellow sword in this world.

the staff team luvs u
12-15-2021, 04:49 PM
An outlier, then. It was a factor Falcon had not considered, though it may be a rarity amongst her kind to recall their pasts in greater detail. It seemed the Falcon was one of the unfortunate majority. She nodded though, knowing at least that the other understood her well. She took her warning and stored it in the back of her mind. She had yet to meet a wolf the likes of that, but any leverage she could garner was carried like another piece of armor.

"I was only fortunate enough to recall blurred images," Her brows furrowed at that statement, her iris snapping away to that of nothing off in the distance. What did she do to deserve her mind to be scrambled so? Her jealousy came in the form of growing cynicism. Because why, why would it matter what she knew from before if none of it mattered anymore anyway? Her face remained as unreadable as it had been for almost the entirety of her stay in this place. She felt nothing. Whatever happened before, she wasn't privy to those memories, she didn't deserve them after all of her blood, sweat, and tears she poured into her craft. After everything she had done to prove herself worthy to her leader, to her father

Her father… She was somebody before. Oh, when she found a way to return to the Cloudspire… If that Crow wasn't already dead, she'd kill him herself. And if he was? She'd kill him again. She knew he had something to do with this.

Her eyes returned to the woman before her, only seconds later within real time. "I'll keep that in mind," She finally answered. The alpha's next words she couldn't help but feel as though a serpent began to idly coil around her, gentle and inviting at first, but… The Falcon rolled her taut shoulders, proceeding with internal caution. Maybe she saw something that wasn't there, but it was better that she restrain herself, no matter how much she longed to feel the rush of pack life once more.

"I appreciate you offer, Empyrean," The Falcon gave her gratitude where it was due, not just to the alpha, but the pack as a whole, "But as with the Vanderfell, I… Wish not to join a pack with a distinct blindness to the workings of this world. I will have to respectfully decline this time," This time, she hoped the other would understand. Her decline did not come without its rightful interest, however. To have yet another pack served to her upon a silver platter… It felt good.

"Although, once I learn more of what there is to learn and come to a decision, I will return with prey in tow to the pack I've chosen as offering. Does this sound agreeable?" It was here that the Falcon would cast her judgement. The reaction of the other would bloom forth her opinions of not just the younger wolf, but of the pack also as a whole. For an alpha was their pack and a pack, their alpha.
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12-15-2021, 06:10 PM
The others rejoinder caused Hydra to answer, “it was not an offer,” in correction, “merely an observation. While you appear a capable woman,” she hummed, “I do not know what skillset you yourself carry. You have told me where it is you would thrive,” she drawled, “nothing else.” Her own clarification was not provided to be cruel, or unkind—only for the other to see that such an offer was not so freely given. It was true, she imagined she might see some parts of herself in the other... but Hydra was not led by her imagination. It was not to say an offer would never be provided, but Hydra would need to know more herself of the woman before her.

She supposed the question the other asked was moot then, but Hydra would not ignore it.

“I thank you, for your own consideration. The meal you hunt will be your own to keep, though it would be good to see that you are capable of the task. Empyrean is well fed, and I would not have you exert such energy in your time alone for naught. It is difficult enough to run by oneself, and Winter is all but here,” she drawled. Should this other become Empyrean herself, Hydra would not have her do so famished and on her last leg, to then give up what she had taken down. Hydra could appreciate a gift, and enjoyed them truth be told... but not at the expense of a life that might become Empyrean. Should the woman think to come to Empyrean's borders, the Ostrega would expect to learn more of her and her abilities then.

Hydra was not nearly so considerate of the rest, but they were not hers to worry after. Hydra would do all that she could for food to be put in the mouth of her cubs, and her pack. After facing famine, she had learned the necessity of such. To behave differently would be to risk the wellbeing of her family, and Hydra would never do such a thing.

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12-17-2021, 05:49 PM
And there it was.

In the Falcon's eyes, this was a display of condescension. Whether or not that was true, that is what she felt, and thus she felt slighted by the younger woman. She implied a place for her, then acted that clear implication as though it didn't exist. Inwardly, she dragged her tongue along the inner wall of a fang, contemplating irritatedly. Her expression turned to what seemed as thoughfulness, a slight cock to her head, eyes studying the other closely, brows knitted only a hair tighter than before, but really... Her body simply did not know how to react.

She gave a hum of her own at the alpha's words, further driving the thought process, with truth of her now considering what her opinion of the other was. Haughty personalities seemed abundant here, regardless of who carries it. And the casual tone of it all no less..
"I was asked of nothing else before observations were cast. Excuse my misunderstanding of your words, Empyrean," The Falcon bowed her head with still a genuine respect for the high rank, her words holding no malice. Inwardly though, she was no fan of being made a fool. Her eyes met the other's again.

"I appreciate the kind counter offer, it is true that winter is hard on most," The tall warrior did agree. Alone for the first time, let alone in winter... What an unlucky circumstance. She would be alright, she had the experience trained into her, but said experience would have to be imployed differently for as long as she remained packless. It was a challenge in her eyes, one that begged to be conquered. And it would be. She felt herself to have a healthy understanding of the road that lie ahead, the trials and tribulations she would meet head on without doubt.

And it was only a matter of time before she found what she sought for, and thus would find home within herself. "Well," She began after the small lull, "Perhaps I should return to my travels, as I've already spent a decent amount of your time as it is. There's still daylight to be had," As with most any of her interactions involving one on one speech without immediate purpose to a cause, she'd begun to feel awkward, and thus felt as though her welcome had been overstayed. Perhaps it wasn't, but she herself felt as though she had little else to say. Her eyes began to observe the woods of which they had been speaking within, her sights collected and sorted into her memory banks as she viewed the bloodstained woods themselves. It was only now that she even realized the juxtaposition of regality stood within this bloody mess of a place. Many of the trees oozed freely from superficial cuts like that of the flesh. It wasn't any shock to the bird of prey that she now had begun to grow a little peckish within its tangle.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, visiual setting aside," She verbally smiled as she gestured to the surround trees, "What is your name, Alpha? That way I know of whom I should speak to in the future." Because without a doubt, this would not be their final meeting, regardless of which pack she becomes of.
the staff team luvs u
12-17-2021, 06:23 PM
Hydra's ear twitched as the other spoke, and Hydra nodded. For her intent was not to confuse or confound, nor was it to make the other woman a fool. The truth of it was that Hydra did not think the woman such a thing even still. The stranger had been nothing but respectful, and even when corrected they were unoffended. That was a rare thing. “There is nothing to excuse,” Hydra rejoined, “I can understand how it may have sounded. I admit, I did not ask more of you because of your desire to explore elsewhere first, before aligning to any—as you had told me. That I understand well, and respect,” she hummed, “not that you need my own approval. If you felt Empyrean a place you might thrive,” she finished, “I would hope then to ask my questions of you.” But the Ostrega did not seek to waste the others time in their own learning of this world. Even despite her own interest. For once, Hydra did not permit her selfishness to get in the way.

Perhaps also due to the fact that these moving minutes meant time lost on her own search for what still was missing.

Hydra's ear twitched as the other remarked on just that, and nodded as though to concur. “My name is Hydra,” she introduced then. “The pleasure is my own. I wish you well, wherever your journey may lead you. What is it you are called?” she asked in her next breath, and only after the woman responded did Hydra gesture to the sap-laden trees and say, “prey often unwittingly leave some trace of themselves in the stuff,” her low voice advised, “wolves, too. You might find some answers in this way,” thinking the other might appreciate any sort of advantage she might find in this bloody looking place. As adept as she was at finding the things she sought with her nose, Hydra felt the knowledge could only be a boon if it was not yet recognized.

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12-18-2021, 05:59 PM
"I see... Thank you," The tall wolf spoke plainly, not seeing an immediate reason to prolong discussion of her potential joining. She listened as the woman introduced herself finally.

"Hydra... I'll be sure to remember that," Falcon promised, offering a small smile of acknowledgement, "I..." It was here that she paused. She still knew not of her name, an embarrassing lapse of recall without a doubt. She blinked slow, thinking of how to approach. When her eyes reopened, she found her answer.

"I am called 'The Falcon'. It was my previous rank title," Falcon left it at that. It was easier than admitting she still hadn't found her past out for herself. Unlike the woman before her, who seemed to have all of her previous knowledge. To the hunting tips that were relayed to her, she nodded with purpose. So this sap could act as an easy trap...? Interesting...

"I'll definitely keep that in mind, that exploit has quite the potential," She added, pleased with the information, "Thank you again for this meeting. I'll be seeing you then, Hydra Empyrean."

With that, she began her first steps with newfound knowledge and a potential pack to find herself within. She wouldn't leave fully, rather make the motions to begin a departure, not wishing to be rude and leave without giving the chance of a parting message from the other.
the staff team luvs u
12-20-2021, 01:36 AM
As the woman hesitated, Hydra remained watchful. And when an answer was given, through name of rank title, Hydra thought it stood to chance that perhaps, their name was lost too. This wolf awoke with precious little, the matriarch guessed, and Hydra did not envy her such. What she did recall, though, and what was provided to her then must have meant something. Perhaps more than all the rest did, for the other. Still... “it is a name that suits you,” Hydra observed, her gaze sweeping the sharp-eyed she-wolf. The Falcon. It was not a soft name by any means. Hydra, not wanting to assume what she only thought she knew, asked, “when your rank changed... did your name change with it, in the Legion you once ran with?” For that, too, was a feasible possibility. Hydra was always curious about the workings of other packs, existing or otherwise; she was a curious woman, with an insatiable hunger for knowledge.

And after being thanked for father knowledge provided, Hydra merely nodded. If it was true that the other had lost as much as Hydra imagined, Hydra would not deny her things that might be of use. Tools. It was the least she could do, and she was feeling more charitable than usual. That might also be given the fact that she imagined her wayward family as she looked to The Falcon; she could only hope they were met with kindness, should they too be in any amount of need.

With nothing else to say from there, Hydra nodded and began to move on. Her own search here had not ended, only been paused in the wake of meeting the tawny woman. Hydra had meant it, when she had wished the other well—but they would need more than wishes in this life to survive.

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12-20-2021, 01:56 AM
As the Falcon had just began to make her retreat, she halted enough to answer Hydra's parting question, "Ah... No, I believe it was just an addition." She corrected with a tense expression, brows knitting a hair tighter than usual before she turned away finally to explore the inner workings of the gruesome woodland with the added tips bestowed upon her. Studying new, if not situational, hunting tactics was a much needed distraction from the reminder of her lack of self. She was just an entity, not a wolf as it stood. A title, not a name.

Maybe it was for the best. The brown saddled woman began her departure in earnest, leaving the conversation with about the same feeling as when she first entered it. For once in her life, she was uncertain. What she was certain in, however, was the fact that she so freely gave up a rabbit for the sake of feeling ultimately nothing new internally. For all the knowledge she garnered of the dark furred alpha, she still was no closer to figuring out what she should do.

At least there was the option given to her.

Empyrean... It was something. She had to remind herself that she did gain something out of that chance encounter. Her yellow green irises fell upon a spot of peeled bark, the spot oozing red so freely. She approached it and sniffed it carefully. It smelled sweet, but with notes of a bitter earthiness. It wouldn't be difficult by any means to find this place again, the scent of the sap alone intriguingly unique. She inspected more of the spots as she went, and sure enough, true to Hydra's word, a lower pool of bloody sap held within its stickiness a tuft of white fur. One sniff was enough to make the Falcon huff a short, private laugh through her nose.

Sure enough it was rabbit.

Perhaps not all was lost just yet...

She kept her nose to the ground, following the new trail of her prior target with a newfound surge of energy.


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