Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Ain't nothing like a little fear to make paper men crumble

Evening Partly Cloudy
10-02-2021, 10:55 PM
The king awoke for the first time in nearly a decade; awoke under a pile of snow, almost as if it a blizzard had hit while he was sleeping, though he knew that was impossible. He awoke and the first thing that happened was that he began to cough; cough like he was choking, because he’d made the mistake of breathing in.

What a terrible experience! He felt like he was choking; the coughing was so loud and so violent that, of course, the mound of snow that he found himself under had shaken and shook, falling at his shoulders, and leaving his head in place, almost as if he had pounced the snow and had come up, like a playful puppy.

Once he was able to breathe clean, snow-less air, his coughing ceased and Won took a careful, steady inhale as he slowly looked around. He could see that he was surrounded by a forest, and in the distance, he could see a mountain. Where in the heck was he?
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10-03-2021, 04:03 AM
Snow crunched underfoot, and from within it—


Coughing, from what he first thought was under the snow, but was instead coming from the man half buried.

Fucking gross.

He glowered and grimaced. Stomping feet coming to a halt, and uncaring of the snow his paws might’ve kicked up as he did. His ears rolled back against his head, and his muzzle and nose scrunched, his white teeth bared and his tongue pressed forward. Like a cat that had smelled something foul.

Because the last fucking thing he needed was another showdown of the white bitch with the cough and the big bastard that had soundly beat his ass, and the month of hell that had followed.

“Don’t come near me.” He grouched, snapped. Hackles raised and bristling, and teeth on edge.

Like he hadn’t been the one to approach first, however inadvertently.

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10-03-2021, 06:22 PM
^^The snow crunched, which was not something that happened unless another was nearby. It didn’t take long for the man to locate the source of the sound and when he did, he was met with the piercing red eyes and the most strange of facial expressions.

His own ears flickered as a grin spread over Won’s expression and though he could leap out of the snow at any time, Won chose to remain where he was. He found it comical that the other who had approached him demanded that he didn’t come near, but alas, he said nothing and merely raised his brows at the smaller man.

“Why would I want to?”
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10-03-2021, 07:13 PM
The man looked at him and smiled—

But for Daighre, he might as well have just shit in his face and laughed.

He bristled.

Flashed, with his hackles standing on end and his shoulders raised and tensed. His jaws parted in a soundless, wordless snarl and his white teeth on display. A warning, rather than an outright threat.


“Fuck if I know.” He grouched, at his question.

He wasn’t the fucking one that decided to try and get all up into his personal space.

He was there first, after all, wasn’t he?

And deciding—for some awful, awful reason only he knew and could make sense of—that the buried man wouldn’t be the worst company in the whole entire world—

Daighre sat down.

All stiff, awkward weight with tensed, sloping shoulders and barely settled hackles. Looking anywhere but at the man buried to his neck in the snow.

Like it was coincidence that he was there, and that Daighre had just so chosen that spot of all places to sit near.

He licked his lips, noisily and grumpily.

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10-03-2021, 07:25 PM
^^Won narrowed his eyes towards the other with the tilt of his head, watching him become all hot and bothered. Was it really this easy to get under this one’s skin, or was there another issue at play here? Won found that he simply did not care; if this guy wanted to tango, then tango they shall.

Won was silent for a time, watching his prey with the arch of his brows without moving until the guy decided to sit down, and giving literally everything and anything else his attention, then Won.

Oh, that was fine; Won didn’t care. He leapt from his pile of snow and shook out his coat with a groan as he decided to stretch out his joints before proceeding forward. Since the smaller guy wasn’t looking at him, then clearly, he couldn’t see him approach from behind.

Won approached swiftly, shoving his cold, wet nose into the back of his neck, lingering there as he breathed his hot breath into the other’s ears, assuming he hadn’t spun around at the touch. And if he hadn’t, Won would simply continue to tower over him.

“So what’s got you all hot and bothered, hm?”
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10-03-2021, 08:16 PM
From beside him he heard movement—

And Daighre continued to pay him no mind.

Assuming—assuming—that the dumbass was just digging himself out of the snow or some shit rather then just immediately talking. But instead—

“The fuck? Daighre yelped, both standing and spinning where he once sat when the aforementioned dumbass shoved his wet fucking nose into the back of his fucking neck.

“What’s your fucking problem?” He barked, gnashing teeth and flashing eyes, height difference be fucking damned. Seriously, wasn’t this usually when people just said shit? Boring shit, like ‘What’s your name?’ and ‘Where am I?’, instead of—

Whatever the fuck this shithead was doing.

Maybe he’d been under the fucking snow for too long.

the staff team luvs u
10-03-2021, 08:34 PM
^^Won could have died from laughter at that exact moment, as the other guy yelped and spun around, barking at him with a gorgeous show of teeth. Won smiled softly, looking him up and down like the piece of meat that he was. Probably not the normal reaction to being snarled at, but alas, Won had always liked a bad boy.

“What’s my fucking problem?” Won asked back, in an oddly cool voice, despite that his goal had not quite been achieved, yet. “I don’t have a problem. You’re the one who’s got a stick up your ass. I was just trying to remove it for you” -- yeah, in place of something else.
the staff team luvs u
10-03-2021, 09:31 PM (This post was last modified: 10-03-2021, 09:34 PM by Daighre. Edited 1 time in total.)
‘I was just trying to remove it for you—’

“Fuck you.” He spat, instinctual, inarticulate, and angry.

He didn’t have a fucking stick up his ass, or whatever other fucking bullshit dumbasses like him always said when they thought they were being smart or what-fucking-ever.

No, he only had a bunch of fucking wannabes clamouring at his back, wanting to be different but all acting the exact fucking same.

And the man before him?

Well, he was no fucking different than the rest.

the staff team luvs u
10-04-2021, 02:01 AM
^^More insults that - Won assumed - were supposed to insult him, but alas, they rolled bounced off his chest. It wasn’t quite that Won thought he was being smart - goodness no, he would never think so highly of himself - but he was merely trying to discover what the hell it was that made this male so uptight.

All joke’s aside, he wasn’t the best company, and Won wasn’t even sure why he had bothered sticking around. His attempts to seduce him had failed - not that he had really tried. His shoulders rolled back as Won yawned.

“Very well.” Won stood, shaking out his coat, and blinking towards the other. “You normally this angry, or has something, or someone, gotten under yer nerves? Cus I ain’t yer doormat.”
the staff team luvs u
10-04-2021, 03:26 AM (This post was last modified: 10-04-2021, 03:27 AM by Daighre. Edited 1 time in total.)
“I’m not fucking angry.” Daighre snapped, stiff legged and tensed, his teeth clacking shut on nothing but empty air.

And seriously, he was fucking fine.

Or rather—

He had been fine, right up until the smug bastard decided to stick his fucking ice cold, wet nose into the back of his neck instead of just obnoxiously fucking talking like he was supposed to.

Seriously, what happened to all the fucking dumb, stupid, pointless shit everyone seemed to always want to talk about? About the weather, or some shit. The stupid, little shit he didn’t care about but everyone else did. Oh, oh, have you seen my family or friend? And, you’re bleeding, are you okay? Like he couldn’t fucking damn well take care of himself.

He snorted.

Shook his head.

And glowered and glared, at the bastard of the man before him.

"You," he started, pointed and low, like he had to explain himself very slowly and clearly, "Are the one being the fucking annoying."

He was supposed to just talk, none of this—

Poking and prodding shit.

Did no one fucking teach him this shit? How he was supposed to fucking act?

And fuck, he had thought his own hag of a fucking mother and old man were fucking bad.

the staff team luvs u
10-04-2021, 02:04 PM
^^Won gasped softly, nodding his head as if he’d been told a juicy secret. Which, obviously, he hadn’t, but he realized now what the other guy’s problem was. He was in denial about being angry. How could he not be angry, but snarl all the time? Maybe he was confused about what emotion was what? Won supposed that made sense.

“Yeah, okay. You’re not angry, and I’m a polar bear. Roarr, fear me.” Won snarled right back - though he didn’t mean it, he was just playing the part. He even got up and balanced on his back legs for all of five seconds. “Am burr. Hear me roar. ”

Ah, so dude thought Won was annoying. “Hello, hi. Nice to meet you, am Annoying, the polar bear. You come here often, cowboy?” Won winked with a smirk as he very casually sat back down with a grin and even the wag of his tail.
the staff team luvs u
10-05-2021, 03:17 AM (This post was last modified: 10-05-2021, 03:18 AM by Daighre. Edited 1 time in total.)
You had to be fucking kidding him.

You had to be fucking kidding him.

Seriously, what was his fucking problem? Was he just born stupid, or was he raised? Fucking, standing on his back legs. Doing a little dance. Just generally being an all around, good-for-nothing fucking nuisance.

And maybe—

Maybe the snow had crushed whatever little fucking common sense he had had, or some other tragic fucking shit.

But whatever it fucking was, he was over it.

He was seriously fucking fed up and over it.

“Whatever.” He grunted, at his little, ‘am Annoying, the polar bear,’ bullshit. His red eyes looking away and his ears pressed back against his head.


“You’re fucking crazy.” He muttered, mutedly—unbelievably—under his breath. His head shaking, as he brushed past.

the staff team luvs u
10-05-2021, 03:45 AM
^^Oh tough crowd. Won’s little bear antics had sizzled right where there in the snow; he hadn’t even been given the slightest of awkward smiles, or even the wag of a tail. Seriously, what was this guy’s deal?

He’d thought about straight up pouncing on the man, to see where they’d go from there, but he was pretty sure that the other guy would see it as an attack and try to strike back. Oh, but as he brushed past him, Won took a playful nip at his rear. It simply couldn't be helped. 

“You plan on sharin’ that or what, mate?”
the staff team luvs u
10-05-2021, 04:39 AM
He felt teeth graze his backside—

And froze, dead in his tracks.

Aware, of his breathing, of each steady rise and then fall of his chest, every inhale and every exhale that entered then left. The movement and prickle of his fur, rising along his shoulders, his neck, his spine.

But mostly?

Mostly, he felt the tensing of his muscles.

The working of his jaw, in his mouth, as he stood there, back turned, and his body stiff.

Don’t, he started, spoken quietly, spoken tensely, a warning, and a threat, ”Fucking touch me.”

He fucking meant it.


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10-07-2021, 03:25 AM
^^Oh, this was it, wasn’t it? The fellow gentlemen dude stopped and for a moment, Won thought that he’d finally broken the ice. Until.. Won noticed the way the fur rose from the guy’s backside. And unless that was some sort of arousal response, Won prepared for a response attack.

Yet, surprisingly, none came. He didn’t even snarl. A quiet voice, though tense, and Won gasped softly. “Oh my gosh! That’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.” It was the truth, wasn’t it? Despite the threat-warning-whatever it was, it hadn’t been said through a display of teeth, or in the form of a snarl or a growl.

Nonetheless, Won would huff, shake his head and cut his losses. This dude was a lost cause. He stood with the shake of his head, and headed off into the other direction.

Exit Won unless stopped.
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