Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

I live inside my own world of make believe

03-08-2021, 05:13 PM
If this was supposed to be some kind of joke, then it wasn’t fucking funny in the slightest.

Kaster had already lost his damn mind hours ago trying to figure out how the hell he got from sleeping in the mountains to ending up in some barren forest that stunk of deer shit, now he was spending his precious time nosing around this forest and leaving scent marks to navigate himself through the large piece of land. The only thing of familiarity he’d actually been able to find in this place was Pheobe, who sat lazy-eyed in a nearby tree branch – strangely calmer than he was right now (but when was the hen ever more worked up than her wolven companion, anyway?) – but not a single scent trail could've been led to anywhere that gave him even a vague remembrance of where he was before. The young lass wasn’t one to believe in things like gods or mythical events, but this wasn't the Teekons -- Kaster was fucking lost...

“Fenris-almighty-- you know what? Forget this…….Pheobe! A series of short barks was sent out to call for his travel companion, to which the hen would spread her wingspan into flight and land her talons on the plume of Kaster’s thick scruff. Screw trying to find out where he was – If the prince was going to be stuck navigating for a while then he might as well make use of his time here by seeking quick and easy prey to get his energy back up. Buck was off the menu since there was no way he’d be catching that himself, but if luck was on the archer’s side today then he’d be able to spot an abandoned deer calf somewhere around….

the staff team luvs u
03-08-2021, 05:26 PM
Ever since his meeting with @Célnes, Vengeance began roaming the woods as promised to chase away any urchins who may be leeching off of their lands. Célnes was deliberate and quiet, rarely did they ever cross paths as they acted more like tolerated roommates rather than true partners. Meanwhile, Vengeance bulldozed his way through the woods and made his presence clear to anyone brave enough to try and wander in their little nest without any reason other than to join either of the aspiring leaders and their cause.

And so, at the sound of barking the behemoth made his way to investigate. Célnes wasn't the type to make such a fuss, nor did it sound like any kind of tone she would be capable of doing... this one was distinctively male. He cut through the chilled, dead ferns, leaving a path of destruction in his wake as he cared not for its preservation until he found what he was looking for... A young man with shades of browns and beige. With him some kind of avian, similar to that of Lumiya of the plains.

Without a word, ink black lips pulled back in a vicious snarl before a rolling warning was issued through a growl. Pay attention to me, he demanded, swallowing up the distance between then as he approached with a certain fever.

the staff team luvs u
Vengeance is a disgusting, terrible character. I do not condone anything he does or thinks of IC, and though I enjoy writing him, he also disgusts me often. He is a villain and nothing more.
03-08-2021, 06:13 PM
Not even a second before he could start tracking down prey and something putrid ran thick in the air, causing his muzzle to wrinkle in absolute disgust. The archer stopped in his tracks and swiveled his cranium to seek the source of this overwhelming presence and was met with something of one's nightmares -- a coat; shades of deep oakwood and black felt dreary in comparison to the viridescent foliage that surrounded them. Volcanic red eyes and foul yellow teeth reveal a snarl to top off the male's ghoulish appearance, and what's more, is that he needn't come closer for Kaster to realize just how much they towered over him.

"Dieu que tu pues putain..." The woodlander mouthed sharply to himself in his mother tongue, speaking his words through his own warning snarl targeted towards the beastly interloper. Taking note of the hen's panicked hoots, he'd flick his ear and signal Pheobe away from the scene and off into the trees somewhere where she wouldn't be caught up in the mess. If a fight were to break out now, the last thing Kaster would like is for her to be included as convenient prey.

Kaster didn't waste time sizing the brute up as he approached -- If this was a battle of strength, then it was clear as day who the victor would be in the end. Though his fight or flight instincts had already decided for Kaster to stay where he was and attempt to stand his ground. All he could do now is get in position and prepare himself for the outcome... 

the staff team luvs u
03-08-2021, 10:16 PM
Whatever the other man had said had no meaning to the goliath. A foreign tongue that offered no signs of forgiveness for their transgressions of trespassing on what was being claimed by the two emperors. It would be a lie if Vengeance said that he was doing this purely for his own greed in getting on the King's good side for future use... or for safety in numbers until he fathered his own followers. It was, as well among other reasons, an excuse for him to exercise violence on those he deems worthy.

How easy is it to paint the picture of a trespasser getting their just deserts rather than just some beast who needs to be put down after mauling everything that crossed his path? He approached still, the boy refused to turn tail and run but instead was either brave or stupid, to stand his ground. “Does your nose malfunction?” He drawled lowly in a rumbling bass tone.

He knew very well that his stench was hard to ignore, so how did this one come within their borders without catching a hint of what was guarding its gates? Of course, two wolves do not make a pack, and their borders were in no way like that of any pack that was to come should Celnes get what she wanted.... but surely, there were at least hints that there was someone who lurked in these woods more so than just traveling through.

Giving the stranger some time to talk, Vengeance felt gracious enough to listen and see if his excuse was even a little amusing.

the staff team luvs u
Vengeance is a disgusting, terrible character. I do not condone anything he does or thinks of IC, and though I enjoy writing him, he also disgusts me often. He is a villain and nothing more.
03-12-2021, 01:08 AM
Surprisingly, the crimson-eyed reaper did not take his chances at tearing into the woodlander just yet, which was good. This will buy the boy some time to either seek out a weak spot where he'd need to strike first or find a way out in the scenario that his attack on the brute doesn't succeed. Though if Kaster was being honest with himself, it was really hard to think when there was someone breathing in his face -- he frowned. "It doesn't; the trail to my meal is that way and you smell like a mule's asshole. Any more questions regarding my health?" Kaster answered the man with narrowed eyes and a raised eyebrow. There were scents lingering around the area that Kaster was aware of, yes, but not enough to make him think there was a pack in these woods just yet. In the woodlander's eyes, the area was only a pass by from a couple of loners like himself. Casting his icy gaze between the trail behind vengeance and back to him, Kaster would open his mouth to speak again. "What do you guard here?" Was his main question. It was obvious that he'd been guarding the food here, but there is not freshly killed buck in sight for that to make sense. Where were the others he would need to watch for?...

the staff team luvs u
03-12-2021, 08:37 PM
Vengeance was a hard one to crack... some days he was easier to get along with than others, his mood had the tendency to switch almost immediately from amused to enraged with little to no signs. This was one of those times. At least the trigger was more evident - the boy's attitude.

One warning.

One question.

He was lucky enough to get any at all.

And he failed to provide anything that would delay the Warlord's wrath.

Without listening to his final words, the last question about what he was guarding here, Vengeance was already on the move. Maw snapping with strands of saliva dispersing from the corners of his lips with every clack they made.

the staff team luvs u
Vengeance is a disgusting, terrible character. I do not condone anything he does or thinks of IC, and though I enjoy writing him, he also disgusts me often. He is a villain and nothing more.
03-13-2021, 06:02 AM
And just like that, the woodlander's bitch of a mouth would (once again) land him into deep shit. This one's buttons were suprisingly more easier to push, and now the time he could've taken to make it out unscathed had backfired -- it was time to make a move, and fast.

The boy's narrowed eyes widened and breath hitched as his head would just barely move to the side in time to miss Vengance's onslaught of Jaws. The snap resonated within the air around them, and the near-collision of the brute's massive weight almost made Kaster loose his balance -- son of a bitch, there was no way he was winning this fight. It was just by luck that the attack had missed, now the woodlander would just need to find a way out, but first....Kaster lunged.

In an attempt to disorient his opponent and make his escape much easier, kaster opened his maw to aim for the side of the beast's face. It was a risky attempt to say the least, but an opportunity nonetheless....

the staff team luvs u
03-14-2021, 01:59 AM
this is a weird post but it felt like something he'd do LOL if its confusing please ask me and I will clarify!

His jaws met nothing but the air - and yet that wasn't the end of it. The other male stepped off to the side and the already high on his own desire to shred snapped again tossing his head toward the direction of where the paler of the brunettes had gone off to. To Vengeance, these things were second nature. His body tuned-in with the motions of violence that it was second nature, he didn't truly need to think about it almost as if his muscles made faster decisions than his brain could.

As the other aimed to bite the side of the attacker's face, with a sick grin Vengeance leaned into the bite, thrusting his head as deep into the man's gullet sideways with an open maw of his own and ignoring any fangs that would pierce his skin. What he had in goal was to use his own skull as a defensive maneuver. Should it work, his bottom jaw would be just under that of the other guy's, top of his snout within the jaws of the smaller man along with Vengeance's skull gagging him. Should it all work out, Vengeance had the upper hand with the opportunity to grab hold of their lower jaw.

the staff team luvs u
Vengeance is a disgusting, terrible character. I do not condone anything he does or thinks of IC, and though I enjoy writing him, he also disgusts me often. He is a villain and nothing more.
03-22-2021, 12:06 AM
The attempted grab move had actually worked, and soon enough the taste of this beastly man's rancid coat plagued his tongue -- though it was not in the way Kaster had expected. Instead of dragging his teeth across the side of the man's face, his own face was the target of desire as the bottom of his jaw was now being grabbed into place by the brute's set of yellowed teeth. Not only that, but Kaster suddenly felt the hinges of his maw begin to strain when their cranium began colliding into his teeth -- shit!

Every bone in his body was telling the archer to tear and struggle in the reaper's grip, but he knew any violent movements will cost him the lower part of his mouth -- time for plan B...

Rearing up on his hind legs, Kaster's front paws would land on the back of the large he-wolf's neck, with the sole purpose of trying to hold him in place. After this landing, his cranium would twist rightwards to clamp down on the top of the male's muzzle and initiate the first part of his escape. Should this attempt work, they would now be playing a bloodied little game of tug of war until he let go (though not without teeth markings lining Kaster's tongue and bottom jaw...)

the staff team luvs u
03-23-2021, 07:24 PM
Warm liquid blurred his vision as some blood trickled into his eye from his brow and head, he regretted nothing. Believing to have the upper hand now that he held the mandible of the man in question. In his maw, he had the guy's only means of defense and offense at his mercy - with the wrong, or right, depending who's view you were watching, twist and pull - the future warlord could completely put a stop the paler man's future. What could anyone do without a lower jaw after all other than whine and moan until a predator finished them off or starvation took its toll?

In an attempt to free himself, the other man reared up to hold the attacking beast in place - a move that could very well cost him the battle. Now on his hind legs and having most of his weight on either two spindly back feet, and at the mercy of Vengeance's position, the warlord to be bucked his shoulders and shook his head with the mandible hopefully still in his maw. Pushing and pulling at awkward and immediate movements, and angles to get the other off of his legs and onto the ground where the vile brute could put an end to all of this once and for all.

the staff team luvs u
Vengeance is a disgusting, terrible character. I do not condone anything he does or thinks of IC, and though I enjoy writing him, he also disgusts me often. He is a villain and nothing more.
04-18-2021, 08:21 PM (This post was last modified: 04-18-2021, 08:22 PM by Kaster. Edited 1 time in total.)
nearly forgot about this LMAO. I'll get you outta thread jail now, sorry for the wait T^T

His initial attempts were, of course to find a way out -- but despite his attempts to come up with a plan to take this gargoyle down with him, Kaster had made one fatal mistake in his movements and ended up giving him the upper hand instead. His frosted vision shut tight as the two scrambled in all positions, almost like a pair of alligators about to ingage in a death roll -- Kaster did not want that happening in the slightest, as it would be fatal.

Thankfully, the angle at which the woodlander slipped and landed against the ground loosed some grip, and with one pull he was able to pull his jaw from the smelly brute's Jaws. Teeth dragged heavily against his lower jawline and tough to leave marks and a metallic pool in Kaster's mouth, but this did not stop the boy from scrambling to his feet and bolting as fast as possible. 

Vengance had won this fight -- the woodlander did not see any use in fighting someone stronger than him for a carcass he could probably find somewhere else, and the only thing on his mind as of now was finding Pheobe and being on his way....

the staff team luvs u
04-20-2021, 12:52 AM
it's all good!! <3 <3

The two men tangled in a dance of teeth and claws moved as one deadly form in unison. Teeth snapping and fur flying as their bodies collided before finally one had found their way to the ground and only one was left standing. Both were bloodied but one seemingly enjoyed it more than the other. That crazed look in the ruby eyes of the malicious monster wouldn't let him stop now either. As the other male laid on the ground, finding his feet, the bogeyman lunged again and again, snapping at the empty air behind the now fleeing opponent who had come unfortunately come across his path.

As the other fled to safety, Vengeance did not follow. His chase had ended at the borders of which he was guarding and there he would stand watching the male fled into the woods beyond his sight. Once pleased with the distance, he would return to pacing around the woods as its current guardian, waiting for the next unfortunate soul to fall victim to his wrath.
the staff team luvs u
Vengeance is a disgusting, terrible character. I do not condone anything he does or thinks of IC, and though I enjoy writing him, he also disgusts me often. He is a villain and nothing more.
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