Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Lavender & Velvet

Evening Thunderstorms
06-13-2021, 02:11 AM (This post was last modified: 08-27-2021, 09:54 PM by Aso. Edited 2 times in total.)
 Minthe took her sweet fucking time escorting herself out of Winterheart Forest. 

 Thick oak and timber gave way to a wheaten grassland freckled in floral crimson. The air was thick with the dark perfume of a summer storm, all heaviness and metal tang. Clouds rolled in - fuzzed out abrasions in the sky, bruised purple warnings of the impending, tempestuous night. 

 Dotted along the horizon was a swath of deer, lazing and unbothered. They watched her groggily, ears following the line of her trek across the prairie. As unused to this lupine body as she was, she knew better than to go after such a creature alone. 

+1 Discovery Points

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[Image: Minthepixel.png]
06-25-2021, 06:30 PM (This post was last modified: 08-27-2021, 09:54 PM by Aso. Edited 1 time in total.)
Emerging from the woods, a streak of light shone in the air. Though no noise seemed to yet be made, and the light just barely noticeable. Dark clouds loomed over, and she looked at the elk who lazily didn't move and idly slept, some munching on the flowers. Though at times they may help in shepherding when enemies came a float, and predators start to rise, at most times did the Elkshire wolves leave them alone, often following their circle of The Elk's Crown and watching in amusement.

Within the prairie though, beautiful as it was, a noticeable figure stood. Auburn in beauty, but she looked of her blood, a barbaric woman who cried of white. Almost like she shed her crystals and resulted into the cursed staining that it was, the High Elk said to repent. Célnes looked at her, with a smile.

+1 Discovery Points

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06-26-2021, 06:59 PM
 The other wolf entered, making no effort to hide their presence. Minthe looked up and noticed the smile, an ambiguous flash of teeth, too vague to be pleasant and too ambivalent to be a threat. 

 Gathering her wits, she turned towards the stranger with a proud lift of her head. 

 A bolt of thunder cracked loud enough to shatter the sky, the warm colors of the sunset eaten away by a gluttonous film of clouds. 

 “What the hell are you smiling at?”

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[Image: Minthepixel.png]
07-02-2021, 04:09 PM
"Can I not smile for myself?" Always upon her face, the Queen was a neutral way to induce a 'kindness' of foolery to others. A façade that simply felt natural, though her smile rarely held any true warmth, all but a mask for the regality she must hold as not only a ruler, but a Déorwine. The other though did share the same, masked in that anger and spitefulness, it was almost amusing, "though you seem to not realize this is Elkshire land."

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07-05-2021, 04:16 PM
 “I don't know what that is - 'Elkshire'.” Minthe admitted, not so proud as to pretend to know this world and the creatures in it. The river nymph regarded the other wolf, a counterpart now, apparently one of her kind. 

 Some level of quiet dominance made Minthe turn her head away from the regal brown she-wolf to gaze upon the ungulates again. They chewed, eyeing the pair somewhat warily now, but there was an undisturbed level of comfort with the herd that begot their protection, unbeknownst to her.

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[Image: Minthepixel.png]
07-05-2021, 05:38 PM
"It is my pack, the one beyond The Pantheon who claims the Winterheart forest, but I, claim The Elk's Crown and more." Though unknowing at the moment that Minthe was a part of their 'group,' there was always something about them that seemed.. Off. Like they were not used to the factor of a wolf-life and their customs, and at times, threw the Queen off. Ellinor, another Elkshire wolf, was like that as well, almost as if she was not used to the mortal coils that a wolf had - clunky in her steps and mind.. Many were an interesting bunch.

"What is your name, stranger?"

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07-05-2021, 06:23 PM
 The mention of that loathsome forest had her bristling at once. “You know those cretins? I would be wary of them. They're run by a betrayer and a slut. The king and queen of the Pantheon aren't to be trusted. I should know, I came from the same realm.” The auburn lady straightened, her fur laying flat for she had no quarrel with the Queen. “I am Minthe. Who are you?”

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[Image: Minthepixel.png]
07-09-2021, 06:00 PM
Though not obvious, Célnes did not like the other Queen. There was very few individuals she held a distaste for, those who have general disrespect to another without a thought, but they were also simple to deal with. Just a more annoyance, and a slight strike to her pride as a reigning crown within the forests.. Yet, she could deal with it, just with a revenge on a later date, as a Deorwine will always hold their grudge. She would not let that man go, but patience, was key.

On the other hand, what she hated most was a weak title. Her own mother fell prey to her emotions and neglected her family, falling into the arms of another ; simply because she couldn't handle reality. Winterheart forest held a King named Hades, a man who held a sophistication as he should, and the Queen who spoke like a mere mouse. She was everything that Célnes disliked on anyone taking a crown - and did not understand how such a weak woman could take so. Backed up by a man, perhaps, as Minthe's own words brought a chuckle.

"Doesn't seem you like them that much," she said the obvious.

"I am Célnes Deorwine, Queen of Elkshire."

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07-24-2021, 09:33 PM
 “I don't.” She replied with a lift of her head, daring this queen to question her further. Minthe had always been righteous in her loathing of others. After all, the person she hated the most was herself. 

 “Well, I apologize for coming onto your lands without permission. I'm new.” To this world, to this life, to this body, but not to the idea of being alone. “Your territory seems well-stocked.” She continued, glancing back towards the lazing herd of deer.

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[Image: Minthepixel.png]
07-26-2021, 05:09 PM (This post was last modified: 08-27-2021, 09:54 PM by Aso. Edited 1 time in total.)
"The Queen seems.. Amusing." Though the laugh came in a mockery, eyes turning cresent as she looked across the plains, peering the forest from such a long way. As most would fall for such a cute queen, the males striving to protect, it wasn't surprising that there would be some envy from another. Though the other seemed to not only dislike her, but another. Some interesting history, she assumed in thought.

"It is quite alright. Though we do not hunt elk or deer here," her gaze also turned toward them. Lazy and peaceful as they were, adjusting to the life of the wolves who entered their forest - realizing that they do not hunt. Though of course Elkshire could never truly stop those intruders who claim them as livestock, nor' help those who stray too far from the herd.. But those within live in a respectful way.  Now in such a comfort they grazed and ate the strange flowers without a care in the world here.

"As per, the Déorwine religion." Though new rules in place, no deer whatsoever to be hunted, except for the white ones.

+1 Discovery Points

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08-03-2021, 01:06 AM
 “Does your religion have a God? Because let me tell you - most of them are fucking assholes.”

 And one that didn't let predators nourish themselves with the most abundant prey seemed like a stingy motherfucker, if you wanted her opinion.

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[Image: Minthepixel.png]
08-03-2021, 06:16 PM
"We call them the High Elk - he with a thousand horns, protector of the woods and my families patron." Though despite all that she claims, in some sense she could not help agree. A prone to jealousy to the God she claims and the religion she held; the only her brother truly knew the extent of it, and even then, he was now gone. Hypocrisy to the core, selfishness to the evilness, but none to fair and none to know, she would continue for her own benefit..

Even if some of her truly did believe in the patron, who at times as a bastard, "Oh?"

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08-12-2021, 11:34 AM
 A thousand horns, a three headed dog - there was something to be said for the divine affinity of many appendages and how it compensated for other things. 

 “I come from a different land, a different world. I was transported here and turned into this as some kind of joke or punishment. I didn't have much to leave behind but I still had a life. Now those Gods walk this world - Hades said much of his family was here. Be wary, Célnes. They are an unscrupulous lot. ”

 Her ears twitched, folding back against her head as she remembered the electric blue neon of the underworld bathing her crimson skin. But what was the life of a nymph compared to that of a ruler?

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[Image: Minthepixel.png]
08-12-2021, 06:29 PM
"I like to call those who are like that, plain walkers. I was the same, though perhaps.. Not as divine as they claim." It definitely caught her off guard with the reference of them, being well, Gods. She was but a mortal wolf, and always has been one. As a Déorwine, she as well prayed to a God, a specific one as others may do so. However never heard one to claim they once were, and as she saw them so, were but mortal, foolish wolves. Peaceful lovers to say. She was gaining some interesting info.

"What shall you do now, Minthe?"

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