Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

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An abrupt end and the same fucking beginning

Midnight Overcast
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Content Warning
09-06-2021, 06:10 AM
Content Warning
This post contains content that may be unsettling to some readers, including:
  • Mild Gore
  • Graphic Violence
  • Character Death
The Mesa had caught his eye in the distance. He wanted to scale it a few days ago, but he’d stopped himself. To fuckin’ lazy that day he was. Tonight though, sleep escapes him, and what else would make him tired to his bones than rough hiking trip? So he relents. Moving toward the mesa with his one minded and innocent purpose to scale it. Shouldn’t be a bit deal should it?

That’s what he thought initially. It takes him a fair few hours to get to the flat top. Having come to quite a few dead ends that allowed him no passage skyward, forcing the mutt to turn around and make for a another precarious path. Which he does successfully. Little does he know that someone else was also making the climb and for a whole different reason too.

Solomon feels victorious when he hits the top. There’s not much up there, but hey, it was a challenge well met and he feels great, so fuck all what everyone else thinks yeah? The feat settles over him, muscles aching delightfully as he stands near the edge of the cliff looking out onto the plains. He can see his little Haven all the way from here and it almost makes a soppy ass smile come to his broad face.

Until he hears the rustle of brush beside him.

It all happens in a split second. The glow of circular eyes and the sight of a scrunched up pantherine body and then a flash of movement. He’s been tackled by the damned thing — a cougar he confirms. A large one at that, male, has to be, judging by the wretched musk that fills his nose at the things dangerous and fatal proximity.

Instantly he’s on his back, those long fangs flashing in front of his eyes like daggers. His own teeth show and he snaps up at it face and cringes when he feels claws slipping into the flesh of his shoulders. It goes for his neck of course, like all cats do, Solomon tucks his chin and kicks out at the cats belly with powerful legs. Somewhere in the tussle Solomon has ended up on top of it now thrashing it about by the loose skin of its neck. The cougar holds firm paws onto his neck and shoulders, hooking in those dangerous claws with no promise of letting go.

This goes on for a grueling amount of time. They’re both tired from the fight for their lives, both parties heaving and shaking with the strain of it all, but neither willing to give up. They’re both covered in blood, scratches, and bites, many of which fatal but not enough to kill the other quickly.

At one point, Solomon gets the cat on his back one last fateful time and he swears this is it.

Until it’s not.

Well, it’s it for him that is. Those hind legs do what all cats do when they fight, kick and scratch. That’s their most deadly technique and at that point Solomon knows he’s been bested. The wet flop of gushing blood rings muted in his ears, followed by a feeling he hopes he’d never have the chance to feel in his entire existence. An emptying and hollow feeling electrocutes throughout his body as his guts spill out onto the bloodied dirt atop the mesa with another wet flop. Entrails like ribbons as he stumbles back with wide, unseeing, and fearful eyes.

No. No, no, no, no.

He can’t look, he mustn’t, but he does. The sight would make him vomit if he still had his stomach attached appropriately. Not because it’s guts and whatnot, he’s seen that before, but because it’s fucking his guts he’s stepping all over as he struggles to keep his footing. He coughs and his eyes are stuck with the image of his attacker lying heavily on his side, panting and heaving, just watching him. Those wide, catlike eyes having a knowing look in them. He knows he’s won.

Solomon stumbles again, unable to blink, unknowingly fumbling towards the edge of the cliff until he gets there and his foot slips. He catches himself as he steps all over his innards with a sickening squelch, swaying on his feet. He’s light headed and he cannot even think. There’s nothing going through his brain, he doesn’t have enough blood to even make it work.

The next time he sways, he falls. Tumbling down the steep edge guts following in a loose trail behind him, decorating the side of the mesa.

He lands at the bottom, lifeless, broken, ripped apart. Little does he know that his story is far from over.
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“He is of mixed religion, therefore he is Godless.”
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