Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

If "I love you" was a promise,

Early Morning Partly Cloudy
08-03-2021, 07:33 PM
Very rarely would the Queen Mother leave her den - though as all wolves, she needed a moment to.. Privacy, as well as the quick walk for a drink of water. She was pleased as not only they were near a large river, but there was plenty of streams that ran through Elkshire. She had trusted quite a few individuals during these moments of privacy, usually lasting no more then 5 minutes.. The occasional @Meissa, @Remus, and even @Flynn, who seemed like a child who got yelled at. Occasionally would @Vaskian appear as well, his large appearance often outside her den.

With business being done, she was walking back to her den - already hearing the motion of her crying children.

the staff team luvs u
08-03-2021, 09:41 PM

Upon unsteady legs did a wounded child wander out into the world he called home. It had been some while since he'd stumbled around by his lonesome, which displayed in the awkward manner he wobbled. He, against his injuries, had set his sights on a familiar fragrance that swam through the air.

“Your Grace, ” The Prince approached with little haste in his bones, but a limp in his step and a head bowed low. His submission for his disruption during her delicate times was immense, showing his absolute respect as he attempted a feeble act of lapping his tongue under her chin. It was an odd sight—the curly-coated stag, kneeling to a position that splayed his legs from underneath him; however, it was extremely necessary. “My deepest congratulations on your successful whelping, I've gotten word you have quite the mewling back at home.” Eight mewlers, to be exact. He couldn't believe it when he heard, but there was strength in numbers.

“Which is why I've taken the liberty of gathering a few new members, four of them lay waiting on the outskirts of the territory, as I didn't want any visitors threatening to ruin this time with your newborns.” There were other reasons, such as the unknown possibility of them having illnesses or being hostile, but if he was that concerned he wouldn't be standing here speaking with her.

“I... I also have a growing concern about our borders. I believe it is in our best interest to expand our ranks if by forceful means I don't mind, but even before my... Ailments it was rather difficult to scout fifty miles a day by myself.” The male had heavy training, still, in his weakened state had he managed to walk here, and that said enough all things considered.

Not many folks could yet themselves off a cliffside and come into work the following week. “I had half been expecting our ranks to be filling nicely by now, but it seems some of our members are enjoying sitting on the sidelines. I can't remember if we have Krestalfangs, either, which is... A major issue, especially now that you've birthed.” He hadn't come to her simply to complain, what would he look like? “I was wanting to ask for permission to gather our stragglers and assess their skills, I do not wish for our borders to be any weaker than they might already be.”


the staff team luvs u
08-04-2021, 02:41 AM
He was an odd man - for all she saw was the upmost loyalty, though foolish at times, he cared to her needs greatly. Of course with such acts at times it brought suspicions to the Queen, for those who know of a Déorwine, they are never one without a motive. Yet, all he done was continue be that of a loyal jester, until he made the blunder of upsetting the wrong man. Even after granting such a rank, he alas, had failed her so that day. At least Vengeance did not comment further, nor' exact a real threat upon him, and Elkshire. With such actions though, she knew better then to trust him with peculiar tasks..

"Flynn," she wondered how the man felt with her children. Though not many could see how they are, surely it had been spread they were not all.. Perfect, as Célnes desired. She didn't throw any of them out, nor' ate them as wolves would due to their disliked litter. Rather but a subtle distance, a small favoritism that was growing as the the marked could not hear, nor' see for any lessons to 'improve' upon what is detestable. She would nod at him, a pleasant smile, but often or not, it was not warm, and was not as what she thought, was a half-hearted speech.

Though she was pleased moreso on his next phrases, as the man expressed his recruitment. She assumed maybe it was his way of apologizing for the trouble that was caused, a way to make up for a headache. Though Meissa had also told her about them, she was not surprised. An "oh?" would slip by as the man talked about a grand scheme. She did agree, there was a few stragglers that the Queen grew unsettled by, particularly @Serpens, and @Ellinor, who even then all so, had yet to show their faces to her. A part of her knew that after her children grew she would have to deal with it - but what was easier then having Flynn, properly drag them out by force? As she listened there was a nod of approval, and slight hum coming from her.

Not to mention with their growing numbers surely the border would need to be re-checked, and reevaluated. Did they have enough? With so many to come, an assortment was needed to asses who, was who. He brought good points that was an appropriate worry, but with her mind so focused upon the children, it had yet to hit her.

"Bring @Remus with you upon this - assess them so. I expect great results from this, Flynn. I will trust you two upon this." A way to say, don't disappoint again, and not let mistakes be repeated. He seemed.. Weakened in sorts, but Célnes assumed the stress of being flung by Nightwalkers would do that. She knew not more of his troubles.

Though she could not stay and stand long, chatting amongst the man. She gave her permissions, but motioned Flynn with her tail to follow her to the den if he wished to continue more on the talk.

the staff team luvs u
08-06-2021, 04:17 AM

The woman was wicked. The kind of chaotic hellish dream that woke you in the middle of the night scrambling for breath. She'd have you gazing to your right to see a vision—a monster in the depths. But alas, it was only a crooked forest tree. Celnes had brought many things to his life, be it passion or pain or pure thirst for power. Though the two of them knew he'd never been the type to galavant with a sword and shield. Well, not anymore.

“Hm, I see.” Blond-furred muscle no longer flexed in fear as he approached her; the anxiety of judgment had been washed away when his wings caught fire upon the sun. “Very well, I will see that it gets done.” His bath of enlightenment waterboarded him, and he feverishly let the water sink his lungs to the bottom of the sea. If it hadn't been for his time with Meissa, perhaps he would have let the current swallow him whole, purifying him of any sin. “Just... One more thing.”

Instead, he chose to gargle them up. Saltwater and all.

“Before I go, I wanted you to know that I have interests in Meissa.” Spitting out the sentence in a calm becoming baritone. His Shoulders straight, eyes clear. “I don't know when, I don't know where, but eventually, we will be married.” Stepping forward, he would lift his brow, muzzle filling with a gentle rattle of pent-up emotions.

“I know of your hate for our cursed kind, but if you wish to join the wedding, whenever it may be, I won't take lightly to you subjecting us to your disliking.” For the first time, the boy spoke from his chest. “I am asking for you to not ruin something so important to me. There aren't many things I know that I want in my life, but I know for certain that Meissa is one of them.” His body, may it be broken and battered, the crown atop his head caught alight like a forest fire.

“As your packmate, your Royal Gaurd, your own blood. Please.” Sighing, curled mane shaking with a flick of his nodding head. “I know we've had our differences, but please let us stand as something of equals on that day. I love her, Célnes.” His tone had been respectful, never once alluding to the thrashing beasts that sat behind his teeth. “I'll let you know when Remus and I begin training.”

Turning from her, bowing his thanks, he trotted onward, back into the arms that waited for him at home.

“May the High Elk bless you and all your children.”

exit. :')


the staff team luvs u
08-06-2021, 04:26 PM
She was surprised. The thought definitely came to be, and the amusement both who were tainted by white to come together, but the Queen couldn't say she fully expected it. It crossed her face for a moment, a barrier breaking between the usual ease of a smile, and slowly turned downward to a more solemn look, as the man continued. As per' culture, and surely he knew as well, the most proper of marriages were one of giving the receiver a pelt that looks most like them, and then so - The Pelage Vows would begun. She wondered who did who, the man who acted like a fool, or the guard who seemed like a kicked child at times?

"You think so little of me, cousin."

 Célnes wasn't a fan of the threat, where it meant so little to her forest. It seemed like lately he was going through hormones, something that should've passed with age as they were nearly the same birth month, and yet, he continued his barrage of words, not only to her, but to the allies, "watch yourself now, sometimes your words have consequences." Though words may betray, the Queen. Someone who always carried a perfect smile, someone who thought she did well to be beloved, someone who tried to not show favoritism, nor' any of the true prejudice that came to the Déorwine name. Her face contorted to a slight hurtful state, thinking how lowly they had thought of her.

Before turning back to the usual, smile without a warmth. Watching the back of Flynn.

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