Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Why don't you sing along my friend, for it's our last refrain

Sunset Drizzle/Rain
11-30-2021, 04:41 AM
 He knew that they were set to leave at any time now, that things were changing and he would be venturing further north. It might be a while before he was able to visit this part of their territory again. Wait... it wasn't really their territory anymore, was it? He wandered slowly through the fertile mountain range, admiring every tree and bush here. He stopped to browse some sort of berry bush so that he would be able to taste the flavor again later, maybe on their trek. Part of him was on the alert, waiting and watching for someone to pop out. He had to be ready for predators, predators that did not know who he was related to.

 He was still so weak.

 It infuriated him... but there was nothing to do but train. Maybe he'd find a mentor, maybe he could train away in Elysium with the other wolves.

 Regardless, he would hope that the light scent of his pack would deter would-be assailants. He walked through and rubbed his golden antlers on tree and bush, marking them for the last time. On his efforts, the sky would open up and drizzle water down on him. He lifted his head and looked at the gray-tinged clouds before wandering away to find an overhang to shelter under. he would wait out here until it was a little later, then he would head home and curl up in his den.

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11-30-2021, 08:41 PM
The world grew darker as the sun slowly made its descent, the unseeable movement rendered near invisible from beneath the cover of dull grey clouds weeping their sorrows upon the land below. They wept for the soul set to rest upon this day. Their soft pattering rhythmic against the leaves and freshly dug earth that sat before the divine being.

"Agimus... Tibi gratias, omnipotens Deus, pro universis beneficiis tuis, qui vivis et regnas in saecula saeculorum," The deer dressed in black uttered, its notes hushed with a reverent posture, hooves held together at the wrists over the covered hole, "Deus det nobis suam pacem…"

With a practiced motion, the crowned angel drew a circle about the dirt, followed by a single line crossing through from top to bottom. It paid its dues. Rising up from her seated position, the cervidae stood tall and turned her head to the weeping sky above. He let the light rain drip down his features, their paths forming damp streaks not unlike the darkness that bled from its bloodshot eyes. Lashes hooded blue irises that searched the clouds for a sign. Of what, none could say, but search on the deer did.

More words fell from hushed lips set on completing the ritual, "Et vitam… Aeter—" A sharp hiss cut through their words, interrupting the grand finale much to his displeasure. The doe turned its head, ears flicking about to detect any sound coming from their surroundings. His eyes fell upon his loyal assistant, the source of hiss itself. The cat of shadow arched his back, his thin tail lashing behind him intently.

"Be still, my pet. What is it you sense?" Came the melodic question, tone unbothered by whatever potential threat her feline heard.

"Someone draws near… Smells of wolf…" The black cat whispered before hopping up onto his master's back, his featureless still pointed in the direction of the scent. The buck of black and white turned to face the direction his companion set his attention on, a lackadaisical smile painting across his albinistic face.

"To whom do I owe the pleasure, O wayward traveler?" The tall whitetail called out into the treeline, their eyes still having yet to give an appearance to their newfound company.
the staff team luvs u
Samael is rated M/3-3-3 for violence, cruelty, disturbing content, skewed religious ideology, overall mean-spirited thoughts and actions on occasion, and potentially unsettling behaviors.
12-02-2021, 01:26 AM
 It was time for him to head home. It wasn't safe for a young deer in the woods alone, no matter how brave he tried to act. Some animals just didn't care when they had their heart set on something.

 He set off, into the drizzling gloom when he heard the sounds of activity nearby. The voices didn't sound like any predators that he knew, it was something else entirely. Something similar to his own... Curiosity piqued he followed the sound while trying to be stealthy in the undergrowth. He neared and saw a buck, a strange buck of whites and blacks. He couldn't help but stare at the markings and then the antlers that stuck up so much higher than his own.

 In his staring, he realized that he had been discovered. He stepped out of the undergrowth, feeling no fear at a prey animal. "I'm Hawking, of Event Horizon." Though not for much longer, it still felt nice to say.

 His eyes slipped to the tiny cat perched upon the other deer's back and he felt himself tensing up, remembering his last encounter with one. Graciously this one was small and he didn't feel threatened by it. "Who're you, mister?" He asked, gaze flitting back to the bald face of the buck.

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12-02-2021, 03:16 AM
Bloodshot eyes watched with intrigue as the smaller deer came into view, his body language lacking any sense of wariness whatsoever. It was interesting to see a mortal act as such in his wake. Nonetheless, the whitetail took the younger buck's name in with a smile. Names… Such an important thing so haplessly gifted unto him without hesitation. It would be remembered.

"Hawking…," The crowned doe did mirror with a projected, motherly warmth, "I assume Event Horizon is the herd of which you hail, mea filius?" The deer held its head high with its nose tipped down towards the yearling, their lucid expression silently commanding piety from their junior. The angel watched the flittering gaze of the other, large and innocent eyes of slate noting the presence of their servant with an uneasy movement. It brought forth a singular, gentle huff of laughter from his throat.

"Ah yes," The holy creature hummed with drawn syllables, "I bear many, countless, titles. Some of which cannot dare be uttered by mortal tongues. But you... You may call me Cesare." Cesare conceded with a slow nod of acknowledgement towards the dusted deer. Still watching closely, carefully, critically, the piebald tilted her head, the telltale sign of questions brewing about the mind in most.

"Why is it that you carry the scent of wolves with you?" The black and white deer then inquired, a cloven hoof stepping forth to start closing the space between them. Something within his icy eye glinted sharply at the buck.
the staff team luvs u
Samael is rated M/3-3-3 for violence, cruelty, disturbing content, skewed religious ideology, overall mean-spirited thoughts and actions on occasion, and potentially unsettling behaviors.
12-03-2021, 09:47 PM
 Mea filius? He had never heard that language before... it wasn't Russian nor was it that "Deer Tongue" that he'd heard before from the strange wolf. It piqued his curiosity as well as the way that the buck held his head. So high, so confident, it demanded respect... he admired it. His eyes grew wide, never experiencing a deer with such confidence in themselves before. He blinked and wondered if this was some great lord that he'd met.

 For once in his life... he felt nervous around prey.

 "Event Horizon is my pack." He was a part of no herd.

 At least, the large buck didn't seem to be upset with him. He laughed at his youthful fear but Hawking didn't know if it was a good thing or bad...

 Cesare. He filed it away into memory. "Because I live with wolves. My mother and father are wolves." The only parents he'd ever known, who taught him everything he knew. "They lead my pack." He answered, watching as the man stepped closer. He felt that he shouldn't draw away from that sharp gaze so he stood still. He was told never to run when he was afraid but what did he do of other prey animals... and what also when he wasn't sure how he felt?

 As the other stepped closer his eyes were drawn to the cat. The one without eyes. He hadn't noticed that before and he felt far more unsettled by its appearance. Still, he held still and his tail hung loosely behind him in neutrality. Like wolves did although he had to fight to keep it from tucking beneath him. "What sort of deer are you, mister?" He asked in that boyish voice as he tried to distract from his nervousness.

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12-04-2021, 03:04 AM
Brows raised in surprise at the revelation. A deer, raised by wolves? Truly? It piqued Cesare's interest. To say the crowned doe was jealous was an understatement. Envy reared its fangs through a gentle smile, eyes hooded in faux content. The black and white beast continued its gliding movements, moving close enough to look directly into Hawking's eyes as it stepped past him.

"Here? Why, my form does not matter here," Cesare answered as if the question wrought forth a genuine sense of confusion. It was curious that the younger would even ask such a question. It seemed that the young buck had a more perceptive eye than the doe would have given credit for. It was unfortunate, the outward facade they wore. The angel quickly circled around again, meeting the grey eye of the opposite side.

"These wolves, they raised you as their own? Do you see yourself as a wolf?" They spoke as they moved around Hawking, eyes tracking their junior along their curving path, "Do you bear their fangs?" Cesare halted before him at that question, its tone carrying about it a weight that fell heavy in between them. The growing rain only added to the charged air, its subconscious sound seemingly drowning out the world around them.
the staff team luvs u
Samael is rated M/3-3-3 for violence, cruelty, disturbing content, skewed religious ideology, overall mean-spirited thoughts and actions on occasion, and potentially unsettling behaviors.
12-07-2021, 04:17 AM
 The buck smiled at him, strange eyes rising to the fullness of the gesture but... why did it feel that something was off. Hawking couldn't place a hoof on it but something was weird. Still, as the other deer came close and looked him in the eyes, he didn't move.

 But he did shiver.

 "Uh, I don't know? I was just curious. I've never seen a deer that looked like you before." Youthful curiosity in its finest as the buck circled back around to his other side to look him in the eye. He stayed put, stealing himself to be brave. "In some ways, I guess?" He didn't really feel like a deer... he didn't feel like a wolf either. He felt like a nobody but he wouldn't say that. "I know I'm a deer though." He added hastily because he remembered that dumb cat. He knew what he was but that wouldn't stop him from trying to change his nature.

 Their fangs?

 He wanted to laugh at his strange question but there was something between them that bid he stay silent. "No. I'm just a normal deer." Except that he probably didn't act like the norm to most. He eyed the other, unsure of what to expect next.

the staff team luvs u
12-07-2021, 05:04 AM (This post was last modified: 12-07-2021, 05:28 AM by Samael. Edited 2 times in total.)
The young buck's repeated innocent confusion brought a low chuckle from the bowels of the black and white beast. Deep and rumbling in nature, the laugh held a deeper meaning, one of seen potential. The angel gazed deeply into the self proclaimed deer's eyes, his once serene smile suddenly pulling back his lips to reveal teeth. No… This new, more sinister grin revealed fangs, ivory points sharpened to near needles exposed themselves, their unnatural and jagged edges glistening in the raindrops' ever moving reflections.

"I assure you, no one has met a deer quite like myself," The angel all but purred, their crowned head turning to the side with eyes still locked on the younger male. Tall ears folded back, the regal doe holding herself high, towering over Hawking like an immovable pillar of marble, pristine, untouchable in the confidence the hind exuded. Palpable was the aura of command that washed over the angel in intense waves, rolling out with the potential to sweep away unsuspecting individuals into its undertow.

"Ego videri imago Dei, Hawking… I see potential in you," Cesare admitted, crooning with a glint of edged delight hinted at the tail end, "I see... Inner turmoil within your eyes, tener unum… You have mixed emotions, do you not?" Her eyes were wide now charged like the darkening clouds, electric and piercing. The angel lowered its head, closing the final gap between the two to whisper in the ear of the buck with a sweetness that smelled of gold, yet dripped of viscous poison, black as the stains of shadow that permanently poured from its holy eyes.

"What if you could… Become, a wolf?" Came the question, a bolt of lightning sparking above and shining forth its blinding light, followed shortly by the deafening roar of rolling thunder.
the staff team luvs u
Samael is rated M/3-3-3 for violence, cruelty, disturbing content, skewed religious ideology, overall mean-spirited thoughts and actions on occasion, and potentially unsettling behaviors.
12-07-2021, 05:24 AM
 Hawking looked at the man's eyes as he was so close, but then he was laughing. A deep rumbling sound. The next thing he knew was the mouth that was pulling away to reveal fangs. Fangs in the mouth of a deer. How?! His eyes widened at the sight, his gaze locked in disbelief at such a sight. Now it was Hawking's turn to feel jealousy. To be able to protect himself not just with his budding antlers but teeth like his packmates.

 A thousand questions burned behind his youthful gaze as he watched the buck straighten himself up, standing tall and proud. Just like he always tried to do.

 He wanted that.

 To be a prey animal but also be able to be feared so that he could protect those that he loved.

 Along with his uncertainty and fear... there was awe.

 How could he see into his mind like this? To know of the thoughts that had flitted behind his eyes? He looked away, afraid that this buck was reading his mind through his eyes. No sooner had he done so, do the buck whisper sweet words into his ears.

 "How?!" His voice cracked with heightened emotion. There was a fine mix there of excitement, disbelieve, longing. He had forgotten about the mind-reading as he turned to look at the other deer, eyes wide and hopeful.

 He had been told to meet with other deer, to learn. Never before did he think he'd ever meet one to teach him this. Was this beyond the skope of fighting and into something else altogether? Magic? He didn't care. Along with youthful innocence there was gullibility from his hopes and dreams and his want to find a tutor to teach him how to fight.

the staff team luvs u
12-07-2021, 05:54 AM
"Come with me, mea filius," Cesare commanded with a gentle yet haunting sonata, "Let me teach you the secrets they wish not to tell you…" The deer stepped past the younger, more expressive specimen with a clinging air of royalty. It slowly glided across the moist grass, towards the darkening treeline without any hesitation or fear of the unknown, for the angel knew all. The youngster would follow, Samael's fangs sinking in deep into the young mind of sickening naivety. It was delicious…


"It will be difficult, young one… The transformation is never easy," The doe did sing her song of mystery as she spun back to face the young buck, letting the tendrils of intrigue curl tightly around Hawking's throat, "But follow me and I promise, mea castus et esculentus anima, that you will feel the spirit of the wolf burn within you yet." With that, the holy spirit did beckon from within the growing shadows, its snow coated face becoming the only visage visible as the angel backed further into the densely packed forest. The honey sweet smile never waned from her venomous features.

"Do not keep my master waiting, boy," meowed forth the low and gravelly voice of the demon cat from the darkness, beckoning the brown dusted deer to take action.
the staff team luvs u
12-07-2021, 09:51 PM
 He wanted this. He wanted to learn the secrets that this deer whispered of. He wanted to learn from this royal stag, that was a part of growing up... wasn't it? To find your own path? To learn where you could from others? He would have to leave Event Horizon, well, he'd have to leave it anyway, wouldn't he? He would just be going on his own path if he did this.

 He watched the royal stag walk past him; his eyes locked onto that princely walk... and he knew how bad he wanted to be a part of this man's world. To learn whatever he had to teach. The stag whipped back around suddenly, the motion giving the young buck a start. His heart hammered in his chest, eyes wide with brief terror before he shook his head and shook it away. "I-I'll do whatever it takes. I'm not afraid." Bold words for someone who was very clearly afraid.

 They were backing away and the cat spoke. Unlike before he saw its face, its eyeless face. It sent chills up his spine. He walked forward to follow, then stopped, "W-wait I have to tell my parents about what I want to do!" He couldn't just leave, they'd be worried sick. He wondered if they'd still be worried sick... "Please, can't I do that first?" He didn't want to just wander off but he also didn't want to miss this opportunity.

the staff team luvs u
12-07-2021, 10:29 PM
The angel did not stop its retreat into darkness, in fact spinning on its heels to set its sights straight on and towards the future. It was the cat that dismounted, displeased by the frantic response made by the prey animal. It landed upon the soft grass with a silent spray of water to surround his form. Quickly the small demon trotted towards the buck, long and thin tail whipping behind him in annoyance.

"You hesitate against the word of an angel?" The cat hissed low, reflecting the upset his master felt though unseen to both of the males,"This displeases her greatly…" And with that, the blind familiar turned and began its retreat back to his master. Though the pair disappeared into the encroaching night, their dark forms melding with the shade of trees, a ghostly voice called over the sound of rain and thunder, its call booming forth as the roar of the heavens crashed around them.

"Go then, tell your family of your departure, young Hawking, but know that I will be watching… Waiting for your return," The holy spirit warned. That fang riddled smile grew audible over the uproarious fanfare.

"Do not delay, mea filius, for we have a lot of work to do."

Spooky Exit

the staff team luvs u
Samael is rated M/3-3-3 for violence, cruelty, disturbing content, skewed religious ideology, overall mean-spirited thoughts and actions on occasion, and potentially unsettling behaviors.
12-08-2021, 12:43 AM
 The buck did not stop, he turned and reatreated even faster. He was afraid that he'd lost his chance, that he'd never see them ever again... except the cat came back. It spoke its displeasure and how he hesitated with an angel. Supernatural being. And then she? Was he not dealing with a buck. He'd assumed that with the antlers... "I'm sorry..." He said again, wishing he could just go and run away with her?

 He heard her call above the rain. His ears perked and he listened to the disembodied voice, feeling his gut clench with excitement that he hadn't been permanently left behind. "Yes! I'll go at once!" And with that, he would not delay, as he turned and raced back home to Harper.

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