Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

[ ✸ ] a boy and his boat.

Early Morning Drizzle/Rain 56° F
08-29-2021, 03:08 AM

Unearthed upon sodden soils lay a modest bungalow dug hastily by a frantic mind clutched by rain. Though it certainly was no permeant homestead, it was enough shelter for him to weasel inward and find himself with room to stretch. It smelled faintly of extruded residence, orange fringe scattered about this way and that. Flynnigan fox was he, at least for today.

At least until the showers plead guilty to their falsehoods and dried their tears upon the passing trees.

He couldn't help but wonder what his Queen must have been thinking, and it made him chuckle. Probably scolding herself softly if she was out and about looking for him. This time, she likely wouldn't have to, as it wasn't quite thundering. But with how far away from home he was at such an odd hour, who knew. Though who was to blame? They might not have been in Elkshire anymore, but she had still decided to fall in love with a scout.

the staff team luvs u
08-29-2021, 03:24 AM
Bilby wasn't deterred by their attacks, okay, maybe a little. She was sort of banged up more than she thought she was going to be but it didn't stop her from coming back to find the reason she'd been let go. He was kind, after violating him he'd still been nice to her and she was determined to win his affections. Or maybe she would only show her thanks and be on her way. Wherever the hell that was.

She had no clue exactly where they lived, only that the big ugly bear woman told her off and kicked her away from the land that they apparently rested at. But oh! There he was! She ran up to him, skidding on the wet dirt. Why was he in a hole? Who didn't like the rain? "Thank you for helping me... I brought you a gift! She had caught a rabbit near that big swallow of water, she wondered if they owned that too?

I'm Princess Bilby, are your people always so rude? She had to ask and she would laugh as she did it. Maybe the big one was scared by her good looks. Pushing closer to him, scooting the rabbit up, licking his wet forehead. It rains a whole buncha here, might need to get used to the rain."

the staff team luvs u
08-29-2021, 03:54 AM

Mother nature held her tears close to his lashes, blurring the approach of his new visitor. If he had known who it was, perhaps he would have wished for hail instead of rain—pelting her along with his capability of sight. He'd caught wind of the prey first, then the female who had hunted it. The little moral appeared unscratched, unlike the unnamed woman who sooner than later announced herself as Bilby. If she hadn't been so abrasive, the pale prince would have considered it a fitting name for a soft lass like herself, but she'd ruined that for herself, adding insult to injury with the kiss she planted between his optics.

“Keep the rabbit, keep your tongue.” A demand and also a threat. “Madam Bilby, if you wish to prolong this meeting I suggest you wean your habits of touching those who have already asked you more than kindly to stop.” Had she not heard the words that had left his significant others' maw or had she been too far gone to catch them? “You don't have to... Thank me. My favourite colour has never been red.”

the staff team luvs u
08-29-2021, 04:21 AM
He was a whooole lot grumpier than she thought he would be but she guessed it made sense with all things considered. She'd toss the rabbit nearby, she'd pick it up when she was ready to leave. "There's no reason to be a butt about it, I made a mistake, I'm trying to make up for it". She was! She was failing but she was!

He was cute when he was grumpy and the way he talked gave her heart butterfly farts. Far more educated than she was, she wondered how long he'd been a prince. He was a prince, right? Or was he a king? Oh... that meant he was married? The only girl she'd seen was that ugly walrus woman with the caved-in head. "Just between us, you can do better... Does your friend have a skull malformation? Probably why she thinks she's good enough to get with you."

The little witch giggled, rubbing her tail under his chin. He'd said no more tongue, but nothing about a tail. "Cooome ooon, don't play hard to get. I know what a desperate man looks like, you probably didn't have many options in the place you were at, I didn't either! But now you do!"

the staff team luvs u
Content Warning
08-30-2021, 09:39 PM
Content Warning
This post contains content that may be unsettling to some readers, including:
  • Mild Gore
  • Violence

The viper between bared teeth slithered—hissing, spewing venom so vast and potent he dare not utter a word of his displeasure. He need not a single pull of lip, nor a snarl of maw to reflect himself. Roused was the pale prince, scrapping the earth below him as stiffened limbs made their entrance through caked mud and shredded grass. Though his brow furrowed in bitter heat and a pool of disapprobation, no hymns left his muzzle. He sat before her, trembling. Chest dissipating in disorder, sucking in the atmosphere to simmer off the eruption within.

But it hadn't been enough.

His fangs, they pulled. Flying ajar with more haste than a striking cobra, enrapturing her skull betwixt his jaws in a caterwaul of beastly cracks and flinging drool. Muscles maneuvered her dainty structure to his undercarriage, throttling her featherweight carcass atop its spine so that he could look upon the heathen that beckoned for her own departure. For a moment, he gazed at her, soaking in the fright that misted her eyes until a slurry of movements rendered her invisible below his mass. He damned her to silence, slipping himself through clenched gums, wrangling the moans that flocked for help.

Claws pressed her vocals shut, while another set poked its way into her left socket. Pushing, pushing, pop.

Her breathing slowed, her sight was broken. The bloodied prince was no longer hungry.

He dropped her grasp, watching as she fell limply to the ground below him. No more would she look upon his people, his woman, as ugly. She, herself, was now hideous. Blind to all things wonderful. She would beg for the days she once saw Meissa. Beg for forgiveness the way she failed to today.

The male had always been the type to give second chances... Hers was only now beginning.

Thus, off he went, back home with a toy dangling from his jowls.


the staff team luvs u
09-02-2021, 06:17 PM
The Princess allowed him onto her body, willingly submitting as she always had when it came to him. Though she was new here in this strange realm her feelings hadn't shied away and it was a fatal flaw she was cursed to repeat.

It wasn't fair! None of it was fair... Not to him or her or that ugly cow he now called his woman!

She was his woman. She was then and now, and forever.

"you...you used to love me.." Her vision faded along with her grip on the world, but at least she was with him.


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