Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Just the Two of Us

Evening Sunny/Clear
Vanderfell Woods
08-06-2021, 12:40 AM
Dancing Moon Pools
Where the trees part and the mountain rock staggers a low current stream cuts through rock and gathers in shallow pools. While the water is pretty during the day, it certainly is not overly special. However, at night when the moon is high and bright, the light seems to reflect off the clear water giving an almost glowing ethereal appearance.

Days had passed since his confession, weeks even, though the high queen paid little attention to the days. She had a decision to make and one that would affect not only her own life but all who called Vanderfell home. Though @Hieronymous had failed to see his true question, Ira could only take his confession as a proposal. It had surprised her at the time, though he had always seemed to fancy her, even if he was not always direct in his nature. Ira may not have been looking, but she was not blind.

Fortune would favor him though. He was handsome, in his own...unique way. There was no doubt that he could fulfill any need she might personally want as he was already eager to do so, but that did not answer for the pack. Since his joining he had been noting dutiful, so much so she had begun to notice his routine. There were the days he left, but he came back with a member in tow or the kind words of neighboring packs.

No matter how she looked at it he was almost...well perfect. It seemed hard to believe like some sort of catch was waiting on the wind, but no matter the angle she tackled Ira failed to find a good reason to say no. He was charming and a hard worker, everything she could ask for in a king, her king. Even if his approach to situations were not always as she would do, the result was only for the better. Vanderfell could use a king like him to balance her out.

So it had been decided. Ira set out, padding down the mountain in beat with the setting sun in search of her knight. When she failed to find him immediately she'd let her paws come to a stop beside the flowing pools which ran towards the run. She'd pause for a brief drink, her gaze following the flow as they led to the distant falls before tipping her head back to call for the painted man. It would be much easier for him to come to her after all than running all around to track him down.

the staff team luvs u
08-06-2021, 01:34 AM
At this time of the day he was normally patrolling some part of the mountain. Watching for any inconsistencies and mimicking his pack mates as to how they mark the borders. Even if he himself couldn't tell the difference, they seemed to notice and that was all that mattered. The routine of his days helped keep his mind off the lingering "what if" with the High Queen coming to some kind of decision on his previous admission of love.

There was no rush, and he wouldn't bring it up again. Instead he kept himself occupied. Continuing on as if nothing had changed. It was for the better to do so than linger and mope around heart broken especially since it wasn't an outright rejection anyway. Ira would choose whoever she wanted and he would respect that.

So when her call rang out for him, it struck the knight as strange. Was there something a miss he had to come deal with? No matter, whatever the call was for he would answer - and answer he did. Being a while away, he sent out his own musical notes to announce he was on his way and hasten his pace to join wherever she was waiting for him.
Time skip

Upon his arrival the sight of a pool of water was a fantastic one. His eyes wandered to Ira first, naturally so, before curiously taking a look around. Oh how he liked this thing. “High Queen Ira, I was called?” With a dip of his head, he couldn't help but wonder what on earth he was called here for. To share this beautiful location maybe?
the staff team luvs u
— Hiero has a dull sense of smell, it will affect how I play him and how he acts in threads
08-06-2021, 06:46 PM
The arrival of her Vanir was longer than his normal promptness, though that would be her own fault. If she recalled correctly he was usually patrolling around now and instead of waiting somewhere in the heart of the territory she had wandered off in search of him. For all she knew, she could have summoned Hiero from the far sides of their territory. At long last, he would approach, eyes almost hesitant to look away drawing a head tilt from the roan queen. Eventually, his eyes would wander, and she too couldn't help but look to the pools she sat by as reds and golds painted the sky between the trees.

If I may speak plainly I felt it was time you had your answer. Any longer would just be a waste of time. Nothing was changing and there would be no change should she wait months. Plus that would only be unfair and cruel to allow Hieronymous to string his heart along for so much time. I have sat on your proposal as I said I would. After weighing the wants and needs of not just myself but the pack, I would like to formally accept. Should you want it, I shall be your bride, and you, my High King. A few steps skipped, sure, but with no father to ask was there really a need to wait on making things official?

The golds of her eyes sought to meet his mismatched gaze, curious as to what he might say. She had already waited weeks, perhaps she would be too late to claim his heart. The thought pained her more than she expected to her own surprise, though the pang she felt and anticipation that had suddenly gripped her for his confirmation only spoke to her decision. She had made the right choice.

the staff team luvs u
08-06-2021, 07:56 PM
The conversation took a shift. What he thought was a matter for the pack, a duty to be done - she spoke of an answer for him. At that, he remained silent. Intrigued as his attention snapped and focussed only on Ira. He wasn't certain what to expect to be honest, but of all his guesses what was to come certainly wasn't what he had in mind.

At first her words confused him. Striking him as strange the choice of words being used. "Proposal" was of the top of them, and it all became clear near the end as the topic of "bride" and him being High King by her side. He smiled. Incapable of doing anything else for a little while as he was left speechless for a moment. With his brows arching downward, he approached by a couple steps. “Ira —” He almost wanted to laugh. 

Oh how stupid of him to not realize earlier what was happening. Why she had taken his gift more seriously than anticipated. Why him expressing his feelings for her had gone beyond over both their heads. It was a lack of communication, and he bit back every chuckle that tickled his throat. “I see now what happened. You believed my gift to be a proposal. I'm so sorry for that confusion.” His pace stopped half way, catching her eyes with his own.
“My feelings haven't changed, but we don't need to skip right to marriage if it's too fast.” Because frankly it was pretty fast even for him. All of it suddenly coming clear. “I'm simply happy you're giving me this much already!” And there it was, his tail swayed in a happy pendulum behind. Hoping that this clarification would ease her mind too.
the staff team luvs u
— Hiero has a dull sense of smell, it will affect how I play him and how he acts in threads
08-09-2021, 06:40 PM
Her words lingered in the air, a pause between them as Hiero stepped closer with knitted brows. Had she been wrong or was it merely too late? He spoke though even his words seemed to confuse her at first as her own brows twisted to question where he was going. He continued though and as he did his intentions soon became clear.

A mistake, perhaps on both parts, but no denial. You will marry me then? So she had misunderstood his intentions before, she would not misunderstand them now. Perhaps it was too large of a step for something so new, but it was one she was willing to take. What good would come from waiting? Rather he accepted or not, he seemed pleased enough and it softened her features as she took two steps of her own with a tail wag.

the staff team luvs u
08-09-2021, 07:24 PM
It was all so sudden. All so nerve wracking. Hieronymous wasn't ready for this conversation to happen now - but then again, at least it was happening at all. For a moment they both frowned in confusion, trying to piece the puzzle together. “It would be my greatest honour to be your husband.”

What would come from waiting? Well, he was certain about one thing, his feelings would not change but at least Ira wouldn't regret should she change her mind later on down the road. But if she was certain, all he had to do was make sure there would never be that moment of regret. This would be his task, self imposed and taken as seriously as any other.

As Ira took her own couple steps closer he would attempt to reach her if allowed, to rest his head against hers with tail swinging with joy. It was a moment he had waited for since the day they met. In this moment he would try to remain calm, but within his chest there were fireworks. The feeling of finally being set down the rollercoaster after the previous buildup. A rush of relief and joy - and mild fear in letting her down.
the staff team luvs u
— Hiero has a dull sense of smell, it will affect how I play him and how he acts in threads
08-09-2021, 08:38 PM (This post was last modified: 08-09-2021, 08:39 PM by Ira. Edited 1 time in total.)
A smile filled her lips as he moved to close the distance and with his touch she'd lean into him. For moving to the final steps so soon, she felt like it was right. Perhaps she was foolish in some manner, letting her heard guide her for once over mind, but this, this felt real. They fit together like missing puzzle pieces and Ira could only wonder what their future might hold together.

Then there is much to prepare. They would need to inform the pack and begin arranging for the ceremony. Luckily she had thought to ask at the week's end giving them the full week of preparation. There was no time to travel to all she wished to invite...so a messenger would have to do. Then they would all have to pitch in for hunts. Vanderfell only had a few men and with their numbers growing plus friends they would need more than what they could wrangle alone to feed them all.

Perhaps I should explain further— It suddenly occurred to her that he may not have been as familiar with the traditions she grew up with as she once thought. Where I come from the to be wedded go in search of offerings for the ceremony, one for the other and one for the gods. It is for good blessings and healthy children. The rest will hunt for a feast and decorate an area...additonally all must be completed by the end of the week. But no pressure, right?

the staff team luvs u
08-09-2021, 09:30 PM
As they touched he could feel her warmth, her presence against his and this - well, was an absolute dream come true. He wished he could take in her scent, to differentiate her among everyone else as she could with him. He longed for more and yet this was more than enough despite his sudden greed. Never had he obtained such a honour, to be called fiancé and soon a husband. It was hard not to think of everything else that others had like them, this too would need adjusting but just as all the others, they would figure it out.

There was much to prepare - okay, he can handle that. With the new title as husband and soon to be High King, oh wow that will need a while to get accustomed to - there was bound to be many more responsibilities with it. Nodding along to everything Ira said, clinging onto the note that he needed to give her an offering. The idea of children even as she mentioned it went right over his head.

 1. Get an offering
 2. Prep for ceremony
 3. All had to be done before the week was over

It wasn't impossible, but man did he wish he knew what she was thinking earlier rather than the mention of marriage coming up out of what to him, seemed to be the blue. “It will be perfect, even on short notice.” And he was certain of it, because he would make sure it was. Even if he had to go a few days without sleep, it will be done.
the staff team luvs u
— Hiero has a dull sense of smell, it will affect how I play him and how he acts in threads
08-09-2021, 10:00 PM
Even as she explained they would not pull apart, and for a moment she wished they would not have to. There was too much to do though for them to relax now and luckily it seemed that Hiero was unphased with the rest of what she had in store. Regrettably after lingering for a few moments more, she would step back, Then we should start by informing the pack. We will need everyone's hard work to be successful. Plus how embarrassing would it be to have a poor wedding as the high queen? That simply would not do.

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