Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Let me show you everything I know,

Afternoon Partly Cloudy
10-10-2021, 07:21 PM
She could smell the other pack and their claim solidfying. It simply gave sign to stay away though, despite how close they may be. With the mountains claimed she wondered if they too would stay away or become that like her neighboring peaks, nosey and thirsty for more then they could claim. Though to the moment, as she stood nearby Dragonford, Vendrussel decided to wander into the peaks of the mountain, and challenge the climb.

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10-13-2021, 06:38 AM
 Just as the other wolf decided to challenge herself with the climb, so too did the stone-faced woman. She wandered away from the shores of Seeker's Bluffs, further into the mountains to see what more there was to see. She passed by wildlife and trees and clearings and finally settled herself upon that steep upward slope. 

 The woman carved her way up a trail, eyes focused on what lay before her so that she may not trip and fall. That was the last thing she needed while she tried to exercise. 

 Click. Click. Click. Went her claws on the darkened stone. She paused briefly as the wind blew, carrying to her a brief whiff of another before it changed course and whisked her own away over the trail. Should she be concerned? New faces meant a possibility that they were hostile and beating a hasty retreat down the mountainside could be dangerous. She cast her eyes back over the way she'd come, perhaps it might be best to head out.

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10-14-2021, 08:56 PM
The scent drifted and she caught it with ease, and inhale of the land with a curious ocean eye toward the direction. They were against the wind, and let their scent go with an ease - if it was a prey that would've been a mistake that costed a life. Yet their smell was that of wolf, and one that carried no scent of pack upon the pelt. Though all she knew it could be wrong and they were yet but another knew group Vendrussel hadn't met. Though all be damned, she is curious, and the hunt begun, where she started the trail up to find the stranger. Yet, no words to be spoken, for how long could she follow without be noticed?

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10-16-2021, 01:52 AM
 She would head back the way she came, wondering if the other wolf had noticed her presence or not. Was it too late? Had she been found out as of yet? She would sniff again but knew that the wind was against her and there was no fateful change this time to help her detect the other more clearly. She was essentially blind... and she hated that. 

 Walk away and possibly go straight to them? Or just wait it out so she could see who she was dealing with. From the brief flash of scent she'd previously gotten, she knew she was dealing with a female that was possibly a pack wolf. There could be others because of that fact. She stopped walking and sighed. Now, she was waiting with her ears --even the tattered one-- twisting around so that she could better hear her surroundings. 

 She didn't like feeling like she was being stalked with no clue where the other was coming from. So, she would call out a simple, "Yes?" To let the other know that she was aware of her presence. Even if she didn't know exactly where on the trail that she was or how far away. Perhaps she was somewhere very far away and wouldn't hear... or she just wanted Blackfoot to think that.

 Yes, she didn't like that at all.

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10-22-2021, 08:41 PM
"I'm on a hunt, and you are within that path." Though in truth Vendrussel was hunting for that wolf in an odd sense of prowling out of curiosity.. She could not help but notice the scent of a goat within the same path, though deterring to more of the right as they trail leads further up the mountain. Was she going to follow it? Most likely not if the dark coated woman not notice her, for simple mischievous.. See how far she could've gotten. Careful paws to the mountain, thought not enough to avoid the wind from following upwards to the other, she could not completely hide.

"Care to join?" now caught, an excuse was given as she smiled lightly.

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10-24-2021, 07:02 PM (This post was last modified: 10-24-2021, 07:02 PM by Blackfoot.)
 Bullshit. Was what she initially thought. There hadn't been any trails! Or, none that she had seen, anyway. She sniffed the air tentatively and smelled nothing until she walked back a ways towards the diverge in the path. There was herself and the, well, also the unmistakable scent of goat. Fine. Not complete bullshit but plausible. The blue woman would follow the sound of the voice as the the wind would deny her the ability to track the other wolf. 

 A little ways back down the path, the wind would billow a little and she veered to the left to find her. She would careful climb over rock and stone until she was able to lay eyes on the other wolf. Her seafoam gaze would find the other wolf, tall and athletic of build with a coat similar to her own. Two women cloaked in blue. "Sure." She said at length, after giving a careful visual examination of the other. If it came to an attack, she would likely be able to handle her although who would want to fight on such ground? They likely could sustain severe injuries although this one smelled of pack. Her own "pack" was few in number and were absent recently. She did not want to get any injuries if she could avoid it. 

 She would jerk her head back towards the way she'd come, indicating that she was ready to go. Although she wouldn't move until the other did, as she didn't want to fully turn her back on the she-wolf.

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[Image: Untitled_Artwork.gif]
10-24-2021, 08:04 PM (This post was last modified: 10-30-2021, 03:05 PM by Vendrussel. Edited 1 time in total.)
As she approached closer, she noticed the woman too carried of similar hues. Though she held the absence of her won grays, perhaps to another they could be assumed siblings.. Faintly so Vendrussel remembered man, one of the northern regions that she met shortly, and he disappeared just as fleeting. Not too many carried a cold gray hue, and it made but herself feel just a bit of an abnormality, almost stroking a bit of her ego, though she had yet to hear any claim her that as a beauty. Her own clan, carried similar hues, and yet not many did so..

Approaching more cause the scent of a goat to appear much more. She had stopped for a moment, sniffing out the appropriate direction that there was. The other would pause for her, awaiting for to go further but not venturing to the proclaimed trial. Suspicious, perhaps? A wolf that was stalking her so like a predator to prey, or the other simply could not smell such a way. Vendrussel carried a nonchalant smile, as she pushed forward, beyond the other body and taking but a small turn to the west peaks, "I smell them over there. Perhaps I can separate one, while you stalk upon it in an ambush."

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10-30-2021, 07:19 PM
 The other woman would walk past her, putting up no fuss that the cold blue loner would not trust her. It was nothing personal, she did not trust very many wolves at all. It was in her nature to be such a way. It was also in her nature not to smile as she did not return the simple gesture, she would only nod in acknowledgement. That, too, was not personal and was just an idiosyncrasy of her personality. In any case, Blackfoot would follow. She kept pace easily and could smell that they were heading towards the smell of the goats. 

 To the other's plan, Blackfoot would give a simple nod of assent. She was a woman of few words and felt nothing else was needed to be said. There was a plan made and she would follow through on her half. She would go along with the other blue until the goats were in view, then she would view the areas around. Plotting the best route after seeing what she was working with. This time, she was keenly aware of the wind and would make sure that it wouldn't giver her position away. "Need a couple of minutes to get in place. Then go." Was all she said towards the plan as she slunk quietly away. 

 Against the gray backdrop of the mountain stones, the blue woman blended quite well. Her body was low, hidden in plant and rock as she stalked the far way around the small herd. Her eyes would remain partially on them and partially on the road ahead so that she didn't trip or make any nose. In a little while she would hunker down in the shadow of a few tumbled boulders, watching and waiting while her hunting partner did their thing. She would not move until she saw action of the other to separate their quarry.

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10-31-2021, 05:23 PM
The other was quick to let Vendrussel take charge, bringing a pleasant expression to the dragons face. She watched as the other slunk through the background, blending to the mountains backdrop of shadows and noting delightfully, she followed to the downwind. Though goats can be smart, she suspected the one they would aim for wouldn't notice until it was already too late — much to the predators delight.

As she prowled through, an eye toward the family of goats.. She in particular to a liking to the female ram, she had no children to teets — less of a reason to become aggressive without the desire to protect, an assumption to run more. Vendrussel though scanned around, a cautious look to any of the territorial males.. Though noticed their flock was voided of one of a particular big horn set.

With such a chance to come through, Vendrussel dove to the herd. A barking of scowering as the rest fled, some with children and others baa'd in aggression — though no note to none in particular, only the one her claw grazed against to 'mark' the prey. It started to flee though, as she herded them away from the rest as fled into the opposite direction, and directly to where Blackfoot hid by.

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11-02-2021, 03:15 AM
 When she'd settled in, the other began to move. Blackfoot's gaze was trained to her, watching as she stalked through the mountainside and towards the herd. The beasts all made their noises, fearful and angry as the predator was in their midst. Her keen seafoam gaze would watch the similarly cloaked woman as she made her way through the small herd of goats. It was not long before there was one marked for the slaughter. Blackfoot's gaze trained on it and she prepared herself for the attack. 

 This one was expertly chosen, picked to not have a child nor the vicious horns of the males. No, this one would be easier for them bring down together. The woman would move quietly, slowly, at first as they neared... and then she would rush out of her hiding spot quickly with momentum on her side. She launched into the goat's side, grabbing white fur at the beast's shaggy neck. The doe bayed in dismay as she was knocked swiftly off balance and onto the ground with Blackfoot on top of her. 

 Before she could get stabbed by hooves, Blackfoot would cross over to the creature's back and out of the way of the flailing limbs. It tossed and bucked but Blackfoot would hold it down as still as she could with all of her strength, growling and cursing as she held and waited for the other woman to deal the finishing blow.

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Content Warning
11-02-2021, 07:36 PM
Content Warning
This post contains content that may be unsettling to some readers, including:
  • tiny gore
She watched in amusement as the other grappled like a snake, turning and coiling so that they don't be rammed by the little horns they may carry. A careful wrapping and fangs going wild, and she too would let a snarl rumble from her chest and push force into the fight. With two wolves knocking by not even a grown adult, an easy ride for the older wolves. She couldn't say it was much of a fight, as Vendrussel went forth and torn directly at their neck. The goat easily distracted while fighting off Blackfoot, and a shame to be — a victim for the predators.

Dramatically blood was sprayed as she tore through once more, what little was light of her pelt was dazed in but the smothering of blood, as she held that flesh of a chunk within her maw. It only took a few seconds later for the goat to completely go numb, and offer an apologetic glance toward the other on rather.. A messy, finish.

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11-03-2021, 02:31 AM
 Her companion wasted no time in showing up and helping her to finally fell the beast for good. It was over quickly and relatively easily as the woman ripped open the goat's throat with a spray of blood. The spray coated the blue woman's fur but if she noticed, she clearly didn't care very much. She caught the glance that the other wolf gave her and she simply gave a shrug. "Kill is a kill." Didn't matter if it was messy or not, so long as they got to eat Blackfoot couldn't care less how it was done. 

 Now that their food was here, she would begin work of ripping open the goat's side so that they both could partake of the goodness inside. Although, she stopped and then looked at the other woman. "Preference?" Blackfoot didn't particularly care where she ate, song long as she got some, but she knew that some other wolves were picky about what bits of flesh they wanted. Then, because she figured it might be polite, she said, "Was a good hunt." They'd started off on a rough patch but there was nothing like a good hunt to bring two wolves closer. Especially when it was a good and easy hunt like this one.

Words: 209

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11-05-2021, 08:11 PM
Vendrussel shook her head, she didn't care too much to what in particular was given, for in the end as bouncing off the others word with internal thoughts, 'food is food.' A paw motioning toward the other as telling dark stranger to go ahead and pick her meal, she would not mind waiting. Likewise most likely the dragoness wouldn't take too much, finding it but a pain to bring down not only the mountain, but through the waves to the isle. It was most likely a meal she would privately enjoy but not bring back — perhaps hunt something minor for the caches.

"I do not believe I got your name," she said with a slight muse in her tone, "I am Vendrussel."

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Content Warning
11-06-2021, 01:51 AM
Content Warning
This post contains content that may be unsettling to some readers, including:
  • Mild Gore
 With the woman answering in a silent negative, Blackfoot would need no further prompting to pick out a section to start gnawing on. Actually, she would grab one of the rear legs and with a snarl would rip and tear until she had managed to remove it plus a fair chunk of the haunch. With the show of brutality, there was another spray of blood with the motion of ripping it off but there was no apology from it. It was just an occupational hazard of being a wolf. 

 With her food procured, she would settle down a couple of feet away to give the other wolf room to net her own meal. Her ears twitched when the other woman spoke and after ripped off a chunk of meat to chew, she would say, in quite an unladylike fashion, Blackfoot." For obvious reasons. The blue woman continued to tear into her meat, eating and swallowing hungrily. She hadn't realized how hungry she was. "Your pack near?" Valuable information to know, in case she accidentally went too far in and ran into them. She didn't want to antagonize anyone... although being on good terms with Vendrussel here of currently-unknown-pack was probably a good thing. Less likely that they would tear her limb from limb if she bumped into them, so long as her fellow blue put in a good word for her.

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11-07-2021, 07:27 PM
Likewise a mirror, Vendrussel would turn the carcass over, a facing toward it's other leg. An easy grab to as jaw met to it's grasping, and another paw onto it's stomach. A pulling, a ripping, though not a spray like the counterpart as already blood had been lost far too much and was draining from it's other side. An easy tear, as pulled it away with a slight distance from the other — to feast upon what had been taken. Though she placed but a single paw on it, a small smile toward the other as they conversed through this feast, "I live at the coast," vaguely said.

There was a slight hum that came from her throat, "you seem well-suited to a rough life, perhaps you'd be interested in my ford," a ploy to be, an invitation of sorts.. Vendrussel enjoyed this wolf, she was sleek and well within the shadows, someone who did not care for the beauty of a red mask that came from the hunt. Though she smelled faintly of wolves from the other, it wasn't enough where she knew if they were old or still around — but not of a pack scent.

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11-07-2021, 11:07 PM
 The coast. The blue woman nodded in understanding. She was a fan of the coast. The crash of the waves brought her a strange comfort that she could not explain. She would dip her head towards her own meal and tear into the meat and chewing thoughtfully. She didn't smile, of course, but it was clear that she was listening and was content with the state of things. There was an offer there, something that sounded akin to an invitation to come to the woman's home. Blackfoot began to gnaw on the leg, frowning and thinking about what was said. 

 It was true that she had currently pledged to the man in the Bluffs, but the pack was small and the denizens absent. She had joined to have a home and a pack that could back her up, the promise of protection that only the multitudes in a pack could allow. If she were the lone wanderer of the Bluffs then that was hardly worth it. "My life has always been rough." She said at last, after thinking over the other's words. "Tell me of your ford." She would humor the other's "ford" and learn some information about it. Perhaps it would be a nice place to consider staying... if the ideals were to her liking and if things continued the way they were in the Bluffs. She liked it there due to its proximity to beach and Mal was a nice guy but survival was survival.

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[Image: Untitled_Artwork.gif]
11-11-2021, 02:38 AM (This post was last modified: 11-11-2021, 02:39 AM by Vendrussel.)
"We live within the ocean itself," a paw waved toward beyond the waters. From the mountain that they were, an endless blue ocean can be seen as the skies themselves glistened to it's waters. She could vaguely see the waves push and pull, but the sound of them remained empty — too far to truly hear them. She had been raised to the oceans beyond the north, the lulling of the waves was a welcomed lullaby. She doesn't think she could truly part with so, feeling one with it's salt.

"Pinnacle of loyalty between each other — trials to join to prove sacrifice of our hardships for each other," she closed her eyes and looked toward the ground, a smile to her face as she gently explained so with a soothing and warm voice. The pack she desired above all ; the loyalty and bonds to create as they survive within the hardships. Especially when enemies lurked within the tundrian waters, she valued the ford dragons above all else so far. She put faith and trust in them — and betrayal was not a light topic for Vendrussel. She opened her ocean eyes and looked at Blackfoot, a confidence aroma from herself and a prideful stance.

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11-14-2021, 04:38 PM
 Within the ocean itself? She surely didn't mean that literally, maybe an island or such but looking from the distance she couldn't really see where. How very cryptic she was being which was likely wise as she didn't truly know if the blue wolf's intentions were pure or not.

 Loyalty was not a bad draw. It was the foundation on which a pack was built for without loyalty to one another, what was the point even? She thought back to Mal, thinking that she should stick around for a while more to see where this pack would truly go. If loyalty should be given or if she should go elsewhere to build it. "Admirable." The woman would say with a nod of her head. She wondered what sort of trials would be going on but that would probably be prying too much, especially for one who was not even in their pack. "Have a prior commitment to another pack. Seeker's Bluffs. On the beach. That way." Should she say how small the pack was? She didn't want to open them to attack by an already established group but perhaps she could open them up for an alliance. Perhaps draw more life into their lands. "Is quiet, for now." Therein the hint at why she had shown interest in the other wolf's pack, the temptation dangled on a line. She would stay where she was but Vendrussel's pack would now be like a bee in the back of her mind. Reminding her that it was there. Ripe for joining if things didn't work out with the enthusiastic Mal.

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11-16-2021, 05:57 PM
"It is how I was raised." How she dreamed to come true — the dragons of the north who spoke of the ancient language valued their bonds above all else. They knew a handful of languages due to the mixture of their clan, and tthe forceful interaction of others.. Though in the end she was brought to care little to the other packs around, and focus more on others. It was why she never sought allies — and prided herself on taking charge of her own land. She could remember the lore — but not wolves themselves.

Though.. There was trouble brewing at the beaches, and a future awaiting that was a strife of blood.

"Seekers Bluff?" A tilt of her head as Vendrussel hummed lightly, "I don't think I've heard of them," nor smelled them near. She couldn't say though she went down the coast too often, moreso kept to the ocean and the tundra itself, it wasn't surprising she hasn't met them. Though with their scent being so weak upon the others pelt.. They were not a well-established group so far.

Reminded her of Northfall, which brought an internal smirk to a group who wanted more then they could handle. Though of course, the woman wouldn't say it outloud to Blackfoot ; not desiring to mock her hunting partner.

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11-18-2021, 03:18 AM
 Ah, if only Blackfoot had been raised the same way. Her mother had taught her many lessons, none pleasant. Everything she knew about loyalty was learned from, well, she couldn't remember but knew it was the cornerstone of a pack. That one couldn't have a good pack without loyalty to each other, it would all fall apart. It was why she'd felt nothing at leaving her mother. She didn't know why she felt such a way about packs and the ties within, but she did, maybe it was all out of spite for the bitch that had raised her. 

 "Very new." The she-wolf clarified for her near-mirror. Their smell had not properly stained the coastline, nor had their numbers swelled enough to make them more than a mere mention from the she-wolf's tongue. There numbers were yet small but she held onto the hope that they would rise and if not, well, she might make a visit to Vendrussel's land. Perhaps give them a try to see what her pack was all about. Despite their initial interaction the woman had impressed her thus far. 

 Blackfoot would dip her head and eat a few more bites of the goat and then she would look towards the skies. It would perhaps be smart to head back. One last look was cast towards the direction that Vendrussel indicated her lands hailed and that impassive face would be thoughtful for a moment before she would turn to head away. "Was a pleasure," A pause and then, "May we meet again." She didn't speak it unless she meant it and she would not mind running into the seafaring wolf again.

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[Image: Untitled_Artwork.gif]
11-18-2021, 09:21 PM (This post was last modified: 11-18-2021, 09:22 PM by Vendrussel.)
"Perhaps i'll visit one day." She said with a light smile at the thought — caring little to the Seeker's Bluff but not minding wanting to meet the other once again. It brought a curiosity too though, she unwillingly admitted internally, for who were the Alpha's that managed to recruit the woman she so wanted? A shame her paw of offer did not work and gain another well-companion.. She wouldn't try further though, for trying to take someone else from a new-claim was a rather dirty deed, but couldn't resist trying to gain Blackfoot.

"May we meet again," the dragoness said in an echo, a nod to departing, and she too, would venture back to the sepulcher.

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