Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Este's a friend of mine,

Morning Thunderstorms
10-13-2021, 10:32 PM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2021, 05:17 PM by Agrona. Edited 2 times in total. Edit Reason: timelime purposes )
open but also maybe for @Remus & also set BEFORE this thread

Agrona was absolutely vibing in this weather; this weather that almost concealed the color of her fur against the browns and greens of the forest - which would make for easy hunting. It was dark during the day, but the amount of rain and the whooshing winds; perhaps the only time in which the prey did not notice her, because they were all fleeing for safer grounds.

There were plenty of fallen trees, too; young and old trees, alike, that could not take the pressure of the winds. Some of them even had unfortunate prey animals beneath them, which Agrona made quick work of. Some of them were already gone, but others, she ate alive simply because it was more fun. Their screams were music to her ears, and after she was done? She’d nuzzle whatever was left, because the best part was always playing with their remains, even though the glory of it would be short-lived due to the rain.

Another crackle of thunder, and the ground shook as another tree came to kiss the earth. Agrona lifted her head from the remains of one animal to glance around with the lick of her lips as she leapt onto a nearby tree to try to gain some ground, but only to see if there were more animals trapped under trees for her to devour.
the staff team luvs u
10-14-2021, 04:37 AM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2021, 04:42 AM by Remus. Edited 4 times in total.)
Rain and thunder never halted the guard's duty's, today was no exception.  Patrolling the godforsaken borders of Elkshire, the old dog thought he had picked up a very odd scent, even in the rain.  Bearing down from the sky, the gods sent the lightning. It was a pure thing, and brought about a beautiful destruction.  The woods where dark in the rain, punctuated by the flash of that heavenly light, and the flickering of fire doused by the rain. 

That is when he saw it, a beast or spirit, lit by heavenly fire. Remus had seen nothing of the like before, perhaps on this night blessed by the God's fury, it was an aspect of the hunt or war itself. Remus held back momentarily noting the size and stature of this massive feline.  Like the lightning itself it sat upon a fallen tree, beautiful and deadly and stained in blood.  

Remus knew he would have no hope of warding this creature away from these grounds if it didn't want to go willingly.  To have a chance he would have to call on the rest of the might of Elkshire.  Though, a howl for aide could be seen as an offense to the gods. 

With an act of boldness, inspired by this blessed night, Remus stepped forward to court the Gods themselves. 
"Hail... what brings you to these lands?" 

Perhaps @Nikitasor @Buck would be diligent enough to notice this too.

the staff team luvs u
10-14-2021, 07:20 PM
The rain hailed hard onto the land ; she had moved her children to that of the grotto for safety, and hoped more so would come forward. As the rain pattered onto the land she took out of the den, hushing her children that she has to ensure how the land be. Her paws gliding onto the mud, skipping past the muddles which would her body could dip inside with the wrong move. Pelt hung closely, to her sides, thickening in wetness, she narrowed through the weather, and could see that haze of white, that stopped the Queen within her tracks.

She could not smell others in such a weather, though who would ignore such a ghost within the forest? Eyes watched at Remus, and he approached with but an ease of confidence, and yet.. As Celnes grew closer she could tell what it was ; for like those of the mountain lions it was a feline, yet far larger.. Not to mention stripped and white. Was this land but cursed to be confronted with these large creatures? She thought while momentarily mind drifting to the bears, and wondering how they were faring within the weather.

She approached beside Remus, though kept a moment of silence in wonder for if the creature can speak of wolf like the others she had met.

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10-14-2021, 08:57 PM
^^The sounds of the storm were somewhat calming, as Agrona was silent for quite some time as she stared off into space, zoned out and not quite paying attention; listening to nature for the sounds of trapped victims, or even the sounds of trees collapsing. She had hoped, at least, for another two easy meals, when Remus approached her.

Had Agrona known that she was a creature that could slaughter wolves, she might have found his approach impressive, but the cat still had the mind and mindset of a wolf and thought nothing of it.

As he spoke, her head turned to face him as crimson eyes took in his handsome appearance. It was not long before the golden man was joined by a piece of chocolate. She, too, was easy on the eyes, and Agrona pondered a moment if they were a romantic duo.

“Hail? Is that how wolves of this forest greet each other?” Agrona gave a chuckle with the shrug of her shoulders. “Very well. Hail to you two. The name’s.. Agrona, but I go by Red. I was in my den with my pups, and now I am here, in this very… wet forest, looking for more easy meals. What brings the two of you out here, in this lovely weather?”

And then it clicked. What brings you to these lands? Oh! She'd trespassed, was that it? Was he some scout boy, come to tell her to leave or join, or something like that? She let out a very dramamtic sigh as she laid down on the fallen tree that she was standing on. “Oh. Oh dear. I've trespassed, haven't I?” As a former princess and now queen, Agrona knew the ropes. She'd been on the opposing side before.  
the staff team luvs u
10-14-2021, 10:31 PM
Celenes coming to his side did nothing to sooth him. In his mental calculations he would need a few strong wolves to fell this beast and Celenes didn't count. He figured her as a weak coward, only good with the tongue.

Altogether Remus was miffed at the intrusion of the queen, this was a sacred night, blessed by the gods wrath. Visions of battles long ago cried out to be seen. Heroic tales of men felling giant beasts called out to him as Remus gazed upon this intruder's might as the lightning lit her form. In it's full duality visions Remus saw men boldy approaching the gods for wisdom, and power.

Proprietary be damned, Remus would speak first before the will of the gods. The queen would have to wait her turn. But what the great cat said surprised him, perhaps it was a test. He could remember the sacred tales of hospitality. The cat was correct, the weather was lovely...

"This is Elkshire, and I am Remus" He announced boldly with a voice that could be heard against the thunder, ignoring the queen and propriety. Looking on at the cat, Remus looked on I'm both admiration and respect but also thinking of the best way to disassemble the beast while commanding a few sturdy men. Or women... Like Meissa...

Remus' eyes glimmered against the smoldering fire. This - she beast had his full attention...
the staff team luvs u
10-14-2021, 11:49 PM
"It differs from wolf to wolf." They seemed friendly, an ease settling upon her body and that of a small smile among her dark features, "I am Célnes Déorwine, a pleasure." She continued to gaze to the unsual lion, so she assumed. Not knowing what a tiger was all she could differ was that they were far larger then most mountain lions, and was simply.. She held her astonishment concerning that of their white and stripes, for all that she knew most lions were of creams and browns, none like the other. They were beautiful - she had to admit, the pinnacle of what would some call power. Could a bear, rival this beast?

"Many appear in this forest, wolves, elk.. Lions alike, it is simply the way of this realm." Though trespassed she took with an ease, for who could tell a beast to leave their claim? Just as she did with the bear, keeping that of a neutral stance and a delightful smile. To appease the beast was the best way, for if they were to fight - would they win? Even with the calling of others? Her mind vaguely came o the thought of those who would come, such as Niklaus, Nikitas, Buck... Maybe even Corliss, if the day was lucky.

the staff team luvs u
10-15-2021, 02:58 AM
^^This was Elkshire, and the canines that greeted her to kick her out were Remus and Celnes. For wolves that were scouts and needed to kick her out, they were rather friendly. Ah, so she’d go with the flow. No need to ruin it and create enemies, even if her stomach was growling to be filled.

“Ah I see. So, it’s true then. I am trespassing.” Yet they were friendly, and did not seem to desire to remove her. These wolves were interesting. Her parents would never have allowed such in their claim, ah but they were aggressive wolves who took everything as a personal challenge.

“I’ve never trespassed before, and I did not mean to.. Elkshire must not be anal about what canine comes to visit. A rarity. I like that. Stand out. Good for you guys. ” The striped woman nodded her head softly, leaned forward and twitched her nose. “Would it be pressing my luck to ask you guys to accompany me on a hunt?”
the staff team luvs u
10-15-2021, 05:52 AM (This post was last modified: 10-15-2021, 05:53 AM by Remus. Edited 2 times in total.)
Shuffling his feet in place, the legionare listened to this beast speak. The gods continued to cast their wrath across the sky, punctuating the darkness with flashes of the pale beast's form. Looking on with curiosity, this spirit or beast, spoke rather informally.

Trespassing was a strong word, the mad queen would claim more than was needed, and left the burden to Remus and a few others to guard her empire of ego.

As the rain fell, propriety was once again thrown to the side. The guard did not ask for permission. "It would be an honor hunt at your side."
Of course it could be a cunning ploy by the beast to make an easy kill out of a lone wolf. However, this hunt could also be a gift from the gods.

Remus was not afraid to die again.
the staff team luvs u
10-15-2021, 06:17 PM
She took a glance at Remus who seemed amoured at the tiggress. His face always remained neutral, she could tell what he thought throughout many days, but always knew in the end - she never gained his trust, loyalty, or even an ounce of respect. A contract that the two saw fit, and she saw plenty to use him until otherwise deemed unacceptable, for the man had his uses, and she was grateful for it. To not treat him horribly even if he was to leave, Celnes would respect his choice in the end. 

Such a man.. To be besmirched by that of a white, stripped lion.

"Would such a being like yourself need our help?" she asked with a smile, not meaning in that of an ridicule, but general thought. Would such a beast really need help to hunt? The woman dubbed as Red, could easily take the two out as prey itself.. "I do not mind a hunt, though.. Elk and Deer is against Elkshire customs."

the staff team luvs u
10-15-2021, 07:21 PM
^^Would such a being like yourself need our help? What crack was this woman on (and why wasn’t she sharing?) that she could not see the white wolf standing in front of her? Remus’ reply was noted with a further arch of her brow. Since when did other wolves find it an honor to hunt with her?

He had not called her by name, nor did he look familiar, so he couldn’t have known that she was royalty. Her eyes narrowed and the tiger lept from her fallen tree to approach the couple. And that might have been the first moment of true doubt, noting that they were smaller than she was.

“Is hunting in groups or with a pack not a tradition that is followed here? I am not of Elkshire, though, so surely, I would not need to follow their customs?” Had Red known that she was a tiger white striped lion, then her response would have been more aggressive, but alas, ignorance was bliss. “What do you guys do for food, then?”
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10-15-2021, 09:45 PM (This post was last modified: 10-15-2021, 09:45 PM by Remus. Edited 1 time in total.)
The rain continued to come down, filtering it's way through the trees. Once again, the lightning cracked behind the form of the she beast, then all was dark. The next moment of her form could be seen leaping down from her perch. Causally, she approached, and Remus remained unflinching. In fact the battle hardened man cracked a smirk, pleased with his own resolve. He couldn't help himself, he thought about what it might be like to slay this magnificent beast in the field of battle. Appearing to be about the size of Remus and Celenes put together, the man drew imaginary battle lines in his mind thinking about the best way to entrap and slay such a superior force.

Again it struck him, the informality and meekness of how she spoke, this was no tyrant or demon. Remus' musings of battle with this creature where not malicious, but analytical. In fact, he was counting himself blessed by the Gods as his suspicion that this would be a blessing seemed to be confirmed by the restraint of this beast.

Remus wouldn't comment on Celenes customs, he didn't care for her gods anyway.
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10-15-2021, 11:09 PM
"I am afraid I'm not used to hunting with lions.. Though with this rain, it'll prove to be difficult." She gazed up to the black clouds, droplets continuing to rain down onto the world. She blinked away as it touched her face, and Celnes looked away and back toward the white beast. Perhaps her sense of smell was more superior then her own - it wasn't impossible to hunt within these weather effects.. Though she could not say it'd be an easy find without their nose, and especially when most likely any prey would be hidden safely away.

"There was plenty of boar that roam, though goats near the mountain.. Turkeys like to roam on the occasion, some ripe for the picking." She commented, listing of those of a larger spectrum compared to just hunting a rabbit. It seems wasteful to let such a white lion go off without a large game to go, "I believe moose may hang outside of our claims," she also thought. Though smelling them was different then actually seeing, they could be stray elk rather then those beasts.

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10-16-2021, 10:04 PM
^^Agrona noted, curiously, that Celnes didn’t answer her question about the customs, though Agrona had already known the answer. Elkshire was the land, and any on the land had to pay heed to their law. Nonetheless, Remus had fallen silent, and Agrona silently pondered why. Wasn't it always the silent ones to look out for? Hm. Boar and goat sounded awful, and Agrona regretted asking, but alas.. there was hope yet. 

But the subject of moose caught her attention and thus, she’d let it slide for the moment. She chose not to comment on the lion remark, unsure of what to make of it. “Moose sounds delightful. Would you be so kind, Celnes, as to lead the way?”
the staff team luvs u
10-17-2021, 05:51 AM
The mad queen didn't yet offer her jaws for this hunt, she was slyly refraining form commiting. At this point the guard was just happy that he wasn't told to remove this beast from their land. Still though, it would be quite a blessed occasion to hunt along side this beast or spirit. A moose hunt was an even rarer thing, but along side the one called Red, it should be possible. 

"I can take us there", after-all Remus knew the borders of the claim well.
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10-17-2021, 11:49 PM
"Of course, they tend to hover near the woodlands.. Though Remus would seem to want to show it far more than I."  She chuckled slightly at the excitement of the gladiator. He was far more talkative then he has ever been to witness from other outsiders. Was he memorized at the beast before? She couldn't deny it was a splendid lion, far more beautiful then those that take the mountain.. For those of the Déorwine, they only judge white that comes on elk, and wolves - though extremists often took it further. She did not, even before she started following away from the customs.

perhaps new thread over there? or can keep this one

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