Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!


Midnight Snow
11-30-2021, 03:28 AM
Snow was falling to the world itself, some stayed, some did not. Though the realm was embracing winter as soon all around her would me embraced in cold. Her adventure of wandering would be limited, especially when it grew more troublesome to survive. At least there was the sanctuary of knowing there was others to help for the season, where they laid within the glade and slept days away. Uriel felt guilty at times to be away so often during the day, but she always made sure to come back during the night.

On this particular day it was the opposite. She spent the time napping unknowingly, and before the golden girl knew it ; night had came. She lazed the day away and decided to venture through the darkness. The crickets chirped ever so slightly, for they were disappearing into a hibernation. She would miss them, Uriel admitted, not wanting the stillness of the frost world. She couldn't help but find her paws continuing going east..

Uriel squinted with her silver gaze, for it almost seemed like there was sand beyond, but surely she was mistaken.. Wasn't she?


the staff team luvs u
11-30-2021, 03:43 AM

set before the incident with odium

 Just as the golden wolf ventured east, another would venture west. With the return of Misha, she felt that it was easier to wander further. The arrogant white wolf was a lot of things but he was no fool as to allow something to happen to Mother while Exalted was away. So, she'd taken to wandering a little further from her home, a little more exploration as she'd never really stepped foot outside of the desert since her arrival. This was partially due to her duties and partially due to the fact that she preferred to stay around the Eye even after dark. She was expanding her horizons here, adventuring. Seeing if there was anyone she could pick up in the lands beyond the desert for her cause. They always needed more bodies to fill their ranks.

 Even those not pure of coat.

 Like the brownish shape she could see in the distance. Without fear, Exalted would wander closer, confidence in her stride and eyes intent on the newcomer. As she drew near, the albino yearling could easily see the golden coat with laces of white. Not enough to be considered pure and the burnished, glorified brown was certainly not a holy color. In fact, Exalted found her quite hideous with so much of that staining her pelt... but even hideous wolves could become Disciples if they worked hard enough. Plus, they were too desperate to turn others away for that.

 So, she smiled, bathing in the cloak of Mother's kindness as she wanted to lure the flies with honey. Or perhaps it was the snow that fell from the sky, reminding her of what she'd lost that helped her to be a bit more pleasant to this one. "Hello... it is a pleasant night tonight. Is there a particular reason you're out so late?" She did wonder why the other was out so late, was it common for non-desert wolves to travel at night, as well?

the staff team luvs u
11-30-2021, 08:28 PM
Pure white — someone that looked to be born from the tundra itself and yet emerged from what looked to be a sand haven. They held ice-blue eyes, a mysterious vibe coming from that that brought a chill to her core, and yet they gave the most pleasant of smiles. Perhaps it was just due to their strange appearance.. Though Uriel wouldn't comment, she could not help but gaze to what they were, for no wolf, would normally look like so. A snout distorted, teeth elonged, and even a smaller tail — it was like they were lion rather then an actual canine. Such a strange being coming forth from the east, it did bring a curious heart to the golden girl as she wondered if there was more, like her, beyond the plains.

Though they weren't particularly large — they held the body of a beast. Do those of the deserts simply look like so?

She shook her head, needing to remove herself from this moment of judgement. She was analyzing them too long and looked to hard, Uriel felt guilty on doing so. She placed a friendly smile upon her own maw and looked at the others beautiful gaze, "It is." A rather surprising one, not expecting many to come out during. Especially as winter was coming toward them.

"I could not sleep.. How about you miss?"

the staff team luvs u
12-01-2021, 05:31 AM
 She could see the other staring at her but she took no offense. If anything, the conceited white yearling stood taller, reveling in the attention. She knew she was beautiful, was pure, was everything that others wished they were. Purity from the holiest of places, yes, let her stare and be amazed. There would be no argument from her lips.

 "Hopefully it was not nightmares that kept you from your slumbers?" Or she actually hoped they were, then she might be able to latch her fangs in depending on what they were about. All she needed was an opening... and as for her own reasons? "I sleep during the day and perform my tasks at night." The yearling clarified. She wasn't sure if the other had met a pure albino before but even if she wasn't an albino, her stomping grounds were near uninhabitable during the day. "The desert is hell during the day and those unprepared are caught and boiled in its clutches." She said flippantly, it was a fact of life. Only fools wandered the baking heat without expecting consequences.

the staff team luvs u
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