Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Right, my little pooh bear, wanna take a chance?

Afternoon Fog
Dragonford Isles
10-25-2021, 09:06 PM (This post was last modified: 10-29-2021, 01:04 AM by Vendrussel. Edited 1 time in total.)
Upon the borders she stalked, through the dog of the day. Her paws gliding through the rocky sands with an ease, as her ear every once in a while flickered to the earie sound of the lovecraftian beast. Though she neve saw, nor' even a shadow within the foggy night — Vendrussel learned to ignore for that of a peace of mind. The beaches leads to that of the forest itself, a hunting ground they so claim, even if others have with distaste. 

She would defend it, for prey within the isle was but a difficult gain, and best to do was that of this beach. She skulked through, an ear flickering every once in a while to hear any sounds, to smell anyone that did not belong to the ford itself.. She wondered who would arrive.

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10-29-2021, 12:55 AM
He didn’t remember much.

Perhaps a scream, or was that a neigh? He did remember the feeling of wind, rushing through his feathers. He remembered flying.

Now, however, he remembered falling, unfamiliar and so wrong in this body. For one thing, he didn’t have hooves. Instead, fleshy bits on sticks shot out to try and catch him, before tucking against his chest as he fell the scant few feet to the ground. Which was also funny, because he was definitely higher up last he checked.

Jósteinn blinked open his eyes, the young boy rolling onto his back and stretching his limbs towards the sky, staring at white smeared paws. Unfamiliar, new. Thanks, he hated it!

“Weeeeird..” He whispered, flexing his toes.
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10-29-2021, 01:04 AM (This post was last modified: 10-29-2021, 01:04 AM by Vendrussel.)
Her fur rose to the smell of another, and within the sight was that of a yearling. She thought perhaps Northfall had hailed another kid to the claim, and ventured into foggy beach. A snarl, lifting from the dragons lips as she prowled through the beach. A foggy afternoon, thought paws trenching through the sands as she gave a blueful eye toward the pines within the distance, though the smell indicated further to the beach. 

Though she heard a sound of confusion — Vendrussel prowled forward to see further, and smell more onto this young one. Voided of the icy mountains that hailed enemies, she could not tell if he was part of them, but he was definitely young. So small, not even near a yearling or an appropriate age to properly hunt by himself, that she couldn't help but step forward, a careful eye toward him, "Young one, you seem lost," the dragoness said with a calmness, "you are in ford's claim."

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10-29-2021, 01:10 AM
His head whipped over at the sound of someone else approaching. His eyes narrowed, lips pursing.

What on earth was that thing? His momma wouldn’t like him asking that, but Jósteinn had never had much of a filter.

“What are you?” He blurted, rolling to his stomach to stare, before frowning.

“I’unno what a ford is.” A heartbeat.

“I am lost though. I was flying and then I was falling and now I’m here with these.” He wiggled his toes again.
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10-29-2021, 01:16 AM (This post was last modified: 10-29-2021, 01:18 AM by Vendrussel. Edited 2 times in total.)
"A wolf?" Though it didn't happen.. Often, Vendrussel felt the coincidence shouldn't be true, nor' come more then once that brought it's strange times. For another wolf, who tried to 'fly' and landed to her beach. When she gazed around, there was no feathers of the sorts, or landing of an indication besides the child before her. Only an endless fog rolling in, and a beach with the background of waves coming and going through the tides. She stepped closer to the other, a better image of so. 

Small, she deducted.

"A ford is my pack, my group who claim these beaches," she lifted a paw and firmly landed it into the sand, small pebbles flickering away, "and you, don't seem to have wings." Was this to be another who claimed once a dragon? The ancient language simmered onto her tongue thinking that of Belial, who claimed as so.. Except Vendrussel still had trouble grasping such a way, and refrained from thinking often, "pray tell child, where are you from?"

last part speaking sumerian!

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10-29-2021, 01:24 AM
A wolf…huh.

Weird. That wasn’t an actual thing, lady. Momma would have told him about that. She went on to explain what exactly a ford was, as Jósteinn slowly managed to figure out how his too big not-hooves worked. He managed to sit, grinning. Look, he did it!

She went on to speak something Jos didn’t understand, tipping his head to the side.

“I did have wings! I dunno where they went, but they were on my back, and I had a looong face, and different feet and-” He cut himself off to stare at his back.

“B-But where did they go! They were here, they had to have been! I was flying, missus ma’am, you gotta believe me!”
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10-29-2021, 01:34 AM
He didn't respond to the draconic language and spoke no more of it. She crossed him out of the lines similar to the clan of herself and that of Belial, if he wasn't a dragon.. Then what type of flying beast did he say? She would most likely give a hardy laugh if the boy said he was a bird at some point, and now that of a wolf. Though in general, Vendrussel had trouble believing any who said they were another species, besides wolves. Even now did she think of the other as a loon, and yet he spoke the same language only very few knew.. Difficult times.

"I'm afraid I see nothing more then a wolf without wings," she commented, neck craning to take a proper intake of his scent. She couldn't really smell anything besides the regular air, the hint of sea-salt with how close they were to the beach. Did someone, drop him off? A careful eye looked around, wondering if that wolf was lingering upon the Dragonford beaches, a small narrowing of eyes as tail flickered in an irritation once, — before looking back down at him.

"Where are your parents?" She asked with a more careful coo', a voice held just the tough of gentleness realizing perhaps, this kid might be a bit disillusioned.

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10-29-2021, 01:38 AM
Jósteinn’s ears wilted.

Oh. He was one of those “woof”s. He stared at his paws, before shaking his head, closing his eyes for a moment as the boy wilted more as he thought about it. Where was his momma? His proud papa? His brother?

“I’unno, ma’am. They…I must’ve fallen behind.” That was the only explanation he could come up with. Momma had said the herd wouldn’t circle around to collect him if he fell too far behind. And now he was here, with no hooves, no wings, something else, and he didn’t know what was even happening, just that he wanted, suddenly, to go home.

“Have you seen them go by? They’re uh. My papa’s the same color as me!”
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10-29-2021, 01:47 AM
When she thought of those she met, there was none that said of searching of a pup, and rarely anyone of his coating. Brown and white, with the hint of a mint green within his gaze — Vendrussel thought she had decent memory, and thus when no one came to mind, she assumed their path hasn't crossed. She once more continued looking around, though no scents besides their own, no sounds at the moment, even the beast's call seemed to be dull at his appearance. Only what was around them, was the endless fog continually rolling in as the day was gradually coming closer to sunset.

"I'm afraid not." What else could she say, to a lost child? Though at times would she offer to help find said pair, with the tension that followed between the neighboring packs.. Vendrussel refrained.

the staff team luvs u
10-29-2021, 01:52 AM
“Oh…” Jósteinn looked at his paws.

“I..I guess my momma was right when she said they wouldn’t come find me…” The brown boy flattened his ears, tipping his head to look at the ground between his paws. His momma wasn’t here, his papa had left him, and he was weird!

“Do ya…do ya know what I do next ma’am?” Adults knew things, right? This woman had to know what he did, all his life adults told him what to do and where to go! So she had to do something! Tell him where to go, what to do. Adults knew everything.
the staff team luvs u
10-29-2021, 01:56 AM
Was he abandoned? With no one around she couldn't tell if he simply wandered away from them or truly was. She sat down and eyed the boy, small.. Surely less then six months, but an appropriate size where he would've started hunting small birds, and likewise did not need milk. In a way he could sustain himseslf, which worried her more if he truly was abandoned. A headache forming, for more troubles ahead then she would like. She once mocked in thought of Northfall daring to claim with so little numbers and only children, and now one washed upon her beach. Correction, 'fell.'

"What would you like to do?" She inquired.

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10-29-2021, 02:03 AM
Jósteinn frowned.

“I can’t go home..” He said, before looking up at the blue furred woman sitting before him. She looked so different to himself, or any of his former herd. Former…he was never going home.

“Papa always said I was gonna grow up big and strong, like him. I wanna do that.” He said after a while of thinking about it. Papa had been so big, the lead stallion, head of their herd. Even if momma said he wasn’t all he said he was, but Jos had always loved his papa. He always thought his papa loved him too.
the staff team luvs u
10-29-2021, 02:10 AM
"Do you see those rocks beyond the waters?" As he spoke, she pointed her paw toward the ocean. Though hard to see through the foggy night, the ocean before them vaguely pointed to that of ghostly pillars. Tall, pointed serpentine rocks laying within the waters, "beyond those is where I live, if you can make it there, you can stay." She put her paw down then looked at them boy, his father said to be big and strong and to be a dragon like them so, she expected the children to be the same. Though cliff dive for a later time, he should find his way through.

She glanced over to waters, wondering if he would discover the short path that led to the sepulcher. Hard especially when tides were high, a stone path laid it's way to Dragonford, but slippery that it was, and hard to see.. Most swam to it.

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10-29-2021, 02:18 AM
The boy stared out over the waters, squinting at the far off rocks. It was, appropriately, a cool place to live. This lady did seem cool. Even if he didn’t know her name.

Well. Momma had never got around to teaching him about stranger danger, so on he went, slowly rising to his feet and idly tumbling along the shoreline to get a feel for his new limbs. His frown deepened when he looked between the shore and the distant islands. Aw man…at least he knew swimming. He got ready for what was gonna be a rather long swim (he’d be so tired! But blue lady said he could stay so!) when his eyes caught the first sign of..a stone? His brows furrowed even deeper, lip jutting out in a truly impressive thoughtful pout, before he scrabbled from his perch on the shore to the dark shape he could barely pick out.

“Are you gonna come too?” He called over the sound of the waves, voice high and squeaky as he clung to the rock with all his might, slipping occasionally where he stood with puppy clumsiness and the slick rock, but catching himself before he clonked his little chin.
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10-29-2021, 02:24 AM (This post was last modified: 10-29-2021, 02:25 AM by Vendrussel. Edited 1 time in total.)
"This is my home. the land that we, the Dragonford, claim." She followed behind him, carefully watching whether he would crawl into the ocean banks itself, or find the pathway. Vendrussel's eyes glimmered as she watched his careful paws discover the odd stoney way — it wasn't a perfect one, full of large and small boulders of so, but enough where wolves who did not swim well, could cross safely to her land itself.

As obviously so, Vendrussel wouldn't let him just drown like that. In a future time blood may be spilled, but she was not that heartless to watch him disappear into the abyssal sea, "I will follow you to it," and gestured him to continue.

new thread in the Sepulcher?

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