Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

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Dragonford Isles
10-22-2021, 08:32 PM

"After struggling and running,
I had somehow ended up standing where I am
I'd wanted to become someone that everyone would admire,
a hero,
but I couldn't...

For any Dragonford wolves!

And so Chasm was on the move, finally leaving his little beach of paradise. To be honest it was just a miracle that Chasm was alive. He knew nothing about being a wild creature, or a normal one at that. His luck had kept him alive so far, bringing all kinds of tasty food for him to have eaten and plants of water where found on his secret little beach. But as it got colder and things began to wilt, he realized it was time to move onto the next level and away from the tutorial stage. He made sure to grab his exercise band from his previous life and slipped it loosely over his mouth to hang there as he moved. He would have to be careful, bending down could cause it to slip off.

As he left and headed further into the mountains, he found himself ablaze with joy over the simple things of life again. It was incredible, he could walk on his own. Not only that but run and eat and drink and just...live. Granted such actions could still be tough but the fact was that he was still independent.

He didn't know exactly where he was going, but it was to be wherever he would fulfill his destiny. After all he had to have a big role if he was given a second chance. If the magic box had taught him anything, it's that second chances mean you gotta do something big! As he left the beach and found a mixture of hills and grass he found himself whistling at the site. "Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore..." he found himself mumbling to no one in particular, a bit of the cloth teased into his mouth during the process of speech and he merely chewed on it for comfort.

He was trying to make good time, but he couldn't help but be lost in the moment still, stopping often to take everything in. He was quite an adorable thing to observe, so tiny and frail-looking and yet the expression and energy he showed towards everything seemed to be larger than life itself.
the staff team luvs u
10-22-2021, 08:38 PM
There was a man close to the brim of her beach, and yet not exactly within the isle. Though proud she was in stance and kept that of a high head, she showed no signs of a aggressive nature, not even guarded. Vendrussel knew she had no bridge to stand on if someone came near, only if they were in it. Though she could see him beyond her beaches, a rare day a fog didn't roll through the land. He seemed to be muttering to himself, and she was rather curious especially to, he looked a bit.. Odd.

"Hail stranger," she greeted, a faint smile upon her face, "you seem lost."

the staff team luvs u
10-22-2021, 09:07 PM
Upon hearing words that were not his own, Chasm swiveled his head in the direction, surprised to have company. He could not help but let out a gasp, surprised as can be. A little ways on the beach was a wolf! Holy shit he was near a wolf in real life, what the fuck should he do?! Chasm had been a Labrador in his previous life, the only time he saw wolves was on the magic box, and they were nothing to scoff at. Wolves could run around up to 30-40 mph, and were known for bleeding out large prey they hunted. Oh yeah, he still remembered the nature documentaries. Chasm had forgotten in this moment that he was a wolf as well.

Trying to keep his composure, he spoke to the other, head raised as he tried to face her with dignity. "H-hello...I...I guess I am...Apologies." He said with a slow blink, biting tightly onto his mouth band. Just play it cool Chasm, on the magic box everyone plays it cool when they get caught by a chaotic neutral force. What if this wolf was lawful evil? He couldn't get over how large this creature was. And although he was telling himself to play it cool, his legs would not stop shaking and his eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his skull.
the staff team luvs u
10-22-2021, 09:13 PM
"You do not seem like you are from here." As she got closer, Vendrussel firstly noted of the oddity that was upon his mouth. It looked like some sort of vines that went around, black though and almost too perfect to be given by nature itself with a clear line and almost looks comfortable. She reminded him of those oddities that were within the desert, and though no judgement may be, she wondered if he was apart of that band of wolves. Though at the same time with his splattered patterns, she almost would think he was part of the big-eared tribe, and yet looked like a wolf in every other sense. Her own ears flickered as she gazed upon him, a curious look toward his unusual attire.

Not to mention how nervous he was, she could not help but let a wandering ocean eye twirl to his shakey leg, before furthering back to his own half-blinded look, "where are you from?"

the staff team luvs u
10-22-2021, 11:52 PM
Oh fuck, she was getting closer. His body was about to be on channel 9 at this rate! As she got closer he quickly took a few steps back to keep some space. She seemed...curious? Like they were in an episode of *ull House. He looked into her eyes as she studied him, but as they met back with his own he quickly flinched and looked to the side, embarrassed he had been caught looking as he could feel heat rise in his cheeks.

"Uh...yeah?" Please help, how to talk. His social anxiety was already causing his neurons to spazz as his brain tried to remember how to act like a living creature. Wait, shouldn't this be a troupe he knows where girl who has it together meets nervous guy? He shook his head to clear his thoughts, his bands around his muzzle almost looked like they would fly off of him in the process. Just answer the questions Chasm!

"I think I'm from America? I died, an-" He stopped, eyes wide. No, he just went to sleep...yes the needle was different, his human friend was upset. There were many sad humans, they gave him food he wasn't normally allowed. Ah...just like on those animal care shows... He tried to keep it together, but he looked grave as he spoke, looking as if he was losing color in his monochrome palette. "I mean, I guess I'm new." He answered, too awkward to know how to make the conversation keep going.
the staff team luvs u
10-22-2021, 11:57 PM
She hummed slightly, trying to conjure up if there was any place familiar that sounded like 'America,' though she could think of any, "I don't believe I have heard of such a place — though most of us are strangers from different lands regardless." The only wolves she knew that were even from the same land were Kei and Shuji, and she wondered if anyone else was even from her homeland that she would though. However if Vendrussel had to be honest, she would prefer little relations of those from the previous times.. She wasn't particular close with anybody, so no ties were truly missed.

the staff team luvs u
10-23-2021, 12:09 AM
The more she spoke, the more Chasm was convinced that she was a plot character. She seemed so calm and full of info. This also meant she had the most red flags. Thus he wasn't sure if he should feel relieved or more worried. He was surprised to hear most were not born here. So there was a little equal footing at least. He tilted his head at her, confused. "Is there a reason why we're here then, why I'm here. Do you know?" He asked with a frown. He hoped it wasn't like those times where people fought to death on the magic box. He was pretty sure this wolf would kick his ass in a nano second. Was this the start of a quest then?! Chasm wanted to ask more but he also did not want to be seen as an idiot, so he tried to remain aloof but it was quite hard as he stared at her with eager eyes full of wonder, his emotions easy to decipher. Part of it was from his youth, the other was just him being 'him'.
the staff team luvs u
10-23-2021, 12:16 AM
"Perhaps we were destined to meet, especially so close to the land I claim for my ford." She motioned her snout back toward the misty beach ahead, though she mostly pointed at the ocean itself.. Not many would think a wolf would live within the waters, for normally the isle could not be seen through the jagged rocks.

Many who wandered into the land with no purpose, she often met them — and one way or another, Vendrussel felt like there was a bond of sorts happening. Perhaps the ancients were helping guide the supposed individuals into her claim, to make to a dragon themselves and embody the spirit that once was. At least, that is what she hopes to believe ; for all she knows it was all but one coincidence.

the staff team luvs u
10-25-2021, 10:26 PM
She was so cool, he'd never admit it though. All he could do was nod stupidly at her. He felt like a fish out of water right now.

Chasm was willing to put some cents into her words. Normally this is how something would progress on the magic box. Good enough for him. Just like that, Chasm had steeled himself for a new life. Feeling a bit more confident, he walked closer to her before trying to look over her shoulder and to the mysteries behind. But he was far too short. He would grow tall soon...probably. Settling with peeking around her side and into the lands behind her, he spoke.

"So...you live beyond here then, huh..." It was more like confirmation than a question, out there for her to correct if he misunderstood. However, he decided to add a question after all. "In there with a pack of wolves, right?" He asked. Wolves were suppose to live in packs though they could be loners and have all kinds of interesting symbiotic relationships.
the staff team luvs u
10-25-2021, 10:34 PM
She nodded to him, "I am Vendrussel, Alpha of the ford, we claim northern shores." Though as the usual, the name remained a blissful mystery. She knew not of this man even if he had a charm to him, and simply felt.. Safe, to keep the true name away unless to be granted. A secretive, only those of trust know of them as they remain in the isle, an attempt at peace. Though to say peace was not an option with neighbors saying otherwise, and brought but a internal sigh at the continual thought. She would need to do something eventually.

"Are you perhaps interested in joining?" A grin to be as she raised an eyebrow in a curiosity, a slight suggestion he was welcome to ask.. For surely the Dragonford would need it. Only then a reveal of so, but to drag him by the coast for a test, was what was needed the most. He seemed meek, she thought, and would such a land hardened by the seas support him? Vendrussel would have to see if he took up her offer.

the staff team luvs u
10-31-2021, 04:39 AM
As she introduced herself to him he found himself getting all flustered again. He forgot to introduce himself! How rude and embarrassing. Chasm found his eyes darting left, right, down, etc, anywhere that wasn't her as he tried to give an introduction too. "That's okay, I guess? Sorry! I mean, um..." Inwardly he cringed because what the heck did that even mean?! "My...um...well my name is um Chasm. Nice to...well whatever." He just gave up, time to stop digging that hole. A melancholy hit him that caused a momentary sulk.

He was snapped out, or more like rescued, as she through him a bone. Asking if he was interested in joining. And so Chasm adapted to the situation without a moment of doubt. He smiled (tried), and nodded his head. "Sure, why not? I don't really have anything else better to do." He accepted, trying not to look too eager. This was just like *hite Fang. Or wait, was he thinking of *all of the Wild? Either way, he was getting invited to hang with wolves and live their kind of life. Surely this is a great first-step to begin his destiny!
the staff team luvs u
10-31-2021, 05:30 PM
An awkward one she deducted, a fluttering unrefined words that lacked the confidence most of her ford had. Though personality mattered little when it came to the truth in fights — for even the meekest of mice throw their fangs when it comes to defending their home. At least for the ford, there was always the trial to determine whether they contained that bravery. None were allowed to the home until she personally, brought them forth into the leap of faith, a chance at their acceptance.. Though no name to call it, she currently dubbed it as 'the dive.'

"A test will be given if you are truly to become one of us," she said, a flickering of her tail as Vendrussel turned slightly, a paw pointing toward further down the coast, "follow me if you wish to continue." Though if he didn't follow her to the sea beach.. Perhaps he truly was the coward he presented as.

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