Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Taste me, you will see

Late Evening Sunny/Clear
08-25-2021, 11:17 AM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2021, 11:18 AM by Alduin. Edited 1 time in total.)

Alduin would move easily through the sand, huge paws making it both easier and hard to maneuver through it. The moon hangs high in the midnight black sky, peppered with stars and constellations. It’s fairly cold out now that the sun has settled down for the night, allowing the moon to take its shift.

Tonight the World Eater doesn’t go too far from The Eye, just meandering along the northern section of the Badlands hoping to find something to entertain him. He’s not meant to be hanging around all day, he must occupy himself. He must consume and kill to stay entertained and it seems there hasn’t been enough of that lately. Sure, spending time in the company of Nyra and perhaps Misha would pass time, but his desire to wander on his lonesome strikes him more so.

So he would wander further, head level with a straight back as he moves. His steps are languid, unrushed for once. Seeming calm on the outside doesn’t mean much, for on the inside there’s always a storm raging. The one constant in his life: anger and hatred.
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[Image: c274449fe57ea83bb8eb757aea97705f.jpg]
08-25-2021, 09:06 PM (This post was last modified: 08-26-2021, 08:28 PM by Lenina. Edited 2 times in total.)
She wasn't entirely sure how she had ended up here. But the woman didn't contain within her a single droplet of concern, nor was there any rush to answer such a meaningless question when comparing such a vague unknown to her more recent and unsavory encounters. All she knew now, was that she was safe. Safe and far away from whatever monster of a man had intruded on her home weeks earlier. And that was all that mattered now.

So tonight, Lenina took it upon herself to enjoy the sweet scenery and reclaim some sort of essence of peace or calmness. Eyes drawn to the sky, counting the stars one by one without care if she missed one or re-counted another by accident. The view wasn't unique. She had what she assumed were memories of her own of the sky, daytime and nighttime. But she had never developed a real connection with the constellations, and after observing the fact that so many other wolves had, made her feel as if her own experiences lacked worth or merit. And that was only if her memories were her own. If not, she had nothing.

For now her gaze was too occupied, head too full of thoughts to notice the approaching figure. Shadows concealed the stranger's shape and she was far too tired to strain her sight just to barely define the outline of a wolf that may or may not be real. Perhaps the stranger was lucky, for she would be long gone if she had seen such a giant darkness coming her way.

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08-26-2021, 09:47 AM
During his little self appointed scouting mission he spots the most peculiar thing. A woman draped in bright tones of canary, cream, and chocolate. Tilting his head, he watches her and despite their distance she does not notice him. How did she not notice him. He watches her face, she seems distant — tired perhaps. Her feminine face is cute dare he say, he find himself attracted to her. But the odd feeling of his anger grips a hold of him — his intrusive thoughts slip through -

What would it feel like to sink my teeth into someone so pretty? What would she look like all bloodied and crying, tears welling up in her moon darkened eyes?

He doesn’t shake the thought like most would, but he doesn’t act upon it either. Deciding to move towards her further and loudly clearing his throat.

“A lady should be aware of her surroundings. Should she not? Else someone could sneak up on her.”
Is all he rumbles out to her, deep voice strong and confident. The tone borderline teasing but the words close to ominous.

His face doesn’t reveal any humor though. Staying rather dead and emotionless like usual. Doubting that she’d see the curiosity in his ruby orbs from the dim lighting, he watches her, waiting for a response.
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[Image: c274449fe57ea83bb8eb757aea97705f.jpg]
08-26-2021, 08:46 PM
Startled was what she was, though her mind could not comprehend even the simplest of complex emotions. Fear was much easier to understand, an easy name to throw atop dread, uneasiness, confusion. But it was not the stranger's voice. It was as if he had given her a warning shot, the clearing of his throat, before officially announcing his presence. In some ways she was grateful for she had been gifted a head start, however as her eyes slowly shifted to peak towards the unknown did she realize that no matter how long she had to run, this bear of a wolf would certainly catch up and kill her with ease.

Her head followed her eyes, swiveling around to meet her potential attacker. She always found that the fear was easier to manage if she could catch sight of a face. It would confirm that whatever it was chasing her indeed had an identity, that it was a real creature with real weakness and not some unstoppable faceless force.

"I was as careful as I could have possibly been when this last happened and it didn't seem to make much of a difference." There was still a bitterness in her voice. A grudge she'd never left go of.

"And you didn't sneak up on me, you've made yourself known quite clearly."

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08-26-2021, 10:08 PM
It’s true, he gave mercy upon her by clearing throat before approaching. He gave her an opportunity to run is what he did. Yet, all she does is stand there, freeze, and peer back to him cautiously. Maybe it was better for her not to run actually. His prey instincts would kick in and he wouldn’t be able to help himself — wouldn’t be able to stop himself from roughing her up a little bit, maybe even killing her.

Perhaps he’s feeling merciful tonight, who knows.

But when this stranger turns and instantly locks eyes with him, he considers that a challenge. Who’s stupid enough to challenge god himself? Either way, she speaks fearlessly — bitterly even. She was careful last time, but it did her no good. Hell, she may be quite unlucky and it probably won’t do her any good now either, only time can tell on that one. Well, time and Alduin’s ever shifting anger.

Her last words piqued his interest and he tilts his head a pinch. “Oh? And why didn’t you run?” He wonders out loud, his tone curious.
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[Image: c274449fe57ea83bb8eb757aea97705f.jpg]
08-26-2021, 11:58 PM
There was no way she could have known. Something as small as the flickering of eyes could mean two absolutely different things depending on the person. Make eye contact, it's either a sign of respect or a challenge. Look down and to the right and you're lying. Up and to the left, and you're in thought. Sometimes Lenina considered plucking her eyes out just to avoid the unnecessary complexities that came with the supposedly simple task of seeing.

She was still wary of this wolf, for it appeared that he was hadn't grown comfortable or familiar enough to share his name and neither did she. It was that, or he was too caught up in other thoughts to consider an introduction. But first impressions are commonly made within the first seven seconds of meeting, and so far the woman wasn't a fan of the brindled giant even after nearly half a minute had passed at the most. Apparently he wasn't an acquired taste. Just a bad one that leaves an even worse aftertaste.

For now she was hesitant to reveal anything about herself, but perhaps shrouting her words in mystery would help cover up any specifics and continue to contain any secrets she wasn't yet ready to release. On the other hand, maybe a moment to compose herself and a kind exchange of names would help ease the tension.

"When you wake up as an adult with the amount of memories of a child, all you are is afraid. I've spent too much time running. I'm simply tired of it now."

Careful to avoid interfering with the stranger's personal space, she maintained a distance though did manage to take a few steps forwards. A sign of courage to contrast the absolute fear boiling in her mind.

"It's nice out tonight, a pause."I'm Lenina.

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08-27-2021, 09:03 AM
When you wake up as an adult with the amount of memories of a child, all you are is afraid. I've spent too much time running. I'm simply tired of it now.

Those words… they tell her story easily. He instantly assumes she’s been through the wringer and spat out quite a few times to be in the state of mind that she is right now. She is either very brave and tired, or she is suicidal. Either way, color Alduin interested.

Oh, but why is he so interested in her? Her pretty face? A tad. Her silky voice. Maybe. Her ‘not give a give a fuck because I’m too tired’ attitude. That could also be it. But really — really — it’s those eyes of hers, locking onto his own fearlessly. He can see many things swirling through them, but her statement about being tired and absolutely over just fucking everything is what speaks to him. Potential maybe. Potential for what? He might have a few ideas.

For those few moments while she speaks, and even when she doesn’t, the World Eater would be seen examining her like she’s some type of nut to crack — like she’s some type of puzzle to put together.

Until he’s interrupt by her voice once more and her challenging steps towards the brindled brute.

It's nice out tonight, I'm Lenina.

Alduin’s lips would curl just a pinch as he makes a show of looking around them and up to the sky. As if he didn’t know it already. Still, he indulges her — this interesting woman — as she introduces herself. Blowing a breath through his nose that could be considered a laugh he lands predatory ruby orbs back onto her.

“Is it?”
He questions blandly, dryly, but it’s clearly meant to come out as sarcasm. “Alduin.” He answers back.

Only then does he drive the conversation further, smile disappearing as soon as it came. “Since you’ve been running for so long. Do you plan on continuing your cowardly journey? Or do you wish to be a part of something greater?” His grim question is punctuated by a slight tilt of a wide head. His tone is slightly teasing, a tad sarcastic sounding, but his face remains stoic.
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[Image: c274449fe57ea83bb8eb757aea97705f.jpg]
08-27-2021, 10:01 PM (This post was last modified: 08-27-2021, 10:05 PM by Lenina. Edited 1 time in total.)
It was easy to study the striped wolf, but difficult to decipher who exactly he was. She could name his gestures, speech, tone of voice, but weaving all of those little details together to form an image of what he wanted and why he was here was work she'd rather reserve for a genius. But for now, Lenina was certain that she would live another night. Although not high in charisma, at least not yet, the little charm she did possess seemed to be doing the trick, though, the stranger didn't appear like the type of wolf who would be easily swayed.

However, upon that thought, the woman finally she received a name, Alduin. It was a strange name, but the more she thought about it all names were a little odd. And in addition, she had to admit that although he lacked warmth or kindness, he was intriguing nonetheless.

Even now Lenina was completely unaware that her confident gaze was taken as a challenge. It didn't really matter, she wouldn't mind a challenge and Alduin seemed like the type of wolf who could benefit from his ego being knocked down a few levels. But for now the day was over, the sky was dark and she was far too tired for a fight. She had learned quickly before that it was just easier to give up and let the other person feel as if they'd won.

His next words peaked her interest however, and not in a necessarily good way. She was tempted to snap back in retaliation, but instead decided to take a moment to herself, recollect, and respond with something that she hoped would make herself sound a little more interesting that she really was.

"Is this conversation about you recruiting me or insulting me, Alduin?" Her tone was softly sarcastic, not in an overly obvious manner but enough to give her words bite. And with that she waited for a reaction. Hopefully one that wouldn't involve teeth.

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08-29-2021, 01:36 AM
He seems to have caught her attention. He can tell she’s at least moderately interested in the conversation at hand. If only for the steady, but challenging eye contact that she makes. One that he challenges back in full force.

As he says his last words, he’s anticipating an irritated response when all he gets is a curious one. One that makes him even more interested in her. Oh, he might as well just drag this one home already. He wants to keep her. All to himself? Maybe. Maybe not. Either way he wants to play with her — irritate her. He thrives off of making others angry — to make them feel what he feels all the time.

Still, as she answers he hums softly in contemplation. And ohh, the way she says his name makes him hunger. “Perhaps it could be both.” Is his own simple reply. “A pack up north named the Sanatorium. They would appreciate another body.” He grins then. “Alive or dead of course.”

He too takes a few confident steps forward, a playful gleam in his dangerous eyes. “I’d prefer you alive though.” An after thought: but to see the life drain from those pretty eyes would be a beautiful sight.
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[Image: c274449fe57ea83bb8eb757aea97705f.jpg]
08-29-2021, 10:38 PM
It appeared that the woman was partially correct in her assumption. The striped wolf indeed had the motive to recruit, and to some degree that thought made it feel even less genuine that it already was. Lenina was certain that their encounter was simply an accident, a meeting by chance. Nothing planned, nothing scripted. Nonetheless, it seemed that Alduin had made it his personal mission to pick up any wolf he deemed to have potential. In some ways it was flattering. She had never received praise in such a way. But on the other hand it felt somewhat insulting, that instead of getting to know one another, he was far more interested in bringing a prize to his pack.

Lenina was also well aware of the potential danger as well. She wasn't one to trust easily and remaining isolated had worked thus far. Maybe there was no pack and it was a fabricated story, a lie to plan an attack or take advantage of what little skill she had. But at this point she was exhausted, had nowhere to stay and quite literally had nothing left to lose. And if it wasn't a lie, if this Sanatorium did in fact exist, it could prove to bring more benefits than consequences.

"Alright, I suppose I could accompany you." Her wording was subtle but still effective. Alduin's ego was ridiculously high and she was eager to knock it down a few pegs. The woman made it sound as if her time was the one to be valued, that she supposed that she could spare a few days.

"I do warn however that I'm living on borrowed time. I'm nearly a month past my expiration date after all."

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09-05-2021, 02:02 PM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2021, 02:03 PM by Alduin. Edited 1 time in total.)
She watches him for a few seconds, seemingly contemplating her plan of action. He allows this. Doesn’t want to rush her too much if she’s down to come with him willingly.

Only an unknown amount of time passes when she offers him an answer, slow and calculated. He releases a huff of breath through his nose at her word play. She seems nonchalant but he hopes she knows that she has no option but to come with him. It would’ve happened either way. Whether she fought or came willingly, she’d end up at the Sanatorium dead or alive. Only now, it seems she wants to end up alive — a smart choice on her part.

She continues, casually mentioning her expiration date on life and he offers a humored hum deep within his throat. He moves in closer, noses only an inch apart if she doesn’t move back. He has to dip his head in order to be eye level with her and he does what is necessary. Offering her a muted but slightly playful red gaze his voice rumbles out evenly, sarcastically.

Please, don’t let me stop you from reaching your new expiration date, little one.”
He brushes past her, intentionally jostling her shoulder as he passes. “Follow me then.” He orders gruffly, as if he wasn’t just playful with her a second ago.
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