Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

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Still Lately, I Begin to Shake for No Reason at All

Midnight Snow 15° F
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Content Warning
12-13-2021, 05:45 AM (This post was last modified: 12-13-2021, 05:58 AM by Falcon. Edited 2 times in total.)
Content Warning
This post contains content that may be unsettling to some readers, including:
  • Mild Gore
  • Graphic Violence
  • Purposeful Misgendering, Implied Death, Panic Attack
Her eyes opened, only to be immediately blinded by the white strike of electricity that ripped open the sky. The whipping winds and slicing droplets of rain danced around her viciously, the scream of thunder bursting in the black clouds above only serving to add to the chaos. The Falcon shook her head violently, overwhelmed by the cacophony of sound that assaulted her mercilessly. Her heart hammered in her chest, the muscle threatening to explode out of her ribcage with its bruising force. Her wide eyes spun, trying to figure out where she was, and what was happening. This place. This place. An empty plain, trees of a familiar forest lie behind her, the endless horizon of grass ahead…

She knew this place.

Her wild eyes soon locked on a familiar form just before her, a wolf, running out into the vast emptiness of grass. The scent of primal fear trailing behind the brown furred male.

She knew this scenario.

Blind fury soon overtook her, a seething hatred soon clutching her heart in its blackened claws and squeezing. It was painful, the tension in her heart and soul. She wasn't one to hate without reason, but this wolf. This was a wolf she hated. She regained her confidence, the Falcon immediately tore off after the man, her brother. She ran with the speed of the very lightning that attacked the skies above, swift and overwhelming. Relentless. The dark brown wolf chanced a glance over his shoulder, mistake, and shrieked in utter terror at the sight of the masked woman gaining on him with little effort. He ran harder, his shorter form working against him as ever three bounds of his equated to one of the overseeing officer barreling down upon him.

Falcon snarled, a sound of rage and disgust tearing out of her throat viciously as she caught up to her brother. The bird of prey was quick to lash out violently with a maneuver all too familiar. Her teeth sunk into the flesh of the man's leg muscles, severing tendons and rendering the appendage useless. She dragged the bastard down and dragged him through the mud, her uncharacteristic anger overtaking her actions. She would do anything in the name of justice. Even if that meant tearing this scum of the earth limb from limb.

She stood tall, her stance familiar yet foreign all at once. She stared her brother down, not with her usual disdain, but unfiltered fire. It was her duty to slay him, but for once in her life, she wanted more.




"Get up," The tall woman spat viciously, though not of her own accord. Something was wrong. She'd already done this before. It was suddenly as if she was watching herself from over her own shoulder, distant and out of her control. The sky crackled with energy, only fueling that of the wolves that were fated to battle just below. It was. Difficult to watch. Falcon watched her doppelgänger demand the criminal to fight. Something within herself shook.


She was afraid of this version of herself. The diaphanous form she currently took stepped out from behind herself to gaze into her own violent eyes of searing barium. No amount of cutting rain would ever quell the fire she saw within herself. She saw her own mouth moving, but she couldn't comprehend the words that fell from it. Then suddenly her physical self rushed forward, fangs bared and ready to attack — No.


The mirror of herself shot clear through her conscious self, the gaseous apparition dispersing then rapidly reforming herself as she spun around to watch in horror. The Falcon before her grabbed her own brother by the throat, something she hadn't seen before. No, no she hadn't seen this before. She was remembering now. This was when she had left off from before.

This was a dream.

A memory.

It seemed obvious now, but until this point, it all felt so real, like she was living and breathing this very moment in real time. No, this had happened before. This battle had a determined outcome of which she couldn't recall. Her attention snapped back to the view before her. The golden woman shook her brother by his throat, her brother in turn slinking a fang through her ear as he tried desperately to grasp at anything.

Her current — Future? — self flicked her nicked ear subconsciously. Her past self threw the man forward, letting his tired body hit the ground unceremoniously and roll through the viscous slop that coated the ground beneath them.

"I know you can do better than that," The Falcon growled low as she stalked forward towards the Crow. The battered male struggled to get up, failing to rise up on his legs as ragged breaths rattled his beaten body. He turned his head though, and for once what Falcon beheld were eyes piercing her back. So too did her brother possess brilliantly green eyes, though his held about them a vile sickness within their colored irises. The Crow smiled back at her, his dark tongue licking his lip.

"You're mad I ruined your marriage, Brother?"

His words stabbed her core, bringing hot tears to eyes. Her lip drew further back, her face morphing to that of someone unrecognizable.

"I'LL TEAR YOUR TONGUE OUT FOR THAT!" The woman screamed in anguish, her voice cracking under the weight of her threat as she lurched forward, fire lit anew. Like the very lightning itself, the Falcon crashed down upon the man with the force of ten wolves. It was in this leap that Conscious and Mirror suddenly merged back into one being, the perspective of her diving motion and the sensation of her biting down on something wet being the last things she comprehended before a sharp pain momentarily blinded her.

Her world went dark for a heartbeat, her legs suddenly floating. Where was she? It felt like eons before her world came crashing down, a ragged gasp ripping from her burning throat. She wanted to scream, but couldn't. Her vision returned, blurred and distorted. She could see her brother panting heavily, blood dripping from his maw and eyes as wide as her own had been. She could hear thunder? No, the sound lasted too long to be a roll of thunder. It was footsteps, running, many of them. She watched through bleary eyes as several wolves — faceless — surge towards the pair. Falcon shut her eyes tight as the first wolf viciously grabbed her brother's bloodied muzzle, shock splashing across the Crow's face.

The sounds that followed were sickening. Screaming, breaking, tearing. The pain Falcon was experiencing, however, pushed the sounds further and further away, as if she was drowning.


Another gasp escaped Falcon as she jolted awake suddenly. She flew to her feet and spun around, scanning her immediate area for danger. When she found nothing but a still, moonlit forest, light snow drifting slowly to the sparsely grassed floor below, she came to a slow pause. Her breaths were heavy and shaken, her stomach turned violently as fresh memories flashed before her eyes, her neck and throat burning with phantom pain. An unsteady paw dared to touch the sore spot, to which a very real pain shot through her and doubled her over as pain overcame her. Her throat ceased, her stomach flared dangerously. Hot tears poured freely from her eyes as she fought against her own body. She heaved dryly, uselessly. She shook violently under the tree she had fallen asleep under, her body instinctively pushing back against it as a brace to ground herself.

One, two, three

Mentally she counting, distracting.

One, two, three

She paced her breaths between each breath, counting, holding, then releasing.

One, two, three

She could hear her hammering heart beginning to slow now, she slowly began to taper.

One… Two…

She stopped. Still rattled, but under control once more. The pain in her throat subsided as her panic did. An illusion. Nothing more than mental tricks. The Falcon didn't know what to do now. That dream, that nightmare returned to her with a vengeance. She knew she couldn't sleep like this. The shewolf allowed herself to slide down against the coarse bark of the tree until her haunches hit the ground with a quiet thud. Slowly, she sunk down her front half, following her slow descent by curling in on herself tightly. It was cold. It was cold, but for reasons outside of the weather.

She tucked her nose beneath her tail, her wide eyes staring out into the empty forest.

She wouldn't sleep tonight, nor would she sleep tomorrow.
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