Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

We All Have A Hunger

Evening Partly Cloudy
06-04-2021, 09:31 PM (This post was last modified: 06-04-2021, 09:32 PM by Crux. Edited 1 time in total.)
Timed a few days after arriving home

 He was home, finally, the mountains sweeping up around him. The fresh air, unaffiliated by the grasses or overabundance of trees. No stink of rot or swamp. He didn't think he could ever live anywhere except the mountains ever again - he just loved it so much.

 He had come home and had spent several days recovering and spending time with his pack. He told them about what he had learned, who he had met.

 Nevertheless, one particular individual he had met on his journey called out to him and he knew he had to return to her soon for a night, if only. If he hustled, he could make the trip this way over the course of a day, and so he had - sun was setting over the foothills as he finally found a familiar spot. This was where he had met her and they had danced and wed.

 He lifted his head for her, calling out in a long howl: “@Harper!” It was not a summons for the pack for their planned feast, but instead a call for her and her alone.

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06-05-2021, 03:28 PM
It was hard to believe that Harper was a married woman now. She’d not had a wedding; she’d not had a courtship. She’d gone into the forest to look for Gywn, and in a surprising turn of events, she had stumbled upon someone else - a king - and returned home as a married woman. Did that make her queen, or was his kingdom the sort that didn’t care about marriages in such a way, just as Elysium didn’t seem to care that Harper was the alpha’s sister?

Not that Harper needed bragging rights, but sometimes, it was nice to feel important; to feel like she mattered. And while she was indeed a married woman, it certainly didn’t feel any different. She had thought her sister would finally be proud of her, being wed to a king, and bringing forth their first alliance. Were the two sisters drifting apart? What Harper needed was someone to talk to; someone she could trust - but who?

And in that moment, the winds whispered her name in the form of a summoning, while she was already deep in the forest searching for the perfect gift to bestow upon her husband and his pack. She paused, though, tilting her head in wonder if, due to their marriage, if that was to be considered her pack, too? Could she be in two at once?

Growing frustrated with her lack of being able to find the perfect gift, Harper growled with the shake of her head, deciding to give up this mission, with a mental note to seek out Amaranth; she was just the person to help with this. So she lifted her head up to call her husband, and then, also, to make a date with the golden woman in one fell swoop.

It was dark by the time she arrived, though noting that it was the same exact spot of their union together. She stopped before him to allow her eyes to feast themselves upon the view of him.

“Ah, Crux. I will nevir grow tired of zeeing you, милый

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06-09-2021, 01:42 AM (This post was last modified: 06-09-2021, 01:43 AM by Crux. Edited 1 time in total.)
 It was true that there was no wedding, no great celebration... and although Crux could definitely find merit in having one, he would not pursue the extravagance. They would have a feast, soon enough, and if Harper wanted to have wedding celebrations as part of that then he would welcome them!

 It just wasn't something he knew how to handle or do, really.

 He stood quietly in the dark, letting the shadow wash over him, the moon shining down upon him and making him a shining beacon amongst the brush. Finally, he saw her moving in, smelled her sweet, heady scent. It tickled something in him and he smiled, tail waving behind him as he moved forward to meet her in the middle, his nose reaching for her to inhale her. If she allowed, he would preen happily at her cheek, teeth just barely tickling the surface.

 “Ah, elskan, I missed you.” he murmured into her fur before taking a half step back to breathe and taking her in. He could admit to having feelings, after all. “How have you been?”

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06-14-2021, 02:29 AM
This strange, beautiful man was her husband; a husband that she was forced to share with others, but still hers all the same… and he was the most beautiful thing that belonged to her. Aside from her sister, that was.

Even as the darkness of the night consumed them and everything all around them, Harper still found herself admiring him, especially the way he seemed to just glow. It hadn’t taken him long to approach her; preening at her cheek with the wag of her tail and Harper took this time to just embrace him. Drinking in his scent as though it were her favorite drink, and perhaps, it was.

“It has been too long,” Harper cooed towards him, returning those preening gestures. Her english had improved, though somewhat; smaller words and smaller sentences were better, at least. “I am well. How you say, uh, uneasy. Why has you call me? Is pack fine? You fine?”

Harper frowned, taking a step back from him to look him over for injuries with a protective growl, as if the big man couldn’t protect himself. It was clear that Harper was not used to being in the company of wolves her size.

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06-15-2021, 03:52 AM
 While the starlit man glowed in the moonlight, his earthy woman was bathed in a coat so deep that it soaked into the night itself. She was not black, but he supposed a black wolf might be more apparent against the rocky earth than she.

 Yet. He saw her.

 And he touched her.

 Nibbling at her cheek and neck, teeth ruffling the fur and tongue grazing her in gentle licks. His goal was not to dance but to let her feel comforted, cared for, loved.

 “You've been practicing.” he murmured with a smile. She had told him she wanted to learn the common language more, but still, she was showing true progress quite quickly, it seemed. Though, then again... when she had spoken to her sister, she had seemed as clear of speech as now. He still hadn't figured out the assistance she'd received so it puzzled him.


 She stepped back to survey him, a low growl of concern escaping her - and he shook his head. “All is well, I just finished my tour of the east and south... and I wanted to see you.” Was there anything wrong with wanting to see one's distant wife? He offered her a gentle smile to try to reassure her. It was quite nice to have someone protective over him even as he felt protective over her. Someone his own size... honestly, it thrilled him.

 “How have you been?”

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06-15-2021, 04:11 AM
Harper was pleased to find that her husband was still in one piece, and therefore, the world could wait to burn another day. She’d given him a protective grunt, ears flattening with another, protective growl; as if challenging the world to take him from her.

All was well, though, he’d said. Was that true, or did he just not wish to discuss the bores of pack nonsense while he saw her? He did take a note to her improved speech, and Harper grinned at him with a flash of teeth. “How else I talk to your pack, if they not speak mother tongue?” Because first impressions were important, damnit!

She would nod her head at him nonetheless, coming to sit next to him as she groomed over him and cuddled him. “Good good. Danced with the enemy, tho he no dance back; terrible dancer. He make me feel smol, want to end him, but cannot. Sister is smelly moose, but all is well, yes. How is you been? ”

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06-15-2021, 04:28 AM
 He could not help but admire her for her desire to be understood by his pack. It would be all too easy for her to simply be content with him understanding her well enough - to wish for his people to know what she was saying meant that she wished to have a close relationship with the pack.

 If she wished to call herself one of Event Horizon and claim them as a second home, he would not complain in the slightest.

 After all, he was the outsider here.

 She spoke of a somewhat unsettling time since their last meeting. Dancing - he knew what that meant but didn't understand the specifics. There were theories he considered but wasn't sure what all was even possible. “The enemy?” he said innocently, genuinely curious. No feelings of jealousy sprouted - after all, he had made it clear that both were free to take lovers, be they married or flings.

 Besides, it sounded like Harper didn't like him much.

 “What happened with your sister?” he tilted his head curiously. “For me... it was a long journey. I met new packs, strangers, and also visited a couple of packs I had met the leaders of in the past.” Hydra of Empyrean - a wonderful lady - and Vengeance of the Nightwalkers - a powerful and stinky man. While Vengeance scared him... there was definitely a bit of arousal in his mixed emotions there. Though if he knew of the man's indelicacies, he'd soon be turned off of the idea.

 Under the precept of transparency, he went on. “I also danced with a young fellow who had a strange fascination with blood and biting...” he'd offer a look that conveyed: It wasn't awful. He figured he should also admit this part: “That was actually not too long after my visit to your home.”

 He did not want to start them out on a bad foot, so he figured truth was the best option. Not to mention, the fact that his partner had been male meant there would be no chance of babies lost in the woods.

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06-16-2021, 02:06 AM
As the wife of a king, Harper assumed that being with him was like a really large package deal; Event Horizon came with the territory, and she would need to be able to get to know them. And while it was a nice thought to have a close relationship with the pack, Harper seriously doubted that would come to be. She knew she was more of an acquired taste.

If it were up to Harper, she’d slap all of the wolves from Event Horizon and Elysium and put them under one roof and call it a day, but alas, she knew it was not that easy. It was never that easy. A nice thought, perhaps, just like the thought of having a close relationship to those who called her husband king.

“We fight. We cry. Now normal. I think. Her wife come to me, ask to give spesial say in mother tongue, so I tell her how to call sister a smelly moose. Sistar did not like. Also did not like how I treat the devil, who is the enemy.” Harper snorted, shaking her head.

“I do a dance with devil; like our dance, only I on top. He no dance back. Instead, he slew insults and lies. I vould pay to see him dead.” Harper growled, coat bristling with the shake of her head, though calming as Crux told her of his time with the vampire. Near her home? Interesting.

“How does one dance wiv blood and biting? It not zound like fun time. Zound more like, uh… bad time, yeah. ” Harper paused, though, blinking at him; was he just being honest about who he got to sleep with while away from her or was he just trying to make conversation?

“Vat sort of stuff you like?”

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Content Warning
06-18-2021, 12:55 AM (This post was last modified: 06-18-2021, 12:58 AM by Crux. Edited 2 times in total. Edit Reason: the content warning vanished )
Content Warning
This post contains content that may be unsettling to some readers, including:
  • Talking about somewhat graphic sexuality
 Honestly, he wouldn't have been so opposed to the idea of the packs actually merging, but to lose the identity he was forming for his pack... he would be disappointed to say the least. While what he knew of Elysium was nice enough, he couldn't help but have a bit of pride for the thing he had created. He nodded thoughtfully as she spoke of her family and their arguments and whatnot - noting with an amused twitch of his nose that she had called her sister a smelly moose.

 It didn't hold the same kind of weight to him as it did to her, but he still thought it was funny.

 She spoke of how she had "danced" with the enemy and he could not help but laugh. “You tried to hnúfukynlíf him!” He cackled, shaking his head. “I bet he wasn't too amused!” While the sensation - even without the filling - was nice, he didn't suppose most men would be too interested. He knew well enough it was a common domination technique, even without the actual sexual act involved, so he wasn't too perturbed. She seemed so angry with this stranger, he wondered about this faceless stranger. “Who is this enemy?” Anyone he knew?

 She asked about the biting and he considered it for a moment. He wanted to be honest with her about his escapades but he also didn't want to make it seem that he was just fucking anyone he met. “It was... surprising at first. It happened before the dancing - nibbles and scrapes a bit harder than regular grooming.” He offered a little smile. “It hurt but it also increased örvun - ah, hm. The heat in your loins? It increased that.”

 He looked at her, then smiled. “I'm new to this, but I liked it, I think - but I also liked us together.” Sudden, rough, passionate... but also, sweet and tender. He was still exploring his sexuality and what he enjoyed. “What do you like?”

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06-19-2021, 12:06 AM
In a brief moment, Harper had begun to wonder what she had liked, despite that she hadn’t really meant sexuality speaking, but rather, in general. This was vital information, though, so Harper would choose not to correct him. Though, she wasn’t sure who the us was - was he referring to his time with Harper, or with this blood dancer?

She tilted her head this way and that, listening to him describing his time with the other individual. Though she didn’t need to speak his language to know that he had meant arousal. “ну, он не должен был меня не уважать!” Harper grumbled as Crux had crackled about her domination tactics; having not realized that she’d spoken in Russian.

Snorting and shaking her head, Harper smiled softly. “Scum of Earv, go by Rhelenso Salvtore. Look like tar-ice devil. Hmph.” Harper grumbled again, shaking out her coat. “He not worth the air he breathe.” Harper muttered bitterly, also meaning he wasn’t worth speaking about further.

“Mayhaps next time, we try dis bite thing, hm? Know not vat like if not try.”

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06-23-2021, 04:35 PM
 She grumbled in her native tongue and he grinned, leaning forward to swipe at her nose with his tongue. He would not speak yet, however, letting her get it out and bitterly speak about it. It would do neither of them any good for her to keep her anger inside, after all.

 That would only mean a volcano of fury somewhere down the line.

 Rhelenso Salvtore. He set the name in his memory, wondering what exactly made him so terrible to Harper. He was about to ask more about it before he realized she was pushing past the subject, evidently not wishing to speak more of this so-called enemy. Crux gave a slight nod, almost to himself. He would not press the subject.

 She suggested they try it out and his eyes glimmered. Ef þú vilt,” he'd give a little toothy smile. “What about you, Elskan, what do you like?”

 He was not so self-absorbed to think only of himself and his own wants and desires... he would meet his wife's in any way he could. If she wanted this or that, he would give it to her without complaint. There was... a good deal they did not know about each other. He supposed that knowledge would come with time, but in the meantime he would approach her and gently groom her cheek.

 It was not sex he wanted but instead to try to bring her to a calm, so that they could sit and chat without thoughts of the enemy or other lovers.

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06-23-2021, 11:54 PM
Harper’s eyes narrowed rather playfully into her husband’s direction as he swatted at her nose, and then more, when he spoke that sexy forgein tongue of his. An ear flickered around, grinning at him as if to challenge him to do it again, before he’d asked his question and caused her to become too distracted into thinking about herself.

Harper was not a canine that thought much about herself. She was often too worried about what others might think, or pleasing someone else. She never had time to discover what she liked and what she didn’t like. Her ears lowered as she turned to blink at her paws.

She had never truly lived before. Never thought she’d have a husband, or a smelly moose sister, or anything that she would ever come to truly enjoy. He could come to groom her cheek and Harper would turn her head to steal several kisses.

“No idea, but dis is nice.” Harper would grumble affectionately, nodding her head. “I like swim swim, I like foods. I like you. I like nature and… smelly moose, and no idea vat else.” Harper frowned, wiggling her toes awkwardly. “Neber cared ‘nuff to find out, I guez.”

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06-24-2021, 02:11 AM
 His woman seemed... concerned about what he said. No, not concerned. Perhaps confused was better, caught off guard. As if talking about herself wasn't something she was used to. Perhaps that was true, if she was so used to following her sister around like a shadow, always being at her side and putting focus on her. It made sense, but he also was eager to let her know that she could be her own wolf.

 She was more than Valeska's sister.

 Harper returned his affection and his tail wagged happily, nuzzling into her. He listened quietly as she talked of herself a bit, then nodded thoughtfully. “Well,” he offered a smile, “We have all the time in the world to find out, hm?” He gave her another kiss and leaned back on his haunches, surveying her.

 She was pretty. Strong jawbone, clear eyes, legs that could carry her as far as she might ever need to go. “Swimming is nice, I never got the chance growing up. My mom did, but in our birthplace... it was a desert, just a few small streams.” And tar. So much tar. He shuddered at the thought. “Eating is also nice - you'd get along well with my friend, Mordecai.” He laughed softly.

 How right he was, though he had no idea.

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06-24-2021, 04:19 AM
And perhaps if Crux would have mentioned the tar, Harper just might have connected the dots, but the reference flew over her head and Harper didn’t think twice about her time in the lake with that pretty lady. Heck, she hadn’t even mentioned it to Crux.

Instead, she nuzzled into him as he had with her, curling her body into him with a deep, though content inhale. He made her feel safe and somewhat special, as if she was important. Both feelings weren’t really something that Harper felt very often.

“We could make date of it. We need more dates, yes.” Harper mused, nodding her head as she threw her head over his backside and just nuzzled him there. It was nice to have a pillow her size to cuddle and hold. “Dis Mordtikaiii sound fun. Mayhaps I can meet him sometime. Vould like have frands. Vill he be at feasst?”

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Event Horizon
07-04-2021, 11:45 PM (This post was last modified: 07-04-2021, 11:45 PM by Crux.)
 When he was close to Harper, he felt a deep comfort come over him. A flush of heat rolled up his spine, the feel-good hormone combination of oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine relaxing his shoulders and causing a gentle sigh to escape his lips.

 More dates, “Yes! More dates, I agree.” He was almost lost to the comfort of the hug even as she spoke and he had to blink hard to clear his mind. “Now that I'm back from my trip, I can visit more often.” It was difficult to find good times to visit, especially living such a distance apart. “It would be nice to visit your home, and you visit mine, also.” He couldn't wait to show her Ichorwood, show her the blood-red trees that felt like a warm blanket when he walked through them. Couldn't wait to show her the beavers and their dam downstream that might eventually threaten their home... unless they continued their mischief in reducing the dam when it got too high.

 He grinned at the idea of Mordecai not being at the feast. “Mordecai wouldn't be caught dead missing a feast, he loves food. When I told him about the feast, he was adamant about wanting to go, so - Yes.” He couldn't wait.

 Somehow, in all this, the thought of languages did not cross his mind.

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07-09-2021, 03:50 AM
If she were honest, Harper could not quite determine how Crux - or even being with Crux - made her feel. He did make her feel though, which was not something totally unusual for the stoic woman, even if she did possess a rather difficult time displaying her emotions. He had given back things that Harper had been forced to abandon, or things that life had stolen away from her. Things that Harper had not realized had been taken from her, and there was this.. aura to him that Harper could not explain, not even to herself, as she'd never felt anything like this. 

He made her feel like she didn't have to be on guard all the time; like being angry at the world and how things had taken place, was a waste of time. Time that could be better spend loving him, and getting to know the pack that he called family. Because she, too, wanted to call them family. She wanted to be able to walk into Ichorwood and look his members in the face, like she did Elysium, and to know their scent, and their names, and what their voices sounded like. 

And she could not do that sitting at the bottom of her mountain. She would need to do the extra work; take the extra time in getting to know them, because well, that was what she was used to. No one had ever made the effort before, though somehow, Crux was. He could have gone home from his trip, but instead, he stopped here to see her and made promises -- promises that were not just empty; promises she somehow believed would be fulfilled -- to see her more. 

“Mordtikaiii. It sounds like you know him well. Is he your second? Or juss good pal? Ohs! You go on trips often? Would.. it be out of place.. or out of turn.. to mayhaps, bring me along, for the next time? Mayhaps dat me next date? Unless you want first date to be at your home, for grand twowar (tour).”

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07-11-2021, 06:09 PM
 The starlit prince grinned. “He's one of my most trusted friends, but I have no set seconds in my ranks yet.” Speaking of which, he wondered about his ranks. “Would you like a rank in Event Horizon? Elysium is your home, of course, but you will always have a place in Ichorwood as well.” If ever she wanted to visit, she would be considered nobility in the least, for simply being a precious consort to the king. “It would be "Photon"” he clarified.

 He grinned when she asked about trips. “The trip out of the mountains was uncommon, but I want to visit north some time - you can come with me then?” He would lean towards her to press his nose into her. “And you're always welcome to visit Ichorwood, the grand tour would be nice to give.” His eyes glittered in excitement.

 He wanted to know her more, be with her more. If there would be one day that they might have children, he would want to know what to tell them if they ever asked. He wanted to know what sorts of things she liked, to surprise her with.

 Speaking of children. “What was it like, your childhood?”

the staff team luvs u
07-11-2021, 09:21 PM
^^The starlit prince grinned and Harper felt herself becoming lost within his gorgeous volcanic gaze. Yet confusion settled upon her own amethyst eyes with the tilt of her head. Mordy was one of his most trusted friendos, yet not trusted enough for that of a second? Her jaw twitched, as she was just about to question this, as she was very uneducated about the actual structure of packs, when Crux bestowed her with another question that caused her to beat her tail against the ground.

A rank, within Event Horizon, and all for her? Her head would tilt further with the rank name he told her about. “I would love this, but what be a fewton? What dings would be require of me as dis fewton?” Harper cooed gently, though nodding at the idea of going on trips with him. Those sounded like such fun.

“I will come wiff you whenever you be want of me.” Harper would chirp towards him with a nod. “Irchwood sound nice. I must veesit soon. ” Harper would smile and nod again, trying to envision the trees that were always red. How ironic it would be that she was seeing red (leaves) when he asked about her childhood.

The color had never been so quick to leave her face, as any reminisce of happiness within her body behavior fell and Harper’s eyes turned almost cold. Her hackles, too, they rose and her paws gripped at the earth as though she were about to fall over. She took in a sharp inhale, ears flickering back. “It… be someding I never vish upon enemy.” Harper did her best to keep her voice from shaking, to keep the emotion out of it, though ultimately, she had failed.

She had never, not once, openly discussed her childhood. When topics arose of such, she had always found ways to brush it off, or avoid the subject, but with Crux, who just wanted to get to know her, Harper was at a loss of what to do, other than to tell him about it.

“I neber have speak of dis befores. I, er, always find way to avoid… and do best not to dink bouts it, y’know?” Harper whispered softly, finding it hard to open up about something that made her feel so vulnerable. The thought of telling him, especially him, or anyone else, oh it made her chest hurt - like elephant was sitting on her stomach, and like she couldn’t breathe.

So she moved to rest her head on the nape of his neck as she closed her eyes and took a very shaky, deep inhale. This would prevent him from seeing her as she literally forced herself to tell him things she had been running from and for so long.

“... is you ready for the story time?”
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07-13-2021, 10:14 PM
 It was not that Mordecai wasn't trustworthy, truly. It was just... hard to explain. He was fun to be around, a good friend, but he wasn't certain if he had the presence of mind to be the kind of tactician that Crux needed in his advisors. The man held one of the highest positions in the pack thus far and had a good deal of authority among his people.

 He grinned. “A Photon is a dedicated mate of mine. It is a title-rank more than a job-rank, lets every wolf know you are to be respected within the pack.” She would get a proper Title too one of these days, once he figured out something that fit her. Lady of the Lake? Nah, but that fit her homeplace.

 A smile and nod were what he greeted the suggestion of visiting Ichorwood, eyes lit in excitement.

 He wanted her to come visit, wanted her to know his home as if it were her own. Despite her already having a home, he longed for her by his side even when resting in the red wood.

 When he asked of her childhood, she instantly faded and he looked on in mild panic, uncertain. He had not meant to hurt her but it was clear that he had. He knew already that her childhood could not have been good and he wished he hadn't asked, though she anxiously curled in against him and seemed to force herself to begin. He licked her gently. “You do not need to, if you need more time.” he spoke softly, “I want to know, but I don't want you to hurt if it hurts to think or talk about it.”

 Despite this, he would allow her to decide whether she would tell him or not. It was her call.

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07-14-2021, 04:20 AM
Harper really enjoyed watching his eyes sparkle with excitement and come to life when she agreed for the dates, trips, and the other various things that seemed to trickle his fancy. It trickled her fancy, too, learning what he liked just by talking to him and watching him react.

He enjoyed the idea of spending time with her. Which, somehow, was still a shock to her, though she tried not to mention it, or act like it. Though it was obvious in the way she spoke and acted. As Crux would come to describe this rank, Harper, too, would nod and grin in agreement. Though how interesting it was, that her first rank ever, was with Event Horizon before Elysium. Valeska had never mentioned ranks, and Harper being Harper, hadn’t cared. She was in Elysium for her sisters.

Sisters. Ah, right. Story time. Asking about her childhood was no different than asking her what her family was like, or what her favorite meal was. These things, Harper knew, would be asked of her, difficult to discuss or not. She had never spoken of her childhood and would eventually need to get over it, and telling Crux about it was the first step.

“I will neber heal if I keep avoid the issue, m’love.” The dark, russian queen purred to her king with a deep inhale. “But you must pro-mise to distract after.” Harper winked, nuzzling into him.

“Okay, here go story time.. Momma was a bootiful woof. Smol and silber like many woofs in the tundra. Adapted to survive in zee vinter. She came of heat and do as we did; she find many lover in tundra and share womb with both. First lover no had pack to care for her and brood, but second did, yes. She settle down, not tell him of first lover for he no ask, so why she tell? That be how we raised. Ask no question, you get no information. Anzeway, Momma give birth to four of us. Two look like first lover - big, ugly, dark. Two look like second. Smol, silber; perfect. When time come for second lover-now-husband to meet his brood, momma lie! Momma tell husband that ugly, dark babies were no hers! She say oh i find dem, could not bring self to leave them. But as ugly babes grew, more truths come to light. I guess. Sohows.

Husband no believe, husband dink momma break marriage vows; dink momma been with another. Half truth. He treat ugly babes like disease! Ugly babes, who think him faja! Who not understand what they do wrong; who grew envious of how he treat his silber babes. Who no understand why silber babs get luv, and dark uglies get hate! Dark woof no survive good in tundra. Dark babies, too, they be target to predetours! Valeska and Hatchet were play in the snow, front of den. Hatchet seen by Anger Flap Flap and got gobbled up.

Den, in zee night, big dark man, he come anger at momma. Anger that momma no tell him that she with his child. He could have provided, she not give him chance. Dimas not like dis. He think dark man come fer his wife, come fer his pack. No, dark man just want answers. Just want family like eberyone else, see. Dimas and dark man, name be Hunk, they fight. Den Miko, silber brudda, he want to try to hunt dings for faja Dimas, cus of the fight over dark, ugly babies. He just want happy family. He fall into river and freeze to death. Faja blame momma and her ugly babes, call me devil woof. Call me sinful. It my fault they dead, yknow. Momma and me, we get exile like crime-in-als.

We mobe to the me-dow. Hunk-faja, he follow. Try to take me from momma! says I his, I belong with him! I says no, he be a strangur. He try to take by force, but momma not let him take only child left. He leave us 'lone for while. I cry for faja dat not mine. Eberytime I does, Momma teach 'bout earth. I learned herbs. Become herbist; Momma not allow fer sadness. Den sickness, it take her. Hunk come back, say he been watch us, now momma's gone, he take me. He not know bouts herbs. So I wait til he needs herbs. I gibe wrong herbs! He bad. Had he left us lone, might still be with sissy, with family. Hunk went sleep, never wake up. I flee, find Valeska. Not on purpose; it just fate.”

Harper paused, inhaling deep with the shake of her head. “Sometime, I dink it been easier if I woke here without a memory. Maybe, I get lucky in next life.
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07-22-2021, 07:09 PM
 The starlit prince listened to his wife, listened as she spoke of pain and her past. When she asked him to distract her, he grinned, “Of course,” before falling silent and watching, face falling to careful neutrality and concern.

 Her story was not a nice one and his heart twisted in pain for her. She spoke of four siblings from two fathers, that her mother lied about the two dark pups' heritage. It hurt him in his heart and he frowned, pressing into her and grooming her with his tongue as she went on. Not a word left his lips though a low growl, short and contained, left his lips as she spoke of her mother's mate's hatred, and then when she spoke of Hunk attempting to take her by force. He remained silent when she spoke of killing Hunk, of her mother's death.

 He licked her face when her story was done. “You were never ugly,” he said gently to her, “You are no devil wolf. You are beautiful, despite what they thought or said.” He meant what he said and he said what he meant.

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08-06-2021, 01:19 AM
It wasn’t really that her story needed to be told. It was that she needed to be able to talk about it, freely, but most importantly, she wanted to be able to talk about anything she wanted with her beloved. This was not going to be a loveless, emotionless marriage that was crafted under one single night of passion. It was going to be the relationship, Harper demanded, that others would be envious of.

His kind words caused her to inhale sharply, nodding her head. “I always feel it.” She did not mean that she felt beautiful, but rather, ugly. It was like a poison that never went away. A grin crept over her facial expression, nosing him playfully. “I be devil when I want to be.” Harper would have winked at him if she could, so instead, she settled for licking at his neck.

“I know we dead, but if puppies could actually happen, what would happen if I had split litter, like me Ma did?”
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08-06-2021, 02:57 PM (This post was last modified: 08-06-2021, 03:00 PM by Crux. Edited 1 time in total.)
 He continued to groom her gently, kissing her along her jawline, cheek, and muzzle. “Old hurts can be deep,” he agreed with a sad sigh, still kissing her. “No matter how often they told you those lies, they are untrue. You are beautiful.” His lips curled into a smile when she turned devious, nosing him and grooming his own neck. “My favourite devil,” his voice was gentle, a kiss upon her ears.

 Her question gave him a thoughtful expression, but the pause to think was barely a breath. Not long enough to even mark a hesitation.

 “No matter whether I've sired a full litter or none of it, I will treat them as if they were my own - so long as you and any other fathers allow me.” His smile was soft, genuine, “I think they can happen. Heats do, right?” He hadn't encountered a woman in heat yet but he knew he'd smelled something like it in the distance. “If they do, why not puppies?”

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08-11-2021, 12:03 AM
This was the real question that should have been the deal breaker. This was the question that determined everything, and Harper felt almost bad for asking it after she’d already pledged her loyalty to him.

She didn’t know what she would have expected, really. A hesitation, perhaps? Perhaps the look of uncertainty, and maybe a passive aggressive warning about how her womb was his and his alone? No, Harper decided, Crux was many things, yes. Passive aggressive, he was not. Though, Harper wondered what he’d be like in an aggressive situation. The picture of his hackles rising and growling towards an intruder, something about that caused her to shiver with delight.

Instead, there was more of a thoughtful gaze, and not even a hesitation. He already knew his answer, and strangely, it was one that Harper could accept. “I thought us be dead, so figure children were not a thing… that be possible.” Harper said softly with a shrug of her shoulder.
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08-27-2021, 06:21 PM
 He moved closer, depositing a kiss upon her cheek if she would allow. He knew she hurt, knew this part of her hurt to think about. Knew she worried about the future, about the possibility that he may be like the men of her past, being with her only when it satisfied his needs and turning on her the moment they were offended.

 He was not like that.

 “Would you.. want to have children with me?” he asked, uncertain. Seeking her eyes for confirmation or dismissal, whatever she may give. “In the future, perhaps not right away,” Unless...?

 He knew he wanted children, with her in particular. He wanted her to see that she could make life, could make something beautiful even if she believed herself ugly - which, he would remind her if she ever said it again within his earshot - she was very much not. Hell, most might believe he were the uglier of the two, though he thought his features quite refined despite their savagery.

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