Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Ma heid’s mince!

Afternoon Overcast
06-23-2021, 04:25 PM
Scott had stuck around, albeit not yet made a decision, and honestly he wasn’t sure when he would finally stop lingering. Either he joined or he didn’t. He really had to stop stalling so much. But there was so much doubt not only in his brain, but in his heart as well. He needed to meet more Empyrean wolves, he needed to make a solid decision. He needed to make sure that he was right for the job, that he belonged.

But all he did was wander near the territory, sticking close but never entering. Occasionally he would greet someone who passed by, but he looked like an absolute listless sack of potatoes lately.

At least the bird had not left him. The peregrine had followed him wherever he’d gone, and stuck around. Scott had felt a connection with the creature and fed it a few times after catching a meal. The peregrine seemed to appreciate the kind gesture.

As Scott laid there in the grass, looking up at the mountains, the bird came swooping in from the sky, and dropped a dead mouse in front of Scott. It then landed next to him, and stared at him intently. Scott’s eyes went from the mouse to the bird and back again.

‘’Oh, is this for me? Thanks buddy.’’ he asked the bird with his thick accent. The bird just stared at him. For a moment, Scott felt as if he’d found a lost family member. Reincarnated as someone new. Why else would this peregrine have come to him? Why else did it stay with him, and even share his meals with him? Scott had a small thought in the back of his head that this might have been his deceased father, having returned to him to help him out.

‘’Da- Tobias…?’’ he asked hesitantly. Maybe he WAS going crazy and this was all some wishful thinking. All the bird did was stare anyway. It probably wasn’t true. This wasn’t his father, reincarnated. There was no way. But Scott clung to the idea. It gave him some hope, some more motivation.

Scott had done thing to get himself going, to get himself up there in life. He really needed to work more in himself. There was so much he still had left to do. And he would, he just had to start it off.
He would make his father proud. That was his most important task in life.

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06-23-2021, 05:12 PM
Leta ranged some, keeping close to Empyrean. Spring was in the air, despite summers arrival, and she knew she needed to keep close to the mountain. Although she had yet to enter her own season, her leaders words rang within her ear. She did not wish to be taken advantage of, and having no experience with the time herself... well, she did not want to find out about it on her lonesome. The warming weather yielded to changes that Leta was not yet used to. 

It was strange to think of herself as a fully fledged adult, now. But at last she had some direction, and was coming to make companions independent of the wolf she missed (and looked for then). She wondered if he had been able to find any of his family. For himself, and for his mother... she hoped so. It was not easy to see that Hydra missed them, given she was such a guarded and unreadable woman... but Leta knew her love for her children was an unquestionable thing. 

The Empyrean she-wolf tried to think of her own mother. She remembered love, but could come to no face. No name. She did not wish to search to find what was missing as Osiris had, if only because she was not sure she could be so strong as him if she never found it. So she contented herself with what she had found, and was glad to know it was there. A voice distracted her from her own wandering mind, and Leta, curious, slowly turned to head in the direction. 

Scott was not yet in her line of sight, but within earshot clearly enough. “Hello?” She spoke; once she turned 'round the bend, she would be able to see the man who she thought might have called to her... maybe. Leta was not so sure, but she did not want to go around ignoring anyone.
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06-23-2021, 05:23 PM
Again Scott found himself in the presence of another wolf when speaking to the bird that had been accompanying him. Again he had made a fool of himself, or almost. It looked like the stranger hadn’t seen him yet, calling out to him as if trying to locate him. Scott waited for a moment, looking at the bird, and then looking at a small dead tree nearby. As if the bird understood instantly, it lifted itself off the ground and found a nice perch on the tree.

Scott just wanted to make sure that his little bird buddy stayed safe in the moment he met another wolf. So far no one had tried to attack the peregrine, but Scott had seen wolves hunting birds before. It wouldn’t be too far fetched in his opinion of a stranger wolf suddenly considered Scott’s companion a tasty snack.

The scent of Empyrean lingered in the air, it made it hard for Scott to tell whether the approaching wolf was also Empyrean or another loner like him. He would probably be able to tell the moment they were close enough to converse more comfortably. ‘’Uhhh, guid day, A'm ower here.’’ he called out, waiting for the stranger to appear, if they ended up doing so.

the staff team luvs u
I use an online Scottish translator and several different sites for his Scottish speech, it might not always be accurate, apologies for that!
Hover over Scottish speech to read the translation!
06-23-2021, 07:50 PM
A lilting voice spoke again, and Leta followed it as well as the scent on the wind. As she turned the corner, there the speaker was; spring spoke in its own whispers, causing Leta to admire him without quite realizing that she was. It was a look of passing admiration and a wave of her tail, and she greeted him, “oh, hello,” she said while pausing. “I heard you over there... I thought maybe... never mind,” she said with a shake of her head and a laugh. It was clear now he had not been calling to her. 

“I am Leta, I was just passing through. Looking for one of my friends that is traveling,” she shared, “he probably is not yet on his way home yet but...” well, if he was, she wanted to be the first face that he saw, she realized suddenly. What that meant she was not so sure, but she missed her companion dearly. She still was not used to the absence of him... “anyway, were you... looking for someone?” Her gaze darted around, wondering who he might have been speaking to. Or perhaps it had been the trick of the wind? Leta was used to seeing birds lingering on nearby branches, and so thought nothing of the peregrine perched above them.
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06-23-2021, 08:03 PM
It didn’t take long before the stranger appeared, looking a little confused, perhaps? She made mention of something but did not finish her sentence, so Scott wasn’t exactly sure what she’d been trying to say to him. But she went on to introduce herself, giving her reason for passing by, too. She seemed like the chatty sort, friendly, which made Scott feel more at ease. ‘’Nice tae meet ye. A'm Scott Peregrine Blaine-White, thouch Scott is juist fine.’’ he introduced himself easily with a nod of his head.

She was looking for a friend, though. Scott wondered who it might be, and if he would be able to help her, at all. ‘’Whit's yer friend's name? An’ whit's he leuk like? maybe A can help.’’ The offer was readily given.

Being asked if he was looking for someone made him smile sheepishly. ‘’No particularly. Me an’ ma bird buddy have been hangin’ oot here near the mountain's foot for a bit now.’’ he explained his situation.

He did notice the scent on Leta’s coat then, noticing it was Empyrean. ‘’Are ye another empyrean wolf?’’ he asked. So far he had seen a few Empyrean wolves, and he was getting a little more used to seeing them pass by on the daily. After all he hadn’t moved much from his spot.

‘’Micht join the empyrean but A'm no sure yet.’’

the staff team luvs u
I use an online Scottish translator and several different sites for his Scottish speech, it might not always be accurate, apologies for that!
Hover over Scottish speech to read the translation!
06-24-2021, 06:04 PM
“Well, it's nice to meet you Scott,” she greeted with a wave of her tail and a smile. He was kind from the get go, offering to assist her in finding her friend. “His name is Osiris, and he's a tawny, large man. But he is not lost or anything... actually, he is looking for more of his own family and scouting. I just wondered if he might be heading back yet is all, but he's the sort to leave no stone unturned,” she grinned at that, thinking that rather charming... and then thinking, he's a lot like his mother that way. Scott explained his own presence, and Leta's gaze then turned to the bird he had spoken of. “He's yours?” she asked, marveling. “How did that come to be...?” 

As she thought of it, Hydra sometimes had a winged companion herself. A massive thing that cast a great shadow over many. It was not always around, but frequent enough to not merely be a coincidence. So perhaps... Hydra had a companion, too? He brought her back to with his own question, and before she could scrutinize him for knowing he shared he had come across many. Well, that was not so strange, was it? Empyrean had many, and their patrols expanded beyond the borders to ensure all was well in their surrounding territories. 

She felt no harm in telling him so with a pleasant nod and a smile. To her knowledge, Empyrean had no enemies... neither had Moonspear, as she remembered it. It was no wonder there, but here Empyrean's own reputation had yet to be earned and learned. Leta remembered Steady's lesson to stay on guard (belatedly), but as Scott spoke of considering to join she was quite disarmed. Rather, she was pleased to here it—in Scott she now saw a potential friend. 

“Really?” she asked with a wave of her tail, and then realized he had not outright said he would... not wanting to press, but curious nonetheless, she asked, “might? Well, you ought to be sure, before you join... you would not want to be where you would be unhappy,” she acknowledges. Once Leta had thought it was strange that often Empyrean did not recruit others, but she had come to understand why that was. To convince someone who did not wish to become a part of their family without their own willingness was forcing someone to be in a place they did not desire to truly be in... and if Scott was to be her friend, she did not wish to force anything upon him. 

So, wanting to be helpful, she said, “what are you looking for in a pack? I can at least tell you if Empyrean has that,” she said with a light laugh.
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06-27-2021, 02:43 PM
Leta explained what her friend looked like. Apparently he was named Osiris and he was looking for family and scouting currently. It turned out he wasn’t lost, but Leta was simply checking to see if he’d come home just yet. Scott nodded, taking in the information. He guessed he didn’t have to help her look for him, since he wasn’t lost. That was a relief, though.

She asked about the bird then, and Scott nodded. ‘’Yeah, A guess sae? He's been followin’ me around iver syne he found me.’’ Scott explained, with a sheepish grin in his face. ‘’We e'en share meals, an’ he will leave mice for me. An’ A sometimes talk tae him. It's nice.’’ It was a little less lonely that way. But Scott did of course long for talking with his own kind. He wanted someone to respond back to him, since the bird did not. But Leta did.

Leta said he had to be sure before he joined, to which Scott nodded, his expression once again turning a little ashamed. ‘’Yeah, thon's why A'v juist been hangin’ oot ‘round here.’’ He had not yet made a decision, but he didn’t want to stray too far away from the pack’s borders in case he did make up his mind.

Scott really needed to stop stalling, and listen to his own heart. He still needed to make his father proud. He needed to become part of something, have a good role, have a family- he wanted the Blaine-White line to continue, before he became too old to. Scott had been missing out on a lot in his life and he wanted to turn it all around before he died.

What was he looking for in a pack, though? The answer was easy to him. ‘’Loyality tae ane another an’ a sense o’ family e'en gin na ane's relatit bi blood. A think- the Empyrean believes i’ thon?’’

He frowned for a moment, lightly, and added. ‘’A hope ma accent doesnae bother ye. A can speak yer language, ower. A juist... choose no tae. Ma father taucht me this language an’ A want tae honor him.’’ It was the only thing Scott could do 100% currently to keep his father’s memory alive.

the staff team luvs u
I use an online Scottish translator and several different sites for his Scottish speech, it might not always be accurate, apologies for that!
Hover over Scottish speech to read the translation!
06-29-2021, 04:18 PM
Leta listened with plenty of interest as he spoke of his relationship with the critter. It sounded like happenstance, and Leta wondered if such a cool thing might happen to her. Well, she did have a furry friend that then came to mind (a likely unrequited fondness, unbeknownst to Leta, as she considered @Danni) but he did not follow her around everywhere. He had, however, brought her the most prime of pinecones. “They must make a great companion,” she acknowledged, tail waving. If her own Queen had such a creature too, that much had to be true. 

The mocha girl nodded in understanding to his lingering here. But after a time, that must get lonely even with a winged friend. And mice... mice could only sate ones appetite for so long before real hunger set in. As he continued to speak, it took Leta some time to interpret and make sense of what he was saying given his accent... but as he spoke further in explanation, Leta shook her head quickly, wanting to respond to that first once she understood his meaning. “No, please,” she started with, “I can learn. I would like to learn,” she added, in case he thought that she thought it a hassle.

And then, she answered the rest. “Empyrean is loyal to one another above all else. There are plenty of full-blooded family within their ranks, but those that are not are family even still. I am related to none within the pack, though you would not know it,” she said with a laugh and a wave of her tail. “And speaking of learning, and languages... well, I know our Queen has a great appreciation for other dialects, and I am sure she would enjoy learning from you as well,” with a wave of her tail and a warm smile. 

Leta wanted to know more of Scott, as a wolf, but did not want to pick and pry lest he did not want to open up about himself so much quite yet. She wanted to respect his boundaries, but she was also excited by the prospect of a new friend within the ranks.
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06-29-2021, 06:12 PM
‘’Perhaps, thouch other wolves are better.’’ Scott admitted to Leta’s comment about the bird, and sheepishly shot the creature in the tree a look as if worried it might have understood him, not wanting to hurt any possible feelings. But the bird was simply cleaning its feathers, and did not seem to mind. It probably could not understand him, after all. Or, it was giving him the silent treatment.

Leta said she wanted to learn his language, and Scott stared at her for a moment, dumbfounded. No one had ever really seemed to mind him talking in his father’s tongue, but no one had ever asked him to teach them, either. It was something completely new, and he wasn’t really sure how he was going to teach her. Scott had always planned to teach his children the language of his father, but now he realized he had no idea how to be a mentor when it came to language. He had grown up with two from the start, so it had come naturally to him.

The idea of teaching someone made him excited, though. A bright smile appeared on his face, and his tail waved. ‘’Really? A coud give teachin’ a try gin ye want tae learn! A'm no the best teacher thouch. A'm no really sure hou tae explain it.’’ he admitted, though there was definitely a glint of excitement in his eyes, albeit his smile was now more sheepishly.

He listened as Leta spoke fondly of the Empyrean, and mentioned of their Queen apparently really liked learning dialects, too. Could Scott teach her, as well? He wasn’t sure who their queen was, but the thought made him really happy, that there were wolves out there that appreciated his language. ‘’A- A wad love tae.’’ he mumbled, though there was of course more he wanted to know. About the pack, about Leta. Scott too was hungry for knowledge.

‘’Are thare ranks like Guard? A rank thon's solely set on defendin’ an’ fichtin’? A wad like tae join a pack as some sot o’ protector. Keep everyone safe.’’ he mentioned. Again something his father used to do for their old pack, and something Scott had taken over. He wanted to be so much like his father that in some ways it might have been unhealthy. But to Scott it was the one thing that drove him forward, his father being his role model, and him wanting to make the old man proud.

‘’An’- whit aboot ye? Whit rank dae ye have? Hou did ye end up joinin’ the Empyrean?’’ A lot of questions, but Scott was actually quite excited, and rather curious. Leta was really nice to him so far, and one of the few wolves from the nearby pack he felt a friendly connection with. He hadn’t been social in so long that he’d struggled with interacting with others. But now it was going a lot more smoothly.

the staff team luvs u
I use an online Scottish translator and several different sites for his Scottish speech, it might not always be accurate, apologies for that!
Hover over Scottish speech to read the translation!
06-29-2021, 06:38 PM
Leta was no teacher herself, but as she mentally worked through what he said, she tried to think of a good place to start. “Uhm, well, hm... It takes me a minute, but... so, gin,” she started with, fumbling over her words as she sought to guide or help, “that's not a word I know,” her tail waved, “and if you speak common... well, perhaps a good place to start might be thinking of what words... might not match up??? Or exist?? In that one...” she tilted her head here, not sure if that would provide any help to him in "where to start". “I suppose I could just ask, too,” she said with a laugh, thinking that a smart thing to do as a student. Assuming was never the best way to go. 

Scott seemed excited, which furthered Leta's own excitement. Unable to hide that much, she shifted her weight some (semi-prancing lowly in place), eyes brightening. 

His interests were icing on the cake. Hydra would love him, she was willing to bet, for his passions alone. And Dirge and Jarilo would surely too, for what he had to offer. “Oh! Well, ...I will let our Queen, Hydra, share that with you. Our ranks right now are simple enough, traditional that way... but I can tell you, protectors are held in the highest esteem. Hydra, she might not look it to some, but she has mastered such trades. I know she would be grateful for, and value, more protectors... perhaps you two could come to more ideas together. She is always appreciative of input for the betterment of Empyrean,” Leta suggested with a wave of her tail. Not that many had much to give to the woman. Hydra was intimidating to several, herself included... and admittedly, Leta (inexperienced as she was, and an admirer of Osiris's mother & family) could not find room for improvement quite yet. 

Her tail waved as he asked after her, though she was a bit more bashful in speaking to herself. “I quite enjoy hunting, but I am learning to protect, too,” and after a beat, had an idea, “perhaps you could help teach me what you might already know of guarding?” and for the moment, forgot his two following questions in her own excitement. Pausing long enough to wait for an answer, Leta seemed to remember he had asked something else of her (but not both questions)... and, pulling from distant memories, recalled, “I came from a pack that... that was taken advantage of. I wanted to learn how to protect myself, and my family, and Osiris... my friend... he told me that there was no better teacher than his mother,” she said with a fond smile, remembering, “and it is true, she is a great teacher. She wishes all of her ranks to know how to defend themselves, as to defend one another, at least...” she sighed softly, not remembering other bits, “and... I never left. I never wanted to, and I am far from finished with my own learning. And Hydra... Empyrean...” everyone in it, she realized, “...doesn't demand loyalty. It... inspires it,” she laughed, thinking of her packmate, Desdemona, “it inspires others to be their best, and to look out for one another.” 

Belatedly, she realized she had rambled... and got a bit carried away. “Sorry,” she said with a laugh, “I never... talked about all of that before,” she admitted with a feeble wave of her tail.
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06-29-2021, 07:38 PM
Gin? OH- Scott knew exactly what she meant. He thought for a moment, trying to think of how to voice the words. It had been a long time since he had last spoken her language. He might be a bit rusty. ‘’Gin is… if. E'en gin, for example, means even if.’’ he told her, smiling sheepishly. His accent was still thick even when speaking in her language. His voice tended to lean more towards what he was most familiar with, but he knew what he was saying was correct. It just felt weird to speak this tongue again after so long. ‘’Ye're aye free tae speir- uhhh ask, o’ course!’’ he beamed afterwards. Yeah, speaking in his father’s tongue was a lot more comfortable to him.

Leta told him about the ranks of the pack, but also mentioned a wolf named Hydra. Was this perhaps their Queen, or someone high ranked within the pack? Protectors were held in high regards apparently, and they always could use more defenders of the pack. Scott nodded quietly, continued to listen to her explanation.

She asked if he could teach her to be a guard, to fight and defend herself, to which Scott nodded again. ‘’O’ course!’’ he beamed. He would definitely be willing to teach someone what he knew. But her story then turned a little less uplifting, as she told him part of her past, and her old pack. ‘’A'm sorry tae hear thon. A can tell ye're happy wi’ the Empyrean, now.’’ he mentioned. She seemed very upbeat when talking about the Empyrean, that was only good. It was another reason for Scott to highly consider joining. If she was happier there, then he could be too, no?

‘’It's okay, dinnae apologize. Ye okay?’’ he told her. He had noticed the little shift in her mood, and wanted to make sure that she was feeling okay. He knew what it felt like to talk about the past, and especially about the parts you liked less. Though the past did shape you to be who you were today, and it was clear the past had made Leta want to learn to protect herself. It wasn’t a good realization, but it was admiring to know she wanted to do her very best and learn so she could stop the past from repeating.

the staff team luvs u
I use an online Scottish translator and several different sites for his Scottish speech, it might not always be accurate, apologies for that!
Hover over Scottish speech to read the translation!
06-29-2021, 07:57 PM
Scott was kind, and Leta was grateful to have come across him this day. It felt as though a weight were lifted off her shoulders in a way. Sometimes Leta could feel lost, but... days like today served as reminders that she was not. And that she was on the path she truly wished to be on. She was becoming more of herself by the day, and her new friends were as much to thank as Empyrean was. Confidence was something Leta had once struggled with...

She remembered hiding behind the strong pillar of her fathers leg, or keeping behind a svelte, mocha colored woman with warm eyes (her eyes)...

But she was becoming a little bit braver by the day. Willing to talk to others. Willing to make friends, even. So when he asked her when she was okay, she drew in a deep breath and said in earnest, “you know... I am, now,” she said, grinning a little despite the somberness of the conversation, “even the terrible things we go through... they happen for a reason,” she had to (and did) believe, “and... it all brought us here, to this moment. A year ago, I might have ran away from the sound of your voice, or hidden,” she shook her head at that, “and... instead... today... I find myself making a friend,” she smiled fully at the last bit, waving her tail. There was a bit of pride there for herself, for how far she had come without even realizing it up until now. 

“Hopefully, I mean,” she bumbled then, realizing her potential social faux pas. Terrible of her to assume on Scott's behalf that much, wasn't it? Some old habits did put up a fuss when putting them to rest.
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06-29-2021, 08:56 PM
She was okay now. That was the best she could be. Scott smiled, and nodded once, relieved that she seemed to be doing fine. It looked like she was even relieved to have mentioned it. Apparently Leta had been awfully shy as a pup. Scott remembered he hadn’t been the biggest of speakers, but he also remembered looking after his siblings a lot, keeping them safe. Even if he could no longer remember their names or faces. So he couldn’t say he himself had been a shy and fearful child. Perhaps his father’s trust and pride in him had helped him become strong, although he did remember having moments of weakness before. But he knew that without his father, he’d probably not gotten anywhere in life.

A friend. Scott liked hearing that. He smiled brightly, tail wagging, face beaming. ‘’Yeah, a friend!’’ he exclaimed, excited. If his days with the Empyrean could be like this everyday, then he didn’t see anymore issues. His chat with Leta had been lovely and she was really nice! Scott really longed for a home again, and if he could find it here… he should take the opportunity. ‘’Coud ye introduce me tae yer Queen? A wad like tae talk tae her.’’ he mentioned. It was a big step for him. He had no idea he had in fact already met the Queen herself a while ago.

He also considered that he should tell her something about his own past, to make it fair. ‘’A- A wis born somewhere i’ A meadow. A only remember ma father, wha passit away a while ago. But A wis part o’ three different packs i’ ma life, ane bein’ ma father's birth pack after ma own disbandit. After ma father passed, A went back home an’ joinit another- An’ after a while A woke up here. A have na idea where anyone else is, or hou A got here.’’

the staff team luvs u
I use an online Scottish translator and several different sites for his Scottish speech, it might not always be accurate, apologies for that!
Hover over Scottish speech to read the translation!
06-29-2021, 09:57 PM
She was overjoyed to hear him wish to meet Hydra... it was likely merely one step closer to him truly joining Empyrean in full. Perhaps the final step. Moving in a quick semi-circle, she was all too prepared to simply go for it as her tail seemed ceaseless in its sway. “Now???!” she breathed to her thusly confirmed friend. How much better could this day get, really?! Leta stilled, though, as he confided in her of his own past. 

He remembered... a lot, it seemed. Leta looked thoughtful as she tried to scrounge together more memories herself. It was... impossible to remember the face of her father, her mother. But she did remember Standing Stones. She did remember fear, and she also remembering feeling loved and loving in return. “No one seems to,” she answered him quietly, “know how they got here, I mean.” And Scott, she realized then, had woken alone. She was lucky enough to wake up alongside a friend... and Scott... 

The Empyrean woman took another step closer to him. If she could help it, he would know loneliness no more. “Maybe someday we will figure it out, but in the meantime... we can enjoy today, and look forward to our tomorrows too,” she encouraged softly, for herself, too.
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06-30-2021, 09:04 PM
Leta asked him if he wanted to meet Hydra now, and Scott immediately felt a bit sky and anxious. It was a big step, meeting someone important, especially a leader of a pack you might hopefully become a part of. He realized he had heard the name Hydra somewhere before, but he couldn’t really place when and where (because he was so scatterbrained lately). ‘’Gin ye believe now is the richt time?’’ he said hesitantly, wondering if they indeed should go meet Hydra now, or maybe wait a little? But Scott did want to meet her. Honestly he just wanted to feel safe and home again somewhere. He was tired of being alone. The bird was nice company and all but it wasn’t the perfect situation.

Her words made sense, though, and Scott nodded. Whatever had happened, however they’d gotten here- if Scott had died before or not didn’t really matter on a day to day basis, right? He was here now, alive and well, and Leta was right; he should focus on the here and now, live his life day by day. With the thought of joining a pack, his future immediately looked a lot brighter. More stable, less flowing and changing and uncertain.

Scott was on a mission now. His first goal was to settle, to find inner peace and a home. And once he had found it and settled down, he would definitely think more about the rest of his future. One day, he wanted the Blaine-White family name to continue. It had been on his mind before and sometimes the thought reoccurred from time to time. It only had when he finally found something more stable again, though.

He hadn’t much thought about anything during wandering. With settling came the wondering about more. ‘’Yeah, were alive. Thon's aw thon matters, richt?’’

the staff team luvs u
I use an online Scottish translator and several different sites for his Scottish speech, it might not always be accurate, apologies for that!
Hover over Scottish speech to read the translation!
07-08-2021, 03:50 PM
His question was met with a smile. “If it is right for you, it is right for me. Hydra is more likely than not patrolling in any event,” she said with a wave, “meeting those at the border is never an inconvenience,” and that much she knew was the truth. Near, far, the matriarch was quite an active woman upon Empyrean, “or perhaps you will meet her brother, Jarilo... our Beta! Or Dirge, her mate, the King,” she imagined. All three seemed to alternate between meeting those at the borders, so it was anyone's guess who it might be. 

“Right,” she agreed, stepping toward him as to nudge his shoulder companionably (though there was plenty of room for him to step away before she made any contact), “and the rest... is what we decide to do with this life!” she finished cheerily, grinning. Leta's mood had improved markedly since learning that her (now confirmed) friend wished to join the ranks of Empyrean after all.
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07-20-2021, 11:32 AM
It was honestly then that he started making a connection. He had heard the name Hydra before somewhere, hadn’t he? Scott had to think for a bit, letting the gears in his head that had gathered dust over the last few months slowly start turning as he tried to recollect past events. He tried to remember anything at all. Hydra apparently was the queen and Scott was very certain he had heard that name somewhere before but where…?

Jarilo and Dirge were also just mentioned, but those names did not ring a bell. Hydra did, though. Ughhhh, where had Scott heard the name befooooore? OH WAIT. BACK IN THOSE OTHER MOUNTAINS. ‘’A think A'v actually met Hydra before!’’ he blurted out. ‘’A while ago- A didnae realize she wis the queen.’’ Well, that actually made the idea to meet her less awkward.

It all came back to him now. Their meeting and introduction. They’d talked about whether they were dead or not, what type of world this was, and she’d been nice to him.

Scott nodded at her words, agreeing and a little excited. Things finally seemed to be falling into place for him. That was good, this was good. ‘’A wad like tae see her again. Coud ye tak me tae her?’’ he asked Leta. Yeah, things would be fine now. He was sure of it.

the staff team luvs u
I use an online Scottish translator and several different sites for his Scottish speech, it might not always be accurate, apologies for that!
Hover over Scottish speech to read the translation!
07-28-2021, 01:30 PM (This post was last modified: 07-28-2021, 01:30 PM by Leta.)
That he didn't know she was a queen surprised her. “Really?” She asked, having never been able to look at the woman as anything but. There was something about her that just commanded some sort of respect, though it was interesting to even imagine her as something... else. Difficult, but interesting. Hydra was not quite so personable a woman, but it was obvious that she was passionate and loved her subordinates fiercely... in her own way. Hydra was different than her own mother, whose affection was far more... obvious to her. But Osiris and his stories, and seeing Hydra so diligent in ensuring all felt safe and welcomed, spoke volumes. 

That he wanted to see her again meant the encounter had gone well, and that made Leta all the more optimistic. “No time to waste!” She quipped, looking up to the tree where his companion lingered, “Y'coming?” Even if he could not understand her, it felt somehow rude to not include the avian critter since he was with Scott, one way or another. She turned on her heel and led the way, pausing long enough for Scott to join her at her side beforehand. 

last from me here <3

the staff team luvs u
08-18-2021, 07:47 PM
Leta said there was no time to waste. She seemed excited for Scott to meet Hydra and went off towards the territory to search for her. Scott nodded, and went off after her. He was a little nervous, but with Leta there he was sure he would be okay.
the staff team luvs u
I use an online Scottish translator and several different sites for his Scottish speech, it might not always be accurate, apologies for that!
Hover over Scottish speech to read the translation!
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